I warned my readers but alas, many ignored my warning.
So all day I was flooded with stupid questions asking me to respond to western PSYOP fakes. And I have to admit, this time they pulled all their forces together: western ziomedia, Eurorodent media, the “worldwide solidarity campaign”, vodka being pulled out from US stores, etc. etc. etc. The example below was taken today from one British website, I just put the three headlines together, see for yourself what they proclaim:
I have to admit that the Russian Atlantic Integrationists, the 5th columnists and the 6th columnist are also out in force. Oh sure, only a few hundred people here and there, but the main goal of their demonstrations were achieved: the western PSYOPs will now tell you that most Russians are totally opposed to this military operation or even to Putin. Self-declared members of the supposed “intelligentsia” have joined forces and are posting open letters of protest in the Russia media. Bravo! You chose a crucial moment to make your move and the Russian people won’t forget or forgive you for this. I expect a wave of “political emigration” from Russia towards the EU to begin pretty soon. Good! The Kremlin should pay for their airline tickets and moving costs if they are willing to surrender their Russian passport before take-off.
But what do *I* do now???
I have two options:
- Debunk all of this until I drop dead from exhaustion
- Ask you to wait another 24-26 hours and revisit it all
As you can guess, I pick option #2.
So, please don’t bother asking me whether it is true or not that 3 courageous Ukie grannies stopped and destroyed an entire column of Russian tanks. If you ask the question, you disqualify yourself from getting an reply from me.
Next, here is how things more or less stand:
Not much new here from this morning. Let me rephrase that – there are plenty of developments, but not major changes to the map. The one exception if that the LDNR forces and the Russian forces from Crimea have joined just north of Mariupol. The city will be stormed and it will be very violent as Mariupol is to the hardcore Ukronazis what the Donetsk airport was in the first and second wars.
The other big news is that heavy Russian systems (MLRS, TOS-1) have been seen in numerous locations, they might be used to prevent an escape of Ukie forces from the operational cauldron in the Donbass.
In the meantime, the glorious French Navy has intercepted a Russian flagged cargo ship with cars destined for Saint Petersburg under the pretext that the bank owning it was under “sanctions” (reminder: only the UNSC can impose sanctions, all others only steal). This act of piracy on the high seas got an enthusiastic support from the western PSYOPs (see here and here).
As for our Ukie friends, they have mostly evacuated to Lvov and declare that they will negotiate with Russia “from a position of force”. Like NATO. And the EU. And the US.
Good luck with that!
I have to add that I am personally deeply hurt and offended by the “russophobic consensus” in the West. I always knew that there was a hardcore of Russia-haters out there, but I also thought that there was a generally pro-Russian part of the public out there too. Today their silence is deafening. The poet Yehuda Bower once wrote these lines:
Thou shalt not be a victim.
Thou shalt not be a perpetrator.
And above all,
Thou shalt not be a bystander.
For me, this is about modern Europe who prefers to glorify Nazis then to stop hating Russians for our two major sins: first, that we exist, and, second, that we live on your natural resources. Either that, or we are dealing with a cold-hearted indifference of a society which has no other values left than rabid consumption and hatred of the other.
Clearly, the vast majority of people in the West see us, Russians, as Snow Niggers who had the nerve to burn down their Master’s plantation and who now deserve to be lynched by “a few resolute men”.
To all those who hate us, and many of them read this blog, I have this to say: your hatred and hypocrisy say nothing about us, but they do say a lot about you: You even hate us more than you (pretended) to hate the Nazis.
All of Zone A is declaring its total, unwavering and categorical support with, and sympathy for, the Ukronazi mass murderers. Even western Jews rather side with the Banderites than to just leave Russia alone. So tonight, I can honestly say: my disgust with the West knows no limits.
Which leaves one big question: Kiev. One Ukrainian observer, Iurii Podoliaka, whose map I use above, thinks that the Russians might storm the city and establish some kind of provisional Ukrainian government over there. Frankly, he might be right, but I don’t like it. Not even one tiny bit.
I would much prefer if Russian forces stayed just outside the cities they blocked/surrounded. Let the Ukies simply stew in their urban areas for, say, a week. THEN see what your options are. All the doubleplusgoodthinking virtue signaling hypocrites always shed crocodile tears for the “innocent civilians” almost every time a war breaks out. Unless the civilians are Russians or Serbs or Iraqis (‘bad guys”), of course. But in this case, I think that in this specific case the Russians should go out of their way to minimize casualties on ALL sides, including the Ukrainian one. Here is why:
The Ukro-Nazis have basically recreated Hitler’s Volkssturm and distributed all the weapons they had to anybody willing to grab one. Which means this: in the very near future, the Ukronazi version of the Rwandan Interahamwe will soon be roaming the country. Far from looking like Somalia or Yemen, Banderastan will soon look like some particularly dangerous part of the Congo.
And, I want the Ukrainian people to clean house, not the Russians, sorry.
I do not want my country involved in Banderastan, not economically, not politically, not socially. While I TOTALLY approve of the double-goal of disarmament and denazification, I do very much hope that the Russians will kill most Nazis and destroy those weapons systems and capabilities which threaten Russia. But no more than that!
I am very sorry, but the Ukies created this ugly and bloody mess, and its for them to clean it. We owe them exactly *nothing*.
It is therefore NOT in Russia’s interest to kill or even disarm all of the Ukrainian law enforcement or even the military. And if that means to slow down to talk first, I hope that they do it.
To give you a taste of the current chaos, I leave you with a screenshot of an announcement made in a major Ukie rail-station (which I shall not identify). Check this out, along with my translation:

The Ukro Volkssturm in action :-)
Please disseminate the following amongst your contacts. N Rashist-saboteurs (Note: “rashist”: slur on Russian) have disguised themselves in Ukrainian police uniforms. They understand Ukrainian but they can be recognized because they wear an ear-piece!!!!!!! So if you see a cop with an ear-piece he is not a Ukrainian policeman. Be super careful or simply shoot them on sight.
Cute, no?
And, predictably, there are numerous reports from surrounded and even from partially occupied cities that heavily armed gangs are shooting it out with each other.
Yesterday, a Ukie Volkssturm group even attacked an SBU (Ukie KGB) and disarmed them (thanks guys, that helped Russia for sure!).
Want another crazy event?
“Ze” announced that 80 Ukrainian special forces members died defending a small island from a Russian assault. According to “Ze” – they all died heroically. Problem: in reality, they surrendered to the Russians, were evacuated, processed, fed (water and MREs) and house in dorms until their evacuation back home.
But who cares about the truth?
In a Zone A turned “massive orgy for shiteaters” where the truth does simply not matter, not even conceptually!
Each lie is “fired” in lieu of a missile or a shell, as the Anglos say “all is fair in love and war”.
Nothing really new here, Russians have been exposed to that since the Winter Crusade times.
