This question was asked by some pressitute while Biden was walking to his helicopter today: Mr President, is Ukraine winning the war?
Wow, just wow. Either she fully believes it, and then WOW or she doesn’t and then WOW again.
This is a “Let’s Go Brandon” on a geostrategic level! :-)
By the way, she followed up with a question about whether he worried about a nuclear war.
I think that this exchange sums of the entire and total delusion which folks in the West are holding on. The inevitable wake up phase will be painful, very painful.

Clearly, “Biden” is winning this one. Not :-)
Then there is this (see graph) to keep in mind. Biden is down in the proverbial shits and, worse, pretty much anything he does next will only make things worse. The fact that this is an entirely self-inflicted wound makes no difference as to how hard it bleeds…
In other news from the “back to reality” corner: the UK and Poland have had to announce that, no, after careful thought and all things considered, they won’t be sending fighter aircraft into the Ukraine.
What a surprise to everybody in Kiev (and to nobody in Moscow)!
As for Uncle Shmuel, he declared that (trying to) imposing a no-fly would mean “shooting down Russian aircraft” which, for some unfathomable reason, the USA did not want to do. That might have something to do with Putin’s very blunt warning yesterday.
Maybe the western leaders are very slowly coming to realize that while Russians don’t threaten, they don’t bluff either. That is a “new normal” which is going to cause a lot of buttaches to the narcissists ruling the West…
The Eurorodents in all heroically walk out of the room when Lavrov addressed them by video. If the intention of the Eurorodents was to convey to the Russians that “we won’t ever listen to a single word you have to say”, then I am confident that the Russians heard that message and will keep that factoid in mind in planning future unilateral Russians actions (of which there are plenty more to come, that is quite obvious now).
A few good news now: the nuclear plant at Zaporozhie is safely in Russian hands. Thank God for that.
So what has been the triumphant President “Ze” up to?
He signed an application to be immediately accepted into the EU. The new Europeans loved it. The old ones, not so much.
The Eurorodents are also forming what I would call “internationalist Nazi brigades” of volunteers who can go and fight for Banderastan. No visa needed – show up, declare your willingness to kill Russians, and, voila, you are shipped to…
… the almost closed operational cauldron in the Donbass!
In fact, I suppose that by now getting in is about as hard and dangerous as getting out. Yes, technically, there is a no man’s land between the two Russian prongs (the one from the north and the one from the south), but it is now a Russian “free fire zone” which, considering both the presence of very heavy weapons systems (MLRS and TOS-1A) and the sharp increase in Russian air operations would be a very very dangerous attempt indeed.
Speaking of cauldrons, Russia has cut off the entire Ukrainian coast from the Sea of Azov and Mariupol is the first “cauldron” to be officially locked.
The civilized and winning West is showing that it really knows the score: Russian students are expelled from EU colleges (a similar idea is now floated in the USA), even neutral countries like Switzerland have closed their airspace to Russian carriers (which Switzerland really did not have to do since all the countries neighboring Switzerland already did that), and Russian citizens can’t even fly across Canadian airspace on their way home to the EU from the USA (just happened to a friend of mine). I fully expect “Russian Standard” vodka to disappear from US stores (we bought all the last ones we could).
Maybe we will soon be treated to YouTube videos showing (US or Ukie) Nazis machine-gunning Russian “matrioshka” dolls followed by thunderous cries of “Glory to the Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!“?
Russians are being expelled from sports clubs, musical events, cultural events and pretty much from everywhere where something “Russian” can be treated with hate and contempt.
These are Orwell’s two minutes of hate, but drawn out over days.
This is an russophobic Kristallnacht, but officially organized and praised.
I want to add one more thing about all this: nobody, absolutely NOBODY, is forcing the folks in the West to act the way they are. No Gestapo, no SA/SS patrols – nothing. Just the US PSYOPs and the eager willingness of these folks to “show Russia” in some way.
And since there are practically NO voices denouncing all this, this is also an important “message” from the people of Europe to the people of Russia.
This is EXACTLY what the Russian nation needs to understand the world it lives in.
THAT is the reality, not their smiles or promises.
Yesterday, Putin used the expression “Empire of lies” – and he is spot on. I will adopt that expression alongside my two favorites “AngloZionist Empire” and “the Axis of Kindness”.
In other “rodent news” – the OSCE is leaving the Donbass. Not that these fake humanitarians ever made a difference, but now that they are gone, it also sends a very clear message to the Russian people.
Remember how Woke-thugs approached white people in restaurants and demanded that the white “take a knee” or see “black lives matter”? The same is being done to Russians (and even non-Russians thought to be Russians) all over the democratic and civilized West.
“Cancel Russia” might be the unifying slogan (and goal) of the entire Zone A.
I have an idea: I think that western dictionaries should remove the word “Russian” and western maps should, from now on, just write “here be bears” on the map of Russia. THAT would show ’em accursed russkies :-)
And it is all repeated ad nauseam on Russian TV channels and on the Runet.
That will be neither forgotten nor forgiven.
The West is very much “talking to us” and “sending us a strong message”. We all need to hear and carefully record it all. For our children and for posterity.
I have to say that in Zone A the US PSYOPs gave Russia a massive thrashing and soundly defeated all the Russian counter-propaganda efforts. The Russian PR people got a black eye and lost this one.
Inside Russia, it is more complicated. As I mentioned, the Atlantic Integrationists (in power), the 5th column (liberal) and the 6th column (emo-Marxists) all joined forces and tried as hard as can be to inject a lot of fear, uncertainty and doubts (FUD) in the Russian society, from rumors of a NATO invasion to hallucinations about how the “sanctions from hell” will result in hunger, abject poverty and chaos.
