I warned my readers but alas, many ignored my warning.
So all day I was flooded with stupid questions asking me to respond to western PSYOP fakes. And I have to admit, this time they pulled all their forces together: western ziomedia, Eurorodent media, the “worldwide solidarity campaign”, vodka being pulled out from US stores, etc. etc. etc. The example below was taken today from one British website, I just put the three headlines together, see for yourself what they proclaim:
I have to admit that the Russian Atlantic Integrationists, the 5th columnists and the 6th columnist are also out in force. Oh sure, only a few hundred people here and there, but the main goal of their demonstrations were achieved: the western PSYOPs will now tell you that most Russians are totally opposed to this military operation or even to Putin. Self-declared members of the supposed “intelligentsia” have joined forces and are posting open letters of protest in the Russia media. Bravo! You chose a crucial moment to make your move and the Russian people won’t forget or forgive you for this. I expect a wave of “political emigration” from Russia towards the EU to begin pretty soon. Good! The Kremlin should pay for their airline tickets and moving costs if they are willing to surrender their Russian passport before take-off.
But what do *I* do now???
I have two options:
- Debunk all of this until I drop dead from exhaustion
- Ask you to wait another 24-26 hours and revisit it all
As you can guess, I pick option #2.
So, please don’t bother asking me whether it is true or not that 3 courageous Ukie grannies stopped and destroyed an entire column of Russian tanks. If you ask the question, you disqualify yourself from getting an reply from me.
Next, here is how things more or less stand:
Not much new here from this morning. Let me rephrase that – there are plenty of developments, but not major changes to the map. The one exception if that the LDNR forces and the Russian forces from Crimea have joined just north of Mariupol. The city will be stormed and it will be very violent as Mariupol is to the hardcore Ukronazis what the Donetsk airport was in the first and second wars.
The other big news is that heavy Russian systems (MLRS, TOS-1) have been seen in numerous locations, they might be used to prevent an escape of Ukie forces from the operational cauldron in the Donbass.
In the meantime, the glorious French Navy has intercepted a Russian flagged cargo ship with cars destined for Saint Petersburg under the pretext that the bank owning it was under “sanctions” (reminder: only the UNSC can impose sanctions, all others only steal). This act of piracy on the high seas got an enthusiastic support from the western PSYOPs (see here and here).
As for our Ukie friends, they have mostly evacuated to Lvov and declare that they will negotiate with Russia “from a position of force”. Like NATO. And the EU. And the US.
Good luck with that!
I have to add that I am personally deeply hurt and offended by the “russophobic consensus” in the West. I always knew that there was a hardcore of Russia-haters out there, but I also thought that there was a generally pro-Russian part of the public out there too. Today their silence is deafening. The poet Yehuda Bower once wrote these lines:
Thou shalt not be a victim.
Thou shalt not be a perpetrator.
And above all,
Thou shalt not be a bystander.
For me, this is about modern Europe who prefers to glorify Nazis then to stop hating Russians for our two major sins: first, that we exist, and, second, that we live on your natural resources. Either that, or we are dealing with a cold-hearted indifference of a society which has no other values left than rabid consumption and hatred of the other.
Clearly, the vast majority of people in the West see us, Russians, as Snow Niggers who had the nerve to burn down their Master’s plantation and who now deserve to be lynched by “a few resolute men”.
To all those who hate us, and many of them read this blog, I have this to say: your hatred and hypocrisy say nothing about us, but they do say a lot about you: You even hate us more than you (pretended) to hate the Nazis.
All of Zone A is declaring its total, unwavering and categorical support with, and sympathy for, the Ukronazi mass murderers. Even western Jews rather side with the Banderites than to just leave Russia alone. So tonight, I can honestly say: my disgust with the West knows no limits.
Which leaves one big question: Kiev. One Ukrainian observer, Iurii Podoliaka, whose map I use above, thinks that the Russians might storm the city and establish some kind of provisional Ukrainian government over there. Frankly, he might be right, but I don’t like it. Not even one tiny bit.
I would much prefer if Russian forces stayed just outside the cities they blocked/surrounded. Let the Ukies simply stew in their urban areas for, say, a week. THEN see what your options are. All the doubleplusgoodthinking virtue signaling hypocrites always shed crocodile tears for the “innocent civilians” almost every time a war breaks out. Unless the civilians are Russians or Serbs or Iraqis (‘bad guys”), of course. But in this case, I think that in this specific case the Russians should go out of their way to minimize casualties on ALL sides, including the Ukrainian one. Here is why:
The Ukro-Nazis have basically recreated Hitler’s Volkssturm and distributed all the weapons they had to anybody willing to grab one. Which means this: in the very near future, the Ukronazi version of the Rwandan Interahamwe will soon be roaming the country. Far from looking like Somalia or Yemen, Banderastan will soon look like some particularly dangerous part of the Congo.
And, I want the Ukrainian people to clean house, not the Russians, sorry.
I do not want my country involved in Banderastan, not economically, not politically, not socially. While I TOTALLY approve of the double-goal of disarmament and denazification, I do very much hope that the Russians will kill most Nazis and destroy those weapons systems and capabilities which threaten Russia. But no more than that!
I am very sorry, but the Ukies created this ugly and bloody mess, and its for them to clean it. We owe them exactly *nothing*.
It is therefore NOT in Russia’s interest to kill or even disarm all of the Ukrainian law enforcement or even the military. And if that means to slow down to talk first, I hope that they do it.
To give you a taste of the current chaos, I leave you with a screenshot of an announcement made in a major Ukie rail-station (which I shall not identify). Check this out, along with my translation:

The Ukro Volkssturm in action :-)
Please disseminate the following amongst your contacts. N Rashist-saboteurs (Note: “rashist”: slur on Russian) have disguised themselves in Ukrainian police uniforms. They understand Ukrainian but they can be recognized because they wear an ear-piece!!!!!!! So if you see a cop with an ear-piece he is not a Ukrainian policeman. Be super careful or simply shoot them on sight.
Cute, no?
And, predictably, there are numerous reports from surrounded and even from partially occupied cities that heavily armed gangs are shooting it out with each other.
Yesterday, a Ukie Volkssturm group even attacked an SBU (Ukie KGB) and disarmed them (thanks guys, that helped Russia for sure!).
Want another crazy event?
“Ze” announced that 80 Ukrainian special forces members died defending a small island from a Russian assault. According to “Ze” – they all died heroically. Problem: in reality, they surrendered to the Russians, were evacuated, processed, fed (water and MREs) and house in dorms until their evacuation back home.
But who cares about the truth?
In a Zone A turned “massive orgy for shiteaters” where the truth does simply not matter, not even conceptually!
Each lie is “fired” in lieu of a missile or a shell, as the Anglos say “all is fair in love and war”.
Nothing really new here, Russians have been exposed to that since the Winter Crusade times.
Anyway, I will end with a few requests which I REALLY would appreciate you respected: please,
- Stop asking me to debunk western or Ukie sources
- Stop posting link to the Zone A media, corporate or social, in the comments section
- If you “feel sorry but…” or “have your doubts about…”, then please keep them for yourself for at least the next 24 hours (36 would be better)
- And if you have any love, care or respect for your own brain and neurons, STOP listening to the Zone A media. Be kind to yourself, or prepare to look stupid once you open your mouth.
Okay, I am taking off for the evening.
“See” you all tomorrow late morning with, hopefully, less “fog of war” and more real news.
PS: try to remember that this is only day 3 of the war, even the comparatively small 08.08.08 war lasted 5 days (including only three of real combat). This one should take a week or so, depending on the objectives of the Kremlin (which I am still not quite sure about).
War is not ‘peace and love’, ‘light attack’…
Russia has been holding back, maybe too much, to protect civilians. Even the electricity in Kiev is still on. Does anyone really think Russia could not shut off electricity and water if they wanted to? Maybe it is time to take off the soft gloves. Ukraine had no problem in targeting civilian infrastructure in Donetsk and Lugansk, plus the water supply of Crimea.
After sending weapons and swift, nazi Germany is back.
