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Speeches, Statements and Interviews

Vladimir Putin’s interview with The Financial Times

Lionel Barber: Mr President, you head for Osaka shortly as the senior statesman at the G20. Nobody has been to so many international meetings of this grouping and the G7 over the last 20 years while you have been in charge of Russia. Before we talk about the G20 agenda and what you hope to achieve, we know that there are rising tensions between America and China in trade, the risk of conflict in the Gulf. I would be very grateful if you could talk a bit about how you have seen the world

Russia’s Patrushev holds press conference following Russia US Israeli talks

Translation and transcription by Scott Humor   Good afternoon. We have concluded the first trilateral meeting on the level of Secretaries of Councils of Defense of Russia, Israel, and the United States on the settlement issue. Russia has once again reconfirmed her adherence to the principles of the territorial integrity and unity of the Syrian Arab republic, as well as the goals and principles of the UN charter. We have

President Putin’s Speech at the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Heads of State Council Meeting

June 14, 2019 President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr President of Kyrgyzstan, colleagues, I certainly agree with the positive assessments of the activities of our organisation, the SCO, which have just been voiced here. The SCO is indeed successfully developing and strengthening its positions in regional affairs, making a significant contribution to ensuring peace, security and stability in Eurasia. Given that at the end of today’s meeting, Russia will take over the Presidency of the SCO, I would like to outline Russia’s vision of the most promising areas of the organisation’s work in 2019–2020. We believe that

Presidents Putin and Xi deliver keynote speeches at SPIEF

Keynote speeches were delivered at the Plenary session of SPIEF (St.Petersburg Economic Forum) on June 7th. Full transcripts of all Plenary speeches are here:   President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon, friends and colleagues, ladies and gentlemen. I am happy to welcome to Russia all heads of state and government, all participants in the St Petersburg International Economic Forum. We are grateful to our guests for their attention and friendly attitude to Russia and their willingness for joint work and business cooperation that always rests,

US plots in Middle East will not succeed, top Hezbollah official says

Press TV reports: A high-ranking member of the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement says US President Donald Trump’s administration is in a state of confusion concerning the developments unfolding in Middle East, stating that Washington’s schemes in the region will not thrive. “(The United States of) America knows that its ability to change equations in the region is weak because there are resistance fighters and a resistance front. Therefore, it cannot dictate what

Speech by the Director of the SVR of Russia at the International Moscow conference on security

translated by Scott source: Sergei Naryshkin: Dear participants of the Conference! Our meeting is taking place against a backdrop of an extremely complex international situation. It is qualitatively different from previous periods of the “cold war” and the brief triumph of American unipolarity. The confrontation between the powers in those years was tense, but generally predictable and regulated by a clear set of rules. In today’s world, the degree

Hassan Nasrallah: Daesh is Still a US-Israeli Asset, Threatens Central Asia

Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah on May 2, 2019, on the occasion of the commemoration of the martyrdom of Commander Mostapha Badreddine, known as ‘Zulfiqar’, who was killed in Syria in May 2016. Translation: Transcript: […] The other subject (I want to talk about), my second point, is very important: it is the battlefield where the Sayyed (descendant of the Prophet) Zulfiqar, God have mercy on

Abū Bakr al-Baghdadi latest video: an English language transcript

Dear friends, Today I have decided to post a partial (90%) transcript of the video recently released by the ISIS Takfiris.  My main motive is that this video is constantly being removed by YouTube, Facebook and the rest of the social media.  I happen to believe that listening to our enemies is very important.  Listening to our most dangerous and evil enemies is vital.  Furthermore, how can I possibly expect

Lavrov’s interview for Zvezda network

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview for Glavnoye with Olga Belova programme on Zvezda network, Moscow, April 21, 2019   Olga Belova: Mr Lavrov, thank you so much for agreeing to this interview today. Thank you for your time. We are recording this interview on the eve of the second round of Ukraine’s presidential election, so if you would allow me, we will begin with this subject, since it is

Maria Zakharova discusses US policies towards Venezuela (MUST READ!)

Excerpt of the weekly MFA  briefing by Maria Zakharova: ——- The UN Security Council held a meeting in New York yesterday at the initiative of the US to discuss the humanitarian situation in Venezuela. Russia’s position, whereby this is not the appropriate platform or format for discussing this topic, remains unchanged. We are not turning a blind eye to the challenging social, economic and humanitarian developments in Venezuela. Still, we

Margarita Simonian’s and Maria Zakharova’s reaction to the rendition of Julian Assange

What happened is this: since the legacy Ziomedia hates Assange and since they were embarrassed by having this Uber-whistle-blower locked away for 7 years for daring to reveal the true nature of the AngloZionst Empire, they did not have anybody in from of the Ecuadorian Embassy when Assange was rendered.  Now they have to humiliate themselves and ask RT (whom they hate and constantly insult) for some footage.  Here is