The good thing is that by working hand in hand, they showed their true face and agenda. Their ideology can be summed up as follows “we cannot allow Putin to win this one”.
This is a very positive development as the disgust and anger against them is clearly on the rise while the latest polls show that:
- 68% of Russian approve of this military intervention
- 22% oppose it
- 10% are unsure
Of course, the Atlantic Integrationists, and the two columns (from now on I will refer to them all together AI+5+6) will quickly dismiss these polls because, as all AI+5+6 know, “Russian polls are as fake as Russian elections”. I am confident that there is going to be legal action taken by the Duma and the Kremlin to, no, not “crush free speech” or anything like that, but to further unmask the real goals of this AI+5+6 coalition.
What about the situation on the ground?
- Mariupol cauldron confirmed locked (a very large number of hardcore Nazis are surrounded)
- Operational cauldron in the Donbass closing but not physically closed yet
- Kiev blocked on all directions except the humanitarian corridor
In plain English this means:
- Several days, difficult and violent combats to denazify Mariupol. The outcome is not in doubt, but all the ingredients are here to indicate a truly intense urban assault operation.
- Donbass. Again, the outcome is not in doubt, I will announce it here as soon as I get enough convergent info to confirm the closure of this operational cauldron
- Kiev – here I really don’t know. I get the need to resolve the Kiev situation in some way, but I remain deeply concerned by any Russian operation to liberate the city. Kiev is not Mariupol and while in Mariupol there are no other options than to kill all the Nazis, I will keep hoping for some negotiated solution similar to what is happening in a lot of (admittedly much smaller) towns in recently liberated eastern Ukraine.
Then there is the issue of Odessa. Honestly, there are a lot of rumors on the Runet that Russia intends to liberate the entire Ukrainian coast, including Odessa, and open a land corridor to the Russian forces in Transnistria. Putin, Shoigu and Gerasimov are infinitely smarter than me and they have the real info, which I don’t.
But I don’t want Russia to occupy in the mid-to-long-term a single inch of legally 404 land (outside the official borders of the LDNR, of course!). But then, I was also very concerned when Putin ordered the Syrian military operation, and he proved me wrong, so all I can do is try to not worry too much, hope that if there are any such plans, they will be similar to the 08.08.08 format: quick in, disarm, quick out.
I am encouraged by all the statements by Russian officials and analysts that Russia has no intention of holding on to any Ukrainian territory and that as soon as the Ukraine is disarmed and denazified, all the Russian forces will be pulled back. God willing, that is exactly what will happen soon.
Lastly, the Black Sea fleet. It seems to have cut off Ukie port from shipping and several ships have been stopped and turned back (not simply stolen like the French just did!). I am quite sure that before this is all over, we will see the Black Sea Fleet in action, possibly as part of an operation to liberate Odessa, here I defer to Andrei Maryanov and his expertise.
That’s it for now. Over the past 6 days I have been posting two, sometimes three, updates. Now since the situation on the ground is pretty clear, I will wait for a major development before posting a commentary. That could happen as soon as later today, but tomorrow seems more realistic to me. We shall see.
Excellent update. But let’s not forget, all the rah-rahing for the supposed effectiveness of Kiev’s war effort isn’t just stupidity or ignorance. It’s preparation of The Narrative of why the “desperate” Putin will soon unleash chemical weapons, dirty bomb, or some other death porn atrocity. They’re going to go full Milosevic/Saddam/Khaddafi/Assad on him. Yes, I know Russia isn’t Serbia, Iraq, Libya or Syria. But we haven’t begun to see how dirty the demonization of the “SNs” is going to get. And soon. Before Kiev falls.
My thoughts exactly. I’m sure they have the footage ready to go.
I completely agree Jim. It struck me today that somewhere in the Pentagon, there will undoubtedly be a team of game theory players, feverishly working on a plan. The end game ? How to turn Ukraine into Kuwait and Moscow into Baghdad. The 2 minutes of hate equivalent that we see being imposed on propaganda absorbing western populations would be a useful step on that road.
Lets pray the military top brass will reject any such plan as the suicidal lunacy it is. But before that happens we are assured some ‘atrocity / war crime’ smears and false flag ops as the game players load the dice.
I was concerned about that before the war started. Now I think the war has preempted the CIA and neocon plans. There will of course be neo-Nazi atrocities that will be blamed on Russia. But I think Russia has the situation under control. They obviously will be watching for such things.
The two biggest threats in my view are:
1) The use of fighter jets hosted in Poland. This is an obvious attempt to tempt Russia into striking those airfields, thus enabling Poland to scream “Article 5”. But I don’t see Russia falling for that trap. They don’t have to, they can deal with the limited air incursions with the forces they have. All this talk about how the long convoy surrounding Kiev is a “sitting duck” because “Russia doesn’t have air superiority” is total bullcrap.
2) As Scott Ritter points out in his Consortium News article recently (which I also figured out just the day before I read it), there is an effort to gin up a war via the UN, just like the Serbia war.
1) Invoke Article 4 of the NATO Charter to get NATO “consulting.” Done.
2) Go to the UNSC for a Resolution – anticipating the Russian veto. Done.
3) Call a General Assembly meeting to reach a “consensus” that “something must be done” for “humanitarian” reasons.
4) Use that to “justify” a NATO attack.
We are at stage 3 right now. While the US and NATO would be stupid to do this – well, they are stupid. So it’s a risk we need to watch for. If they can get some sort of “false flag atrocity” going in Ukraine, that will only help the effort.