Germany closes airspace to Russia
Berlin follows an array of other European countries that have shut out Russian flights
US sending 6 billions in aid and weapons to UKR.
Congress asking 10 billions.
France to boost military assistance
West escalate under pressure of their public opinion manipulated by intel psyop.
They want a quagmire.
Remember saker saying in sept 2015, Russia will be in Syria for…6 months maximum…7 years later still there
Russia will be forced to occupy ukraine for life otherwise, billions or even trillions in weapons will enter after
Russia departure.
Nazis will come from all over the world even jihadists.
Idiotic to believe that Russia will leave soon…ok and then??
Back every 3 or 5 years? Come on ..be serious .
Forget about ‘Russia demands” forever, Russia falled in the trap or Putin is NWO complice for a great reset and
everything is false, that would explain why this is so ‘light’.
Russians will be ruined monday morning when they will rush to their banks, stocks will collapse to zero.
Riots will start and escalate.
Yes, I have been wondering if this was a trap and if so, could Putin have been coerced in some way [blackmail] to play his part in it?
I know the global resetters want utter chaos, preferably in a historically Christian nation, whose destruction they can then conveniently pin on the latest designated Hitler…
Trump let his followers down at the end too…was he coerced, out of his depth, himself tricked? Very worried for Russia and Ukraine people and the beautiful churches.
The comments have been about what has happened (or not happened) and might happen very soon.
What about the longer view?
1. Russia had already said it will suspend diplomatic relations if there are personal sanctions on Putin, et al.. Well, now there are such sanctions. So we should expect a suspension of diplomatic relations.
2. So, the Empire then completely shuts Russia out of SWIFT?
3. If it does, Russia then shuts down Nord Stream ONE, and wreaks economic havoc in Europe?
4. What does the Empire then do?
5. Would Finland be so insane as to then join NATO (or to try to, anyway).
In the much longer run:
A. The (self-induced) destruction of Europe’s economy will eventually lead to civil unrest and political upheaval. Yes in the short run the USA will tighten its grip on Europe, and make lots of money from selling LNG, but it might be inadvertently laying the groundwork for a revolution in Europe against the USA. Imagine the Germans in bed with the Russians for the first time since Waterloo.
Hi Saker.
This evening I watched the main news on Irish RTE where there was a piece on the protest in front of the Russian embassy. There were quite a few Ukrainians, but also many Irish. Their demand – immediate expulsion of the Russian ambassador from Ireland.
I can understand the Ukrainians, it is after all their country that is about to cease to exist as we knew it so far. But the Irish? I was feeling nothing but intense loathing for them.
They have become a bad copy of the British, in spite of their claims to the contrary. Greedy, materialistic, obsessed with flipping their house for a few Euros of profit, they became mentally lazy and so gullible.
The RTE obediently serves them the garbage scripted in some DC think tank, and they obediently consume it, most of them never raising any questions about it.
The crowd in front of the embassy was basically supporting the government composed of ultra nationalists and neo nazis who stole that wretched country of Ukraine, yet they haven’t got a clue what that government really is.
In my experience the population of Ireland is so brainwashed by their own version of MSM they could’t tell the difference between a turnip and their own mother on their 90+ inch TeeVee. In their world, the “separatists” who were shelled and shot for eight years straight are just some abstract “Russians” who fell from Mars. I haven’t heard even once any of them considering those “Russian Martians” may in fact be families – men, women and children. And too many orphans.
So, when the nazi mass murderers and genocidal maniacs are eventually purged, I expect nothing but screams of horror and more protests over here. Talk about media mind f**k!
I offer one final thought: the collective west deserves what’s coming to it.
Thanks for posting. I am also lrish in Dublin and deeply disappointed by our national broadcaster and our government.
Dorogoy Andrey, I too am disappointed – disgusted, actually – by the unthinking embrace of nonsensical anti-Russian propaganda being displayed by so many of my countrymen. It would be one thing if the Two-Minutes-Hate were limited to the mob of quasi-sentient rabble who cannot be expected to know any better; but the ignorance and gullibility is pervasive even among some of my friends and colleagues who belong to the most highly educated strata in society – people who have worked and traveled abroad and have had exposure to ideas and perspectives divergent from the dumbed-down garbage that comprises American television and Hollywood movies.
I’ve tried to discuss historical facts relevant to the current situation with these people – things like the Crimean Khanate, Malorossiya, Kiev during the Russian Civil War, Bandera and the Galician SS Division, the US/UK-mediated Maidan coup, etc… and it has no discernible affect. They are completely obtuse with regards to historical context. I also try to point out that maybe – just maybe – Russia has some legitimacy in asserting her security demands, considering the Anglo-American-zionist Empire’s relentless campaign to encircle, neuter, and balkanize Russia – all because the Empire cannot abide anyone or anything that threatens its Full Spectrum Dominance brand of global hegemony. And predictably, the usual response is for me to get labeled a Putin-worshipper, Kremlin stooge, neo-commie apologist, etc. To paraphrase Larry Johnson, my only response to them is: пошёл на хуй!
All of this just reinforces the growing realization that we now live in a post-truth Bernaysian world of PR and artificial narratives. To a large number of people in the world (at least the ones in Zone A), things like fact and objective reality do not matter. As Orwell wrote about, Truth is whatever the ruling powers want it to be at any given moment, and the subjugated masses will go along with it. Sometimes they may need to be forced but often they will take it up willingly, even enthusiastically. With people like this, there is no sense in making an attempt at having a rational discussion of the issues – it would be like trying to have a conversation with a barking dog or debating foreign policy with a schizoid outside a bus station who is yelling obscenities at himself while pissing his pants.
Conserve your energy and ignore these morons – just as everyone should disengage from mainstream “journalism” (lol!) and social media. Let these idiots yap and shriek about how Bad Vlad will ride at the head of the barbaric Russian hordes sweeping across Europe, eating babies and personally hurling LGTBQ+s from the view deck of the Eiffel Tower. They are meaningless non-entities and, given their typical attention span, they will forget about Russia within the space of 48 hours and move on to the next Big Thing – like TikTok releasing a new video of Kim Kardashian with her latest illegitimate baby or some other similarly insipid morsel of prolefeed.
When a person is subject to high stress and cognitive dissonance for even one week do you know what happens to their IQ? You are dealing with confused, frightened, dazed morons whose state of mind is being manufactured and maintained by a diet of propagandic fury, hallf the time from their own friends and colleagues.
This has been going on for some YEARS now. The mental health pandemic is only just getting in swing! Please try to find some compassion for their state and to reach them on as human a level as they can still respond to after all the masking and social distancing and isolation (you must realise by now that these measures were never about “public health”) – unfortunately appeals to the actual history and issues of justice here just go WAY over their spinning heads.
The blitz is not in the skies today, it is in minds. As far as the ruling elites (WEF and the rest of these litererally inhuman entities) are concerned, we are ALL just some variety of “Snow Nigger” in their fantasies of World Domination.
This is not just a fight over the security of one nation, it is a war over the human soul itself. Russia, a soulful people, has drawn the line – and the resulting satanic rage, hatred and divisiveness is now at a crescendo. This is only to be expected. Biden perfectly embodies the state of the old, decrepit hegemon doddering towards his demise, embracing Nazis – it is more than symbolic. It is painfully obvious. Putin is masterful.
No matter where we happen to live and hold passports the future world will either be multi-polar and built on sovereign respect, or it will be over – there will be no more humans alive on this smoking rock of a planet. If you are a sane human being then you are standing with Putin.
Wonderfully said.
Unless sanity prevails in the West, which seems highly unlikely, this planet will be devoid of life.
To Saker:
“I warned my readers but alas, many ignored my warning.
So all day I was flooded with stupid questions asking me to respond to western PYSOP fakes.”
