
You’ll Never Leave Harlan Alive by Darrell Scott

In the deep dark hills of eastern Kentucky That’s the place where I trace my bloodline And it’s there I read on a hillside gravestone You will never leave Harlan alive Oh, my granddad’s dad walked down Katahrins Mountain And he asked Tillie Helton to be his bride Said, won’t you walk with me out of the mouth Of this holler Or we’ll never leave Harlan alive Where the sun

About options for encrypted/secure communications – a tiny addendum

Dear friends, I just wanted to let you know that a reader and a member of the Saker community has pointed me to two other products which we can trust with a relatively high degree of confidence: Jitsi Meet: (secure video conferencing through the browser) Open Whisper: (secure messaging and calling) I won’t discuss these here other than to recommend that you look into these options. Kind regards,

Hate mail in my inbox: Bend down and pick up that penny!

Dear friends, As you can imagine, I get quite a lot of hate mail.  It has been a while now that I wanted to share of of that stuff with you.  So I posted a recent one in the comments section of my article about the Elephant in the Room.  But I think I will also begin posting some of the more, shall we say, “heartfelt” hate mail in my

E. Michael Jones – The Neo Con Song

This was just sent to me by a friend.  I nearly died laughing when I listened to this.  This E. Michael Jones guy is fantastic – love this song!  I hope that it will brighten your day as it did mine.  Enjoy! The Saker

Americans Never Give Up Your Guns – A Warning from a Russian

by Mat Rodina Editors Note: This article first appeared in the The Russian Press Pravda online. This well armed Russian population was what allowed the various White factions to rise up, no matter how disorganized politically and militarily they were in 1918 and wage a savage civil war against the Reds. Painting by Dmitri Shmarin. Planting a White Kiss Russia –-( These days, there are few few things to admire