“All this talk about how the long convoy surrounding Kiev is a “sitting duck” because “Russia doesn’t have air superiority” is total bullcrap”
Indeed. It is also a staggering display of cognitive dissonance.
It is true that a convoy of trucks parked nose-to-tail for tens of kilometers is a sitting duck, and could be obliterated by enemy airstrikes.
Absolutely true.
And it is also undisputedly true that the Russians have indeed done exactly that, and it is just as undeniable that the convoy remains steadfastly un-obliterated.
QED, the Russian air force has total air supremacy, irrespective of the Ukrainian bleating that “No! No, they don’t!”.
OK, Ukies, so why not demonstrate that. Attack that convoy from the air.
Ukraine: We could! Damn right we could! We just….. don’t wanna.
Yeah, and pigs can fly, baby.
In other “rodent news” – the OSCE is leaving the Donbass. Not that these fake humanitarians ever made a difference
Unfortunately they did make a big difference. They collected info on the Donbass and would make that info available to Ukraine. This helped the UkroNazis hit targets. OSCE did the same in Serbia before the NATO bombing. It was very foolish to allow OSCE in.
This from several years ago:
Peaceful civilians in Donbass perish at the fault of the representatives of the OSCE monitoring mission. Such an opinion was expressed by a resident of the town Zolotoye, who also was a victim of the odious gang battalion of the Ministry of Internatl Affairs of Ukraine “Tornado”. As the former captive affirms, representatives of OSCE use their power to move across the territory of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, and
then transfer the collected data to the Ukrainian side. “The OSCE are dishonest people. Although they have power from many states, because of their behaviour people shed blood here. Civilians suffer: children, women, the elderly. Their houses are being destroyed by their aiming. They move around, learn where things are and what they are. And then simply report. Then the Ukrainian shells fly according to this aim,” said the man.
Correct, the OSCE at Donbass were aligned with the nazis. The departing OSCE headed in the direction of the Russian border. If Russia is cooperating with their exit, then that is unfortunate. They should be detained and investigated for war crimes.
11:58 A very important document has fallen into the hands of DPR intelligence, namely a catalogue of targets on DNR territory, which had been prepared by the Vostok tactical grouping. It is noteworthy that some of the information was obtained by the Ukrainian fighters from representatives of the OSCE special international monitoring mission. The Mission representatives have now left the DPR.
12:45 The DPR has data that the OSCE representatives passed the coordinates of military facilities in Donetsk to the Ukrainian military. (3/1/22) “OSCE leaves its office on DPR territory”
The staff of the Donetsk office of the OSCE monitoring mission in full leave the territory of the DPR.
Ruslan Yakubov, head of the DPR representation to the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination of the Ceasefire Regime (JCCC), said this to Donetsk News Agency today.
“All vehicles of the Donetsk office of the OSCE mission are leaving the Republic today”, – he said.
Eyewitnesses told the DNA correspondent that the vehicles moved towards the Russian border. In total, there are more than 40 vehicles in the convoy.
perhaps that is why they have now left, the Ukie military is no longer a functioning concept – so no one to hand the info to and no one to act upon it. But agreed they are basically a western operation and as such untrustworthy.
Why would they be heading for the Russian border?
Because it is safest?
If they cross into Russia, maybe that is an opportunity for them to be detained and questioned?
Let us not forget that there are a large number of Russians and Russophiles working in the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine. There is fighting inside the OSCE as outside…
OSCE is infiltrated by CIA and BND agents. For example in Belarus the leader of the OSCE mission was former BND chief Wieck and he was preparing to stage a coup.
This is why Russia must distance itself from he fake and corrupt western organizations. They must neither work with them, or allow them in anywhere. OSCE are the White helmets of Europe. Their mission is one and the same: to aid and abet terrorists.
But Saker, the MSM is reporting that the Russians are running out of fuel and the resistance is too intense. The Russian troops and Putin are being demoralized by the great Ukie army. I feel that perhaps they are being bogged down from laughing too much but that may just be my sense of humor. I know I spit coffee at my screen reading some of this MSM drivel. Thank you for the update.
Imagine faces of all those folks, when all those lies will crash with reality.
I got the feeling that right at the moment of truth, when Russia is at the cusp of total victory, these western turd-shiners will immediately agree to negotiate with Russia and meet its demands, so that all the lies and psyops don’t become discredited and all the fools who believed in them don’t get too much egg on their faces.
Yes, indeed. Last night I watched a video on Slava Z (Telegram) of the endless convoys of Chechen fighters and material nearing Kiev, and the relaxed attitude of the men, real men with balls and a good sense of humor on top of endless fighting spirit. It made me smile big and think that whatever resistance there may be in Kiev it’s not going to last long.
The thing is, there is no “subjective reality” in the minds of the majority of those living in the west. I even have top face this on a daily basis with my wife. She doesn’t even watch the legacy media, but she runs a business. And she has people feeding her media generated fantasy 10 hours a day. We are, well and truly, a post-modernist society, facts and truth do not exist for most people living in the west, and this is incidental to anti-Russian propaganda, its fundamental to the societal zeitgeist.
Gee, I haven’t seen anything about USN carrier task forces steaming into the Mediterranean in a “show of force.”
That s.o.p. when a developing country is ‘misbehavin’.
They have been staying away from western Syria. ;)
The Russian fleet is off the coast of Syria with Hmeymin as base. US navy knows how far they can approach.
Good one!
Also, it is beyond me, how the turkish sultan might have forgot who wanted to kill him, and who saved his life….
Godspeed, Russia! some people from EU members, from the new ones, still see your cause is just, and know that victory will be yours!
Thank you Andrei, thank you, the Saker!
