I warned my readers but alas, many ignored my warning.
So all day I was flooded with stupid questions asking me to respond to western PSYOP fakes. And I have to admit, this time they pulled all their forces together: western ziomedia, Eurorodent media, the “worldwide solidarity campaign”, vodka being pulled out from US stores, etc. etc. etc. The example below was taken today from one British website, I just put the three headlines together, see for yourself what they proclaim:
I have to admit that the Russian Atlantic Integrationists, the 5th columnists and the 6th columnist are also out in force. Oh sure, only a few hundred people here and there, but the main goal of their demonstrations were achieved: the western PSYOPs will now tell you that most Russians are totally opposed to this military operation or even to Putin. Self-declared members of the supposed “intelligentsia” have joined forces and are posting open letters of protest in the Russia media. Bravo! You chose a crucial moment to make your move and the Russian people won’t forget or forgive you for this. I expect a wave of “political emigration” from Russia towards the EU to begin pretty soon. Good! The Kremlin should pay for their airline tickets and moving costs if they are willing to surrender their Russian passport before take-off.
But what do *I* do now???
I have two options:
- Debunk all of this until I drop dead from exhaustion
- Ask you to wait another 24-26 hours and revisit it all
As you can guess, I pick option #2.
So, please don’t bother asking me whether it is true or not that 3 courageous Ukie grannies stopped and destroyed an entire column of Russian tanks. If you ask the question, you disqualify yourself from getting an reply from me.
Next, here is how things more or less stand:
Not much new here from this morning. Let me rephrase that – there are plenty of developments, but not major changes to the map. The one exception if that the LDNR forces and the Russian forces from Crimea have joined just north of Mariupol. The city will be stormed and it will be very violent as Mariupol is to the hardcore Ukronazis what the Donetsk airport was in the first and second wars.
The other big news is that heavy Russian systems (MLRS, TOS-1) have been seen in numerous locations, they might be used to prevent an escape of Ukie forces from the operational cauldron in the Donbass.
In the meantime, the glorious French Navy has intercepted a Russian flagged cargo ship with cars destined for Saint Petersburg under the pretext that the bank owning it was under “sanctions” (reminder: only the UNSC can impose sanctions, all others only steal). This act of piracy on the high seas got an enthusiastic support from the western PSYOPs (see here and here).
As for our Ukie friends, they have mostly evacuated to Lvov and declare that they will negotiate with Russia “from a position of force”. Like NATO. And the EU. And the US.
Good luck with that!
I have to add that I am personally deeply hurt and offended by the “russophobic consensus” in the West. I always knew that there was a hardcore of Russia-haters out there, but I also thought that there was a generally pro-Russian part of the public out there too. Today their silence is deafening. The poet Yehuda Bower once wrote these lines:
Thou shalt not be a victim.
Thou shalt not be a perpetrator.
And above all,
Thou shalt not be a bystander.
For me, this is about modern Europe who prefers to glorify Nazis then to stop hating Russians for our two major sins: first, that we exist, and, second, that we live on your natural resources. Either that, or we are dealing with a cold-hearted indifference of a society which has no other values left than rabid consumption and hatred of the other.
Clearly, the vast majority of people in the West see us, Russians, as Snow Niggers who had the nerve to burn down their Master’s plantation and who now deserve to be lynched by “a few resolute men”.
To all those who hate us, and many of them read this blog, I have this to say: your hatred and hypocrisy say nothing about us, but they do say a lot about you: You even hate us more than you (pretended) to hate the Nazis.
All of Zone A is declaring its total, unwavering and categorical support with, and sympathy for, the Ukronazi mass murderers. Even western Jews rather side with the Banderites than to just leave Russia alone. So tonight, I can honestly say: my disgust with the West knows no limits.
Which leaves one big question: Kiev. One Ukrainian observer, Iurii Podoliaka, whose map I use above, thinks that the Russians might storm the city and establish some kind of provisional Ukrainian government over there. Frankly, he might be right, but I don’t like it. Not even one tiny bit.
I would much prefer if Russian forces stayed just outside the cities they blocked/surrounded. Let the Ukies simply stew in their urban areas for, say, a week. THEN see what your options are. All the doubleplusgoodthinking virtue signaling hypocrites always shed crocodile tears for the “innocent civilians” almost every time a war breaks out. Unless the civilians are Russians or Serbs or Iraqis (‘bad guys”), of course. But in this case, I think that in this specific case the Russians should go out of their way to minimize casualties on ALL sides, including the Ukrainian one. Here is why:
The Ukro-Nazis have basically recreated Hitler’s Volkssturm and distributed all the weapons they had to anybody willing to grab one. Which means this: in the very near future, the Ukronazi version of the Rwandan Interahamwe will soon be roaming the country. Far from looking like Somalia or Yemen, Banderastan will soon look like some particularly dangerous part of the Congo.
And, I want the Ukrainian people to clean house, not the Russians, sorry.
I do not want my country involved in Banderastan, not economically, not politically, not socially. While I TOTALLY approve of the double-goal of disarmament and denazification, I do very much hope that the Russians will kill most Nazis and destroy those weapons systems and capabilities which threaten Russia. But no more than that!
I am very sorry, but the Ukies created this ugly and bloody mess, and its for them to clean it. We owe them exactly *nothing*.
It is therefore NOT in Russia’s interest to kill or even disarm all of the Ukrainian law enforcement or even the military. And if that means to slow down to talk first, I hope that they do it.
To give you a taste of the current chaos, I leave you with a screenshot of an announcement made in a major Ukie rail-station (which I shall not identify). Check this out, along with my translation:

The Ukro Volkssturm in action :-)
Please disseminate the following amongst your contacts. N Rashist-saboteurs (Note: “rashist”: slur on Russian) have disguised themselves in Ukrainian police uniforms. They understand Ukrainian but they can be recognized because they wear an ear-piece!!!!!!! So if you see a cop with an ear-piece he is not a Ukrainian policeman. Be super careful or simply shoot them on sight.
Cute, no?
And, predictably, there are numerous reports from surrounded and even from partially occupied cities that heavily armed gangs are shooting it out with each other.
Yesterday, a Ukie Volkssturm group even attacked an SBU (Ukie KGB) and disarmed them (thanks guys, that helped Russia for sure!).
Want another crazy event?
“Ze” announced that 80 Ukrainian special forces members died defending a small island from a Russian assault. According to “Ze” – they all died heroically. Problem: in reality, they surrendered to the Russians, were evacuated, processed, fed (water and MREs) and house in dorms until their evacuation back home.
But who cares about the truth?
In a Zone A turned “massive orgy for shiteaters” where the truth does simply not matter, not even conceptually!
Each lie is “fired” in lieu of a missile or a shell, as the Anglos say “all is fair in love and war”.
Nothing really new here, Russians have been exposed to that since the Winter Crusade times.
