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Saker Analyses and Interviews

Russia will establish an unofficial no-fly zone over Syria

Today Defense Minster Shoigu announced measures which went far beyond what I had hoped for.  Specifically, Shoigu has announced that Russia will Supply S-300 air defense systems (with a 250km range) to the Syrians in the next two weeks. Russia will deliver advanced automated air defense management systems which will *dramatically* increase the Syrian air defense capabilities and prevent future “friendly fire” incidents. Russia will use her electronic warfare capabilities

Putin, Israel and the downed Il-20 (IMPORTANT UPDATE)

[This column has been written for the Unz Review] Yesterday (Sept 19th), I tried to post a short commentary suggesting that before we jump to conclusions about anything, we ought to wait for the fact to come out. But to no avail. The chorus of “Putin is a doormat!!”, “bomb Israel!!” and similar inanities is carrying on, louder than ever. Reading that crazy nonsense, I wanted to toss in a

Russian response options to the latest Israeli provocation

Over the past 24 hours the Internet, including this blog, have been flooded with opinion on what everybody and anybody would do if they were in Putin’s boots.  Proposals range from declaring an no-fly zone over Syria to, I kid you not, send a couple of Russian SSBNs (subs which carry intercontinental ballistic missiles) off the coast of Israel.  Furthermore, since Putin has failed, at least so far, to implement

Russia blames Israel for the shooting down of her EW aircraft (UPDATED 2x)

It is pretty clear what took place yesterday night.  Even if you don’t read Russian, the following chart released by the Russian Ministry of Defense says it all: Basically, 4 Israeli aircraft were sent on a bombing mission against targets near the Russian facilities in Khmeimim and Tartus (which, by itself, is both stupid and irresponsible).  The Israelis *deliberately* did not warn the Russians until less than a minute before

On the censorship of Michael Hoffman’s books by Amazon

[This article was written for the Unz Review] A couple of months ago I did an interview with one of the foremost scholars of rabbinical Judaism, Michael Hoffman. The occasion was the release of his latest book “The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome”. At the time I did not expect to have to ask for a follow-up interview with him, but when I learned that Amazon had censored his books

Reply to Paul Craig Roberts’ crucial question

[This article was written for the Unz Review] In a recent article, Paul Craig Roberts directly asked me a very important question. Here is the relevant part of this article (but please make sure to read the full article to understand where Paul Craig Roberts is coming from and why he is raising this absolutely crucial issue): Andrei Martyanov, whose book I recently reviewed on my website, recently defended Putin,

Aleksandr Zakharchenko has been murdered today

It has now been confirmed that Aleksandr Zakharchenko has been murdered today.  You can read some of the details in this RT article here: This murder really breaks my heart, but also worries and sickens me.  Just like the murders of Morotola or Givi, this murder proves that there is a major, massive, problem with the DNR/LNR security services.  Whether this is pure incompetence or treason I don’t know,

Is the next US aggression on Syria already scheduled?

[This article was written for the Unz Review] The things that please are those that are asked for again and again Horace Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran John McCain President Putin, Russia and Iran are responsible for backing Animal Assad. Big price… Donald Trump It is difficult to have a dialogue with people who confuse Austria and Australia Vladimir Putin Bis repetita It appears that we are coming back

Putin’s pension reform tour de force

Today, after waiting for as long as possible, President Putin finally addressed the Russian people on the topic of pension reform and presented his own take of this matter.  When the lazy clowns who run the Russian presidential website finally are done translating the full text, it will appear here:  You can also check a good summary made by RT here:  My purpose today is not to comment

Book Review: The Russian Peace Threat by Ron Ridenour

[This article was written for the Unz Review] The Russian Peace Threat: Pentagon on Alert by Ron Ridenour Publisher: Punto Press, LLC ISBN-10: 0996487069 Amazon link: ******* Ron Ridenour’s latest book (this is his 10th book on international relations and politics) takes a direct shot at one of the most prevailing myths in the western political discourse: the thesis that Russia, then the Soviet Union, and, since 1991, Russia

Solari Report quarterly interview with The Saker

Dear friends, Here is the latest installment of my quarterly conversations with Catherine Austin Fitts. This one was recorded on July the 28th. You can listen to the interview on the original Solari Report page: or just click here:   Cheers, The Saker

Iran’s reply: no war and no negotiations

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] We can all thank God for the fact that the AngloZionists did not launch a war on the DPRK, that no Ukronazi attack on the Donbass took place during the World Cup in Russia and that the leaders of the Empire have apparently have given up on their plans to launch a reconquista of Syria.  However, each of these retreats from their

Making sense of a few rumors about Russian aircraft, tanks, and aircraft carriers

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] Russians are typically good at some things, and not so good at others.  One of the things which Russian politicians are still terrible at, is avoiding self-inflicted PR disasters.  Remember how Russian officials mismanaged the entire topic of “S-300s for Syria” (if not, then check out “part six” of this analysis)?  Something similar is happening again, but this time with the procurement

AngloZionist attack options against Iran

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] In the past few days, the Internet has been flooded with a frankly silly rumor about the US soliciting Australia’s assistance in preparing an attack on Iran.  Needless to say, that report does not explain what capabilities Australia would possess which the USA would lack, but never-mind that.  Still, the report was picked up in too many places (see here, here and

The Putin-Trump Helsinki summit: the action is in the reaction

[This article was written for the Unz Review] Now that a little over a week has passed since the much awaited Putin-Trump summit in Helsinki took place, I have had the time to read many of the reactions and comments it generated.  I am coming to the paradoxical conclusion that this summit was both a non-event and a truly historical watershed moment. Let’s look at the event itself and then

The other new revolutionary Russian weapons systems: ASATs

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] It would not be an exaggeration to say that the March 1st, 2018, speech of President Putin to the Federal Assembly, had a tectonic effect on the world public opinion. Initially, some tried to dismiss it as “Russian propaganda” and “bad CGI”, but pretty soon the reality hit hard, very hard: the Russians either had already deployed or were about to deploy