Glory to the Heroes! Glory to our God, to our Saviour!
They were already there. They had three carrier groups in the Med under NATO command for “exercises.” That’s why the Russian fleet is there – to keep tabs on them under the guise of “exercises.”
Dear S aker,
I do not know how I would do without reading your daily post. My family reads only the Economist, NYT, Euronews….I cannot talk or share my feelings with any one else in my community or church. The latest is that evil president Putin, after getting covid, has lost “his mind”.
Prayers to Russian soldiers and to Ukraine people as well.
Thank god I have an understanding partner.
Its obvious who has lost their minds, pandemic, the most infected nation western society. That is if that indeed is what made them loose their minds.
Drugs,both pharmacological and abuse of natural substances has rotted the entire nation with the exceptional ones in the real sense being those who can see the truth and facts.
Thank you for explaining the situation so well. Yes some manipulated Americans have transferred their hate last week from Canadian truckers to Russians cause MSM said to. But have faith in millions of media disenfranchised who see US imperialism, like Russian citizens and understand Putin has every right to protect Russia . my longview his actions indirectly liberate me & little people everywhere. The beginning of the end for the petrodollar, probably the Federal reserve and other Anglo/US institutions is fascinating to watch partly cause its self inflicted, cause crypto is out of their reach and cause I can smell the fear leading to overreactions. Thanks again.
Dear Isammart, the same apllies to my situation and my family (i am not european and neither russian but my wife is). I feel sometimes like i cannot breathe anymore in this atmosphere of utmost propaganda beine sprewed in our faces. I tried to explain things how they are, but i keep hearing that Putin is a killer, a liar, a criminla killing innocent people…. This hurts a lot. I tried to find some consolation with my friends but i encountered the same reactions. This is frustrating. But my faith in God’s justice keeps me hoping that one day people will find out who is the culprit in all of this tragedy taking place for 8 years.
May god bless the Russians who are fighting for their dignity and pride against the enemy humanity. this fight gives hope that the demise of the “empire of lies” will come sooner than many day soon justice will be settles in this world.
May god protect innocent people in both Russia and Ukraine.
Note to Andrei: Mag God bless you for all the efforts you are making to give some information about what is taking place in this conflict.
I live in Canada and I know very few people who can see these
truths, its a comfort to have this Blog I so agree.
God bless Russia, the propoganda here in Australia is nauseating. My Sambo club is holding a community event on the weekend at a local park. I will be interested to see the reactions from the brain dead locals to the Russians we have in our ranks.
“Here be bears.” Classic.
Drunken bears with AKs and vodka bottles while China is a pajama-wearing dude in a rice paddy and muslims all wear suicide vests.
Seriously how can you isolate the largest country in the world that is tied to the largest economy in the world? The US education system rot is rearing its ugly head.
Even Mexico and Turkey refused to slap sanctions. But USA and EU think they are whole world.
Attention, it’s getting serious!
Apostate – Deviationist – Dissident – Heretic – Heretic – Heretic – Apostate – Deviationist – Dissident – Heretic – Heretic – Sectarian
“And since there are practically NO voices denouncing all this, this is also an important “message” from the people of Europe to the people of Russia.”
RT wrote today that in the Czech Republic,” up to three years in prison will be due for “pro-Russian” statements. The Czech prosecutor’s office has warned its citizens of the criminal liability of “pro-Russian” statements in connection with the military conflict in Ukraine,” … Germany to follow suit.
In this regard, the statement of the Prosecutor General says that the right to freedom of expression would recede to that extent. Specialized, it warns against the following public behavior:
(Attention, Kafkaesque)
“If someone publicly (including at demonstrations, on the Internet, or on social networks) approves (accepts or supports) the Russian Federation’s attacks on Ukraine or expresses support for or praises the leaders of the Russian Federation in this context, he or she may also be prosecuted under certain conditions for approving a crime, denying, questioning, approving, or justifying genocide.”
RT continues,” in view of the current heated mood in Germany, it is recommended anyway to be cautious in making statements about the current events.”
Welcome the Orwellian West!
And all these Democracy protections means no free speech. In Milwaukee, Wisconsin. A lawyer for the city was let go for her appearing on RT and talking about Putin. They claimed she wasn’t doing her job. I love how free speech is free until it isn’t.
“You have the right to free speech. As long as you’re not dumb enough to actually try it.” – The Clash: Know Your Rights
All 3 of them!!! Cheers
Luciferian West
Orwellian is so yesteryear
New here today…so happy to have found all of you! A lovely man on ZeroHedge posted your website link. Such a lovely, well balanced and humorous article….I really appreciated reading it. Not that I particularly like Tucker Carlson but he seemed to be the only one siding with Russia in this country so I watched a few of his latest broadcasts. But yesterday he did a 180 turn so I suppose the transformation of USSA is complete now.
Where I grew up, the signs by the road said “Please Don’t Feed The Bears.” The idiotic city folk liked to show up and try feed a brown bear and get their tourist picture taken. A fair number of them used to end up in the hospital, so there were signs up trying to warn them. Not that it ever did much good. I moved to different mountains a long time ago, but it seems like the east-coast city folk haven’t changed much. They still think the bears are just oh so cute, and don’t treat them with the proper ree-spect.
Me, I get along fine with bears. Always have. Of course, I’m not sticking my hand in their mouth trying to get them to eat a candy bar for a photograph. I just wave and say hello when the momma bear comes down from the ridge to raid my trash cans, and we get along fine with each other. If the momma bear spoke French, I’d say we have a detente with each other.
