
“When the man comes around”: uplifting video about the Resistance to Empire in Syria

Well, normally I don’t like anything suggesting that war is triumphant and glorious – it is never – but in this case, considering all the misery and lies the Syrian people have had to endure, and considering the totally off-the-scale heroism of the Russian aircrews in Syria, I will make an exception and post this small musical homage to those fighting the Empire in Syria.  Besides, I really do like

Let’s stop the stupid flag waving! (Saker rant)

Both here and in the comments section at the Unz Review, I am noticing a steady stream of hostile comments directed at those who, like Rambo and myself, who are urging caution and realism about the entire Russian operation in Syria.  A week ago I felt compelled to post a rant entitled “answer to a disappointed reader” but apparently, this was not enough.  So today I want to share with

Poland’s stance towards Russia: pathetic, contemptible and plain stupid

Alexander Rutskoi (Major-General of Aviation, former President and Vice-President of Russia, Hero of Russia): You know, there is that saying that if a rape is inevitable, then you should relax and enjoy it.  Well, this is the kind of “enjoyment” which all of Europe is getting nowadays.  I have quoted Nietzsche in the past who said “only the strong can be respected, the weak can only be pitied, and even

Bad terrorist, good terrorist

This cartoon is by Natalia Forcat, aka NaT, make sure to check her the rest of her work at: Site: Facebook: Video on Youtube:

“Nobody but us” (Russian propaganda video)

Times have changed.  Now the Russian military is using slick Hollywood-like tricks to promote itself.  This video is a good example of this rather new skillset which was basically absent during the Soviet era (when only a few movies were made to promote the Russian Airborne Forces). And just for the record: a few of you might see the posting of such videos as a “glorification of war or violence”. 

If you understand Russian and German

Dear friends, Yesterday I had to go for a long night drive and since one of you (салам БП!) was kind enough to send me some music, I discovered “DJ Russak ft. Kasach” and what I think is the title of either a recording or their group – “Heimweh” (homesickness)  I had no idea was this was, but 30 seconds into the first song I was already laughing and by

The most anticipated showdown in recent history or a load of bullcrap? (Saker rant)

So now we have the ‘evidence’. First, we have 4 grainy photos from an al-Nusra linked Twitter account: Second, we have this confirmation from the White House via Zero Hedge: Then earlier today we got the closest thing to a confirmation from the White House itself which confirmed that “it was closely monitoring reports that Russia is carrying out military operations in Syria, warning such actions, if confirmed, would be