Anyway, I will end with a few requests which I REALLY would appreciate you respected: please,
- Stop asking me to debunk western or Ukie sources
- Stop posting link to the Zone A media, corporate or social, in the comments section
- If you “feel sorry but…” or “have your doubts about…”, then please keep them for yourself for at least the next 24 hours (36 would be better)
- And if you have any love, care or respect for your own brain and neurons, STOP listening to the Zone A media. Be kind to yourself, or prepare to look stupid once you open your mouth.
Okay, I am taking off for the evening.
“See” you all tomorrow late morning with, hopefully, less “fog of war” and more real news.
PS: try to remember that this is only day 3 of the war, even the comparatively small 08.08.08 war lasted 5 days (including only three of real combat). This one should take a week or so, depending on the objectives of the Kremlin (which I am still not quite sure about).
Thanks so much for getting the truth out there. Many of us are sick and tired of the anti-Russia propaganda and news that so distorts the facts. It doesn’t take a genius to see that if we go against our word, again, and try to move to surround Russia’s borders with NATO countries supplied with USA weapons, Russia will feel threatened. As would we as shown by the famous case with Cuba back in the 60’s.
First, if the zeomedia and the europoodles have any credible prof of the bullshits they writhe,or they don’t will rely in video games footage (source:https://kotaku.com/ukraine-invasion-war-russia-arma-3-iii-bohemia-video-ga-1848591313).
Second, even the stupid ucronazis learn few lessons: don’t post anything off real war zone, the pesky snow niggers will track you and Mr. Kalibr will show up to “like” your post.
Third, the snow niggers are network smarts. So, anything they post is heavy scrutinized…only naivety’s in Zone A rely in the bullshits off the darlings off MICIMATT like Bellingcat.
The fog off war is thick, and this is a god thing. The zone A “Mockingbirds”are deeply entangled in a web off lies, and wen the truth arises the MSM will show how deep compromised in PSYOP’s they are.
Hard to find a real narrative about the war in America. Even the most strident FJB types are jumping on the war ‘Putin Bad’ theme. So what’s the difference between bank sanctions for truckers and bank sanctions for the Russian people? Nothing. Sanctions ALWAYS hurt Mainstreet! Sanctions always harm the weakest financially, women and children. Sanctions are invarribly sexest AND racist. Just wait two weeks until the American truckers meet in washington. First thing the administrative crooks in washington will do is go after the truckers USA bank accounts with almost no flak from the corporate bank-o-sphere.
Note to Saker: The WEF read Trudeau the the riot act because EVERYBODY was withdrawing their funds from Canadian Banks and THAT interfered with the (next day) war drums! The WEF/NATO knew all along that Russia could not allow the dozen American germ warfare ‘research facilities’ in Ukraine. The germ warfare sites issue is trending here because of the wack the ‘bioweapon meme’ trend on twitter and elsewhere.
Dear Sir, In the US the only principled ones with a nuanced understanding of the world are the paleoconservatives and paleolibertarians, who are non-interventionist, etc. Some among the aspiring “New Right” like Sohrab Ahmari, are also adopting similar positions, as has Tucker Carlson. Alas, they are a very small minority of voters.
Even if my country is a particularly weird “western” country (Mexico), I think most of my nationals do not really believe all the propaganda pouring out there (if only because nobody believes the USA is any kind of hero). I felt bad for my government (which I fully support, otherwise), to condemn the attack, but I think there´s not really much it could do.
I also feel specially annoyed by the ukrainians in front of the Russian embassy in Mexico and all over the world. That just made me feel terrible.
I mean, it ´s natural that they do it, from a perspective, but stills make me feel rather angry. Who do they think they are to try to influence other nations´governments to take a posture, when here problems are really a lot?
Ukrainian ambassador here “demanded” from the government a clearer posture on the issue. (Like if Mexico would have a lot of independence and sovererignty) The pressure would be simply a lot. This is a tragedy, and I feel really sorry for them, but I think they should respect other nations´ history and stop living in Wonderland. I really support what you do, and God bless Russia and the good people!
With expulsion from Swift, Russia is in all but nuclear war terms, at war now with Western Europe, and maybe with the US. From now on, Russia can do as they wish, because the ultimate sanction has been launched against them. Maybe Allow SAA to capture Golan with Russian Air assets. No more insults tolerated. Marginal border intrusions by air or sea can be met with the greeting suitable to a country at war.
Appreciate your perspective. Don’t give up on all of us. With social media, propaganda is more scientific than ever. Sadly, it works on most. Not all though. Wouldn’t it be nice if the world had an objective body w/moral authority to prevent everything leading up to this.
A Slovak website claims that the port of Ochakov (nato naval base being built) has been destroyed:
One might not understand the language, but there are several embedded videos in Rus. There is also a map of targets in Ukr., with Lvov left out.
In the first minutes of the operation
Loving the author’s perspective, just found this site two days ago.
God bless Russia!
Well… Propaganda is out of control? What did we expect from the same people who told us::…
we are winning in Afghanistan, we don’t listen to your phone conversations ( but unsaid…but we do record them), Iraq has weapons of mass destruction, Benghazi was caused by a film… inflation is not on the rise.. hands up don’t shoot, Trump is a Putin puppet, and a hundred other bullshit stories.
Proving, once again, that Zhou EnLai was right.
“If newspapers always told the truth, we would not need historians.”
So that being said, the common man may hear/find out the truth in about 5 years.
So in the words of our good buddy Lenin “What is to be done?” (sarc)
1st Realize where you are. The world has turned on its head. The Russian prevailing culture is now more Christian than the US prevailing culture. Heartbreaking, yes truly heartbreaking, but true. When was the last time the US built a cathedral or why did the US support a group of punk rock perverts to commit acts of sexual perversion in the Cathedral of Christ the Redeemer? Where was the outrage? Nope.
So what is happening in the western press? Easy, it now is ideologically driven, the days of John Chancellor and Mike Royko are gone. It reminds me of the Soviet Press, I used to read back 40 years ago. It was great. Funny as hell, not even close to the truth.
It is journalism, not guided by the search for truth, but guided by the re-enforcement of a liberal, godless, humanistic, fantasy, ideology. Think of it this way. It is Soviet. The NEW SOVIET. So now my friends, don’t be disappointed…Now it all makes sense. :)
Again, So what is to be done?
2. Trust no one. You have to become a critical thinker. A gleaner and sorter of information. You probably only have access to open source information, so your job will be very difficult, but not impossible. You have to take risk, read things you don’t want to. The Nation, Mother Jones , the Wall Street Journal, North Korean News, Radio Free Havana, V dare, Unz, RT, The Russian Observer, South China Morning post and on and on.
Why? Because your mission will be to try to determine…which ones are most reliable. Or within with a certain story…. “which facts” from all these sources are “probably” true. This takes a while. You have to watch and try to confirm or deny what has been said.
Consider yourself an intel analyst whose mission is to survey “open source materials” to determine what is happening. You get the idea. Good luck. Welcome to the new world.
Remember the comment from the Cheney regime?
“We don’t care about reality. We make reality!”
Since the Cheneys are now Democrats, its no surprise that this attitude still infuses the imperial White House.