Predictions on the Future of the Ukraine (March 1, 2014)
My predictions from this morning. (March 1, 2014)
Arseniy Yatsenyuk (“Yats”) will be the first one to flee Kiev. He will be rewarded with a nice teaching job at the Harvard University, the home of the Holodomor hoax.
Both Dmitro Yarosh and Andriy Parubiy will have their brains blasted out with head shots.
Dmitro Yarosh will be eliminated by Russian Spetsnaz with a Dragunov sniper rifle from 900 meters.
Andriy Parubiy will be executed for treason by a fellow Nazi. The weapon of choice will be a Luger P08 pistol from the 1942 production run.
Oleh Tyahnybok will get the Ambassadorial Benghazi treatment – butt-raped by an angry mob. He might survive.
Yulia Tymoshenko will become president of Rumpistan. She will try to promote good economic relations with Russia.
Vitali Klitschko will become best friends with Nikolai Valuev. They will go on a World Tour together, promoting peace, boxing, and friendship between nations.
Novorossiya will become a part of the Eurasian Union. Initially it will call itself “Ukraine” and claim legal succession from the failed state by the same name. It will take responsibility for Ukraine’s debt to Russia. The capital city will be moved to Kharkov.
Transnistria will become a part of Novorossiya.
The Crimea will become an autonomous republic within the Russian Federation.
Zakarpattia Oblast in the west will become an integral part of the Russian Federation, ruled directly from Moscow. It will however not join the Russian economic area or customs union, but receive a special status in the European Economic Area, with free movement of people and capital. It will most likely adopt the Euro.
Sumy Oblast may join Russia directly.
Rumpistan will have to clean up its own mess, with or without its Nazis. In the end, no one may want Banderastan. The US may adopt it as an al-Qaeda training base.
I think the easiest way for Putin to denazi is simply return the 8 Polish territories back to Ukraine that Stalin shouldn’t have added to Ukraine in the first place. Make the Banderites Warsaw’s problem.
I would like those two Nazi Apes to stand trial the the whole World can see real justice in action,give them a fair trial then hang them.
“I have an idea: I think that western dictionaries should remove the word “Russian” and western maps should, from now on, just write “here be bears” on the map of Russia.”
Don’t. Some enterprising souls might come to look at the bears, and get the shock of their lifetime.
Just paint in the edge of the world, and a warning that no one who ventured too close ever came back.
On a more serious note, my Russian colleague suddenly felt herself compelled to tell the team that she doesn’t support Putin. I am quite sure our company did not require her to distance herself from Russia — unlike the mayor of Munich who expected Gergiev to disavow Russia. Now I wonder: does she really fear that Putin will start conquering the EU, or did someone give her trouble? No way to find out.
Thank you for your unrelenting stream of logic Saker. It’s a major asset.
Before Russia hit the Ukie TV tower in Kiev, they communicated in various media that any citizens that are near the tower should immediately get away from it because a strike was imminent. Yet the Ukie TV station did not broadcast the warning. This is the heighth of depravity.
They want to amass anti-Russian “materiel” for needs of showing to the West.
The USSA did the same thing to get into WWI: The Germans tried to take out full page adds in New York newspapers warning that the Lusitania was carrying weapons to Europe and was therefore a legitimate target under the rules of war. The USSA government stopped the newspapers from running the adds and a large number of civilians died when the Germans sunk the Lusitania, and the psychopaths won again (got the US into the war)
according to Boris Rozhin, colonelcassad on telegram, there is a curfew in place in Kiev between 5pm and sometimes next morning. The tower was struck around 5.20PM. Ppl should not have been there in first place.
MOreover, according to him, this looks very staged – there’s a morgue nearby and the posture of the body is not of one that is freshly killed.
This is part of the plan to get a war started by getting the UN General Assembly meeting to declare that “something must be done” for “humanitarian” reasons, so that NATO can then bypass the need for a UNSC Resolution. Just like Serbia.
They’ve got most of the Western public on their side in this, it shouldn’t be that hard to do it.
I’m sure Russia is fully aware of the threat – which is why they keep raising their nuclear posture. I read today that Russia is conducting ballistic missile submarine exercises and is now moving their mobile nukes in Siberia. Of course, this is done all the time, but that it’s being publicized indicates it’s a signal to NATO to “step the hell back.”
“as soon as the Ukraine is disarmed and denazified, all the Russian forces will be pulled back. God willing, that is exactly what will happen soon.”
I can see how dealing with the neo-nazi volunteer battalions is pretty straightforward, but what about all the extremists (and their all too eager enablers) in the civil administrations throughout the country, in the armed forces, in the media, the legal system and in business? How long will genuine de-nazification take?
Won’t that also require a Ukrainian state that is capable of handing out the appropriate sentences, with all legal due diligence?
I suspect this might take while.
On the plus side, this might give Russia the time to show the Ukrainian people how much better friends they are than the west has proven itself to be.
Reeducation camps for a million Ukrops? Come on, you can’t be serious. What counts is military capability and nothing else.
but what about all the extremists (and their all too eager enablers) in the civil administrations throughout the country, in the armed forces, in the media, the legal system and in business? How long will genuine de-nazification take?
That depends where: the US, the EU, or Ukr…😁
” How long will genuine de-nazification take? ”
In Germany, genuine denazification never was really completed.
Of course Westdeutschland was full of Nazis. That was one of East Germany’s bitches about West Germany.
Nevertheless, the “accepted” narrative was changed.
That must be because relevant entities, especially the media, were captured to the extent that a new narrative could be enforced and no one dared to admit to being a Nazi in public and more or less hid it in private.
Shame was effectively deployed, to the extent that Germans felt such shame that they didn’t even dare claim any sympathy for the horrific suffering of German civilians.