Anyway, I will end with a few requests which I REALLY would appreciate you respected: please,
- Stop asking me to debunk western or Ukie sources
- Stop posting link to the Zone A media, corporate or social, in the comments section
- If you “feel sorry but…” or “have your doubts about…”, then please keep them for yourself for at least the next 24 hours (36 would be better)
- And if you have any love, care or respect for your own brain and neurons, STOP listening to the Zone A media. Be kind to yourself, or prepare to look stupid once you open your mouth.
Okay, I am taking off for the evening.
“See” you all tomorrow late morning with, hopefully, less “fog of war” and more real news.
PS: try to remember that this is only day 3 of the war, even the comparatively small 08.08.08 war lasted 5 days (including only three of real combat). This one should take a week or so, depending on the objectives of the Kremlin (which I am still not quite sure about).
Putin needs to also tell his troops to not fire at or near UKN civilians or their houses if possible as that aspect may be a PR problem.
Some situation where rebel forces are using them for cover may be impossible but such orders must be put out also a press release.
Merci de vos éclairages, cher Saker. Vous pensez que de nombreux Occidentaux sont contre la Russie, mais sachez que quelques-uns (dont moi) savent parfaitement ce qu’il en est, et vous soutiennent, vous et tous vos compatriotes russes, ainsi que monsieur Poutine.
Dear Andrei, from Brasil my deepest and warmest hugs to you and all Russian people.
As always, Russia is defending civilization and humanity, this time eradicating this monstrous
Jewish ukronazi regime. Next July I pretend to go to Moscow, San Petersburg, and Volgograd to rest flowers to demonstrate my profound respect to all Russian people that sacrificed their lives to protect the world throughout history. I am sure I’m not the only one in Brasil that feels this way. All my friends are very impressed by the way the Russian military is doing everything possible to protect Ukrainian lives. The difference with the habitual massacres perpetrated by the west imperialists is astonishing.
I have total confidence in Mr. Putin’s capacity to lead the effort to liberate Ucrania in the best way possible.
Please, accept my gratitude to all Russians that understand e support this momentous task, particularly
the Russian military and their families. Thank you very much for everything!
Maria Luiza Costa, a Brazilian human being.
I think it’s time for us to unite locally. Probably sooner or later a certain operational stance must be taken. I’m from the north-eastern part of Italy, and I would like to get in contact with like-minders in the territory. I already wrote this type of comment, but it seems it got unnoticed. I ask both readers and The Saker to suggest ways to facilitate such “encounter”, and to possibly clear the field from the comprehensible initial diffidence a request like this might trigger, in order to assess and protect the privacy issues this might involve. Thanks.
Hello Andrea,
North-western Italy here. I agree completely.
Assalaamu alaykum w w. I am from Stockholm Sweden. Whenever I meet Russians here I tell them I love the Russian president. He does what he has to do. May God almighty bless him and Russia🤲
I’m not surprised or depressed by the propaganda and brainwashing drivel coming out of the MSM, after all that’s what it’s there for. Why would you expect anything else?
The sad reality is that a lot of people are trapped/hypnotised in a web of lies and don’t realise that pretty much everything they read/watch and believe about the world is false.
If you’re a reader here, you’re probably one of the ‘awake’. The estimates vary, but maybe 15% of the population is in the awake state. I’m not sure, but I (like to) believe that you can attribute some degree of spiritual progression with being awake.
Everyone is on their own spiritual path, so the brainwashed are like that for a reason beyond my ken.
I’d also like to think that Russia is a force for good and they’re not just part of the rotating, global, good cop/bad cop show. Certainly the moral decay in the West has clearly accelerated in the last few years and Russia appears to be a bastion of sanity. Again this moral decay is part of a deliberate plan.
The doc “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars” blew my mind when I came across it: https://ufile.io/czehi3pb and goes a long way to explaining the state of the world.
BTW I read that Putin kicked the Rothschilds out of Russia – I hope that’s true.
Andrei, you seem to be yourself intoxicated by the media of the A zone. Many people here (in Belgium for myself) dont understand the constent extension of nato, and think it is totally illigitimate. Some are pro Russian. But the people are also afra?When you have In Mind the prophecy of alois irlmaier as me, you ask yourself how Many days you have to live. And I support Russia!
The problem is that the anglo have à total control of the media, of the EU, the governments. It’s a real nightmare, it’s the total intoxication. But even that, many of the people dont agree with the propaganda.
Dear Saker,
I think you should be more prudent when you write about a “russophobic consensus”. At least it’s very uneasy to find out what’s the real feeling in the French population about Russia, because media have taken all the speech over. But a large part of the population deeply hate Macron and his clique, and it’s the lesser reason for them to sympathise with Russians.
In France, on the internet, there are many French voices who speak in favour of the Russian policy, not just the Saker francophone!
I admit that in the political circles it’s rather different because of the presidential campaign. But at least three candidates backed Poutine when he recognised the republics of the Donbas, but they condemned the attack.
I’m sorry, I am not a good English speaker.
Instead of “prudent”, I would have written “cautious”, I think.
Great regards.
Dear Andrei, i follow your blog since Years. I love your analysis, your point of view about the World, the insights you give about geopolitics. You helped me a lot to decided what was going on in the past years. You are not the only illuminate person, luckily. There are more. The problem is that the Western PsyOp propaganda is so heavy, so massive, that the people that think otherwise in the West are like islands in an ocean, always in danger of being swallowed by the waters.
Coming from Italy and Germany, I can see what is going on in both countries. And with a little of joy I saw from comments (a lot) and from journalists (scarce but courageous) that many italians know what is going on and despise the role of Europe in this crysis. Sadly, the media is always in the hands of those few that decide what our thoughts should be.
In Germany the situation is bad. Like, really bad. There is little to no critic thought, they all cry “poor Ukraine bad Putin”. They know nothing of what is going on. They are blind to the past and ignorant about the present. I try to stress with my friends that one of the points of no return was Scholz phrase about genocide. We have ignorant politicians and media, they all act like expensive whores. Nothing more, nothing less. I fear that the political leadership of Europe is driving the countries into hell and destruction. Not from a war but from slow decay into barbarism.
But, my friend (the enemy of my enemy… ) , I can’t help but wonder a little about you being naive about Europeans. Maybe because you didn’t live here in the past years and didn’t watch impotent how covid narrative was brought onto us. But you shall not forget, the Western PsyOp work incredibly well. The intelligentia in Europe is nonexistant. It is full of hysterical, delusional, crying little kids. It’s not fun at all.
I should go to Moscow next week with university, long planned language course. All my costudents refuse to go cause bad Putin. The academic committee in Germany canceled funds and official voyages. Our course professor told us she will not go to Russia, but we can do so, even if private (the Moscow university still hold the course, no matter what). So, almost alone, I will come to Russia. With pleasure. In what I think is one of the last free bastions on earth. Don’t worry, andrei. Europe may be dark. But lights are always shining.
P. S. With the words of the elves in LoTR… He betrayed us in the past, but we will never again listen to his lies.
I have been showing for ages my deeply disgust for the ANZ imperialism or the West geopolitics, and sharing intelligent analysis and official documents which leave no doubt of the EU being a colony of the US (their masters from big capital, big tech, big pharma) from the very beginning. To no avail. Even many acquaintances I deemed intelligent absorb media propaganda at cruise speed out of laziness.
