I warned my readers but alas, many ignored my warning.
So all day I was flooded with stupid questions asking me to respond to western PSYOP fakes. And I have to admit, this time they pulled all their forces together: western ziomedia, Eurorodent media, the “worldwide solidarity campaign”, vodka being pulled out from US stores, etc. etc. etc. The example below was taken today from one British website, I just put the three headlines together, see for yourself what they proclaim:
I have to admit that the Russian Atlantic Integrationists, the 5th columnists and the 6th columnist are also out in force. Oh sure, only a few hundred people here and there, but the main goal of their demonstrations were achieved: the western PSYOPs will now tell you that most Russians are totally opposed to this military operation or even to Putin. Self-declared members of the supposed “intelligentsia” have joined forces and are posting open letters of protest in the Russia media. Bravo! You chose a crucial moment to make your move and the Russian people won’t forget or forgive you for this. I expect a wave of “political emigration” from Russia towards the EU to begin pretty soon. Good! The Kremlin should pay for their airline tickets and moving costs if they are willing to surrender their Russian passport before take-off.
But what do *I* do now???
I have two options:
- Debunk all of this until I drop dead from exhaustion
- Ask you to wait another 24-26 hours and revisit it all
As you can guess, I pick option #2.
So, please don’t bother asking me whether it is true or not that 3 courageous Ukie grannies stopped and destroyed an entire column of Russian tanks. If you ask the question, you disqualify yourself from getting an reply from me.
Next, here is how things more or less stand:
Not much new here from this morning. Let me rephrase that – there are plenty of developments, but not major changes to the map. The one exception if that the LDNR forces and the Russian forces from Crimea have joined just north of Mariupol. The city will be stormed and it will be very violent as Mariupol is to the hardcore Ukronazis what the Donetsk airport was in the first and second wars.
The other big news is that heavy Russian systems (MLRS, TOS-1) have been seen in numerous locations, they might be used to prevent an escape of Ukie forces from the operational cauldron in the Donbass.
In the meantime, the glorious French Navy has intercepted a Russian flagged cargo ship with cars destined for Saint Petersburg under the pretext that the bank owning it was under “sanctions” (reminder: only the UNSC can impose sanctions, all others only steal). This act of piracy on the high seas got an enthusiastic support from the western PSYOPs (see here and here).
As for our Ukie friends, they have mostly evacuated to Lvov and declare that they will negotiate with Russia “from a position of force”. Like NATO. And the EU. And the US.
Good luck with that!
I have to add that I am personally deeply hurt and offended by the “russophobic consensus” in the West. I always knew that there was a hardcore of Russia-haters out there, but I also thought that there was a generally pro-Russian part of the public out there too. Today their silence is deafening. The poet Yehuda Bower once wrote these lines:
Thou shalt not be a victim.
Thou shalt not be a perpetrator.
And above all,
Thou shalt not be a bystander.
For me, this is about modern Europe who prefers to glorify Nazis then to stop hating Russians for our two major sins: first, that we exist, and, second, that we live on your natural resources. Either that, or we are dealing with a cold-hearted indifference of a society which has no other values left than rabid consumption and hatred of the other.
Clearly, the vast majority of people in the West see us, Russians, as Snow Niggers who had the nerve to burn down their Master’s plantation and who now deserve to be lynched by “a few resolute men”.
To all those who hate us, and many of them read this blog, I have this to say: your hatred and hypocrisy say nothing about us, but they do say a lot about you: You even hate us more than you (pretended) to hate the Nazis.
All of Zone A is declaring its total, unwavering and categorical support with, and sympathy for, the Ukronazi mass murderers. Even western Jews rather side with the Banderites than to just leave Russia alone. So tonight, I can honestly say: my disgust with the West knows no limits.
Which leaves one big question: Kiev. One Ukrainian observer, Iurii Podoliaka, whose map I use above, thinks that the Russians might storm the city and establish some kind of provisional Ukrainian government over there. Frankly, he might be right, but I don’t like it. Not even one tiny bit.
I would much prefer if Russian forces stayed just outside the cities they blocked/surrounded. Let the Ukies simply stew in their urban areas for, say, a week. THEN see what your options are. All the doubleplusgoodthinking virtue signaling hypocrites always shed crocodile tears for the “innocent civilians” almost every time a war breaks out. Unless the civilians are Russians or Serbs or Iraqis (‘bad guys”), of course. But in this case, I think that in this specific case the Russians should go out of their way to minimize casualties on ALL sides, including the Ukrainian one. Here is why:
The Ukro-Nazis have basically recreated Hitler’s Volkssturm and distributed all the weapons they had to anybody willing to grab one. Which means this: in the very near future, the Ukronazi version of the Rwandan Interahamwe will soon be roaming the country. Far from looking like Somalia or Yemen, Banderastan will soon look like some particularly dangerous part of the Congo.