Perhaps “normal” Ukrainians don’t have a clear idea of the killing in the Donbass.
Maybe there has to be a program of forcing “normal” Ukrainians to witness the death and destruction dealt out by their country and party in the Donbass to inculcate sufficient shame so that they will be cowed.
They must not be allowed to feel pride in being Ukrainians. They must be made to feel—or at least express publicly—shame in being Ukrainians. It is sad because Uke really have gone through a lot. OTOH, the German population had also gone through a lot as a result of the collapse of the Second Reich, the consequences of Versailles, the rise of the Third Reich, the shattering of the Third Reich, their cities, their culture, and millions of deaths.
But no one felt any sympathy for them.
Instead they got the cherry on the cake: the infliction of monstrous shame.
It has worked to keep them down for 75 years.
Seems like the shame playbook is worth a try in the denazification process in the Ukraine.
Separate out the “good Ukrainians” from the Nazis, parade the Nazis in the streets, and shame the rest of the people publicly until they promise to be good and pass laws against Nazis.
I think Russia will be satisfied with eliminating the Ukrainian neo-Nazi political parties and especially their militias. They know who these people are, it won’t be hard to find them, arrest them and imprison them, either in Russia or Ukraine.
Russia will set up a new Constitution – which will ban Nazi political parties – and hold new elections. If any Nazis become a problem in the future, rinse and repeat. They don’t need to get rid of every Nazi sitting in an apartment somewhere – just prevent them from seizing political power.
Add to this a Constitution that bans NATO and bans strategic weapons which are a threat to Russia and the threat is pretty much neutered.
“They must not be allowed to feel pride in being Ukrainians.”
You’re as bad as those you are complaining about.
I know that sounds really mean.
But please note the context of my comment, which was a comparison to how the denazification process was carried in Germany. .
Steven Hack says:
“They don’t need to get rid of every Nazi sitting in an apartment somewhere – just prevent them from seizing political power.”
Preventing Neonazis from seizing power might require that “regular” Ukrainians be made to recall what their country did to countrymen.
And, re “You’re as bad . . .” You can be sure that I feel pretty ashamed to be an American at this point.
In fact, I think perhaps you basically missed the point of my post.
Now that you mentioned Vodka, I was reading an article on the lay-off list where four governors had asked all the liquor stores in their States to stop selling Vodka, what the fools didn’t seem to know was that most Vodka sold in the liquor stores is now produced in the U.S. seeing Russia only exports I believe it was 1% to the U.S. But hey everyone knows Vodka is a Russian drink, so it must be made in Russia right?.
:-) pun not intended, of course. ;-)
I am a little concerned that all these civilian s, prisoners and overseas liberators (soccer moms and factory workers) will find a way to screw up a planned and orderly Russian operation to demilitarize Ukie forces. The whole affair NEEDS to wrap up quickly so western armchair generals and world leaders see that it was just a limited special operation all along. If this thing lasts a month or two then more criticism inside and outside Russia will cause irreparable harm to The Bear. I don’t want to see that! Heck maybe Ovechkin denounces his citizenship.
The main reason to wrap things up quickly I think is China. The war in the months to come will be fought on the economic plane, Russia’s ace in the hole is China, but China doesn’t want back Russia too openly before the guns are largely silent. Russia can last for several months if it can hold the line on the ruble, but it’s going to need China’s open and staunch support beyond that.
I fully expect “Russian Standard” vodka to disappear from US stores (we bought all the last ones we could).
You’ll have to start making your own samahonku. My mother in law used to brew a great 90 proof horilku (45%).
Trudeau sanctioned the purchase of Russian oil into Canada. Canada has not bought Russian oil since 2019!
Full Metal Jackass!
Cheers Andrei. :)
Why try to take Kiev at all if Putin’s goal was de-Nazification?
Let Kiev remain as a face saving way for ‘Z’ to end the war and make some kind of rational compromise w/Russia.
Trying to replace ‘Z’ with military force isn’t going to work out well. Other than when H.W. replace Noriega in Panama, I can’t think of a single example where a govt installed after a military operation was successful but I can think of big failures, Libya, Afghanistan (U.S.), and Iraq (post-Saddam).
BTW I heard for myself a Ukrainian on FOX pronounce it ‘KEE-yev’ (albeit very quickly) while all the hosts pronounce it as KEEVE. So who passed out the talking points to use that pronounciation?
As far as I know, both spellings (Russian and Ukrainian) are pronounced KEE-yev. Nobody is saying lviv. It’s lvov, but western Ukrainians spell it differently.
Nope, difference between Russian and Ukrainian, Lvov, Lviv (–> Lvovi, vowels changing with the case).
‘KEE-yev’ (Киев) is in Russian, ‘KEEVE’ (Київ) is in Ukrainian.
The Ukrainian version isn’t pronounced “Keev” either. Removed. Mod.. It’s KEE-yiv, Just a vowel shift. Old spelling in both languages (pre-1918) used the “yat” and thus were spelled exactly the same way.
Jeez, a new problem!
[English pronunciation guide]
Not KEE-yev. Not Kee-YEV.
Same amount of emphasis on both syllables. First syllable is very short. I know that Americans, especially those from the South, have a hard time getting their lips around consonant clusters, but they should be able to manage this.
Just say it the way your mom and her bridge club said “chicken Kiev.”
“Not KEE-yev. Not Kee-YEV.
Same amount of emphasis on both syllables.” – Taffy
Taffy, I stand absolutely corrected.