Yet many of us heeded your warning. Before this I seldom looked at Western MSM. Now I drag up the Drudge Report aggregation site for one purpose: to actually look at the propaganda because now I can see exactly what it is. Now the percentages of the kinetic and informational war has shifted – Russia fights an existential kinetic war and the West, at best, bares it’s fangs and claws and growls loudly in an informational (propaganda) war. And it works. I read that “bar owners across the United States are pulling their stocks of Vodka in support of US hegemony” Now there’s a call to arms!
Yeah – and more and more Western propaganda. That would be a great topic for a contributor. Just aggregate all the really over-the-top, nonsensical Western propaganda over the next week and publish it.
It would be comic relief for those who can see it for what it is.
Greetings from Costa Rica.
Frankly, I feel your pain. Sounds cheap, I know, but it is true.
On the 24th I sent an email to some of my friends (the ones I hope are still thinking), and I paste one paragraph for you:
And as a bonus (hey if amazon gives bonuses, so can I) here is a link to a site by someone with deep knowledge about Russia, it’s people, mindset and culture. And last but not least it’s history. He was a military annalist and his opinions can be taken seriously.
The link goes to an open post that has info from various sources, (much translated from other languages) and brings information as they receive it.
At least he doesn’t post garbage opinions and calls a spade a spade..(what…. not an acceptable expressions anymore?? Well……..)
I am so effing sick and tired of the hypocrisy I meet with people who suddenly have become “experts” and political analysts. I followed the Ukraine from the moment the first reports of the Maiden (sc)rewolution started. Followed the story of the mercenaries shooting whom ever they could shoot, the visit and phone calls of the cookie queen, the rise and fall of the chocolate prince and last but not least the comic nincompoop’s role of a life time. And most events in between, obviously, including the 8 year saga of the Minsk (where? What?) Accord.
I can say that I am somewhat knowledgeable about what has happened there over the last years. Your blog has also been part of my resources.
Even among my friends I hear little or no mention of the atrocities committed by the cabbage roll nazis, but this effing Putin should be put in his place. Hard to listen to as I see him as one of the two only and last statesmen left on this planet.
Anyway, I ramble on, but I want you to know, there are more people who are on the right side in this. Keep informing us, it is needed!
Whether or not I am surrounded by people who hate Russians, I do not. This does not change and is not dependent on what people write or say. Nobody speaks for me.
This does not change in response to events that were infinitely predictable, infinitely predicted and geostrategically highly inevitable.
Russia has internalized all the lessons of its history. Possibly more so than at any other time in its history. Sad but remarkable times.
– Shyaku
@ Richard Steven Hack on February 26, 2022 · at 9:20 pm EST/EDT
“So, please don’t bother asking me whether it is true or not that 3 courageous Ukie grannies stopped and destroyed an entire column of Russian tanks.”
LOL Nice one. Love it.
I think is time to start a list of dumb questions posed for the Saker in every thread, just for the people who post them to see themselves in the mirror.
Lone Wolf
Thank you for a breath of fresh air. The stink of anti-Russian propaganda in U.S. corporate media is nauseating.
Although it’s from wikipedia, it’s still a nice map
I read that our, PM, Morrison is threatening tough sanctions against Russia
Now I am really worried for President Putin …. he might break a rib laughing
ScoMo wont be in office much longer (unlike Putin) so anything he does will be irrelevant.
Has anyone checked and/or have any opinion about this Greek website: https://warnews247.gr/ You can open it through any translator program. Some opinion pieces but plenty of stories with links. Balanced coverage at the start of this war but seeming to favor the Ukies as of late. It seems that Hal Turner may be getting most of his information from this source.
Here are some level headed videos on the situation. Just demonstrates not all people have swallowed MSM propaganda:
“The Truth About Ukraine” on YouTube
Why Russia attacked Ukraine
Why Ukraine is the West’s fault
A random South Korean YouTuber on the topic
Interestingly, I found that alot of South Koreans (I’m not talking about North Koreans even) don’t buy the Western MSM narrative on Ukraine. Probably, because they know their WWII history and atrocities of the Japanese. They also know that Russia has a close 90% positive image of South Korea, so those knowledgeable of this statistic have no reason to hate on Russia.
New update from Donbass:
Children Found Hiding In Basement After Artillery Hit Their Apartment
Plus one of the few sane Americans talking about the war:
Media Lies About Ukraine/Russia DEBUNKED!
Hello Saker, I just want you to know, I am from zone A (Portugal) and I fully support Russia. Most people I know, are against Russia, only because they have been completely brainwashed by the ZioMedia. In Portugal, the only political party that supports the current military operation in Ukraine, and that understands the Russian point of view, is the Portuguese Communist Party. On my part, I am doing what I can on my modest blog, to defend Russia and the Russian people, from the absolutely unjust attack that is coming from zone A:
May God protect Russia and may he bless the Armed Forces of The Russian Federation.
Greetings from Portugal ;)
Hy, juste a little comment about one thing:
(excuse my english, i’m french)
No, all French people does not hate russian people. Some, like me, not a lot but we exist, remember the long history between our two countries. Some, like me, listen to Putin and say to itself: “hey, he’s right! Clever man, Wise man, big culture. This man knows his history.” and when we listen to Macron we say to ourselves “ooooh please, just a lot of shit, he’s incompetent”. I prefer not to mention Biden, this man is occupying my country. Berk.
Some French People, like me, listen to you Saker, give some money, and we even listen to russian music, so goood!!!^^
Well, just a little comment, you are a spiritual man Saker, i guess. I respect you, and your work here. So, please do not, by this kind of message, raise blind hate. Times will be tougher and tougher. You know. Putin will continue until the NATO frontiers of 1997 are restored. And he’s right, it’s a wise decision to do it now, cause now he got Zircon and Kinjal, and support of china (and we will see it soon), and NATO does not have, they are weak actually, but tomorrow, may be not, tomorow it will be too late. Europe will face to a major humanitary crysis without russian gaz soon. People will die. People you love, and people I love.
We all will live hard times, in less than a year. ALL.
So please, try to not do the same mistake NATO do. Try to not spread hate. Try to spread intelligence, as you do it so well until now, try to spread this eagle look you have to everybody. You helped me Saker. You helped me to get out of the lies NATO served to me. Thanks my friend. I Love you. And I’m French. So please do not put all occidental people in the same basket. And try to spread reason, intelligence, and open mind. World will need it soon.
We all will need these virtues soon, cause the world will be more and more crazy, and more and more darker.
We need to prepare our heart about that. To keep it strong, open, and human.
La chose la plus urgente à faire pour les français est de libérer le pays de la domination des judeo-sionistes qui ont converti la France de De Gaulle en une satrapie aux ordres des banquiers juifs. À commencer par écarter le domestique bon à tout faire, Maquereau. Qui será le prochain Jeanne d´Arc? “Aux armes, les citoyens”: il est temps de desoccuper les terres de France si vous prétendez rester une nation, une langue, un passé, une histoire, une culture.
Good morning please stop being naïve. I know that most people are anti Russian, just the mention of Putin’s name and I am attacked verbally. My friends and family jump all over me when I express an opinion that things are not fair and any hint of support for Russia. People are extremely ignorant of world affairs, no matter which country they are in. They believe what they read in newspapers, internet and hear on TV. They will willingly sign up to fight the enemy, there is no purpose in their lives, so this will give them purpose. Putin and Lavrov know this, you can see it in their faces, they know what they are doing, they are resolved.
For what it’s worth, I’m native born in US, Live in US, and no shit about Russia other than occasionally hitting on cute Russian chicks….. But from Day 1 I knew something was fishy with media coverage and by Day 2 I’ve been screaming at the top of my lungs “You know, Russia kind of has a point here!”
So you do have some allies at least.
thanks for everything you do, clear communication is the glue of community.
i am in new zealand, a country running ever faster down the wrong side of the tracks.
thanks to your people and your leadership, russia has built herself into an admirable country against significant headwinds, and now bravely stands on behalf of all of us to call out the smug evil world order.
the theatre is your immediate neighbours, but make no mistake we understand the enemy is much bigger.
do not dispair, we are there in support even if only in our thoughts
I take the liberty to remind you that I can produce a lie every minute about anything.
