
Chick Corea’s “Spain” and my love for Jazz

The other evening, I was trying to convey to my daughter the infinite richness of Jazz music.  So here is what I did: I decided to go step by step, using the composition “Spain” by Chick Corea. I began with this superb rendition by Al Jarreau: (and Steve Gadd at the drums if I remember correctly) The next step in my sequence was Chick Corea playing with Bobby McFerrin: (no

Of snakes and men (UPDATED)

by Krysztof Daletski An allegorical ballad describing the current deliberate escalation due to Western arrogance and hubris. Thanks to my daughter for singing with me, to Anja, Lea and Pete for proofreading the English text, and to The Saker for suggesting the allegory in his article “Hold my beer and watch this!” (03/2018). Note by the Saker: When Krysztof sent me his video I was deeply moved by the immense

From the Saker’s inbox: A little Syrian in dire straits

Yesterday, I got this email in my inbox.  I am reposting it with the permission of the author, removing his name The Saker ——- Hi Saker – For some time I’ve had this urge to write you – so – here I go – I’ve been following your blog for a couple of years and I love it – your contributors and the comment section – First thing every morning

Sharing the tension, the drama, the agony, the beauty, the nostalgia, the despair and the serenity

We are living in scary times.  And I won’t pretend I don’t feel despair – I do.  But since we can’t control our future, and since our days are counted, sharing what we hold as beautiful and gives us joy is probably one of the few things which we can do which really makes sense.  For me there are many such sources of joy, especially music.  I love music, and

Who dominates Syria?

Things are getting scary… what do you think Trump's safe word is? #Syria — IN THE NOW (@IntheNow_tweet) April 17, 2018

From the Saker’s inbox

I got this email yesterday, I am posting it with the author’s kind authorization. There is “another West” which is ignored by the Hegemony’s rulers, but which is still real.  There is a Russian saying “one righteous person saves the city”.  I am grateful to Sara for her efforts! The Saker Dear Saker, I had an appointment in London yesterday, and combined it with a visit to No.10 Downing Street,

Two images

The problem: the solution: both photos from Col Cassad’s website:
