
‘Transgender Bathrooms are the Selma of My Generation!’ – Reader Mail

by Ramin Mazaheri I must admit that I have only ever read just one article on transgender bathrooms – it seemed like such a minor issue that I didn’t see the need to follow it. There are only so many hours in the day, and I prefer to report on anti-imperialist and pro-socialist issues. It certainly seems like a fair assumption that many other journalists and activists in the West

Video hosting test page (comments and suggestions welcome! UPDATED)

I am testing several video hosting options. Today, Bitchute and Dailymotion. Here are the results. You like, don’t like? Thanks, The Saker Daily motion: Download Video as MP4 Download Video as MP4 Download Video as MP4 Download Video as MP4 Download Video as MP4 Then there is Bitchute.  I uploaded the video, no problem. You can see it here: Then I realized that BitChute did not offer *any* generic

“Song about the clairvoyant Cassandra” by Vladimir Vysotskii (with translated lyrics)

This is good version of the song, but the video is mediocre, so you might want to listen with eyes closed or simply look away.  The translation of the lyrics is my own, you can easily find much better ones elsewhere on the Internet.  Enjoy! Song about the clairvoyant Cassandra For many years and even though she was besieged Troy had remained impregnable to the assailants, And if the Trojans

The Rhythm Of Time (poem by Bobby Sands)

(Sent to me tonight by my daughter.  The Saker) The Rhythm Of Time There’s an inner thing in every man, Do you know this thing my friend? It has withstood the blows of a million years, And will do so to the end. It was born when time did not exist, And it grew up out of life, It cut down evil’s strangling vines, Like a slashing searing knife. It

Roberta Sá and Ney Matogrosso interpret “Peito Vazio” ( & translated lyrics)

Two of the most beautiful voices in Brazil Lyrics and my own, very imperfect, and free translation: Nada consigo fazer Quando a saudade aperta Foge-me a inspiração Sinto a alma deserta Um vazio se faz em meu peito E de fato eu sinto Em meu peito um vazio Me faltando as tuas carícias As noites são longas E eu sinto mais frio Procuro afogar no álcool A tua lembrança Mas

Eagle in the storm

Yesterday I had a meeting with a member of the Saker community in Titusville, just south of where I live.  On the way back I drove through the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge.  A heavy rain was falling and the animals of the Refuge were all “hunkering down”, including a superb Bald Eagle.  I took the photo below because that eagle reminded me of how the USA, which considers the

Tell me, colonel, why are your eyes shining so brightly?

In a theater piece entitled “The Prisoners”, Solzhenitsyn illustrated the price paid by those who serve the Empire and the gift granted to those who struggle against it. Here is the key dialog of this drama. It confronts Vorotyntsev, а monarchist White Russian officer about to be executed and Roublev, an officer of the Soviet secret police who suffers from terminal cancer. Hands behind his back, Vorotyntsev enters the room.

Listening to the Donald, one very last time…

I just listened to Trump’s speech on Afghanistan: American heroes are unique and better than all others… 9/11 was planned in Afghanistan… together with the Saudis will will fight terrorism… and that is when I stopped listening.  In a few short sentences Trump just overloaded my capacity to listen to inanity.  Just before I switched him off I heard him say something about “we will win in Afghanistan“. Yeah, right. 