I heard the Ukrainian say it as you described, kee-yev [phenetic, not literal spelling], with the same emphasis on both syllables. For some reason, the news anchors got it into their heads to say, ‘k-eeeeee-v’ and I don’t know why. Why care? Just another example of news hosts jumping on bandwagon without paying attention to what they are doing.
Great job, Saker. Russia is in control and moving forward with its plan. Turning the Chechenia’s loose to hunt down the Nazi’s seems a very appropriate ending for them. Anyone who watches MSM is a fool. Russia is in the right and holding the winning hand. All truths will be disclosed in due course, and 6 -12 months the public view of this in the west will be much different. Russia is a principled country and it has acted courageously to defend its people and way of life.
Do you remember what Americans did to Japanese people living in US after Pearl Harbour? Put is camps, also those fully integrated. This is, sadly, the standard West behavior. Back to now, to me, this hysteria and non-senses against common Russian people is showing that the West is already at war, not with weapons yet, but there are clearly orders issued to prepare the ground and the population for the worst to come. If only, to have someone (Putin and all Russians) to blame when economy and supply chain will collapse due to the sanctions.
Apart from that, has anyone news about Karkhiv? Captured or still fierce fighting?
Another point: I was hoping that the Ukie army was in similar condition to the Afghan army in May/June 2021, full meltdown, but apparently not, or am I mistaken?
Still fighting.
Kharkhiv will take a while. Heavy shelling is ongoing from both sides. Entrenched Ukrainian troops are being ordered to hold the city to the last. This means it will probably be destroyed pretty badly. The Ukrainians are shelling their own civilians in Kharkiv. It will end badly for them but come at a high cost to the civilians, looks like.
Here is a video of a man living in Karkhov (I refuse to use the ukie names!). It’s two videos of his journey from Kiev to Karkhov. Quite informative
There’s a huge convoy ready to enter Karkhiv. There’s a video of it on Telegram, posted just after 5AM today. There’s also videos of explosions.
Can anyone tell me why I haven’t seen one article that I have posted here! Since I’ve almost been here 24/7 for the last week I have enjoyed Saker’s and other’s articles but can’t seem to get ANY of my posts seen or commented on!!
1) Maybe reference to propaganda sights which is a don’t do’
2) Foul Language
3) Off Topic ( although everything’s related )
4) Too Stupid
Can’t think of another reason marty, unless your computer’s been compromised due to you splendid insight.
This is very interesting. It was tweeted just now by Roland Oliphant, a prominent reporter for “The Telegraph.” Oliphant is working for the Western propaganda machine; he’s supposed to be concealing news about Ukie military disasters. So, if he feels compelled to release this grim news, we know something grim is happening to the UKR army.
Message from a Ukrainian solider:
If anything happens don’t let us be forgotten. We are surrounded in Mariupol no way out.
“Message from a Ukrainian solider:
If anything happens don’t let us be forgotten. We are surrounded in Mariupol no way out.”
Full on pathos to get the sympathy of readership. Like when Bruce Willis saved Earth from the asteroid, not a dry eye in the house…
Maybe the 101st Chairborne division will rescue them,or it could be like Stalingrad where that Panzer help never quite got there to rescue what was left of Paulus and the master race.
If they won’t allow Russian vodka to be sold, surely they’ll boycott Russia’s unclean gas and oil.
Bought some Russian vodka yesterday – to help the lads out !
Makes a better martini. Cheers !
Maybe the US flag is also about to be boycotted. Sadly it has the same colors as Russian one… bummer.
Those whom God wishes to destroy, he first makes mad.
A reminder.
Biden did not win the 2020 election, it was rigged and everyone knows it. There was a coup in the USA.
The election was rigged with the help of the Europeans, (Germany and Italy received election data and corrupted it), but the main culprits were the American politicians and State officials who were also, (not coincidentally), responsible for the coup in 2014 which gave power to the Nazis in Ukraine.
A small number of people are responsible for bringing the whole World to the brink of war. This was where they were going when they rigged the US Election.
Maybe we will soon be treated to YouTube videos showing (US or Ukie) Nazis machine-gunning Russian “matrioshka” dolls followed by thunderous cries of “Glory to the Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!“?
That isn’t so improbable.
The video streaming service Netflix will be broadcasting the Ukrainian film _Rhino_, which stars Sergei Filimonov, who is a proud Azov Battalion member and apparently is fighting in the Donbass.
In other words, Netflix is pimping for a film starring a neo-Nazi!
Of course, this is the same Netflix that broadcast a film glorifying the “pro-Democracy” head-chopper/jihadist group known as the The White Helmets from America’s dirty war against Syria.
Netflix to feature film by Nazis Sergei Filimonov and Oleg Sentsov
Saber, is not time for a operation by our friends of siryan army to liberate that base of invaders in Al tanf? I mean, this could show the Double standards of the “west”.
I was astounded when I saw a photograph of the Russian and Ukrainian sides at the recent negotiations that took place. The Russians were dressed appropriately and professionally, while the Ukrainian side looked like a bunch of scruffy patrons who walked over to the negotiations from the tavern across the street. Who shows up to a wartime negotiation with a baseball cap on at the table? Unbelievable.
At least they didn’t bring their small lucky heather bouquets with them.
There were two Ukrainians who were appropriately dressed: the two at the end of the table.
I’d wager they were from the Ministry of Defense. They were there to be professional.
The rest were neo-nazis, or worse, each one handpicked by their respective neo-nazi goon squad.
They were there to ensure that those two professionals didn’t sell their neo-nazi goon squads up the river.
“Who shows up to a wartime negotiation with a baseball cap on at the table? ”
The representative of the Azov Battalion, would be my guess.