At this point, anyone who is not with the program has been purged from any chance to speak. Welcome to the Land of the Free (to keep your thoughts to yourself if you know what’s good for you and the NSA collects everything.) You can still hear voices against the war. But its not on CNN, sponsored by Boeing and Raytheon.
Agree. Did not like that lady back in the Iraq war days: Cindy Sheehan . She lost her son in the war and protested against it. I though (at the time ) she was a progressive wacko.
Well… give the Devil his due. She was right. I was wrong. I respect her now, she had guts. My heart goes out to her due to her loss.
But you are right. Say something and get canceled or stalked by a bunch of ideological freaks. Reminds me of the chicom red guards. like I said….Soviet in nature.
“Clearly, the vast majority of people in the West see us, Russians, as Snow Niggers who had the nerve to burn down their Master’s plantation and who now deserve to be lynched by “a few resolute men”.”
I’m affraid you are right here.
The (neo)Nazi sewage is emerging onto the streets from Norway to Tel Aviv, in a requisite diverity of theatrical uniforms and idol symbols — just look at the images of French “Liberty” and their goon squads; and that little Cuban running Canada with a Ukrainian spawn as his 2iC.
Haiti may be a useful metaphor for your Russia — the French are still punishing the rebellion.
The Clinton’s own(ed) it as their slave plantation — and the Binden’s own Ukraine as theirs (or did).
The plan was was to make all of Russia like the Ukraine. Something stopped that rot, the religion probably.
With the Jew-led Ukraine cleaned out where are PornHub et al going to get their cheap white slave girls to trigger deprived Western male mirror-neurons for a $buck?
The real ‘sin’ for the latte-sipping woke-gen is that Russia demonstrates un-neuted male patriarchy with agency to act and core values to navigate rightly. These little vipers would whip their coffee-niggers red-raw if they dared to interupt their polite ‘critical-theory’ discussions with a demand for livable coffee-bean price rises. This North-South is about to flip big time. Some breakthoughs, but then the same privilaged rot will begin again on the other side — it is human nature at work, unfortunately. Keep turning the sods over.
“keep turning the sods over”
This put me in mind of a phrase said by the Roman emperor Claudius (in the fictional account of the poet Robert Graves), when he acknowledged the inevitability of a marriage with Agrippilina, that would mean, following his own death, the certain succession of Nero: “Let all the poisons that lurk in the mud hatch out”.
It was said with schadenfreude.
Don’t be so sure the majority in the west hate Russia. The censorship and cancelling has had a devastating effect on gauging actual public opinion. All my circle – a mix of working class deplorables and veterans see what is going on but waste little to no time on MSM or social media. Anyone paying attention for the last 8 years and especially since the ‘russiagate’ hoax to oust Trump knows what is going on. Honestly all this unfinished WW2 and Cold War crap needs to be rectified which can’t be painless and will ‘look bad’ no matter how well it is carried out.
“Before they hate you, they hated me”.
This is the best comment so far. Thank you Robert. God bless!
For what it’s worth.
This is not about East/West, liberal/conservative, Russia/NATO. This is about reality and fantasy. The people cheering on Ukraine are living in a fantasy, believing that the innocent, pure Ukrainians are fighting evil Russian hordes who only lust for power and more land. Those of us living in reality know that Russia is defending her own people who have suffered in silence for centuries at Crusader/Nazi hands and the past 8 years in the Donbass. (Cutting off Crimea’s water (Not much coverage of that over the past three days!), shelling the Donbass etc.)
This is the same divide we have to deal with globally. (Trudeau/Truckers, LGBTQ/family, Fed fake money/Real assets, FIRE economy/farmers and small store owners) Yes it hurts that so many we thought were decent seem to choose fantasy over reality but we all know how this ends. Courage and faith!
To have and idea how big is the operation theater.
Info google map. Righ of the distance the duration of travel with car.
Donetsk – Louhansk 165km – 3h11
Donetsk – Mariupol 114km – 1H52
Mariupol – Kherson 424km – 6H23
Kherson – Karkhiv 609km – 8H40
Karkhiv – Kiev 479km – 5H56
To go to Russia from Kiev.
West of Dnieprt river to Tchernobyl 200km – 3H00
East of Dniepr river to Stytok via Tchernihiv 223km – 3h20
Donetsk Republic 26.517 km2 and 4.4 millions inhabitants.
Luhansk Republic 26.700 km2 and 2.2 millions inhabitants
Both together, in comparison a little bit bigger than Switzerland (42.000 km2) and little bit less populated (7.6 millions).
Got a good laugh when I saw the Russian Vodka BS. Then I remembered Freedom Fries,
Stupidity knows no bounds when it comes to my country(US). My country doesn’t know anything else but death. Its only answer to all its problems. Its been dead for years but nobody knows it. Unless of course you’ve seen lives and livelihoods destroyed by its ruling class and its billionaire masters all over the world. May the people of Russia and the Ukraine find a way to peace and prosperity. The light is there for us to take. God is on our side.
Exactly! I thought of Freedom Fries too! After my government banned the sale of Russian Vodka (an act more egregious than banning French Wine) I had to explain the absurdity of “Freedom Fries” to my university-aged daughter as part of my ongoing attempt to inoculate her from the daily dose of absurdities coming at her in real time in the mainstream media and in universities everywhere. She is smart, so she of gets it, but she is immersed in a world I never knew when I went to university (when debate was encouraged rather than suppressed) and feels the pressure to conform.
Saker, it is not true that people in Europe are all hateful towards the Russians. Of course there are many who know Russia and Russians only through the official media.
But there are also many who love Russia and hope for its victory over the satanic and perverted cretins who rule the West.
The blogs and sites that defend the Russians’ motives are numerous, at least in France where I live.
These sites and blogs are often censored and especially today.
You are not unaware of the violence exerted by our government towards those who resist. But we will win, all of us, Russians or French, Germans or Italians and all the others… because our cause is just!
Como é triste ver que a maioria dos brasileiros da minha convivência estão acreditando na versão apresentada pela mídia daqui. Apenas um desabafo meu.
O BRICS vai consertar você! )))
Google translation,MOD:
BRICS will fix you! )))
Oi. Acho que escrevi de maneira ambígua ou não entendi você. Estou apoiando os russos e a favor de um mundo multipolar. Lamento que muitos brasileiros estejam contaminados pela mídia hegemônica.
What we see on the streets of Kiev, with AKs in the hands of tens of thousands of desperate, fearful, confused, hateful, drunk and high or simply just hungry people with the illusion of real power for the first time in their lives and a crazed evil spirit nagging them on to find something, someone they can blame and take revenge for their empty lives is about as close to a zombie movie(not a fan, I know of the concept, but not grabbed at all) I can imagine…just with the zombies with the finger on the trigger this time…
Sorta reminds me of how social media seems to function. (never joined any)
Anyhoo, I am an opinionated basttid, and have had and will have my moments with yaall under one username or an other, but I still thank You Saker especially for the platform…such as it is…😉
Though it is such a spectacle to watch the dogs of war dance and howl, we should never for a second forget the price we all will play for such a magestic display of the gods, and pray for the dead and wounded, for we all shall join them sooner or later.