This has escalated this week to the point of people severing ties as I must be some kind of deluded fanatic (not having tv and not speaking about netflix makes it worse apparently) who endorses « evil Russian communist expansion and far-right dictator Putin » [?!?!]. Well, fuck them. I will not waste time with parroting vegetables anymore.
Of course what The Saker writes hear is completely true. However, it would go a long way to under-cutting false claims if the Russian Army would be pleased to Get On With The Job.
Instead of lollygagging about. As seems to be the case.
Moje viđenje je da Rusi žele da izbegnu civilne žrtve što je više moguće. Borbe u gradovima su veome teške. Za razliku od Amerikanaca, Rusi imaju moral i humanost da izbegnu nevine žrtve.
Naravno, humanost je vrlo veliki hendikep u bilo kom ratu. S obzirom da će zapad svakako demonizovati Rusiju ma šta god ona uradila, ne vidim razlog da se Rusi uzdržavaju.
Izvinjavam se, ne želim više da pišem na engleskom. Taj jezik mi se smučio.
Русија побеђује баш због свог стрпљења и своје хуманости. Јесте страшна жртва, али није бесмислена, чак и ако Запад стално лаже и све цинично изврће. Тај витешки морал је стуб на који ће се будуће Руске генерације ослањати. Запад нема поштења, нема културу љубави ни у браку ни у породици а камоли према суседу, нема среће, и наравно, нема будућност.
Тридесет година већ патимо од истих душмана. Победићемо, а успут нећемо постати налик на њих.
I don’t normally comment on anything much, but I have to say, there is no anti Russian consensus outside of the parasite class here in the UK.
Our ‘leaders’ are an occupation government able to take power with as little as 32% of those who bother to vote. They can find 400 Billion for Covid measures that were largely useless, but cannot house the homeless. They have more people in prison than they have frontline soldiers. They persecute Julian Assange. They have helped the US to murder Millions of people in their wars of aggression. They Knight Tony Blair. Their defence minister who is too fat to leap from his chair uses the famously disastrous Crimean war, charge of the Light Brigadeincluded I presume, as an example of ‘kicking Russian butt’. They still occupy Northern Ireland. They block any English language news site that tries to tell the other side of the story. They pretend that President Putin has millions in British banks. Remember though, that this is their priorities. not ours, and they never ask us once they have power, and they lie to us to get that power. The media is controlled by them, and they mercilessly persecute anyone with influence who breaks ranks. I am so low down the totem pole they don’t care what I say, but anyone with influence must toe the line or be ostracized. Its all for a pay cheque. They are not sincere. They care not a fig for Ukraine, any more than they care for their own people. Its a charade, as a close scrutiny of the exceptions to sanctions will show. (Oil and Gas payments anyone?)
No. Their opposition to Russia is a necessary fiction, except where it is rooted in the disappointment of being prevented from looting Russia by President Putin and his most able colleagues.
We do not hate Russians. We do not hate Putin. We are, as your leader stated, under the thumb of persons who wish to recreate the Soviet Union in Western Europe. I am not saying it is not our fault. As Solzhenitsyn pointed out in the GA, we could have risen up at any time and stopped it, but we did not, and for that, we will pay the price that all cowardice brings with it. A thousand little deaths, but not the solace of meaningful life.
I remember seeing the first shelling of Donbass, and the videos of the young women and their children blown to pieces on a suburban street, and could not comprehend how any government could do that. It is the same as if we bombed Glasgow to bring the Scottish Nationalists to heel. As the Grandson of a founding member of the IRB, (Irish Republican Brotherhood),a distinction I share with the head of MI5 oddly enough, I am fully aware of what it takes to be free. For the full term of my Grandfather’s life, he and his fellow rebels, including my Grandmother, had a hatred and distrust of the British government that was only equaled by the hatred the British establishment has for them.
There are pains when a new world is born, and we will all share them together, but be assured, our government is, we know, a sham, a shame, and an embarrassment. The invasion of Ukraine had to happen, as the people of Donbass had suffered more than enough. It is a noble war, fought by a noble people, and they will prevail. Zelensky and his war criminal government will fall. The West will be humbled. And one day, the truth will be known. Harden your will. Stick the course, but do not think we hate you. We are merely misled, misguided and misinformed. I love my people, and my country, but we are ill, and the sickness starts at the top.
All the best to you. Long live Russia, Long live England.
I am from Romania, I just discovered your site and its a breath of fresh air in contrast with all the anti-russian propaganda going on……all around Europe basically.
Franckly, this again confirms the ,,slave” mentality of my people, ready to take refugees and die for a nation that 1 month ago declared officialy by ,,Ze” that WE stole territories from them. Let’s not forget that from the past 10 years there has been an ethnic clensing in Ukraine agains romanian population, second largest minority beside russians.
But who cares, the slave of the west menttality is strong in Romania, unfortunately. Nobody cares that EU, Nato and the west left literally no other option for Putin. The first ones that ignored the international treaties were Nato and Eu, not the russians, but who care. Russia bad.
Franckly, I would like more if you could write more about what is realy happening (even if the texts will be much shorter) and what are your thoughts on the assault of Kiev? Don’t you think that the more it take to conquer the capital, the worst it gets for president Putin? How long do you estimate it will take for Kiev to fall and why hasn’t it fallen already? I am aware that if Russia wants it can take it in literally in a day but that would mean a lot of civilian casualties and a distroyed city. Looking forward to your thoughts. Please keep the articles comming.
Dear Saker,
If you are disgusted with the west imagine how westerners who know what is going on actually feel.
Its incredibly demoralising to watch.
interesting speculation about maybe the plan of Russian army now
https://aftershock.news/?q=node/1069983 (in Russian)
The guy is somewhat shady but he was making rather good tactical prediction about Azerbaijan vs Artsakh/Karabakh war
For you Andrei,
I just communicated the following to my family;
The hyperbole of European and American media is very disturbing to me. They (we) provoked this intervention by Russia, so they (we) knew what would be coming. So, there will be a next step. I don’t believe they are trying to give Russia their own Vietnam as some are forecasting.
The logical next stage is a false flag attack by the west on itself which can be blamed on Russia…..if war is what they are after.
I think you should know what Pres. Putin has sworn to his people…..That a war would never again be fought on Russian soil…..and that if it became an inevitability, he would strike first…….and that those who would be targeted would include the decision makers of any attack.
This is biblical stuff you know. This is good v evil on the world stage. This is Christ v the devil. The Christian God v the Jewish God.
You may need to be ready for what may be coming.
Please don’t blame Russia if it happens. They are fighting a war while trying not to kill anybody. It is a holy war.
I think that Russia is the last beacon of hope for what is left of the Christian world. Long live Mr Putin.
As for the west, I live in the west and I share your disgust. Maybe I am more disgusted, because I have to face their lies every day.
