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Saker Analyses and Interviews

The Saker interviews Edik, a Quaker living in Russia

[this interview was made for the Unz Review] The topic of religion in Russia is a most interesting one, yet the majority of articles on this topic typically focus on Orthodox Christianity, Islam, Judaism and, sometimes, Buddhism. Yet there are other religions in Russia and, in fact, there have always been. When I learned that an active member of the Saker community, Edik (pseudonym), was a Quaker I asked him

The Saker interviews Aram Mirzaei on Iran

[This interview was made for the Unz Review] Introduction by the Saker: For a while now we have been lucky enough to have a wonderful Iranian member of the Saker community writing analyses for the Saker Blog: Aram Mirzaei has brought a wealth of expertise and priceless insights into Iran and everything Iran-related. Clearly, after the DPRK, Syria and Venezuela – Iran is now the target of Trump’s ignorant hubris

Sovereignists of all countries – unite!

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] We all know that the Neocons are by far the largest and most influential group of sponsors of US wars of aggression. They are the ones who lobbied the hardest for the invasion of Iraq, and they are the ones which for decades have tried every possible dirty trick to lure the US into acts of aggression against Iran. In fact, in

Kirk Meighoo interviews the Saker on The “Russia Question” and the “New Cold War”

also, please check out these downloadable audio / podcasts here: iTunes: Spotify: Shout Engine: Stitcher: NOTE: I got something very wrong during the interview: the purchase of Louisiana was in 1803 whereas the purchase of Alaska was in 1867!

Prospects for the emergence of a real opposition in Russia

[this analysis was written for the Unz Review] As predicted, Putin’s popularity takes a nosedive. This fact is not often discussed in the West, but the popularity of Vladimir Putin is in decline and has been so ever since, following his reelection, he kept more or less the same (already unpopular) government while that government very clumsily attempted to “sneak by” a pension reform undetected. Now the latest numbers are

The AngloZionist Empire: a hyperpower with microbrains and no cred left

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] Last week saw what was supposed to be a hyperpower point fingers for its embarrassing defeat not only at Venezuela, which successfully defeated Uncle Shmuel’s coup plans, but also at a list of other countries including Cuba, Russia, China and Iran.  It’s is rather pathetic and, frankly, bordering on the comically ridiculous. Uncle Shmuel clearly did not appreciate being the laughingstock of

A week in the life of the Empire (UPDATED)

[this analysis was written for the Unz Review] Introduction: It is sometimes helpful not to look at any one specific issue in detail, but rather make a survey of ongoing processes instead.  The resulting picture is neither better nor worse, it is simply different.  This is what I want to do today: to take a bird’s eye view of our suffering planet. Putin trolls the Empire: It is all really

Behold the breathtaking weakness of the Empire!

[this article was written for the Unz Review] The Empire has suffered painful defeats in Afghanistan and Iraq, but one has to admit that these are “tough” countries to crack.  The Empire also appears to have lost control of Libya, but that is another complex country which is very hard to control.  We also saw all the pathetic huffing and puffing with the DPRK.  But, let’s be honest, the USA

Zelenskii beat Poroshenko – what will happen next?

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] As everybody predicted, Poroshenko completely lost the election. As I wrote in my previous column, this is both amazing (considering Poro’s immense and extensive resources and the fact that his opponent was, literally, a clown (ok, a comic if you prefer). His defeat was also so predictable as to be almost inevitable: not only is the man genuinely hated all over the

The Ukrainian elections – a short preview of the coming attraction (UPDATED)

Mommy! Daddy!  Look at the circus that came to town! :-) Well, it sure looks like the Ukrainian elections will be very interesting after all.  No, they probably won’t change anything truly important, but what is taking place is most interesting indeed.  I just want to mention a few things bullet-point style, not a real analysis (that will be for after the election), but maybe somewhat of a preview.  So,

The Saker interviews Dmitry Orlov

[This interview was originally made for the Unz Review] “I think that the American empire is very much over already, but it hasn’t been put to any sort of serious stress test yet, and so nobody realizes that this is the case” If I had to characterize the current international situation using only one word, the word “chaos” would be a pretty decent choice (albeit not the only one).  Chaos

Will the Trump administration go to war next?

[This analysis has been written for the Unz Review] Ever since Mr. MAGA made it to the White House, I have been awed by the level of sheer stupidity and, frankly, the immorality of this administration. Obama was almost as incompetent and evil, but Trump truly brought about a qualitative change in what we could loosely refer to as the “average White House IQ.” The best thing I can honestly

A few initial thoughts about the first round of the Ukrainian Presidential election (UPDATED)

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] The first round of the Presidential election in the Ukraine took place on April Fool’s Day and it could be tempting to dismiss it all like a big farce which, of course, it was, but, we should not overlook the fact that some very interesting and important events have just taken place.  I won’t discuss them all right now, there will be

The great fraud of National Zionism

[This article was written for the Unz Review] The Defining Event for the USA There is no doubt that the 9/11 false flag (now even admitted (by direct implication) by NIST!) was a watershed, a seminal event in our history. While millions (or even billions) watched in horror as the twin towers burned, a small group of Mossad agents stood nearby and danced in overwhelming joy. Why exactly were these

Mr MAGA and the end of Western Civilization

[This column was written for the Unz Review] Folks in the West are taught that their civilization has its roots in ancient Rome and/or ancient Greece. This is more a case of self-aggrandizement than serious historical research.  While it is true that the city of Rome was sacked in 410AD, the Christian Roman civilization continued in the East for another 1000 years until 1453. The real roots of what we

Maduro 1: Abrams 0: but this match is far from over…

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] Maduro wins the first round The standoff between Venezuela and the AngloZionist Empire last week-end has clearly ended in what can only be called a total defeat for Elliott Abrams.  While we will never know what was initially planned by the demented minds of the Neocons, what we do know is that nothing critical happened: no invasion, not even any major false

Solari Report quarterly interview with The Saker

Dear friends, Here is the latest installment of my quarterly conversations with Catherine Austin Fitts. This one was recorded on February 5th, 2019. You can listen to the interview on the original Solari Report page: Listen to (or download) the Interview MP3 audio file You can also grab the transcript here:

The Saker interviews Jorge Valero, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

[This interview was made for the Unz Review] I am continuing to try to understand what is really happening in Venezuela by talking to those who actually know that and, following my interview with Michael Hudson, it is today it is my immense privilege and honor to present you with a full interview I made with His Excellency Mr. Jorge Valero, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. Permanent Representative of the Bolivarian

The Tulsi Gabbard phenomenon as a diagnostic tool

[This column was written for the Unz Review] Ever since Tulsi Gabbard announced that she will be running for President in 2020 her personality and candidacy have been a subject of heated debates and after I posted a rather small message from her, I have been getting panicked emails warning me that she is a fake and that I should not “jump on her bandwagon” or otherwise endorse her. So,

Saker interview with Michael Hudson on Venezuela, February 7, 2019

[This interview was made for the Unz review] Introduction: There is a great deal of controversy about the true shape of the Venezuelan economy and whether Hugo Chavez’ and Nicholas Maduro’s reform and policies were crucial for the people of Venezuela or whether they were completely misguided and precipitated the current crises.  Anybody and everybody seems to have very strong held views about this.  But I don’t simply because I