So rest in piece brothers and sisters.
I’m in a telegram-group of about 50 000 here in Germany, trying to build regional networks against our fascist plandemic measures. The vast majority is very critical about what’s going on against Russia.
Maybe it’s because we didn’t give up thinking, when Billy Boy’s computer-generated Virus arrived,so we might have some immunity.
I myself, am calling out what happens now in generic Nazi-land, since the GDR fell. I knew,, that my compatriots couldn’t resist the German urge for a place in the sun.
The 4th Reich is here, albeit with a leader from the exceptional country.
The Yugoslavian war gave the first taste of what’s to come and from the Sotshi olympics on, it was clear they want to go for the big fish. Sadly, those who speak up the most against our regime, are those without power, but we will give our best.
Cutting RSF from SWIFT will burst the “Everything Bubble”.
For the Germans remember the NATO objective :”to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down,”
Dear Saker
I live in Australia and yes most people believe what they’re told to believe and most people a pretty fucking ignorant. However there are a lot of us that know something is wrong with the media narrative. I personally have been following this shit show for years and I have a pretty good understanding, so I’m able to give people the other side of the story. Its pretty surprising how many people are receptive to the other side of the story, once you lay out the facts, it’s like a light bulb gets switched on.
Thank god there’s resources like the Saker.
Kind regards
>>I have to add that I am personally deeply hurt and offended by the “russophobic consensus” in the West<<
I am a fullblooded redneck and it devastates me as well.
But try not too be too hurt.
Never understimate the power of rank stupidity.
It is much more that than any kind of real hatred.
Cheers, from (gleichgeschaltet, alas) Holland!
Facebook reversed its ban on “praising Nazis” today – but only if they are Azovs. The very ones the US media (if they mention them at all) pretend Vlad the Terrible made up so he could have a war. `The Intercept reports https://theintercept.com/2022/02/24/ukraine-facebook-azov-battalion-russia/
Most of the rest of the Intercept Ukraine stuff shows why Glen Greenwald left it!
Thank you for all your good work keeping us informed of what’s really going on.
I am Portuguese, have never been to Russia, do not speak a word of Russian and I am 100% with Russia on this one. I am not the only one, so please do not give up on us, Europeans. Soon the mess in the Ukraine will be solved and the idiots among us who fight you are going to have a hard time staying in power.
The “democratic” neoliberal gov. of Australia member of “the 5 eyes banned RT signal from last night . “1984” in full swing.😩
Recalling when DJT won the election in 2016. I would never have guessed that many people silently shared the same hopes and expectations from a politician. No where did they make themselves known as a movement until it came time to show up at the polls. Hillary probably knows this best.
The smoke a mirrors are being piped out at max capacity. Keep in mind. A silent majority is not an ineffective majority.
Dear Saker,
Thank You for your superb works. I am just curious to know when the Chechen battalion will be sent to kick off those Nazis..
Best Regards,
Re Chechens, in the twitter video of the Chechen soldier replacing the Ukie flag with the Russian flag at Hostomel, the soldier is wearing the St. George ribbon on his left arm.
Link: https://twitter.com/Archer83Able/status/1497586370294038531
My two cents based on what I have been reading in Russian media ( translated) South Front) and videos of all sorts, ( Ukrainian ones as well, .. it is always a good idea to know what the enemy is up to) and plenty of Russian ones.
Putin and Russian leadership, based on theirs own statements and actions on the ground in the first 2 days genuinely hoped that the Ukrainians ( at least some of them) would be longing for USSR, for stability, they would hate their leadership ( Porky and Ze) sufficiently that they would see the Russian army as relief to this economical and socially miserable condition.
This is the reason why Russian have entered Ukraine with comparatively light formations and in rather small number ( about 1/2 or less of what they have stationed on the border with Ukraine).
Base on the results so far that assumption only worked partially (mostly in the south) and certainly not as expected by the Russian high command. I think the level of support and enthusiasm for Russian among the Ukrainians was grossly overestimated.
m I surprised? No, I am not. The Orks has 8 years to brainwash the younger generation 24/7 into hating Russia ( which is why I think Russia should should at least captured the right side of Don territory back in 2014 when they would have encountered far less resistance.
I am not really that surprised at that the Orks have manged to turn average Ukrainian in rabid russophobes in 8 years. I see how average citizens in the country I now live have been turned by media in less than 10 years into specimens that Nazis would have been proud of. Not going into details on that one.
Important to retain is that, yes, devious propaganda , Facebook, twitter and the ” right” teachers in school worked to create the ” new post modernist humanoid” that has less and less humanity and tolerance for the other thinking.
Back to Ukraine… what is to be done? Well, it looks like the Russian have already moved the page to plan B and for better or worse, have resolved to treat ( deserving) large swath of the Ukrainian population and its army ( which contrary to Russian expectations) did not switch sides in any significant number), like they treated the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS and German Nazis in WW 2.
Putin appears to have not favour this approach but the reality on the ground will leave him from today on very little options but to take Kiev much the same way Russians took Grozny in the 2nd Chechen war ( 1999-2000)
He can not back down. He has to take Kiev at all cost and if need be employ thermobaric weapons,, Tylpan heavy mortars, use ruthless Cossacks and Chechen troops and whatever it takes to accomplish the task. No more Mr nice guy .. Alice Cooper once sang.
Backing down or negotiation at this point would embolden the Orks immensely and the actions now imposed will not be reverted, so there is no benefit to it;
I wrote here repeatedly that “Rusvesna” hohlyatsky dump.
But despite this, a link to the source must be placed. So that the reader knows who is lying to him.
What Russia must do:
1) Block access west of Kiev and at the Polish border.
2) Envelop the main Ukrainian forces (150,000) in the Donbass cauldron. Block access north and west before the Ukrops decide to leave L/DPR territory.
When step 2 is finished, the rest of Ukraine will see the situation differently.
Greetings from Oklahoma City.
It’s mind numbing to listen to the slant of the ziomedia, especially fux newz. Their comment sections are filled with mindless drivel from brain dead publicly educated tools who have no clue. They couldn’t find Ukraine on a map if their lives depended on it. They have no clue of the savagery inflicted by the Ukie Stalinists on Donetsk & Luhansk these many years.
I’m doing my part to give those I know in my small circle the facts as it pertains to Donetsk & Luhansk, who declared their independence similarly to that of the thirteen colonies back in 1776 and who endured the wrath of a monarch. This seems to work in enlightening their understanding. Every single person I explain the facts to suddenly seems to get it and sympathizes with Putin’s/Russia’s actions.
Only this morning I explained the “who, what, when, why, where & how” to a woman who is an immigrant from Germany. She asked me my opinion on the matter. She said “Putin is bad”. I asked why and she gave her reasoning based on the msm narrative. After explaining it, using the analogy of me coming to her aid if she was being attacked by a mugger, she got it. Score another point for Truth.
Anyways, just ordered a 3×5 Russian flag. All my support for the righteousness of Russia and Mr. Putin.