However, the idea of putting a provisional government is good. Particularly if the new prime minister is someone widely respected, maybe a military commander. Also, from a legal standpoint, the new government can order the ukrainian troops to surrender ( or take arms against the banderites ). A lot of soldiers are tired, are trained to obey orders from the authority, so at least part of the army would turn against the banderites.
And the current chaos in Kiev could be a great cover for russian spetsnaz operations. Preferably soldiers without russian uniforms!!
I wonder if the chechens could be a good choice for such an operation.
Hey Andrei, I sympathize with your hurt, I feel the same every time I give my opinion to friends and family. All I hear is the same crap stemming from the propaganda that is in full force in the Danish media. Even the kids at my children’s school got frightened about WWIII having started. I kept reassuring them that this is nonsense and that Russia will liberate the Ukraine from bad people. At least my own kids believe me. But really, it is sad to see the damage of all these years of Russia-bashing, from the mouths of your closed ones. The West will go down in infamy forever.
May truth, justice and peace triumph over evil.
Czech Republic: all alternative sites shut down. 3 years in prison for supporting “Russian aggression”. First people have already been arrested. For me, Russians are our brothers. And I can go to prison for this claim now.
notice the wording
the attorney said ” *might* get punished” instead of ” *will* be punished accoring to articly XXX of YYY Codex”
i believe (hope?) at the moment it is just fearmongering, an attempt to scare commonners into self-censoring, chilling effect
Three contradictions in Russia’s action. I am surprised at how obvious they are even to an amateur observer such as myself. I hope that Russia will correct the situation in the days to come.
“I wonder if the Kremlin understands that it has to deal with psychopaths, not soldiers. The Kremlin must end the situation quickly, but the Nazi militias can prolong the conflict as long as the Kremlin is committed to minimising civilian casualties.”
“Russia is in trouble because it always imposes limits on its use of power. It only works if your opponents have the same mentality. Unfortunately, Russia’s opponents do not. We see the same Russian reluctance to act in its response to the latest round of sanctions. True, the sanctions appear to be more damaging to Europe and the US than to Russia. But the humiliation remains in a powerful country accepting sanctions from two-bit punk countries that it could completely destroy in two minutes. ”
“So despite its military dominance, Russia’s position is weak. And it is further weakened by Putin’s commitment to globalism. Here is a surprising inconsistency in Putin’s position. He is committed to Russia’s sovereignty, but the sovereignty of countries is not consistent with globalism. Putin may have one or the other but not both. I suspect that if the West is able to bring Russia down, it will be because of Russia’s commitment to globalism.”
Yes. Like you I am appalled by the lack of western insight Ito its own hypocrisy. Truly sickening, knee-jerk jingoism all over. I’m not however, surprised.
be well Andrei and thank you for all your hard work!
I too am beyond disgusted by the West….even my own son believes their fake crap which made me very sad…
we got your back my friend…
Don’t be so filled with grudge over imagined anti Russian sentiments Andrei. I do not see it that way. Many people in the West actually think they are pro Russia, although that means as little as them thinking of being anti Russia, the way I see it. The truth about people is that the overwhelming vast majority are sheeple. And they do no care about truth. They only want to graze in the meadow, and maintain their illusions about themselves, and about life in general, for as far as they even have an illusion about all that.
The best thing for us to do, is to turn inwards, not outwards so much. It makes us reactive, and thus part of them that we react against. One cannot be without the other. Let’s find the righteous path in us.
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim. An individual in a crowd is a grain of sand amid other grains of sand, which the wind stirs up at will.” ― Gustave Le Bon
“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.” ― Buddha
Thank you for your information. I would like you to know that it is very easy to change the viewpoint on the people has been contaminated by the mainstream media. One by one. Again thank you.
I live in Ireland and I’m with you and understand why this must be done. You never stand alone
“I have to add that I am personally deeply hurt and offended by the “russophobic consensus” in the West. I always knew that there was a hardcore of Russia-haters out there, but I also thought that there was a generally pro-Russian part of the public out there too. Today their silence is deafening…”
Saker, Saker, Saker – you of all people should understand that the Western media is the controlled propaganda organ of the State and the Empire.
Why in the world would you look to the media to gauge the sentiment of the common folk across the Western world?
We mostly ignore it ourselves. Those who still lap up the media whores’ lies can’t be helped, they’re in a state of deep sleep – but FWIW those are in the minority. In case you haven’t noticed, we don’t get to speak our mind in Western “democracies”. In case you haven’t noticed, the West is owned lock, stock and barrel by psycopathic Globalists. Look at Australia, New Zealand, and especially Canada if you doubt this.
If you want to get an idea of intelligent folks’ view on things, try [ anrnews.com ] or [ armstrongeconomics.com ] or [ infowars.com ] or [ naturalnews.com ] or any of a myriad of other alternative news sources that don’t feed off the Globalist teat.
TBH most ordinary people in the Western world have rather more pressing existential issues to deal with right now than Russia’s long-overdue liberation of Ukraine from an Empire-sponsored Nazi dictatorship. Again, the example of Canada comes to mind.
All power to Russia – hopefully she will get the job done quickly and with a minimum of fuss. If things get out of hand, that will be bad. So hopefully things won’t get out of hand.
dear Andrei,
do not make a bundle of every grass,
i am a westerner, but i understand russia’s intentions well and it seems to me that all reasons are on its side
a big hug and thanks for your efforts to explain the events
At 16:10, Putin gave orders for the military to assume a more attack-like posture – based on the west’s aggressive actions, not just economic, but also military (i.e., shipping arms).
I understand your disgust and frustration at being asked if this or that anglozioukie propaganda lie is true, but Russia and all its supporters around the world must strive to debunk, ridicule and annihilate that propaganda.
It is not an easy job when RT is under attack (not accessible to me unless I “spot the difference” between photos showing buses `ands certify I am not a robot and even then I can only see the headlines and when I click on one I am sent back to the capcha… Your own site is under attack.
Make your work easier, save your energy by setting up a running column Lies of the Day where you post no comments, just paste in the lie du jour and let readers research and debunk it.
PS I will support the independence and sovereignty of Ukraine as soon as it (a) officially recognizes the will of the people in Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk; (b) returns the lands that belong to Romania, Hungary and Poland and (c) pledges to demilitarize for ever.
Dear Saker:
However understandable, your rant against european peoples -or at least some of them- is somewhat unfair.
I have never seen a propaganda barrage/mass manipulation operation as the one I am seeing now in my domestic msm tv channels and press.
For the people who must work from dawn til noon, in order to have food in the table, it is not easy to overcome that operation, because they have no time to check for lies and, above all, have lived all their lives immerged in the sistem that feeds those lies; so, what they see is russian “war crimes” being shown them 24/7, and they believe it;
But even so, you would be surprised by the number of comments, in domestic online media, that show that a substancial part of the population doesn´t fall for the lies and has the courage to say it.
And even in oneself’s friends circles, it is a big battle to defend waht we believe to be the truth. Believe me, I know what I am talking about.
More so that the western governments are already in war footage, or so it seems, and it becomes dangerous to express dissident opinions.
I also believe that war has already started, so it is too late (or too soon) for internal political discussion about its roots.