To discover a truth, I need to go for the field, see by myself the situation, think about what I observed, arrive at a conclusion from them and then, only then, I can say something that might be true.
You clearly and rationally warned me and others not to jump to conclusions.
I’m home, in a place where I can get more lies than I wish and I’m supposed to discern among them the truth. This war is about a field where I’m less than an amateur. I’ve read several great and well grounded rants about western experts in “Reminiscence of the Future”. I’m not even at their level. I also read a post titled ironically “First Ukrainian casualties” where French “thinkers” and authoritative influencers expressed their opinion about this war. I can assure you that they are famous and well known people, journalists, politicians, thinkers, from France. This country elite is ridiculous to a point I can’t describe. I’m not keen going that down.
The West population (camp B) is also under a serious attack. Trudeau showed me how swift and ruthlessly any “Young Leader” in power can act to suppress a revolt against the West agenda. In case you find time, have a look at the way Macron (another “Young Leader”) repressed the “Gilets jaunes” revolt. From what I heard, the Chinese police forces in Hong Kong behaved much better. Covid19 was a gift to these “Young Leaders”. It killed the “Gilets Jaunes”, gave the means to check anybody anytime to the level the Chinese credit social system is put. The hate speech thing, the disinformation thing, the “complotisme”(forgot how to say that in English) things, the critical theory, the fight against racism that makes its warriors racists so they can fight it, the abject rejection of stoicism, family bonds, social bonds are elements to discredit any articulation of dissent in the West.
I’m hardly getting it. I do need a way to discern the truth among the tsunami of lies. I also believe that within lies there is alway some grain of truth. Any truth contains some falsity. I only have at my disposal some very personal principles I’d be surprised if I simply could share them.
One of them is to never ever judge people. In that line of thought, I agree with Marshall Rosenberg declaring that you understand a crime only when you can sincerely declare that it was committed for good reasons.
I do neither speak, nor read nor understand Russian. RT is down. Tass is doing its job its way. Sputnik appears to me as light. Martyanov is busy with a wedding. You are exhausted. Ukies have been submitted to propaganda for 8 years. I also have been and for a longer period.
I’m at loss, can hardly make my mind. Denouncing, criticizing, judging are against my principles. You personally hurt them by judging me as an hypocrite. I’m from the West, totally ashamed by its behavior and I feel in the hands of folks who believe they found the way to be god-like creatures. It will end badly for me and my family.
I do feel helpless, stupid, at loss. I see the world I grew up in like a rotten corpse with the power that be busy grabbing more power because they believe that under their “enlightened” rule “I’ll own nothing but I’ll be happier than ever.”
Sorry for Russia but a lady I do admire and respect said that “Russia will save the world”. I think she was correct.
Thank you, Saker! This is a real oasis for the weary traveler in a desert land void of any speck of truth. My conservative relatives in the US occasionally relay mistaken information, but they are open to a rational discussion of what is going on, but oh good grief the liberals! I really think that as John Michael Greer has noted, because they have not been allowed to hate publicly for so long, that their inner bigot just screams for the release of bashing some group of people who can somehow be rationalized as “deserving” it. Until now (and in no way intended as a criticism of a conclusion you arrived at with the best knowledge you had at hand), this is what the vaccine hesitant had to deal with, only this time I have decided that rather than patiently explaining my point of view to them yet one more time, it is really time for me to shut up, so I have demurely explained that I am way behind on work. The reason for that is that as things proceed and America’s ship goes down, I expect them to get more and more hysterical until anyone repeating “enemy propaganda” risks being rounded up by vigilantes. I hope I am wrong, but from the keening sound from the liberals over yonder (thank goodness I’m in Japan, where I note the media have been presenting both sides the past few days), things could get pretty darn ugly.
I hope you stay safe. I’ll be praying for you. Donation on the way.
The zone A media actors have to propagandize if they intend to stay in business: the Jewish money is our days Damocles´ sword.
Thank you Saker
I am from South Africa and have long stopped listening to western MSM. I am pro-Russian. It is the duty of a journalist to speak and write the truth. The MSM does not do truth.
The unfortunate part is that uncritical lemmings are easily indoctrinated and believe the rubbish being spewed about the current situation.
I have given up providing reasons why Russia is doing what she’s doing to rid Ukraine from Nazis and the existential threat having NATO on her border. What will happen has to happen and the lemmings will suffer and I am cold about it.
I hear you.
This is insane.
My mom is a full-fledged Putin hater. Swedish mass media is among the worst there is.
I had to basically go to war against several so-called-friends on social media over this. The hypocrisy is staggering.
The French act of piracy is probably a trial balloon ordered by the US since they always use the French or the English for these type of things.
I don’t expect a Russian answer/ retaliation to this during the weekend but depending on what that may be, US might be brazen enough to take Russian vessels too. Maybe time to install the naval version of Kalibr, the container based Klub K on Russian merchant vessels….
This operation in Ukraine will NOT take only a few weeks.
Lets all be realistic!.
Ukraine have for over a hundred years been infected by the neonazi-cancer.
That cancer has been allowed to infect and defacto brainwash many parts of the ukranian country.
It will take years to fix this.
And that is IF Russia has bedn smart enough to create a very strategic program to how to combat that problem.
Russia can invade and dethrone the puppets and their neonazi battalions.
But West-Ukrakne, which is actually NOT ukrainian.
West-ukraine is the leftover-map of the old Polish-Lithuanian empire which collpasef hindreds of years ago.
Ukraine took over those goegraphically areas, which is now west-ukraine.
It has been like a cancer to Ukraine ever since.
And during WW2 it was a VERY stronghold for nazi-groups.
And it is where most of the S.B., Right Sector, and the kiev coup miliysia got bussed in from (Lviv etc).
Ukraine circus will remain a threat to Russia forever unless, it ends in splitting Ukraine into 2 or 3 countries.
Cut the cancer-region off from Ukraine!. Let them have their own coumtry.
Since it is not bordering Russia, it will become EU complete migraine instead.
Just make sure to have strong borders between Real ukraine and that neonazi-country (west-ukraine).
The level and intensity of the neonazi level in west-ukraine, makes even the most hardcore neonazi-groups in Poland Lithuania amd Hungary look like amateurs.
Most likely the neonazi GROUPS from those neighbour countries may flock to the new west-ukraime country.
Where no EU country would wamt to deal with them!;)
EU is only interested in Ukraine, bevaise it can be used as a tool against Russia.
So if Russia divided Ukraine into 2-3 countries, than EU can get their cancercreation back into their own house,)
I guaramtee the EU would dislike it.
A useless tool, that now is off no use to EU. Only a burden.
So i do hope Russians are not being so naive that they can just ce into Ukraine, chamge government, withdraw and hope the issue is fixed.
Making ukraine into a confederate into automnous regions would be another option.
But best option would be to divide ukraine into 2-3 countries. As said… let the cancerous west-ukraime have their own country.
Hi Andrei,
I feel your disappointment, however, had you not prepared others and myself this would happen I probably would feel worse. :)
Many are scared of their own governments and with a lack of places to go for truth due to censorship many are silent. The silent ones, in my eyes, are victims, too. I think there is more than you know that understand the MSM is full of crap.
Not everyone is as brave as you…
I look forward to what you will write next and the way you write it. You are very good! Sometimes you make me laugh (and boy I need that sometimes). Other times you touch my heart very, very deep. Not many can do that.
Probably not easy being you right now… but who else can do it so well? If you touch one heart you are touching a thousand and more.
“majority of people in the West see us, Russians, as Snow Niggers” – ROTFLMAO
Some do but some remember the Czar putting half the Russian fleet in New York and some on the west coast and putting them under the command of Abe Lincoln. Stopped the supplies from Britain/France from getting to the South. The support of the bank cartel for the Soviets. It’s an interesting history of interactions.
If we see proof of what they were working on in the BSL4 facilities that the USA put in the Ukraine I’m more than happy. Shut those down and let everyone know what they were up to. I really get a bad feeling when someone like Kolomovsky has control of that type of stuff.
Thank you Andrei!