And, I want the Ukrainian people to clean house, not the Russians, sorry.
I do not want my country involved in Banderastan, not economically, not politically, not socially. While I TOTALLY approve of the double-goal of disarmament and denazification, I do very much hope that the Russians will kill most Nazis and destroy those weapons systems and capabilities which threaten Russia. But no more than that!
I am very sorry, but the Ukies created this ugly and bloody mess, and its for them to clean it. We owe them exactly *nothing*.
It is therefore NOT in Russia’s interest to kill or even disarm all of the Ukrainian law enforcement or even the military. And if that means to slow down to talk first, I hope that they do it.
To give you a taste of the current chaos, I leave you with a screenshot of an announcement made in a major Ukie rail-station (which I shall not identify). Check this out, along with my translation:

The Ukro Volkssturm in action :-)
Please disseminate the following amongst your contacts. N Rashist-saboteurs (Note: “rashist”: slur on Russian) have disguised themselves in Ukrainian police uniforms. They understand Ukrainian but they can be recognized because they wear an ear-piece!!!!!!! So if you see a cop with an ear-piece he is not a Ukrainian policeman. Be super careful or simply shoot them on sight.
Cute, no?
And, predictably, there are numerous reports from surrounded and even from partially occupied cities that heavily armed gangs are shooting it out with each other.
Yesterday, a Ukie Volkssturm group even attacked an SBU (Ukie KGB) and disarmed them (thanks guys, that helped Russia for sure!).
Want another crazy event?
“Ze” announced that 80 Ukrainian special forces members died defending a small island from a Russian assault. According to “Ze” – they all died heroically. Problem: in reality, they surrendered to the Russians, were evacuated, processed, fed (water and MREs) and house in dorms until their evacuation back home.
But who cares about the truth?
In a Zone A turned “massive orgy for shiteaters” where the truth does simply not matter, not even conceptually!
Each lie is “fired” in lieu of a missile or a shell, as the Anglos say “all is fair in love and war”.
Nothing really new here, Russians have been exposed to that since the Winter Crusade times.
Anyway, I will end with a few requests which I REALLY would appreciate you respected: please,
- Stop asking me to debunk western or Ukie sources
- Stop posting link to the Zone A media, corporate or social, in the comments section
- If you “feel sorry but…” or “have your doubts about…”, then please keep them for yourself for at least the next 24 hours (36 would be better)
- And if you have any love, care or respect for your own brain and neurons, STOP listening to the Zone A media. Be kind to yourself, or prepare to look stupid once you open your mouth.
Okay, I am taking off for the evening.
“See” you all tomorrow late morning with, hopefully, less “fog of war” and more real news.
PS: try to remember that this is only day 3 of the war, even the comparatively small 08.08.08 war lasted 5 days (including only three of real combat). This one should take a week or so, depending on the objectives of the Kremlin (which I am still not quite sure about).
As you wrote, all the lies they spin and spew, tells more about themselves than about Putin or Russians.
It seems to me that hate is borne out of a feeling of insecurity about oneself. While pretending self confidence, they hate any other who is perceived as superior (and thus a threat). It is self hate which is too painful to admit and thus venomously projected outwards. Sad!!!!
The rift between the wholesome, culture embracing and mature Russian soul and the immature, groupthink, materialistic, hedonistic, shallow Western thought, is too great to overbridge.
It is impossible to reason with neurotics/narcissists and thus however frustrated or disgusted sane realists are, solace can only be found in self acceptance and belief in one’s convictions…….(or chain smoking like Lavrov 😋)…….knowing that some people just cannot be reached.
We are not all anti – Russian and most of us who are don’t know any better- any pro- Russian voices or ones asking for moderation are attacked and de platform es- even Trump couldn’t break through- but we exist and there are many of us we just don’t have access to media microphones-
Dear Ssker:
Rrlax. We sae thr same zireellusnWurlitxer-blast sgsinst Venexuela a frebtyearsbago anf sllbtjr Venezuelans fid wadbrefudebto be voefed by the “world community” tobaccrpt the trsined US ahent zMrl. Gusigo as their President.