But, Saker, my ultimate question is: even if I agree with you in all you defend, I will NEVER betray my Country, even if it puts itself in the wrong side of the fence in case of war. It is not what I am and it is not what I will do, so probably, however just I believe your cause to be, I will die sooner than later if war arrives at my doorstep.
So, please dont put in question the honor of so many, here in the west, that dont deserve that.
Your’s truly
Thanks Andrei. It’s quite amusing observing Republican publicity web sites, who only a week ago declared every syllable published by MSM a heinous lie, now breathlessly repeating MSM headlines about the failures of the Russian military. And pics of Zelensky in battle gear.
“…take a week or so, depending on the objectives of the Kremlin (which I am still not quite sure about).”
If I recall correctly, Putin is on video saying that if there is war, Ukraine will cease to be a state. While it is true that Russia does not need, nor does it seek, even more land (much of it still underdeveloped), this declaration means that Putin is not averse to the idea of Ukraine being part of Russia. It means even that he likes the idea, or he would not say that. Furthermore, “…not be a state” means “it’ll be part of Russia” too (there’s no other meaning). It is clear from later declarations that he, personally, loves Ukraine as part of a historical Russia, and that he loves Ukranians, too, as brothers or family. His government is talking about some referendum already (Putin and Lovrov as far as I know). They will not force Ukraine to be part of Russia: Ukranians will probably have the choice of going on without Crimea and now two more other rich lands, and some level of Russian intervention to ensure its stated goals, or to join Russia and be more prosperous, with many special accommodations (even whatever accommodations they want?). It’s more than denazification and disarmament. More precisely, its denazification and disarmament because of a very different future for Ukraine. The two Russian proposals (to the U.S. and NATO) ask for a military buffer zone for Russia; the difference with the Soviet buffer zone is that this one is only military. Because the two proposals were disregarded, rather than accepted to then proclaim it happened because of NATO expansion or strength (the best alternative to having failed to present their own proposals a year or two earlier), the buffer zone for Ukraine is to be something else. “Disarmament” is the buffer zone anyway. Russia made clear that it will implement its two proposals one way or another.
One of the high Russian negotiators at Geneva said recently that the “all or nothing” way was a viable one in international affairs or disputes. Spokesman Peskov was the first to issue a warning when he said that the “map” of Europe could be reconfigured (if the proposals are disregarded), and alluded to WWII in this context. Ideally, the “West” should review the two proposals anew, since it’s public knowledge that their key (three) demands were interpreted as being only negotiating tactics or bluffs. It’s a law that the more mistakes you make the harder it gets, and it is somebody’s explicit job not to make mistakes like that.
Florida man here. I can assure you that I have the greatest admiration for the Russian people, their wonderful culture, religious beliefs and military power. I am certain that we are in the same epic battle against true evil and I salute “all ya’ll”! Thanks.
One question about the West supplying weapons to Ukraine. How will they get these weapons in?
Putin Puts Russian Nuclear Deterrence Forces on High Alert Over Aggressive Statements by NATO
Gentlemen, things are heating up. Putin just ordered minister Shoigu to put Russia’s nuclear deterrent on high alert following aggressive statements from NATO
Here in the rural mountains of Northern California,I feel a kinship with the Russian people in the Donbas.
The same destructive liars ,the oligarchs,and government agencies that have wrecked havoc on the innocents,
the ones who burned people alive in Odessa,have been burning down entire towns , forests here,and people
too. Paradise,Greenville,Canyon Dam,and Old Shasta to name a few once beautiful places . Destroyed and people not allowed to rebuild. The charred remains of loved ones kept out of discussions in the media.
This is a global war brought to us by the Davos globalists.Evil incarnate.Political geographical lines are blurred ,to non existent anymore.We the enslaved and oppressed must seek each other out and not throw up walls on their
contrived lines blocking out brothers,as we can be found everywhere.
“Putin Puts Russian Nuclear Deterrence Forces on High Alert Over Aggressive Statements by NATO”
Hardly surprising considering that NATO is doubling down on the rhetoric and bellicose language, making statements like “take all measures and decisions required to ensure the security and defence of all Allies,” Which must by definition include NATO’s Nuclear Deterrence & saying cyber attacks could invoke Article 5…..
Love to you all in these dire times we find ourselves.
I remember well the 1990s, when the Western combined media ran a truly Nazi-esque propaganda campaign against the Serbian people. Born & raised in the UK, both my parents immigrants from what was Yugoslavia, all my family innocent peasant farmers who wouldn’t hurt a fly but being portrayed in the media like Waffen SS storm troopers about to drink the blood of anyone they can get their hands on…. It was terrible. But, it just made me feel more proud to be Serbian, not because my people were being called rapists & ethnic cleansers, but because I knew, before I had even truly studied & gained knowledge to confirm what I knew intuitively, that to be attacked like that must mean that we, as a people, are actually doing something right & significant. And we were, at that time, when Russia was on its knees under drunken Yeltsin, the Serbs were putting up a heroic resistance to NATO, in a proxy war in Croatia, Bosnia & then Kosovo-Metohija. I never experienced any hostility from the average person in England though, & for the most part most people couldn’t really care less what was being screamed on BBC every night about Sarajevo under siege blah, blah, blah…. The intellectual class, so called, was as in the rest of the West absolutely diabolical, except for rare exceptions like the fabulous Harold Pinter, the superb & heroic John Pilger, who I corresponded with personally on the details of Ramboillet Appendix B [NATO plan to occupy all of Serbia]. I also knew then that the war against us, Serbs, was a war against Russia & the Russian world, of which we are a part, ethnically, spiritually, culturally & all the rest. This period of hysteria against Russia will pass, when the smoke clears though, the world is going to be a very different place, we are in the End Times, but not the physical end of this world, but the end of the Anglo-European-Germanic colonial order – it is coming to an end, now before our eyes. Thanks to, for the most part, Russia & her heroic stand against the empire.
You are a sane voice in an snare, tipsy-turvy world….thank you and God bless!
I’ve been following your blog for a few years now and I don’t know the comfort and satisfaction I find here when I find your articles and your intelligent and wise analyses. Then read the comments of awake people from the most varied parts of the world.
I will always keep coming here, this community is an island in the world of information that resists. I’m with you! Bear with Russian people, you are a beacon of hope for the free world.
It is not going well for Ukraine and the West. They are burning with psychotic rage and their rhetoric is becoming ever more irrational. The rats are losing their grip.
The Armageddon clock has never been this close to the witching hour.
The difference between today and the Cuban Missile Crisis is that there were rational actors on both sides. Now there are rational actors on only one.
Also, Russian MoD is accusing Ukraine of using white phosphorous. The gloves will soon come off.
These are troubling developments.
Than you for your efforts. Regarding Americans intentions I would refer you to Russel Bentley. Or, take a look at our cultural revolution in the 60s when we stopped the US MIC and our Right Wing in its tracks. There are a large percentage of us who never bought the Govs lies. When I was in military school in the 60s my parents, Southern conservatives pulled my funds so I left the military path. A church movement infomed parents of the Govs evil intentions. Many of them ermembered Eisenhowers 1956 speech about the MIC. I have fought the Zionazis all my life, attending protests in my spare time and ect. It is not the majority of Americans who are fomenting this. It is the highly vocal minority amplified by a MIC controlled media. Dont despair of human nature. Peace.