May our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ bless and keep you well.
I believe I have commented this before, but will comment it again: I love Russia and her Russian people! Not all American citizens are lost, it would only seem like most are, mostly those who watch too much TV (which I don’t at all at this point). I mainly want to let it be known for any Russian citizens reading this, and for you as well Andrei. I can only imagine how exasperating running this blog might be, especially the moderation! I just wanted to say you are appreciated, along with your team and all your guest contributors. (My personal favorite is Mr. Dmitry Orlov, if you are reading this sir, thank you for your enlightening essays! I will continue to support your work as well!)
Anyways, may the Holy Spirit of God grant you and your loved ones peace and calm and serenity. Lent is approaching and it’s going to be an interesting one for sure.
I’m just joyous and grateful that good men are fighting evil as we speak. Good Russian men.
Take care,
Russia, the Anglo-Zionist West will not let it go. Either you “finished” it now, by reaching the Polish border & meet Transnistria, or you will be doing this sort of “interventions” the rest of the century. Please, DO IT.
Mr. Raevsky is completely correct. I don’t know about the western MSMs, but presstitutes in Bulgaria are running in a full BS mode – “listen to what we tell you and don’t even dare to think about contradicting our narrative”. Well, nobody is contradicting their version of reality, at least not in their comment sections – unfortunately for the presstitutes, most bulgarian citizens are fully aware that the bullshit being served to them is precisely that – bullshit – but see no reason to waste time and energy arguing it (why anyone would waste time and efforts to comment and “discuss” this kind of crap is really beyond my capability to comprehend, as is for most bulgarians).
For example, one of the most visited news sites in the .bg domain boasted about mass protest in front of the russian embassy in Sofia in support for the Ukies. Turned out that the “mass protest” was less than 60 persons, which compared to the city’s population is not even a statistical error; most of them – the usual paid protesters on US embassy’s payroll.
The very same site also started a vote – which side the readers support, and it turned out that at least 2/3 of those, who voted supported the russians. As you can imagine the data was removed quite fast,
I guess it’s true that the truth is the first casualty in a war,
Just wondering where Turkey is going to stand when nato hysteria reaches maximum … Bosperous Strait included … sitting on the fence is only possible when you have a small a$$.
” I have to add that I am personally deeply hurt and offended by the “russophobic consensus” in the West. I always knew that there was a hardcore of Russia-haters out there, but I also thought that there was a generally pro-Russian part of the public out there too. Today their silence is deafening…”
>Yes, I’d say the conditioning for consensus mentalities start in grade school. By high school, the cull for non-susceptible personalities is nearly complete. Few escape. It’s a feature, not a bug.
” For me, this is about modern Europe who prefers to glorify Nazis then to stop hating Russian for our two major sins: first, that we exist, and, second, that we live on your natural resources…. the vast majority of people in the West see us, Russians, as Snow Niggers who had the nerve to burn down their Master’s plantation and who now deserve to be lynched by ‘a few resolute men’ “.
>For sure the European elite, proud and openly. US elite? Openly. All other Americans? Ignorantly.
Potential good news regarding the ‘recreated Hitler’s Volkssturm’, It appears that not all of the weapons handed out have ammunition. This was revealed in an interview by Fox&Friends of a father and son civilian who had received rifles. Skip to 4:45
Ukrainian fighters: We want to stay and protect ‘our land, our freedom’
It could be false hope, but I’m inclined to think may be the case in a lot cities. After all, Ukrainian police and army can’t be sure if loaded rifles wouldn’t be aimed at them. I think a good part of the ammo was kept in storage as a precaution – and then blown up by RusAF! And if not, then it should be on the target list.
The trouble is that it’s hard to know who has a paperweight – even if most possibly are – and who has a working weapon.
“I have to add that I am personally deeply hurt and offended by the “russophobic consensus” in the West. I always knew that there was a hardcore of Russia-haters out there, but I also thought that there was a generally pro-Russian part of the public out there too.”
In my view, those pundits or politicians are just defending their own sense of national greatness. For example, if your description of the war were presented on mainstream TV, the average American would admire Russia, Putin, etc. It’s only the challenge to the “manifest destiny” concept – the competition – that those critics feel it a duty to react to. That’s all. The same person normally is not anti-Russian though. Russians are like a new character in the American culture, no? I think they have a larger presence in movies and television, and that it’s welcomed. They sound “russophobic” indeed, but I think it’s all just “politics” where Russia is a challenger. The politics needs cleaning, that we’re the “indispensable nation”, that to “be an American is an idea” (Biden and many others said this sick thing), that “nobody is more free” (this puritanical feeling fosters anything but “freedom”). I was thinking that they should invite you to their shows on TV – why not if they invite bloggers? They can’t. The following is risky: Maybe someday they’ll invite you (chuckle).
Can anyone talk about the Chechen engagement?
I think I read they arrived at Maruipol.
Saker: “I have to add that I am personally deeply hurt and offended by the “russophobic consensus” in the West. I always knew that there was a hardcore of Russia-haters out there, but I also thought that there was a generally pro-Russian part of the public out there too. Today their silence is deafening.”
We are being muzzled.
Yesterday, I was deleted from Telepolis because I gave a Russophobe a piece of my mind. That’s how it is for many here at the moment.
Telepolis is a medium that is considered freer than the others. But even there the aggressively anti-Russian comments remain and the comments that try to mediate are simply deleted.
Every day I defend the Russian position in personal conversations, because it is simply logical.
Every day I run into a wall – especially with older people who only watch TV. Many are afraid and too stupid to understand what is really happening.
There are some people here who are Russophiles. They are just not heard and they are suppressed.
I beleive Russia will want to wrap things up before lent starts or more specifically the Sunday preceding lent (6th of March). So they have a good solid 6 full days left.
Russia missed the opportunity to publish the unambigous explanation why she had no other option than to attack her neighbour. Even if after the starting salvo but early. References to WWII mistakes of Stalin does not convince anybody why Putin had to march on Kiev in 2022. By my opinion this is why the look of the events is an unnecessary crime against a neighbour. Comparing this campaign to US crimes (if they are allowed, so we are) only convince the world public that Russia is no better than evil US and indeed, there is no place, no country to trust. Even, the US gathered some credit that they were right that Russia is about to invade Ukraine and Russia lied that has no such intention. Russia lied. Tactically understandable that did not want to warn Ukies in advance, but still; Russia provided no explanation so far that
1) why did they invade after kept repeating they won’t
2) what was the clear, immediate reason to pull an Iraq invasion like attack on Ukraine. Focking US Powell at least showed up sugar powder in UNSC. What did Russia do to explain? Nothing. That is why workd public condemns Russia.
Make no mistake, I am well informed about Russian stance by visiting this blog and others, yet even I miss the urging reason to invade despite of former promises and ridiculing all who said it is planned. Eg. intel, sketching up a brief but clear explanation of US plans propped up by some facts. Not to prove the points but to make it understable for main street ppl.
Here’s a short video of Gonzaro Lira who was in Kiev doing business and who never thought he’d be in the middle of a war. He has great insight into what the goals of Russia are. Russia wants to capture Ukraine and change the leadership but does not want to conquer Ukraine and do what the US has always done like in Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan, i.e. destroying civilian infrastructure. To him Russia wants to capture the Ukrainian army, not destroy it. Russia is tiptoeing and trying to preserve the Ukrainian nation and its police and army.
Will Russia be able to defeat the Ukrainian army without destroying it. I don’t know. What if the total leadership of this army is in the hands of the nazis. This would tantamount be like separating the Germany army from its Nazis. Can’t work. We’ll see if Russia can do this.
In my experience there is widespread scepticism in UK of the Atlanticist narrative especially among people with the slightest knowledge of recent history. Such informed views are drowned out by the overwhelming scale of Russophobic propaganda whether in traditional media or online. But that does not mean they’ve gone away.
Hey Saker
Pax Christi
First time writing you but long time reader and fan.
Russia does have support even if it’s minimal but in the West they are now controlled by emotions (on the left and right). So those of us that support you usually get quiet cause they shout us down and it’s no use trying to change their mind.