This too shsll pass, sd yjrnvorporste mediavsnd paidbSM podyerd and trollbotd are tutnefbsgaindt thr next Etrtnsl Enrmybif tjroment.
Consortoum Nres has been one erllcome haven if relative honesty and rsstiinslity.
Anyway, to vhert you up, hetr’s s jokr Zi’vt mafe for tje occasion whichbmot one perdon in a hundred eould “get” herr in tjebzamerucan plyticravy:
Norse + Mongol ,= Rusdian
Ne brspokoites’.
“I have to add that I am personally deeply hurt and offended by the “russophobic consensus” in the West.”
This really hit home for me. I feel the same way. The West invested tremendously into a campaign of disinformation against Putin. The aim of this disinformation campaign was to simplify Putin into a one dimensional entity – Evil Tsar with one goal in mind: World Domination muahahahaha. No nuance or depth, no potential of legitimate Russian interests, which may or may not conflict with that of the West, but should nevertheless be acknowledged and respected. Just a simple dichotomy of good versus evil. The West=Good, the East=Bad, no questions asked. It is digested down to the simplest abstraction for the simpleton observer. America needs this dichotomy because that feeds into its idea of “the good war”. The military industrial complex does the war mongering on two fronts: it does its whole realpolitik song and dance where all the neocon hawk think tanks will release pieces on how we need a base on every corner of the world but it also does immense investment into the good guy vs bad guy dichotomy. It has done this latter part with Putin immensely well. It has painted him into such a caricature to amazing effect. This also give the West something very important, the perception of moral superiority instantly. It doesn’t matter what fact you present to the West supporting observer, those facts will not register because their whole world view stems from the matrix of: we are the good guys.
Dear Saker:
Relax. We saw the same “Mighty Wurlitzer”-blast against Venezuela a few years ago and all the Venezuelans did was refuse to be coerced by the “world community” into accepting the trained US agent Mr Guaido as their President
This too shall pass, as the corporate media and paid SM posters and trollbots are turned against the next Eternal Enemy of the moment.
Consortium News has been one welcome haven of relative honesty and rationality.
Anyway, to cheer you up, here’s a joke I’ve made for the occasion which not one person in a hundred would “get” here in the American plutocracy:
Norse + Mongol = Russian
Ne bespokoites’.
Great stuff. Not everyone in the west hates Russia. The ones that do either have a personal agenda or are two ignorant to see what has happened in Ukraine in 2014 facilitated by the US. Power to Putin for taking on the imperialists and UkNazis
Mas é o que eu sempre digo aqui. Quando se trata de mídia o ziomedia está a milhões de anos a frente do campo anti fascista.
As nossas lideranças não metem na cabeça que a massa é estúpida e acredita em qualquer coisa principalmente no que diz respeito a russos “maus”. Essa é uma narrativa que vem sendo construída implacavelmente a praticamente um século e até hoje o campo anti fascista não conseguiu produzir uma contra narrativa eficaz a isso. Em épocas de crise isso se torna um problema colossal.
Vc postou 3 imagens de uma publicação que tem na sua marca o escudo de um cruzado. Isso para mim já seria suficiente para descartar como lixo. Mas as pessoas acreditam nessas merdas.
Sim!!!!!!!!!!! Comedores de merda, bela expressão. Vou invorpora-la ao meu glossário de expressões.
Os comedores de merda da ziomedia. Passarei a usar daqui para diante. Sugiro que todos façam o mesmo. Excelente!!!
“””””””Toda a Zona A está declarando seu total, inabalável e categórico apoio e simpatia pelos assassinos em massa Ukronazi. Até mesmo os judeus ocidentais preferem ficar do lado dos banderitas do que simplesmente deixar a Rússia em paz. Então, esta noite, posso dizer honestamente: meu desgosto com o Ocidente não conhece limites.”””””””
Nesse recorte de texto vc tocou no ponto nevrálgico. Vamos falar aqui em construção de narrativa. Ninguém está se referindo aos nazistas como nazistas e tão pouco a seus apoiadores como nazistas. O próprio putin se refere a eles como nacionalistas. Pelo menos é dessa forma que está sendo traduzido pela ziomedia para consumo dos os comedores de merda.
No que os nazistas ucranianos são nacionalistas quando não dão a mínima importância asaque que os oligarcas cionistas estão fazendo na Ucrânia?
Um verdadeiro nacionalista defenderia os interesses do seu país. Não é nem de longe o caso dos nazis ucranianos.