Con un traductor creo que me pueden leer
Si estas fuentes son ciertas:
Reino Unido: la Canciller, Elizabeth Truss, anuncia su apoyo a los voluntarios británicos para ir a luchar a Ucrania
Esto pone en riesgo toda la aviación civil de Rusia, incluso entorpecería de manera significativa el plan de la ruta y la seda, adicionalmente el reclutamiento de cientos de miles de mercenarios (recordar Siria) haría inmanejable todo ese territorio ademas el costo de vida en civiles inocentes.
Quiere obligar a Rusia a desplazarse hacia la frontera oriental de la OTAN, eso solo puede hacerse a traves de una inmensa operación aerotransportada, haciendo mucho mayor el caldero operativo que ya esta ocurriendo. Sin embargo, a partir de ese momento sería Rusia quien se volvería una “amenaza para la OTAN”
Sea como sea, Rusia no puede permitirse un Afganistan (misiles stingers) o un Siria (mercenarios de todo el mundo) en su frontera occidental… ademas que su flanco más débil sería tocado que es Bielorusia.
Thanks. It’s good to read a Russian perspective. Many of us here are not anti-Russian. Many in the West know we can’t rely on our media or government to tell the truth; nearly everything they tell us is a lie. But neither do we trust Russian media, Chinese media; any mainstream media. All we can do is read a wide range of alternative media and try to discern the truth. As far as I can determine–and that’s not very far–NATO is mainly responsible for the mess in Ukraine, and Russia is trying to protect itself and Russians living in eastern Ukraine. Any human being has to hope for a quick end to the war, with as few dead and injured as practicable. If, however, the war drags on and thousands of civilians become casualties, then, in my mind, Russia becomes the main villain in this war, and the only winners will be the Western tyrants that pushed for the war.
Sadly I really truly believed there was hope if you just presented logical common sense informations people would think for themselves, they would remember the times they said they knew the media was lying and would be willing to realize they were lying again, but it’s not so. Nearly everyone I know and talk to, fave to face, they believe and spew the filthy lies western jew media spread. It’s like the worst smelling turkey sh$t a farmer could spread and so sadly so many fellow Americans buy into it. I just got off the phone with one. I think people must need an enemy or something, I dont know. What I do know if and when America is really hurt from all the filthy lies and meddling it will be well deserved. I’m guessing then the blind filth average citizen will go from cursing Russia to cursing God. What will be will be, God is in control.
Trump stands with Russia and I stand with Trump.
You’re not without friends!
Andrei, a sua decepcão é a mesma que a minha. Os brasileiros, com raras excecoes dao como verdade absoluta a midia ocidental. Ja disse isso em ocasioes anteriores, travo uma luta diária com minha própria familia de modo a alertá-los sobre as mentiras que os suspeitos de sempre promovem. Infelizmente, nao existe uma midia alternativa como a RT News ou Sputnik News no Brasil para competir com as midias existentes (Rede Globo, TV Bandeirantes, TV Record, SBT). Os analfabetos terceirizaram suas perspectivas politicas e geoppoliticas e mudar a realidade de 60 anos de pleno boambardeiro de fake news é impossivel.
Amo seu trabalho, sua disposição e dedicação, sobretudo o povo russo, espero que num futuro próximo possa ajudá-lo de alguma forma.
Grande abraço.
One reminder of how poisoned the German-Russian ‘relationship’
has already been, even before such escalations in Ukraine.
Baerbock(Minister of Foreign Affairs) in the German-Russian porcelain shop
(BTW her nickname’s in none-sheeple-land: LeerBuch, meaning
Now imagine the absolute OVER-KILL of everything ‘evil’ about Putin, Russian politics’ and so on and on, in German’s mass media and indeed in her gray matter, filled with too many black holes already. Then come Scholz, Roth and many, many more and you think you’re watching LIVE Kafka’s The Castle (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/333538.The_Castle).
And of course, NAZIs don’t exist just far-right-wingers, something like LePen, but just a few and under control. Yeah, what to say…
Not a word about Yemen, Lybia, Afghanistan, Irak, Yugoslavia, Vietnam, Korea or any of those other cia. 43 “interventions”, which killed around (some argue even more) 30 million people, directly and indirectly, and turned 25 – 40 million into refugees after the end of WWII…
It’s wonderful that this platform exists and to hear that here are people who can still think clearly. Today, during my walk through Berlin, I inevitably got caught up in the mass protests of the brainwashed pro-Nazi demonstrators. Very dark times are coming our way. People are dumbed down and cheering that Germany now wants nuclear missiles.
I see only as a possibility an international petition of a signature list to the UN as a solution to avoid the worst.
The Saker has a large community and it would be my request to Andrei to think about whether he can arrange it, maybe in conjunction with other pro-russian news platforms.
Action is needed!!!
I would like to make a comment : as I am used to say, in the western world, this is not the citizen who votes, it is the proletarian.
that is : the people from the base have no political power against the elite, because the elite can make disappear their purchasing power (delocalisation of their jobs in Romania or Mexico).
the author of the article should recognize this fact : there is no united europe/USA against russia but just an anti-russia globalist elite, having control of a mass of (coward) proletarians.
Geoffrey, communist from Belgium (and certainly not a coward)
One of the unanticipated outcomes of this may very well be the fragmentation and end of the United Nations.
I am a historian by trade, yet the PsyOps are so strong and people are sop blinded by the internet memes they just cannot believe anything more nuanced than “Putin is Evil”.
I just feel the level off PsyOps are so great that this will not end well, with either Nazi’s taking over Ukraine or WWIII so the west can hide their mistakes.
Thank you so much for your work Saker, if I was not living under crippling poverty caused by the U.S. Oligarchy that cares so much or the Ukrainians but not a whit for their own people I would send you so much cash you would cry.
The media that was big on covid and the fake letal shots is now big on proukraine and nato
Why are you so surprised about their media firepower?
Racional thinking minds are on twitter and have no other means of expression
These leaders squawking about Putin are baboons. Between them they couldn’t amass the approval rating among their own people that Putin could at home and individually he’d beat any of them among their own populations.
You can have a tantrum about how nobody likes Russians all you want but it won’t change the fact that this is solely down to Russia’s inability to produce any kind of worthwhile cultural exports i.e. soft power. There has never been a “pro-Russian” European public for this reason. Most people do not think deeply about foreign countries or foreign relations preferring popular opinion and sentiment instead.
Literally nobody in Europe glorifies Nazis as you say. Most people just see Russia for what it is, grim, poverty stricken, brimming with corruption and governed by stony faced men. An image Russia makes almost no effort to counter, though it could easily. Add in hostile media narratives and it isn’t any surprise that most people’s default image of Russia is Mordor.