Go easy on them, they are being bombarded, day and night, with propaganda. Crazy to see and listen to. But the more ignorant of history, geography eat it up. Just like they did with Covid.
God bless, and don’t stop doing what you’re doing.
Saker, I have been talking to many people before and after, believe me most of them are fully understanding of Russian position (engineers and military). There are others acting from the position of lack of facts, ignorance and deep hatered caused by years of media brainwashing.
Yesterday I’ve heard and interesting “something” not sure what quite to make out of it, from someone who had some connections in the military. The person in question asked me why I think Finland bought F-35s and explained to me that the reason might be is because it can carry nuclear projectiles.
Gives me an impression that what we know about Nato plans is very little.
Agree with all you said….
This war is the first time under recent camera that it is being shown that NATO is uselessssssss ….. cowardly and all talk with little action when confronted by a real military…. Didnt NATO advisors plus head west a week ago?
And NATO hateeeeeee that exposure on camera ….. Unipolar morphing into multipoar as we view. History in the making ….
NATO = Kabul Bagwhan airbase syria .!!!! Military failures but profitable for MIC I know. Thats the purpose..
NATO is being humiliated and good riddance. (Yes the intelligence agences are there skulking in the sewers looking for ways to inflict futuristic damage… )
Main stream media have always been marketing companies selling agendas for BIG BUSiness. and are not conveyors of balanced news …
Dont watch it
Dont Read it
Dont listen to it …
Dont debate it or share it.
I couldnt care less about their narrative.
I have endured 70 years of this…. Beam me off this planet Scotty as intelligent life is greatly absent down here..
Great analysis Andrei. You keep so many of us sane on this little rock called earth.
I live for your thoughts on a daily bases ….. even when things are quiet.
tschuss alas
I’m living right now in Sweden, and as I see it, I can totaly say the same thing as You Andrei. I really hate the west so much. I say the same as Paul Craig Roberts : they are such idiots all the west. Today I will say it clearly : YOU ARE MY REALLY BROTHER ANDREI. I don’t have to write anything extra for explaining myself. You do the right thing of explaining for me and the whole world about the truth, and this is the real truth. I just know it !! Thank you Anrei och God bless you my brother.
Much of the anti-Russian feeling in the formerly Anglo countries these days seems to be generated by people who are not Anglos. In other words most neocons are of East European extraction who have, perhaps justifiably perhaps not, long term generational family resentments going back to whatever the circumstances were that motivated them to emigrate to the US. So a generation ago Ziggy Ziggy Brzezinski had it in for the USSR as his well to do Polish family had to emigrate and lose all. In connection with Ukraine remember that Antony Blinken has Ukrainian Jewish ancestry on his father’s side and Hungarian Jewish on his mother’s side. Victoria Nuland is of Ukrainian Jewish ancestry on her father’s side and is married to neocon interventionist Robert Kagan of Lithuanian Jewish ancestry. These non-Anglo people in high positions of US Democrat administrations all have displayed anti-Russian feelings or by their ancestry may well do so. At the very least they have a conflict of interest and are engaging in corruption by using their public office to obtain private benefit.
Fascinating Josh, the hyphenated Americans show their true colours again in times of war. Unfortunately, it’s hardly ever noticed. It was also said of President Woodrow Wilson that America entering WW1 in April 1917 was in part due to his unnatural sympathy for England (his English mother and grandparents) that unleashed his bigoted hatred for Germany. Never visited the country, ignorant of the language, culture, etc.
And on a distinct but related thread of family connections Antony Blinken was a step-son to Samuel Pisar. Samuel was a Polish Jew who was prisoner of the Germans near the end of WW2 but managed to slip away from a death March and seemed to have gratitude towards Russians for playing a role in his survival. Blinken never refers to this when discussing Samuel, but I digress. By a circuitous route Samuel became an attorney working in JFK’s administration but in a private capacity was attorney for and confidant of Robert Maxwell. Robert was of Czech Jewish extraction and served as a super-agent for Mossad until his financial troubles in his business led him to seek money from them and he was hit Jason Bourne style on his yacht Ghislane. Ghislane being of Epstein fame. She was of course Jewish and also a Mossad agent who together with Wexner, another Jewish agent of Mossad and they set up their underage sexual blackmail operation recruiting Epstein, also of Jewish ancestry as a front man financier to attract targets i.e. high value men. He became the tail which wagged the dog so sabotaged the Mossad operation. But again I digress. Point is though Blinken was one step removed from Mossad super agent Robert Maxwell so with this close a family connection to a foreign intelligence service conducting influence operations in the US how on earth did he ever gain any sort of security clearance to have any role in federal government agency let alone rising to be Secretary of State. Incomprehensible.
Im sorry the west and the east have had such crappy geopolitical. I wish our leaders would look for peace which is mutually beneficial and respected all involved. Ive never understood this deep hatred so many in the west have had for Russians. I like the think of a world where in the yearly 2000s the west made best friends with russia NATO and the EU rather than what has come about. Thank you for the insights from these article’s i found them a few nights ago and have really enjoyed them. Stay safe and keep up the great work, love from the West! -Some Random Canadian
So it’s Rules Based R2P for me, and No R2P under International Law for you.This is typical Anglo, fishnchip for me and only saltnvinigar for you nonsense.
Russia has her army, navy, and aerospace forces as friends and allies. As long as she has those and tries her best to follow justice and truth, she will be fine. Truly, she doesn’t need SWIFT, OSCE, or anyone’s approval, and other nonsense.
It is good that the West believes that sanctions can do something (they are actually suicidal sanctions coming from incompetent, spiteful, and very hateful people). This allows them to deilustion lustre.
For how long these scum Western ‘politicians’ provoke a formidable nuclear power like Russia? To me, this is sheer madness.
My take on the fact that people have gone totally bonkers to hate Putin and Russia is this – an effect from the virus hysteria. To me it’s connected. Fear and loathing. When the repercussions of sanctions hit hard, my hope is that my fellow citizens in Sweden will sober up and see.
My Apologies from NZ in Zone A here. Our media and people are already totally brainwashed by the local Covid-regime franchise, it is impossible to get any cut through with an alternative non-russophobic message at this time. But i and others have been trying, including over the last 7 years, which is when it matters, because it’s always too late once the guns are fired anyway.
But as you know Zone A is lost anyway, we’ll only be any help when we get our own non-WEF-blueprinted democracy back.
I write from the so called neutral and alliance free Sweden. This so called fee country with freedom of speech.
I am fed up with all the empty flosses about how good Sweden is.
People here are so indoctrinated from MSM and leaders who are Schwabs puppets. Goebbels had been proud over what is achieved here. Sweden also has a long tradition with leaders aligning with nazis.
People here can´t handle the truth, independently if it is 9/11, MH17, Skripal, Syria, Libanon, Covid, FB, WEF etc..
Many years I have tried to influence my friends, with the result that I now barely have any.
I am fed up with the sheeple and I wish that I had moved to Russia long ago. But still I am born here and it is probably for a higher reason.
I write this to you and your followers because I understand your frustration.
I can´t see how Putin could have acted differently and I feel sorry for all Russian soldiers, risking their own lives when acting as carefully as possible not to harm the civilians, only get shit from the MSM and the west.
The acting of the west makes me sick and I feel that there is no point trying to save world (west). I hope that Russia has the ability to deal with the arbitrary sanctions and the the countries who openly declared war with Russia due to their supply of weapons to the nazis. This now includes Elon Musk, who I previously though of as an interesting figure but now he has definitely showed where he stands.
Thank you for your hard work, thanks to all who supports you and thanks to Putin et al for their struggle to make this world more balanced.
Here is another very good comment from a German blogger. He brings it clearly to the point because of Swift:
What do you call it when someone cuts his own carotid artery because nothing is more important to him than sullying his neighbor’s vest with his arterial blood?
No. “Suicide” does not adequately describe that. That is clearly more. The appropriate expression for this has yet to be found.
