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Speeches, Statements and Interviews

Tulsi on Impeachment: A house divided cannot stand

Saker comment: I would have preferred a “Nay” from her, but her “Present” is at least more courageous than what the rest of the Dems did.  I disagree with her vote, but at least I don’t feel that she has betrayed her oath to the US Constitution or that she betrayed her country – which is what I accuse the Dems of doing.  I forced myself to listen to some

Very important letter from Donald Trump to Nancy Pelosi (MUST READ)

Saker commentary: this is not about picking sides, the enemy of my enemy is NOT my friend.  However, as Malcolm X once said, “I am for the truth no matter who tells it”.  There are lies in this text, beginning with entire section about how great the US is doing.  As for the segment about Israel, I just wonder what color Trump’s tongue is by now.  Whatever color, it is

Kadyrov about the Russian soldier who refused to denounce Christianity when captured by the jihadists

Translated by Leo. Source: November 10, 2019 – Everyone knows about the feat of Yevgeny Rodionov. In May 1996, a Russian soldier from the Penza region near the Chechen village of Bamut was captured by militants of the field commander Ruslan Khaikhoroyev. Despite fear of punishment, he refused to betray the Orthodox faith, to remove the Christian cross from his chest. Something for which he paid the price with

President al-Assad’s interview given to al-Sourya and al-Ikhbarya TVs

Damascus, the SANA news agency reports: President Bashar al-Assad stressed that the scenario broadcast by the US about the killing operation of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of Daesh organization, is part of the US tricks and we should not believe  what they say unless they give the evidence. The President added in an interview given to Al-Sourea and al-Ikhbariya TVs on Thursday, that the Russian-Turkish agreement on northern Syria is

Putin and Erdogan hold joint press conference in Sochi

Press statement following Russian-Turkish talks President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, We thank the President of Turkey for accepting our offer made during a recent telephone conversation, and today he and representatives of his delegation arrived in Sochi to discuss the developments in the Syrian Arab Republic, including in the northeast, beyond the Euphrates. Mr Erdogan gave a detailed explanation of the goals of the Turkish military operation along the Syrian border. We have noted many times that we understand Turkey’s desire to take measures that would guarantee its

And now, a message from our wannabe masters about Syria

this just came to my inbox: Dear The Saker, The American Jewish Congress opposes the U.S. decision to withdraw troops from Syria and strongly condemns Turkey’s actions in Syria against the Kurds. In addition to endangering a U.S. ally, the Kurds, it also poses a great threat to Israel and to the region’s stability overall. Israel shares a border with Syria and is affected by what happens within Syria. Syria

US Withdraws From Syria With Tail Between Legs! Russian Troops Move In to Keep the Peace!

American troops have left their military bases in Syria in the district near Dadat town and Um Mial locality and headed for Iraq. Syrian government forces have entered the districts abandoned by the US, and the contact line between the Syrian and Turkish armies is now controlled by the Russian military police. This fact is especially annoying for the American press. The New York Times and the Washington Post have

President Putin Interview with Al Arabiya, Sky News Arabia and RT Arabic

In advance of his visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates Vladimir Putin answered questions from Al Arabiya senior presenter Mohammed Tomaihi, Sky News Arabia senior presenter Mohannad Khatib and RT Arabic Public and Political Programmes Department Head Salam Musafir. Mohammed Tomaihi (retranslated): Dear viewers, welcome to this unique interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin, which we are recording in Sochi. With me here today are Mr. Mohannad Khatib, a reporter at Sky News Arabia and Salam Musafir,

Important message from Tulsi Gabbard

I am giving serious consideration to boycotting the next debate and I want to tell you why: There are so many of you who I’ve met in Iowa and New Hampshire who have expressed to me how frustrated you are that the DNC and corporate media are essentially trying to usurp your role as voters in choosing who our Democratic nominee will be. I share your concerns, and I’m sure

Most interesting video discussion about key historical facts

Dear friends, I am posting a video sent to me by a friend.  Sadly, I don’t know anything about the two gentlemen talking, but I can say that everything they say does fully match with my own understanding of these events. I can’t endorse everything these two gentlemen say, and I sure disagree with their early 20th century views of Socialism (or, by implication what they apparently believe in the

Saker rant: the man is truly a narcissistic imbecile (5D chess anybody?)

I just saw this: While I “love” (so to speak) the “in my great and unmatched wisdom” (not similes to indicate a tongue-in-cheek self-deprecating comment), I even much prefer Trump threatening to “devastate” the economy of the country with the 2nd biggest NATO military.  Heck, he also threatened Europe and even the rest of the world. Gooooooooooooooooooooood!!!! As a Russian, I am in heaven, truly.  Trump is destroying the Empire