Many other countries have their share of poverty and corruption and ugliness but they encourage or sponsor cultural entertainment that presents them in a good light. Many young people in Moscow have a more positive image of the UK and London than they do their own country and city. Korea and Japan are also very successful at soft power. If for some reason China invaded Okinawa, Western anime enthusiasts would form international brigades and storm the beaches on Japan’s behalf!
Every program I’ve seen about modern Russia has been made by non-Russians like the BBC who send people there to experience the country through their own lens. Russia will keep losing international public opinion until they learn to stop being lazy about their image.
“Most people just see Russia for what it is, grim, poverty stricken, brimming with corruption and governed by stony faced men.”
Have you seen America recently? Poverty stricken, filled with drug addicts in massive tent cities, overrun with crime, brimming with corruption, and governed by hysterical, mentally retarded “men” and women?
Also, if you’re going to psyop, don’t make your tell so obvious. Every program you’ve seen on BBC….oh Tracy, silly troll.
“Most people just see Russia for what it is, grim, poverty stricken, brimming with corruption and governed by stony faced men”.
Yeah – in a Tom Clancy novel from 1985.
Wake up!
There are a lot of angles to all this, and inevitably Germany is a target, as in all of Europe, not allowed to get too successful or independent of Uncle Shmuel. I understand Russia may have even recouped the cost of NS-2 via Biden’s big mouth in the lead up to the fireworks. I never get that. How all their fear mongering with Russia and war drums always serves to enrich Russia via higher oil and gas prices. I’d love any wisdom on that you cared to share Andrei. I have no interest in anyone’s opinion on any of the information/misinformation around now. I know Russia plays their cards close and the Western Corporate Media is on the same crazy pills as the Western Corporate Governments and am used to assuming anything they say is bullshit and when they don’t say something, it is even bigger bullshit. The lies of omission are really more refined than the ones they tell.
What I can figure out for myself is the wider ramifications of all this which I don’t see much discussion about. In the headless rush to demonise and propagandise Russia, and against all reason lionise the Nazis, the elephant in the room remains. For all their chest beating and threats and posturing NATO has sat on their hands. Besides a bit of running around at a distance, not close enough to bother the Russians and sending ammo and weapons around the place, we get sanctions and more posturing. They never intended to lift a finger for Ukraine, but now it is real, it looks much worse than I think they’d considered. What is painfully obvious is that even if Ukraine had been in NATO, a formality because we know they’d have played as if they were if they wanted, NATO would still have done nothing. Above all because they can’t. How many leaders of NATO states would be wondering what they were really getting for the cost and a stack of overpriced weapons? At the very least, they might be wondering how they will be selling this back home in future.
I think this adventure might inadvertently be NATO in their leather jacket on their Harley Davidson jumping the shark tank. They’d be a good match for corniness and try too hard coolness for Happy Days in 2022 to carry the analogy a bit more. I just don’t think they’re going to be able to even take themselves seriously after this.
I am an American, born and raised. However, my father (deceased) came to this country at 28 years old. I have Polish ancestry(slavic blood). It’s disgusting to see white Christian brothers slaughtering each other for the degenerate, globo-homo, woke, multicultural cesspool that has become the “west”. The USA is as much a failed state as Ukraine. The same globalist tyrants who have captured our country, demoralized our people, and degenerated our culture have been doing it in Ukraine and most of the world for my entire life. USA is not a free country anymore. My fellow Americans are brainwashed sheep parroting the mainstream liberal media flavor of the day. I support Putin and Russia 10000%! I have close friends in Russia. They are a highly proud, strong, tough, intelligent people with a remarkable history. Russia is standing up to a globalist cabal of DAVOS/Soros/WEF/climate change pedophile satanists. Yes! It really is that bad and yes there is no other way to describe these evil leaders running and destroying western civilization. Even Trump, although many great things about his policies, was clueless as to how deep this entrenched evil was and they destroyed him. Putin maybe corrupt in arguable ways but he’s the cleanest dirty shirt in the world. He may not be the best security guard but he’s certainly not the bank robber. My fear is the Russian people who in arguable ways are being westernized, hold strong and believe and support Putin and their country. History is very much on their side. They are the last white Christian nation left.
ey i´m from Spain and I´m with justice and Russia. sorry for everything
I hope it finishes soon…….We have to be with the soldiers who must do the difficult and painful job.. wishing them courage and strength.
I’ve lived outside the “Empire of Lies” for over a quarter century. Sporadically, starting in the 1970’s and then continuously since 2000. During that time I got to the point that I didn’t even like visiting the place whether it was for some bureaucratic reason or to see family. At this point my surviving family members are as alien to me as, oh I don’t know, Egyptians? Bulgarians? Ukies? I attribute this to the incessant 24/7 propaganda that they have been subjected to that I fortunately missed out on. Well, that and the fact that at any given moment a good 1/2 the population is on some prescription psychoactive “medication” or other to treat the angst produced by their lives as economic milk cows.
As you appear to be finding out, despite years of living among them, it’s truly difficult to wrap one’s mind around the pervasive perniciousness of the Western persuasion, especially as practiced in the heart of the Beast, the United States of America. America is a place that eats its own young and views it as utterly normal, because it doesn’t even realize that it’s doing it. Completely divorced from contact with the reality of its actions, much like Tony Curtis’s portrayal of Albert Desalvo in “The Boston Strangler”. Seem exaggerated? Consider that it explains everything that you have observed. Just imagine the psychological shock when Vladimir Putin -may he be wildly successful- forces the West to look eyes wide open on what it has become. May that day be fast approaching.
I had intended to add, but it got away from me for a moment that:
I am not optimistic. Western officialdom -or what passes for it- are so brain-washed and out of control that they’re going to cross a line, a line about which as Pres. Putin has said “all the relevant decisions have already been taken” …as I write I see the news about the nuclear forces being placed on heightened alert and still from the West the crude lies are broadcast ever more maniacally. This is no surprise to me at all. Events are rapidly moving to their climax. It’s been a long time comin’. Maybe we’ll see each other afterwards
Stop thinking everyone hates you. The west is run by rich ruling elites. Those are the people who hate you. They try to make everyone think that they are the entire world but they are not.
One thing I find surprising is that the RF forces’ policy of sparing existing civilian infrastructure is being extended to Western Ukraine. I frankly don’t understand the intent there. No, I am not advocating shelling civilians, no, not doing Donbas in reverse, but I really don’t understand why Lvov, Ivano-Frankovsk, Rovno, and other major anti-Russian cities in the west should enjoy conveniences like TV, radio, and uninterrupted supply of electricity at this time. I can see that cell-phone comms could be useful in Russia’s listening but in other respects, if this is a special op to de-nazify the place, you don’t want to keep the rats’ nests comfortable and leaving them with tools intact to do further mischief. I would think. No?