Let’s Go Brandon!
You did not understand the essence, so you are fighting with mills, Putin is a sucker, as an image of Russia, Russians.
All Russians are bad, all of Russia! It should not exist, its resources are not hers, but ours!
Since the 12th century this song …
> I also thought that there was a generally pro-Russian part of the public out there too. Today their silence is deafening.
They are afraid. In the current climate, when in countries like Czechia or Slovakia any positive statement on behalf of Russia or Russians is being twisted into “supporting and encouraging war”, which is a felony that comes with 25-to-life sentences… yes, their silence will be deafening, excuse them for keeping their thoughts for themselves.
In Slovakia, a former PM (Jan Carnogursky) is in hot water for saying something positive about Russia on a TV. The editor, responsible for the segment, was fired.
So much for democracy or freedom of speech in Europe.
I have started feeling the same disgust you are voicing towards the West. And I am German. I feel that disgust when I look at the German government. I am ashamed when listening to Olaf Scholz, or that brain-dead Annalena Baerbock. Listening to politicians from our ruling coalition and from our so-called opposition makes me feel physically ill. And then there is Ursula von der Leyen. For years we dumped politicians in Brussels that we wanted to get rid of in national politics. Considering that, we get what we deserve.
I deleted my Twitter account some years past, when Twitter started their purges and silencing in earnest. I have not been present in social media much since. My mother, aged 71, has never used the Internet, getting all her information from Zone A media. She has recently developed a veritable hatred for the Ukrainian ambassador to Germany, Andrii Melnyk, for meddling in German politics – and for all German TV channels, for giving him copious amounts screen time. For Zelensky, too. She is fed up with all their feelings of entitlement, and disdain. She is firmly on Russia’s side in this conflict. I guess the propaganda works – just not always as intended.
There are many like us – not seen, or heard, but there.
I greatly appreciate your blog. It gives me a different perspective – and also helps me not to lose hope.
“I have to add that I am personally deeply hurt and offended by the “russophobic consensus” in the West. I always knew that there was a hardcore of Russia-haters out there, but I also thought that there was a generally pro-Russian part of the public out there too. Today their silence is deafening.”
I understand this hurts especially after the very good performance of Putin and Lavrof explaining their concerns and their expectation and Russia being again used as a punching bag by the US administration.
Unfortunately most peopke have no inclination at foreign policy and they tend to believe the Holywood scripts fed to them all day by the media and repeated by their friends. My wife takes her news from the radio, TV and the local newspaper. She told me tonight that people were saying Putin is mentally ill. I replied that under the current circumstances, that was likely propaganda. She was not amused that I somehow discredited the news channels she normally trusts. I left it there. She added that she hates Putin. What she hates really is not Putin who she never met; she hates the disturbance of war and she believes Putin is the person responsible.
What can you do about that? I no longer take the news from the MSM myself, and others look on social nerworks. So there is a vacuum of entertaining news sources that can be trusted for the general public.
I burst out laughing at this:
“So, please don’t bother asking me whether it is true or not that 3 courageous Ukie grannies stopped and destroyed an entire column of Russian tanks…”
Thank you for that.
If I may offer unsolicited advice, you need to detach yourself a little to keep doing what is so badly needed and you do so well. Watch the rapid river flow and bear witness to the truth as only you and a few others can. Don’t fall in and be swept away by it. It is what it is.
The problem as I see it is you care too much. You care what people ask, what people say, what people think when you should only care what people do and that is mostly nothing. As an American I can assure you most don’t know about or care about Ukraine or Russia. We’re the greatest indispensable nation of self-absorbed idiots the world has ever known and if we don’t care why should anyone? Just pour a vodka and relax.
My take
This operation, although with significant strategic depth, is part of (catalyst) a wider tectonic front, I’m taking a punt that although this operation may be short, it is just the beginning. The best defence is offence – I see that this is the perfect time coming (probably already discussed) for Iran to overtly push the US out of Syria with covert Russian support. I see this triggering a strong response from Israel, which will activate Hezbollah. I see the whole front developing in a manner similar to Ukraine. It makes no sense to wait any longer – the best defence is offence, this is the only window.
Right now the propaganda machine is at full capacity, economic sanctions are, although not fully deployed, fully gamed. This leaves a wide opening on the psychological warfare front – all resources are currently engaged, a wider front opening up will overwhelm the organisational, militarily, economical and informational capacity of the hegemon.
Although fairly obvious, I think that this may be the last thing they suspect is a deeper coordinated offensive across the full front
Right when it looks like the game is clear, at a critical point, there will be a move made in the Levant
Just my thoughts
Funny thing i noticed just now…
They pulled this account from the mothballs.
See from that as you see fit.
I am a 58 year old Englishman living in Mexico.
I have nothing but admiration, love and respect for Russia and its people, always have and always will
Thank you Saker,
I assure you that not all of us in the U.S. are brainwashed fools, despite the best efforts of “our” government to “debrain” and propagandize us to that level — using our money to carry out this operation, of course. The entire Military-Industrial-Counter-Intelligence-Media-Think Tank complex (credit to Ray McGovern for the term) relentlessly, minute by minute churns our lies and propaganda which effectively controls the narrative over the thoughts of almost everyone in this Country. Those who only get their information from the mainstream media are ignorant of most relevant facts. But be assured that there are a lot of us who know better and reject the neo-con influence which has dominated U.S. foreign policy during this entire Century. Russia did everything possible to resolve this problem, which was created solely by U.S. aggression, by diplomacy and agreement. Russia entered into the Minsk Agreements in good faith. The U.S./Ukrainian government executed them, then breached them, then refused to negotiate in good faith. The same occurred when Russia, in a last ditch effort to resolve the matter peaceably, presented the U.S. and NATO agreements which would have resolved the matter peaceably. As usual, the U.S. and its European acolytes refused. As Putin had advised well in advance, that left only the option of protecting Russia’s legitimate security interests by force. This mess was caused by the U.S. It will be resolved by Russia
@Jim Thomas
True. And as another USA citizen, I would add to the list a similar set of circumstances played out in Syria. I expect things to begin heating up there as well.
Thank you Saker! Keep doing what you have done till now: speaking the truth, the rest is not in your hands. As of russia, the russian army knows what it is doing. Is it not the next day the finest one for the truthseekers (Quran)?