Voltando a questão da construção da narrativa parece estar havendo um grande esforço para associar o nacionalismo ao fascismo. E a quem interessa isso senão aos globalistas que querem destruir todas as formas de identidades para impor seu projeto de dominação.
O nacionalismo não é um mal em si. Por acaso putin não se sente um nacionalista clássico ao defender os interesses da Rússia? Que mal há nisso?
Quanto aos ucranianos eles nem sequer são nazistas. Os nazistas a maneira deles pelo menos defendiam uma forma de estado. O que defendem os fascistas ucranianos além de desfilarem com estandartes ridículos, odiar e mata
A indústria contra cultural do ocidente controlhada sabemos muito bem por quem, produziu um novo tipo de fascista que nem sabe que é fascista. Ele não tem nenhum projeto. É simpliesmente um frustrado dentro das sociedades capitalistas selvagens do mundo ocidental que se junta em bandos para odiar e matar. Agora, com a liberação das armas pelo nazisionista zelensky, que estranhamente ninguém chama de nazista infame, essa situação deu um salto “qualitativo” e atingiu o estado de arte.
Qualquer psicopata ucraniano pode dar vasão aos seus piores intintos sem temer absolutamente nada. Esse é o modelo acabado de fascismo que teremos daqui para diante. E a reação da sociedade ocidental a ele só mostra como tudo está terrivelmente podre no ocidente.
Costurando tudo isso dentro da questão da construção da narrativa, a semelhança de tudo com o que acontece na Ucrânia no momento com o que acontece nos filmes de zumbis que são selvagemente produzidos pela oliudi controlada nós sabemos muito bem por quem são mera coincidência. Os vídeos vindos da Ucrânia já mostram os zumbis a solta na ruas. E armados com as armas que o nazisionista zelensky ordenou que fossem colocadas nas mãos deles.
Merci Andreï pour votre blog
Je suis triste pour vous de voir combien les occidentaux vous traitent, ce n’est pas nouveau, la propagande USA est là depuis longtemps… il y a des êtres qui savent entendre et voir Je suis Française et je crois en Poutine, ce n’est pas un ange mais c’est un président digne, qui respecte son peuple et qui fait tout pour lui, cela me suffit pour respecter cet homme…Vous avez probablement vu le pantin surexcité que nous avons en France le Macron … Je salues le peuple Russe un peuple qui est passé par des souffrances (comme tous les peuples) et qui se sont relevés avec courage et noblesse. Au plaisir de vous lire Andreï. Karine
Dear Saker, please do not let you be fooled by the fact that pro-Russian Europeans are, right now, simply hiding or just not listened to. Here in Italy there are a lot of guys who would manifest pro-Putin, if only they could, but the anti-Russian noise is just too loud at the moment. Be patient, and your mistrust of European people will be attenuated. Rushing judgements is never a sensible thing to do in times of war. Thank you.
Dear Andrei,
Thank you for your analysis each day. The lies from CNN, MSNBC, and FOX, have been anti Russian for a long time. Each and every day they are lying and painting false and hateful impressions of President Putin. Most people around me have bought in to the lies. The American people are an unread nation. They learn and judge what they hear on radio and television. The American people should love the Russians. It was the Russian fighters that defeated Hitler. We all know that. It was the Russian navy that protected the two coastlines of the United States during the Civil War stopping the French and the English from arming the south. It was the Csar of Russia who admired the greatest president of American history and the greatest American that ever lived–Abraham Lincoln. Like Lincoln, he believed in the freedom of all mankind. The anger against Russia is mind boggling. The American people have stood by and watched their military kill 3 million Koreans, 4 million Vietnamese, approximately 15 million Muslims, plunder South America and Africa, and watch as Israel kills children and the Saudis use atomic mini bombs to kill Yemenis. The zionst control of the media in the this country and Europe is a menace to mankind and may very well bring ruin to the world as we know it.
It’s boomers reliving the Cold War. I see it on all the “conservative” sites. I got flamed for debunking the Ghost of Kiev with links to evidence. People who spent years crying “fake news” now hang on every fake report that Putin is Hitler in his bunker and about to be executed any moment now.
We’re doing what we can on Gab, including ridicule of the western propaganda.
Here is a more truthful article on the Ukraine crisis circulating in US conservative newsfeeds. I found it on citizenfreepress.com
Don’t Look Now
Ukraine is a manageable localized problem in a distant part of the world and Russia is going to manage it. The American crisis of confidence in its own operating system is something else.