This is a bit harsh friend, I do not think that “most” Westerners (or at least, Americans) nurture any particular hatred for Russia and Russians. You are just VERY foreign to us – your language, your script, your history, your physical location, your onion domes and endless taiga. We don’t know quite what to make of you. Of course, we have not had marauding panzer armies plow through our fields and cities to rape and slaughter and so the very real interior hatred for fascists that Russians hold is for us rather more abstract, and no history book can establish the gut-level rage that you express. For those of us who are old enough to have lived through (a part) of the Cold War, we were raised with The Russian as the bogeyman of our lives and, at the very least, the hangover of that indoctrination is a certain ambivalence. That said, I think the great majority of us would like nothing better than to see established a modus vivendi of peace and cooperation. If only the “Leaders” would prioritize that sincere desire over their endless, ruinous power-lust.
I have to admit the U.S. “prolefeed” about Ukraine does seem to be widely accepted, but perhaps this isn’t too surprising. With past issues, Russia has been in the right just at a very basic, elementary level, and they were still trashed by the Western propaganda system, but with mixed results. In this case the issue is not so straight forward. I think Russia is basically right, but to understand that requires some background, detail, and complexity. If there is one thing that does not survive in the U.S. press it is complexity. The invasion is controversial, rather then being right at an elementary level, and so the Western propaganda is going to be much more effective here then it has been with past topics(except Crimea). I think this is just part of the cost of the invasion.
I think Russia concluded, probably correctly, that a diplomatic solution to the Ukraine crisis was not possible, because the U.S. wanted this crisis. Russia doesn’t control the U.S. agenda and they are stuck with this situation. What they can control is their military and its use. I think this is a “last resort” option for Russia, but it is probably what they are stuck with. The alternative is to wait. Hopefully, with their careful planning, the Russians will pull off their de-Nazification effort. However, irregardless of the outcome, the invasion will make Russia’s position more difficult to explain. It will hurt Russia’s program to promote international law and sovereignty, and this is a cost of the invasion.
Offended by the “russophobic consensus?”
Please do not spend your time feeling “offended” by anti-Russian sentiment.
From day one of our births, my parents readily identified US/Corporate/Banking lies as the US govt. went into one foreign nation after another by killing thousands, impoverishing citizens while installing puppets to do the bidding of the US matrix of its Financial Markets & Defense Industry. And the US always ensured the super wealthy of those nations were directly hooked up to Wall Street…..and, in fact, the entire US Financial Market. Just ask all the EU super wealthy and how they’ve made untold riches from their financial connections to the US.
That US scenario has been going on since during WWII. None of our family is the least surprised by the screams and howls of the US/Western Media. After all, they’re after the same old, same old: world dominance and Big Profits.
I’m in a hotel watching CNN for amusement. Gotta say, watching the generals they have on commenting, really explains how and why USA loses wars.
The western mainstream media do not represent the views of the American people- not the views of all of them. Yes, there are those who wait around for the MSM and for Facebook to tell them what to think and many know who and what controls MSM and Facebook. I noted some Facebook posts today from the “Karens”: Ukrainian lives matter (apparently Ukraine is the new black lives matter for the facebook Karen crowd). Lots of people here in the US know very well that whatever lines of thinking being peddled by facebook Karens are lines of thinking to be avoided. Facebook Karens post “I’m Covid Vaccinated” “badges” on their social media, so…
I am sorry for all the grieving mothers who raised their sons for something better than a bullet.
I am finding the reaction of the German government and press so depressing. Among my friends and acquaintances, some are fully convinced by the slop that they read. However there are still those who don’t believe it and don’t agree with the government stance . Many friends/relatives/acquaintances have contacted me to ask for my take on what is going on, so I do what I can :), However some of the questions are not really looking for answers – when they are phrased like – “Surely you can’t still be pro-Russia with what Putin is up to now? How is your admiration for Putin faring now? but even these questions get answered at length. Who knows maybe some of them will stop to think.
Dear Andrei,
I would like to thank you for all your work – the incredible, invaluable work you have been doing for the world for years.
And I would also like to express the following: I would like you and everyone else to know that I, as a German, am deeply, infinitely ashamed of my people and my country’s politicians.
And, from the bottom of my heart and soul, I would like to beg your, the Russian people’s, forgiveness.
I beg your forgiveness for our German forefathers who visited unspeakable suffering upon your great people, civilization and country.
I beg your forgiveness for our German politicians of the past, who never ever had the decency, integrity and honour to go to Moscow and every other Russian city and fall to their knees to publicly apologise and beg your forgiveness and then start to make amends for the sins of two world wars and more.
I beg your forgiveness for our present-day politicians, who are spineless, idiotic, completely brainwashed, dangerous psychopaths kowtowing to the US/Anglozionists.
Please know that not all of us Germans agree with what our politicians are doing. Especially in the Eastern part of Germany, the former GDR, people feel closer to Russia than you might think (and non-brainwashed people in the Western part of Germany feel like that, too). For example, the city of Dresden honored President Putin in 2009 with the “Order of Saxon Gratitude” for all he had done for the invaluable cooperation and cultural exchange between our two countries. How I wish our politicians had followed this path!!
My undying hope for the future is that Germany will finally wake up, make amends, and form the unwavering friendship and brotherhood with Russia that should have always existed (and never been severed) between our two countries and peoples.
God bless you and President Putin!
It is very difficult to find news from Russia in the west. Thank you.
Lot of Argentinians supports Russia in its war against the OTAN, as Russia supports Argentina in its claiming of sovereign over Malvinas, actually under occupation by the British
It is very difficult in Argentina to learn about Russian sources. Thank a lot
Many Argentines support Russia in it war against the OTAN, like Russia supports Argentina in its claim over the Malvinas´ sovereign against UK
Thank you so much
I pray for you and yours and Russia. May Allah grant Russia the decisive victory with minimum casualties. I pray for Ukrainians to wake up and see the light and see who is their friend and who is their enemy. Russia the symbol of good is fighting evil on behalf anyone calling him/herself good person. Allah may bless and protect Russia and its people from any harm. Russia will as always prevail and triumph in the end and very soon.
Andre, please don’t despair. Allah is with al mominoun (believers in Allah). Remember what was done to Jesus, Muhammad, and Moses when were acting with a message from God. In the end they prevailed. Putin is a selfless leader.He will win. He is fighting for the survival of Russia and his people. All people on the planet including the empire’s will benefit from the Russian victory. And THEY are in debt to Russia and Mr Putin. The least we can do is to speak up and spread the truth about the empire intentions to slave and mark us all like sheep.
God bless all who fight and defend their country from evil.
God bless Russia and bless you Andrei and your family. And may God give you the energy and peace of mind and grant your wishes where ever you go.
Hallo Andrei,
Not all of the Western, especialy Germans are anti-Russia. There are even Websites which have sensible contest because the editors. The describe as precisely as possible that the west broke their promise not to expand the nation. https://www.nachdenkseiten.de/?p=81236
In a way Russia is being hunted and that’s very bad, because Putin made great offers to unite Europe in his famous speech at the Bundestag Parlament in 2oo1. Could have been a wonderful world since then.
And there’s to bear in mind – but this isn’t an excuse – most,of them are brainwashed. Further more, keep an eye on the presstitutes, this is full media attack.
Thanks for all of your analysing and writing.