People who are sympathetic to Russia have repeatedly underestimated how Putin will respond. I completely disagree that Russia will get the hell out of dodge. No way. I’m on record many times stating that Russia has desire to control Ukraine at least east of the Dnieper and south up to and beyond Odessa. This will create a land bridge to Transnistria in Moldova and would give Russia complete control of the Black Sea up to Romania. I don’t know if the liberated country will still be called Ukraine. Will this new nation be a confederation with the DLNR rejoining it. Will it be called Novorussia. I don’t know if the Ukraine army will be reformed with new generals in line with Russia or the same structure but now with Russia leadership. I don’t know and nobody knows (except the Russian military staff) the above but I can tell you for certain that whatever form the Ukraine takes it will be under the control of Russia and it will be Russia’s ally. It will not be neutral, I repeat it will not be neutral. There probably won’t be direct contact between Ukrainian citizens and Russian military but Russia will control everything from the back room. Russian military will stay in Ukraine but be in strategic locations. Once the nazis are defeated (whatever that means) Russia will be in control, either directly or indirectly, the entire Ukraine and even including Lvov. Russia will command the agricultural land and therefore will have a commanding leverage over the world grain production. Russia will have a different policy for different regions. Russia will have a policy regarding Russian speaking regions east of the Dnieper and the south up to and over Odessa. Russia will have another policy regarding central Ukraine. And Russia will have a different policy regarding western Ukraine. If Russia can’t find anyone to talk to then let each city control itself and stew in their own juice. If all these cities go into anarchy and Ukraine becomes a large Mad Max then Russia will stay out of the way. I personally don’t think this will happen. Anyhow Russia will control all the borders of Ukraine and can place strategic weapons in Ukraine now much closer to Romania and Poland. Ukraine will become like Belarus, independent in name but very close to Russia. Eventually Ukraine will become a member of the CTSO. If all goes well eventually Ukraine will join Belarus and Russia in one great union. You can take that to the bank.
I agree – and disagree with @Saker on that. First, I don’t think we can comprehend all the decision making behind it, and Russians did think this through – and literally they saw one way out. Ukr is too strategic for them to be left as a black hole, let’s say they hold back and don’t clean and mop up, US would be back there in no time with all the nazis (that hate their guts), and there would be a constant stream of threats (and attacks) originating from there, not to mention nukes (that came into frame). I.e. it’s a ‘half-ass’ military action (still costly), west would still have their polygon to wrack havoc. There really isn’t any other real option but to thoroughly clean the place and then keep it under control (in some form or shape which doesn’t really matter, ukraine as it was will never happen again, that’s a fact). Civil war is not a solution either (short and ‘controlled’ one maybe but it’s not gonna happen me thinks) as it’d still mean an unstable ground for all sorties of the west. Second, in light of things hotting up and they are, it’s becoming even more strategic, Ukr, Belarus (more?) linking up, as I see it this is already looking like taking strategic war positions (not sure of the right military term for this in English) under control in preparation for eventual conflict to come, relinquishing that position would be a mistake I guess.
The Saker
A slight correction. Ze never said that 80 Ukie troops died defending that island. He stated that 13 of them died, fighting heroically, which is laughable, as 13 troops represent 1/3 of a platoon, and you do not defend an island with 13 men.Even so, this nonsense was reported in the Western media. It was the Russian side which stated that 80 Ukie troops surrendered, and that not a single one was killed in combat.
And yes, you were right; the West is applying disinformation in it’s news presentations.
Yes they said that 13 died despite having no photos nor video proof of the dead nor any fighting or damage. They didn’t even list the names of those “posthumous heroes” even though with only 13 they should have easily had the names of all of them, but not even a single name was given.
“I also thought that there was a generally pro-Russian part of the public out there too. Today their silence is deafening.”
1) whatever one thinks of Russia, everybody is surprised and shocked by the sheer magnitude of what just took place. Nobody expected such a sudden powerful punch delivered by Russia to uncle Shmuel. Even China didn’t veto the US-UK resolution at the UN.
2) any person in the West going public about its support/understanding of Russia’s behaviour has already been marginalized, and isn”t in a position to reach a large audience.
It was already very clear during this Covid sham that a coup had taken place in the West, and that any sensible opinion was banished.
You’re deeply hurt by Russaphobia of the American people, seriously? We are a nation where transgendered men are swimming in women’s college sports, and people in cars by themselves are driving with masks on and you’re surprised by our arrogance of ignorance? Btw keep up the great work.
I observe this Western hyenas screaming about Russians and Russia and can only think how some things will never change regardless if we live in 1380, 1814, 1853, or 1941. We need to stay calm, focused, and realize that the level of their hatred is only matched by the Russia’s success in dealing the deadly blow to Banderistan. This comes from the fellow Serb who experienced the same level of pathological hatred over the centuries just for being what we really are, “the little Russians in the Balkans”.
Here in Ontario Canada – the province has stopped selling Russian Vodka in the government run liquor stores. The MSM is on full propaganda overdrive – but it feels hollow. After two years of the covid farce the presstitutes have become numb and slow to react and lazy. Nothing will ever match the gravy train that was/is covid-1984. It was just too easy.
Both here and in the US – most have know idea where Ukraine is and see all of Eastern Europe (actually all of Europe) and Russia as one big blog – somewhere over there. Unless ww3 breaks out – this distraction from the western collapse will not last.
ps – thank you Saker for all the updates.
“… full propaganda overdrive – but it feels hollow.”
Same here in Oz.
Same mgt cohort in London, btw.
Probably a few less Ukrainians to deal with in the political wood work.
Along with pictures of “Evil Putin” in the Sunday rag, there is a small “page 15” headline that says heaps in a rural state/province that has sacrificed its primary industry market to China to satisfy the hegemon south of your borders.
Next is one of the last major income streams, other than iron ore export to China (for their belt and road etc): “Wheat on war alert — China-Russia alliance spells trouble for WA farmers”.
I’ve read the paper copy at the local cafe, but no online link so far that I can find.
Now that starts to sound like tractors in front of parliament and early elections, imo.
For Canada the distraction of the Ukraine is a BIG relief from the catastrophic handling of the truckers protest by the Trudeau Government. It is the pretty much the same for governments in the other Five Eyes and NATO countries.
But the fact remains they are merely burying the deep, systemic, existential structural problems in this week’s news cycle. The problems would have grown worse by next week and they will not have any vodka to comfort themselves. Europe in any case will freeze without Russian gas, and inflation will create much unhappiness in the US.
Tomorrow, they will have to invent another covid-like circus to distract/amuse/frighten their ‘free and democratic’ citizens.
Those headlines from the Express are so hysterical, they border on ONION-style parody.
You could make up your own headlines, and they would not be much less ludicrous:
“Putin Enraged: Entire Russian Army defeated by 79-year old Valentyna Konstantynovska, armed only with a slinghot!”
“Putin Isolated: The Simpsons, Madonna, and even Tucker Carlson condemn Russian Invasion!”
“Putin Scared: Zelensky Challenges Vlad to Judo Match in the Octagon!”
“Putin, Putin, Putin: Russian Army Eating Kittens Out of Hunger and Desperation!”
Yeah, it took US 20+ something days to take Iraq, which is smaller and less armed than Ukraine, but their 3rd day was not worse than they 1st or 2nd one. In fact, it was better, the advance never stalled, and that’s the issue that we as pro-Russian commentators are pointing out. None of the US army advancing columns was seriously ambushed during the entire 3-4 weeks. What we want to see is a shock and awe campaign somehow similar to that, yet acknowledging that the players are not the same. Hopefully we don’t have to see a massive unleash of fire power in every spot of resistance to break down the Ukrainian will to fight, but hey, that might be the only option in the end.