Hungary has already agreed as the penultimate EU country to this procedure, and Germany is now also working at full speed to find a solution that hits “the right people”.
I am appalled.
Tampering with SWIFT, that sounds so harmless. Let’s just exclude Russia. That’s what they’ll get out of it.
Excluding Russia from international payments means that within a few days the lights and the heaters will go out. No. Not in Russia. Here, in Germany!
Messing with SWIFT means that it will no longer be possible to pay Russia’s bills.
Does Russia deserve it?
… and what reason should Russia still have to deliver gas and coal (and wood, and aluminum, and, and, and) to the EU and to energy-transformation-smeared Germany?
That is Nibelungentreue. To the last cartridge. To the death.
But to whom?
No, no. Ukraine can’t buy ammunition for it if we fall into the deep black hole we are just digging for ourselves.
I am just appalled.
As a French traditionalist catholic, please know Saker that I fully and 100% support Russian action in the Ukraine, and that my family does also.
I think you don’ hear our voices because the mainstream media is in lockstep and anyway controlled by 2-3 conglomerates in France which in turn take their orders from US / globalist types.
Of course we’re not the majority. If I had to guess I would say the 70% of the population swallows the russophobic propaganda hook, line and sinker – but these are braindead idiots whose reality is completely shaped by what they see on TV (TF1, LCI, France TV) or what they read in our respectable newspapers (Le figaro, le Monde).
Interesting to note, as often, that Le Figaro, which is traditionally neoliberal / conservative / rightist, brings a bit more nuance and notably published an interview with Denis Pushilin.
Around 10% of the population, I would say, is generally sympathetic to the Russian cause.
20% do vaguely sense something is wrong in the official narrative, but are not sure or are scared of the pressure. The cowardice is very high and the fear of being singled out / targeted by the services runs deep.
Don’t worry about the sanctions or leaving Swift
If Putin understands MMT they are not a problem.
As MMT’r Mike Norman says here
I read your advice when you first said it, and honestly thank you so much for that. Saved me a lot of headache trying to figure out what’s real. There is a lot of spin on everything possible, when I come across “Western ambassador said” I just skip the whole thing as useless info. I just follow the map, and only take what’s a day old as having any merit.
MMT shows clearly how a fully sovereign nation states monetary system operates in the real world.
Putin has nothing to worry about.
I studied the UK government, central bank and commercial banks for 12 years. Worked as a premium investment consultant at one of the big banks.
The only problem that could occur are the following:
1. Putin hikes interests to fight inflation. That’s what the US want him to do and if he does that would be a HUGE mistake and part of US foreign policy.
Interest rate hikes are price hikes. The increased cost of credit gets passed into consumers via higher prices.
You have the interest income channels any interest rate hike produces more interest payments to the private sector and can be inflationary.
Putin has to sets rates to zero and he will be fine.
As Warren Mosley father of MMT explains here and used be on RT. You can find his ST videos on you tube.
I’m a northern European citizen and just wanted to say that myself and all my close friend do not hate Russia or their people. Russians are cool as . Personally have been planning to visit Russia for some years now and everytime something comes up like covid and now conflict. Might try and visit this summer regardless. Please dont assume that mainstream European politicians represent the people of Europe. They do not.
“I have to add that I am personally deeply hurt and offended by the “russophobic consensus” in the West. I always knew that there was a hardcore of Russia-haters out there, but I also thought that there was a generally pro-Russian part of the public out there too. Today their silence is deafening.”
This too saddens me, please do know there are some who do not hold this view and are trying to provide the other side to those we know, but as you point out, it seems that most here are ‘hardcore Russia-haters’ and its mostly impossible to get them to even acknowledge that there is an other side, let alone listen to it, it mostly ends with pathetic insults. This is what happens when the one sided official propaganda is all these people feed on 24/7 with not even the ability to think critically any more.
It’s very depressing that people are this easily lead/dumbed down these days.
There are people who understand what’s going on out here, but you have not fully understand the extent of the dictatorship Europe is under. Propaganda is ubiquitous and monolitic. There is a very active censorship. Every NATO country is led by stay behind mafias which are also implicated in common regular crime (tax evasion, blackmailing, political crime, etc) The ruling class here can just no step back or make up with Russia. But, eventually that is not what counts. If the Russians decided to go ahead with the current operation, they had certainly foreseen all scenarios. The knew this was going to happen but in significantly worst conditions. Imagine a bloodbath in the Donbass by the Ukros, but blamed on Russia. The demonstrations in Russia is in fact a good thing. It is a mistake to carry out old Soviet Union unanimity methods because they ultimately blatantly delegitimize any regime applying them. The anglosionist empire has developed more modern methods such us the spectacle of disent (in fact, powerless), the supposedly private media (in fact controled by a core financial ring linked to the deep state) or the opposing parliament parties, which in fact are all under the same hidden puppeteers. This has been applied as an offesive weapon for world conquest, in a manner that only a few control the ignoring manipulated masses.
I don’t think Western people hate Russians (at least in the Spanish-speaking world, which I know best). They are simply indifferent. Also, 99 % of them are braim-whashed by the media, so they are horrified by the war and are against Putin. But they follow with their life, see soccer games, celebrate the carnival, visit friends, etc.
And yes, antiwar propaganda is awesome here. Even in televised soccer games, every soccer game, next to the score and remaining time, there is a “NO A LA GUERRA” permanently visible message.
I live in Scotland and I come here for the most up to date and accurate info , many thanks Saker
I think you’re underestimating the moods in at least central/eastern europe. Even mass media had to admit only around half of the people think the war is Russia-instigated, with the next biggest “culprit” being USA named as chief by a quarter of the polled.
Our grossly unpopular government has taken this opportunity to pass excuses to tighten control – even before, they passed new laws giving powers to the police, the minister of culture forced recall of the chief of state TV news for allowing a former minister that is pro-russian to speak on the situation (before the war even started) , they passed a possibly unconstitutional law to turn off sites that are deemed a “security risk” and also, in a gross show of cynicism and demagoguery, the same people drumming for war and selling our country to the US with a one-sided “defense” treaty are overtly threatening the public with the law that is there to criminalize war incitement and attempts to provoke war.
I wonder how much of this is going on in the neighbouring countries also….as for my own country, I’m afraid that by the time elections hit in two years, we’ll end up being the mirror of Ukraine in 2014… we already had a referendum request signed by 600 000 people to carry premature elections that was sent by the president to the constitutional court which dismissed it after a long wait, with an excuse.
So, perhaps don’t dismiss european publics quite as you do, they’re being increasingly given the mushroom treatment.
I assume Russia will have to seal the roads from Ukraine into Europe to prevent any ideas of NATO running weapons into Ukraine. (Act of NATO war)
If Russia was willing to send paratroopers into capturing the airfield near Kiev then this should be a formality.
Russia will have to move quickly to reach their objectives or it will end up being bogged down on multiple fronts.
I am suggesting days here, or finding ways to warn NATO off.
There is nothing that pleases the Zionists more than having the Goy, fighting amongst themselves, to the death!
As the power players behind the Reset increase the pressure, continually now for two years; the mask drops and you’ll finally see the true face.
Thank you Saker for all your hard work
Dear Andrei,
Thanks for the updates. I consider you and the other Saker analysts as one of my best news sources for the war against Ukrinazi’s and for global politics in special.
For what is worth, I am disgusted with the MSM media big time too. It makes me sick physically. It is all about show, show, show, and the truth seems to be completely removed from their objectives. ” Would-be” specialists having the time of their life, their little moments of fame.
I am also disgusted by my friends and acquaintances who don”t even bother to look deeper into history and blindly follow the main addagio: “Russia is not to be trusted, Russia is the big danger.”
A good way to have a spring cleaning of these people.
Living in one of the puppet states of the EU, NL, if one official or politician dares to doubt the so called’ Russian aggression’ and the MSM story line, he is branded as a danger for society.
They are all poodles walking in line with US.
The Russian dependence on European acceptance goes back to the times of Peter the Great. The current Russian leadership has understood that persisting in this psychological need is the fastest road to slavery.