The sounds/words you hear/read from the satanic western msm is the sound of demons screaming, through that medium, with all the lies, disinformation & misinformation. Absolute pandemonium & insanity.
Try posting, as I have, the horrors of war experienced in the Donbass not just for 3 days, but nearly eight years, & it mostly just doesn’t register, and worse, you get called all sorts of names while being factually correct – there is no need to lie or fabricate things, the reality is more than bad enough as to what has happened in the 2 independent republics.
Thank you for all of your work, Andrei.
I have been following it closely along with South Front and Moon of Alabama.
I thank also your commenters.
John Day MD, Austin Texas, USA
COVID treating physician until fired for vaccine refusal in October.
Geography and resources favor Russia in achieving the long term stated goals.
(1) Russia now controls the Black Sea south of Odessa due to the capture of Snake Island. if Russia holds Snake island as a forward missile defense base it also prevents/controls ship traffic from Ukraine ports on the Black sea as the intervening waters are Russian. Ships can still sail near shore in Romanian waters West of the island as the channel is 33 km wide. The Ukrainian Lada Srupina gas platform would thus also become Russian as it would fall within Russian waters.
(2) Russian troops are cutting off the Ukrainian troops in the LPR and DPR territory within three cauldrons. Furthermore, lines of escape of Ukrainian forces in the cauldron West of the LPR and DPR are very limited by the lack of bridges on the Dnieper river.
First, the Russian troops are rapidly moving South of Kharkiv to cut off Ukrainian troops in LDR territory. If they continue to Dnipro they can control access to the three bridges across the Dnieper river allowing only troops on foot to escape.
Second, South of Dnipro there are only two small bridges at Zaporizhhia and the newly completed large cable bridge: https://new.fox-24.com/news/239327.html . While these bridges may be blocked or disabled by Russian troops moving up from Melitoprol, these would create a death field where the Ukrainian forces would fight to the death. Consistent with the previous three cauldrons in the DPR/LPR war, a route of escape forcing the surrender of the Ukrainian troops on the contact line. Armored vehicles fleeing the contact line are subject to a turkey shoot. Those troops on foot who are good swimmers can also swim the 300-500 meters across the Dnieper river near Zaporizhhia.
Third, Russian troops are near Nikopol on the West side to the Dnieper river and may continue North to Zaporizhhia, thus further limiting the escape of Ukrainian armor and wheeled vehicles from the cauldrons.
The collective West are like the pigeon strutting across the chess board knocking over the pieces and shitting on the board. The West will continue to push a propaganda and financial capitalist war which yields short term gains. The the Russian and Belarus governments are conducting a delay loop resource war which only shows up months later.
Russia and Belarus have thus far cut off the export of coal (metallurgical). potash, and ammonium nitrate (until April 1). I would not expect to see a good cereal crop in Ukraine this fall due to fertilizer shortages beyond to fuel shortages brought on by the war. In contrast. Russia and Belarus appear to be ramping up grain production and Russia has just signed a major contract to supply grains to China. Similar deals with India may be in the works.
If the West pulls the SWIFT card then oil and gas sales to the West will be stopped resulting in Western government induced collective punishment to its own citizens. Perhaps this is what the leaders need to divert attention to the medical and psychological issues brought on my the experimental gene treatment jabs and the lockdowns, respectively. For a lot of background of on COVID issues see the Automatic Earth website. The psychologist Peter Breggin’s book covers the psychological issues of confinement well.
Looking at the big picture, the Western leaders are having trouble controlling their populations as societies confront energy and economy issues as described by Ego Bardi at the Cassandra’s legacy website and the companion resilience.org website. Perhaps, for the western elite war is the answer – damn the little citizens…
For the West, War is just a racket
Smedley Butler https://ratical.org/ratville/CAH/warisaracket.pdf
For Russia, the West presents a cultural extinction threat that most Russians fear after the WWII invasion. To understand this deep Russian feeling it would be worth watching the construction of the cathedral of the Russian armed forces to the sacrifices of WWII:
>Iron Man of Kiev taken out 75 jets in his high tech iron man suit
>Cougar of Kyiv successfully seduced 890 Russian service men and got them to switch sides and provide intel to Ukraine MoD
>Ghost of Kyiv taken out almost 300 russian planes
>Ukrainian Reaper personally executed 450 Russian dogs including entire elite spetznaz units
>Ukraine air defense BTFOs 150 russian planes over the black sea and in Ukraine proper
>columns of russian hardware for miles and miles sit destroyed, estimated losses: 780 tanks, 250 APCs, 375 towed artillery among others
>Odessa Ass Bandit rapes over 80 russian military men and POWs
>Russian service members fleeing like crazy and joining Ukraine side
>Britain is delivering high tech weapons and ammunition
>Zelensky personally on the ground, fighting with his soldiers on the front lines to boost morale
>Entire Russian government crippled by sanctions, even China distancing themselves from Putler
>Russia hit the wrong AA sites, so they cant even achieve air superiority
>hundreds of russian artillery captured intact by Ukrainians
>twitter and facebook now blocking Russians from making accounts
>Russian access to porn site pornhub BLOCKED
>Russian news agency TASS reports and then immediately deletes news that over 60,000 russian troops died during the invasion already
>Somalia imposes sanctions and BANS russians citizens from entering
The western mind has literally become a Gordian knot. It cannot be undone. That which comes next is inevitable and will happen at some point. I completely agree, it is painful to watch or even more so to directly experience all of this. The good part is that a lot of us from both zone A and surely zone B understand what is going on. At some point it will matter. I certainly hope so.
“So, please don’t bother asking me whether it is true or not that 3 courageous Ukie grannies stopped and destroyed an entire column of Russian tanks.”
LOL Nice one. Love it.
I’ve been reading your blog for a while now from Mexico, this is my first comment: What a fresh relief from all the Western lies and propaganda we get bombed with every day!
I’m too as disgusted and disappointed as you by the West’s hate on all the usual bad guys (Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, etc…), Reddit and Twitter are insufferable in their historical illiteracy and blind hate! I can’t believe people that can supposedly think keep falling for all US lies.
For those interested, give “The United States of War: A Global History of America’s Endless Conflicts, from Columbus to the Islamic State” by Professor of Anthropology David Vine a read, it’s eye-opening for anyone lacking in history (I can help “locating” the book if you can’t get it).
So, my best regards from here!
Supposed to be the Azov batallion taking people out of the car and executing them:
Here is another strange video: Ukrainians execute a TV crew.
The people passing by in car and filming assume they are “Chechens” because they see them being executed. But they could not know and did not see the TV markings on the car.
P.S. – Here is the original version of the Mariupol execution video.
Western nations agree to disconnect Russian banks from SWIFT
I’ve been reading the comment threads on the CBC website. It’s all true. Judging by the comments you’d think the Ukrainian military had staved off certain defeat with a pocket knife and a pack of matches. Brave grannies, men with stern countenances turning back from the border, bidding adieu to wives and children to take on the Russians, bound for glory with God and right on their side. Utterly fanciful thinking of sending NATO troops in, getting Poland to invade Belarus to bring the Russians to heel, assassination squads to kill Putin, fomenting an uprising of the Russian people against their government. The mind boggles. Trying to talk sense to them gets you accused of being a paid troll, or a Russian spy. Still, there are a few of us there, talking into the wind. It’s pretty hopeless and sad though. 70 years of propaganda has worked its magic. I used to wonder how countries could blunder into something as stupid as WWI, but it really seems people are just that gullible. Sad for the Ukrainian people, but they are being offered up as a sacrifice, a pretext to inflict all of the sanctions and restrictions the Wset wanted to but couldn’t justify, until now.
FYI: Anyone, publicly supporting or accepting the actions of the Russian Federation or praising of the leaders of Russian Federation, can be sentenced to up to three years’ imprisonment unconditionally. From the official press release of the Supreme Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Czech Republic. February 26, 2022
Dear Andrei
Personally I’m not being “silent” but it’s hard to talk while holding your breath waiting.
Putin needs to win this quickly or the initiative will be lost because this looks like WWI all-over again, anglofiles are trying to destroy any chance of closer economic or otherwise relations between Russia and Germany/EU perhaps by luring EU/Nato into the Ukie conflict.
If US succeed in driving a wedge between Russia/Russian energy and the EU the EU will be crippled and likely the European people will find themselves being manipulated into conflict to find energy elsewhere ie Iran, ME. This I have always believed to be the goal, although for obvious reasons Ukraine has its own strategic opportunities.
A Muslim and Christian alliance is the only thing that can stand in the way of the globalist/Anglozionist alliance now. The Ukraine conflict will only serve to shape how and perhaps when that happens.
Hi Andrei,
Not everyone in the West hates the Russians. I don’t and my father was at the Battle of Kursk on the other side, and I don’t hate you or Russians in general.
A lot of Westerners just believe everything they are told without question. I’m sorry that the Russian people are the victims of this hatred, but people who are educated know full well that it’s unjustified.
They say there is American support personal among the troops in the Ukraine, they probably didnt believe they were going to be surrounded.
Should they perish, no better news cycle than the Russians are weak and getting weaker by the day, as they slip the dead under the rug of diplomacy.
Enormous sympathy and support from the US. Not all of us hate Russia.
Please ask everyone to help with the bot war. If a handful of us downvote the lies and upvote the truth, we can counter the spin. No need to write anything. Just vote.
Strategy of encircling and waiting out the Ukies definitely would be ideal.
Anonymous caches of weapons in major cities is disgusting ploy by the West. Uknonazi’s roaming and terrorizing the country is gut wrenching.
“We will absolutely raise our glasses to them, absolutely. But we will do it later. Later…That’s why I propose to grab a bite of food now and go back to work.” -Putin ’99
Praying for swift liberation.
Dear Saker,
Please do not lose heart, I am from the so called west, I have been disgusted with it since I was a child. Plus, you shouldn’t judge westerners so harshly, remember they are the same imbeciles who have been locked in their houses for 2 years over a “very bad flu”. You are not dealing with a rational people.
Of note, my mother did her history thesis interviewing pilots from the war (WW2), she ended up coming to the same conclusion that they had, that for all intents and purposes the axis won the war in western Europe. So, I am not at all surprised to see “western Europe” and the US backing the Nazi’s. It’s their own ideology after all.
I think to a large extent Russia represents the last hope for the world. Though being paranoid I do wonder how long before the NZ SIS show up at my door for saying such. Thank you for being one of the only rational voices out there.
My biggest puzzlement is why so little initial air bombing from Russia.
The US spends weeks bombing Iraq before they moved in.
Russia is not the US. And for good reason.
If you’d been reading any of the Saker’s articles, he says multiple times the Russians are restricting use of force in order to limit civilian casualties and even casualties amongst regular Ukrainian army personnel as much as humanly possible. Russia understands this comes at the cost of the lives of their own soldiers but is willing to make this sacrifice.
Russia isn’t staying long term. They want the Ukrainian army to be able to police the country after they leave. This is not going to be a 20 year long Iraq style occupation.
Lots of us out here support Russia’s move, but I suspect most are intimidated by the bipartisan anti-Russia “consensus.” That will change when Putin’s wins become undeniable.
I love your perspective. I don’t watch the presstitude media. I was asked my family about my thoughts for the Russia, and they appalled what I have said based on your perspective. They all spew hatred of Russia because of the presstitude media’s menticide. I just had enough talking to everyone is sheeple, braindead (cannot think for themselves and like to groupthink), and brainwashed. Please keep up the news update for all Andrei. The only thing will end is that Russia has to ignore all smear accusation and propaganda. It would be a good idea for Russia to put all sanctions on the West and forget about them. The future is the East. I still believe Ukraine is vital real estate linking the rest of the slavic people (even though it is worthless for Russia for now and you do not want the country back). Peace.
“All of Zone A is declaring its total, unwavering and categorical support with, and sympathy for, the Ukronazi mass murderers. Even western Jews rather side with the Banderites than to just leave Russia alone. So tonight, I can honestly say: my disgust with the West knows no limit”
I think that the phenomenon you describe boils down to a very hard reality to them: The survival of Russia as an independent, non-overindebted country represents a threat to the survival of the FIRE economic system from which many westerners make a living. They consider that the Russian natural resources and their most valuable industrial output should address the FIRE economies’ survival first and foremost.
Most supporters of the Western socio-economic system venerate above all their assets and savings, which are invested and nominated in USD. Anything that undermines that system, particularly the USD as its backbone, be it a competing capitalist system based on other values or currencies or a more robust and sustainable one, provokes their hatred to the highest levels.
That explains what would appear absurd at first sight, that Jews and Banderites agree on a common enemy, someone that elicits more hatred than each against the other.
That also explains why the whole west, both from hawkish and moderate sides or countries, display the same trend to disinform and bash anything related to “Russki”.
Back in 2014, when the nazis first sent tanks into the east, there was a video of a granny with a shopping bag chasing off a Kiev tank on a city street. I guess that was before they had orders to gun down civilians.
Your daily commentaries that deal more with facts than fiction are like the sun breaking through the clouds. Please keep it up and I am not one of those who dislike Russia and I applaud Russia for defending her interests and getting rid of a Nazi-led Ukraine – strange how the rest of the world including the UK wants to support a Nazi governed country.
Keep up your good work
There are many voices out there trying to counter the horrific western propaganda lies.We are being moderated,blocked and threatened.The point is if they win then one day they will lose and it could be quite soon.
As a Canadian I am totally disgusted with my government as well. It’s passing strange that I am hoping for a massive “paradigm-shift” over here out of this Russian initiative in the Ukraine, but I do. And my hopes are high.
And please know there are a myriad of informed individuals over here who reject MSM. We may not personally admire Putin, but we understand Russian history and why, finally after yards of patience, they are done with neo-nazis and US proxy provocateurs on their borders and are saying “Enough!”
The 1st tank Army is set to go hell for leather south to link up with their comrades advancing north from the Crimea and currently east of Zaporozhe. A new “Operation Koltso” is in the offing, hurrah!