Long live Putin!!
In Italy a lot of people are agree with Russian intervention, please don’t think that msm policy reflect common opinion. I hope this war finish soon and nazi will be eliminated from Ucraine.
Thx for information, good luck!
All this fake news will not stop the victory coming for Russia.
It is imperative Putin issues a big statement of detailed plans for the New Ukraine and how good it will be for Ukrainians.
This may cause many UKN troops to stop fighting.
Andrei My Brother,
I stand with you. I love Russia. I am Orthodox. I converted to Orthodoxy from Roman Catholicism and the deciding factor in that decision was my disgust over what the US and their NATO allies did to Serbia. The final straw was when the US recognized Kosovo’s independence. I had hoped that the Vatican would protest this theft of the Serbian Orthodox Holy Land but no they did not protest this grave injustice to a Christian nation and it’s people so I knew then and there I would become Orthodox. I was Chrismated Orthodox in a small Cathedral in former Soviet Central Asia. I took the name of a New Martyr of Russia, a Belarusian Priest who was martyred by Stalin’s NKVD. Part of me became Russian that day.
You know me. I consider myself a Patriotic American (who is and has been against US foreign military misadventures). I love America. I love my family. I too am appalled by the shear hatred of Russia I see pouring out of the West. It’s as if the Russians are some subhuman devil’s and now the Ukrainians are all saints (like the ethnic Albanian Kosovars before them). The Russians represent everything that is evil to the West even though anyone with eyes to see knows Russia is not the aggressor here.
Right now I feel a very abrupt disconnect with my fellow Americans and Westerners. They don’t understand Russia. They don’t understand Russians. They don’t understand Orthodoxy. They don’t understand history (even WWII). They don’t want to understand. I tell them that there are Nazi brigades in Ukraine and they will say it is Russian propaganda.
I will keep on telling the truth. Most Westerners won’t understand though. Even a lot of Orthodox converts in the West do not understand. I don’t know why I can see things through the Serb or Russian point of view. I will just say it is a special God given ability. This gift led me to Orthodoxy.
When I think of the true Orthodox believers of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine I consider myself to be as of One Blood with them. God save Holy Orthodox Russia and all of her people!
PS- I know the propaganda spewed by the Western MSM, but I kind of worried some.when I read the below piece on South Front.
For the value it can have, I complete agree with you. I don’t know how many people here solidarize with Russia and has a clear vision of the situation. I can count on one hand friends that do.
But you know what? Who cares. What you can expect from brainwashed people afraid to die if they go outside without a paper mask, breathing fresh air? I have them in my own family too.
I’m sick to discuss and fight with zombies, trying to simply offer to them an alternative view of what’s going on.
My fellow citizens brains are completely gone, I feel like living in a post-apocalyptic movie.
I’m with you, I can’t remember how I’ve reached this point in my life, but I KNOW Russia is protecting the world on so many different levels I could not explain it to anyone. So I even don’t try. Everybody has to reach his level of consciousness alone.
Please don’t give up, keep on the good job for Russia and for the still free thinking world. Don’t understimate your contribute.
Sorry for my english and cheers from Italy.
Apreciado Saker. Yo soy español. Creo que España está en deuda con Rusia desde los tiempos de nuestra Guerra civil. Ahora comparto con los rusos ese sentimiento “profundamente herido y ofendido” por la rusofobia creciente. Para mitigarlo un poco hago este comentario. Además en mi entorno de relación, el humanismo, muchos de nosotros estamos totalmente en contra de tío Sam y sus guerras y y todos los piases hipócritas cómplices. También debo decir que mucha gente sale a manifestarse “por la paz” siendo opositores de la OTAN, pero en esas manifestaciones aparecen las banderas Ukies. Por eso yo no voy a estas manifestaciones que luego dicen la prensa que son anti-rusas.
Ya sabéis lo que ocurre con las redes sociales, que uno lo que más ve es su propia tendencia ideológica-política, así que por fortuna también veo mucha gente de todo el mundo que tiene un gran sentimiento de respeto y aprecio por el pueblo ruso y comprende plenamente esta dramática guerra a la que Rusia se ha visto forzada. No es tan poca gente que ve clara esta situación.
I think the “russophobic consensus” in the West is a psyop, just like all the other “consensus”.Comment threads are filled with psyop troll comments. If you get upset or depressed by their psyop, then their psyop is working.
In my experience, patriots in the West desperately want to see a move against corruption, against “Globohomo” as they call it, and a great many of them see Russia and Putin as a committed, Christian force against the evil that runs everything in the West. It was that evil that made the Ukranian coup d’etat in the first place. That said, some patriots are suspicious of Putin because of Russia’s apparent acceptance of the covid-vaxx narrative, and more recently, a video that has circulated showing Klaus Schwab bragging about Putin having been one of the World Economic Forum’s “young global leaders.” And Putin’s kgb roots has some bearing on the matter because anything that is associated with Communism, and especially Bolshevism, is irredeemable.
j’habite en France et j’apporte mon soutien au peuple russe et à son gouvernement. Il est en effet impossible de vous fournir un soutien devant la pression sociale toutefois nous essayons de nous organiser. Le peuple russe et son gouvernement sont attaqués par une bande de voleurs qui souhaite vous dépouiller de vos richesses naturelles pour ne pas avoir à vous les payer ce que je trouve scandaleux. En effet lors de discussion avec mes collègues ils vous considèrent comme des nègres blancs ne méritant pas ce que dieu vous à donné. Je vous le dis ne lâcher rien car il en va de la survie de vôtre civilisation et de la nôtre même s’il faut pour cela remettre à leur place les leaders de l’OTAN nous sommes prêt à assumer le retour à une Europe prospère et juste.
Lots of support in Greece. Univ. professors, local tv programmes, scientists, politicians, many authors and journos, and public opinion.
Some others, who prefer to appear neutral, are very stronly pissed of about NATO presence in Greece. Same goes for the part that had been pro-american for years.
Result: We should have remained neutral and not permit any NATO presence here.
Displeasure with US policy is boiling… and the anti-NATO sentiment is surging.
We get a lot of first hand info from our people in Mariopol, and other areas nearby, as well as from inside Russia. Greek communities there have come out in strong support for the Rus, and communications are intense.
Unclear how much longer the present us-lackey gov in Greece will hold. Calls for resignation and elections have been rising steadily the last months, and about to hit red.
Russian ops in Ukraine need not hurry – or rush, or do anything under pressure. Time is on their side.
I might suggest that Russia / Putin does leaflet drops by air to Ukrainian cities outlining the situations reasons (all the criminal activities of EU Soros backed people and election fraud since 2014) and his plans for the New Ukraine which will be much better than before.
This will bypass the fake news media Ukrainians are getting.
Get something drawn up fast, printed and dropped – particularly to Kiev.
Will save a lot of lives and stop the fighting.
Aeroflot ought to do the same over the EU.
And such leaflet drops also may be necessary not just for the next few days, but for weeks or months until the media streams into Ukraine are controlled.
If the foreign media is going to constantly tell lies and put out disinformation then they must be controlled or a note but at the bottom of their video streams / webpages that it is propaganda.
Sounds like you are a tad worn down and susceptible to the slick marketing (don’t worry despite my staunch rejection of the covid con 5 min of telly I would nearly believing it too, it is the only realm the empire still excels as you pointed out. But take it from je a lone long time solitary staunch Russian supporter (my Malay sweetheart still takes time to explain Ukraine shot mh17 unprovoked and they bought on themselves this aggression), who was an oddity here, Australians have now mobalised against statesvand federal govs, am delighted and surprised the widspead ‘I stand with russia’ sentiments all thru the Australian freedom movement. (of course we are all good racist right wingers and is explained away on that note but it is noted and unsettles the establishment. (the widespread support for Russia is obvious and bit like covid con they courtious now of doubling down as will backfire like lock down measures).. In fact I worry Australia will be the target for false flag Russian atrocity in west to kill off the warmth for Russia.. Here and everywhere?..