I saw a comment recently that “Russia does not want to occupy Ukraine’ and that ‘such and such area was ‘liberated’, not occupied…. Need I say more.
How could they abandon the Russians in the liberated zones back to the fascists? After the lives taken to liberate the people, only to hand them back to Nato?! No that can never be.
Ukraine is finished, it is an idea that has passed.
Long live Novorussya.
As the Chinese diplomat responded when asked, why not just let Tibet go? He replied, if we move out…they will move in. Better to stay and have peace then let the aggressor move in with their missiles.[not a direct quote]
My thoughts exactly.
The world is a different place to a month ago. I can’t possibly see how a quick in and out would change anything.
Here’s another bombshell revelation. It’s from Neil Hauer, a reporter for CNN and “The Guardian.” He’s got a long history of cheerleading for the Ukies and hyping alleged Russian army reversals. But now Hauer has no choice except to acknowledge the truth about the Ukie military position at Mariupol.
Mariupol surrounded, defenders holed up for a last stand. Was there just three weeks ago. Now it’s about to be destroyed.
Maybe the mighty TB2 will save them
I belive that the very reason, why they won’t send any fighter jets, is because The Ghost of Kiev have already achieved ultimate air superiority over Ukraine. :))))
They won’t send in any fighter jets because of the existence and availability of systems like S-300, S-350 and S-400 that don’t even have to be very near. They know that those jets may survive only minutes after flying into Russian controlled airspace.
Great piece again, Thank you! I would just like to add that, while you are right in saying that there are “practically NO voices denouncing all this”, many here in Europe do oppose this umpteenth manufactured hysteria and are by no means anti-Russian but very much pro-Russian. However, the decades-long elite campaign to blame all kinds of things on “evil Russians” and publicly crucify whoever would oppose this view has left its mark on society: people have learned that anything less than ostentatious expression of anti-Russian sentiment earns them nothing, quite to the contrary, it makes them suspicious in public perception. It is sad, and my feeling is that Europeans will pay dearly for this not only in the short run, by paying extraordinarily high prices for the gas they need to heat their homes in winter, but also – and perhaps even more so – in the long run.
Seems like it doens’t have to be destroyed if the Azov and other defenders raise white flag.
If they surrender they will be protected under Geneva convention as POWs, right?
Looks like they are choosing the Samson option instead.
They are afforded all the protections of Geneva Convention III, correct.
But be aware that Geneva Conventions do contain Articles pertaining to war crimes, up to and including the Death Penalty.
Articles 82 – 108
So a soldier of the Azov Battalion who has committed grave violations of international humanitarian law does not get a Get Out Of Goal card merely because he becomes a Prisoner of War.
The Russians are able to put them on trial, and if found guilty are entitled to put a bullet in ’em.
The two factors that the West fully underestimated are 1) Russian resolve and 2) Russian preparedness. This action in Ukraine was never taken on a whim. Russia is redrawing the map.
Will they listen to him now? Probably not, or at least not yet. So for the immediate future, we will likely see more acts of impotent fury like kicking Russia out of sporting events, acts of piracy such as Macron’s recent seizure of a Russian flagged ship, and the truly delusional address by Chancellor Scholz to the German Bundestag.
And, yet, the map will be redrawn.
Is this the same Scholz from Hogan’s heroes?
Schulz was more intelligent.
and more honest….”…I know nothing….’”
Thanks and regards to the Russian people from a Belgian.
It does not seem to me that Russia can just go in, kill the Nazis, liberate cities, free the Donbas and just pull out.
Putin clearly stated he wanted a demilitarized and neutral Ukraine and war crime trials for those responsible for all the damage. Putting all this into place will take some time and effort and you can bet your life that the current crop of Ukrainian politicians won’t do any of these things. They will want to go back to normal and join the EU and make big bucks and screw their own people.
No, I think Russia has to clean house of all the current crop of “leaders” and replace them
with new ones which must include Russians. I can even see a new constitution being drawn up under Russian pressure.
Putin laid out a big agenda which will not be met in just a few days. Based on what he said it would look like Russia might “be in town” for awhile.
Don’t see how Russia can accomplish what they want versus what they currently have without an extended stay.
I may be wrong but that is how I see it.
Russia was never going to win a PR war. Western media is consolidated into a handfull of corporations that are absolutely controlled by (un)intelligence agencies. Hollywood is no different, it is just another propaganda too. Every movie villain is Russian.
When this is over and Ukraine has been restored to an independent soverign state with a democratically elected government, the west will portray it as a puppet regime and victim of Russia.
The US is accusing Russia of doing everything that the US does: complete destruction of civilian infrastructure, war crimes, etc. Meanwhile Russia is doing everything the US claims to do: protecting civilains and restoring democracy.
Spot On…and i liked your 2nd and 3rd paragraphs…very useful as quotes when i send rants to my imbecile friends who just dont ‘get’ it …
However I think long term, the ONLY way is to lock in The Ukraine into the Union State….and no one has yet answered the excellent points made by Cas on other commentaries, that in Reality De Jure, the Ukraine does NOT have sovereignty, HAS been part of the Union State and it is NATO that has thus illegally intruded on what is actually still Russian land….all because they never applied to have their borders registered.
Why is THIS not being emphasized/discussed here? …or by the Russian government?
Because it has not been verified? Atm its just an internet meme. Provide actual evidence and we will rejoice no doubt.
I am a second generation Ukrainian-American and have read extensively about Ukrainian politics, particularly since the 2014 Maidan coup. I also have family still living in Ukraine, so the conflict is very personal for me. Since last Friday, I have spent most of every day reading stuff on the internet, trying to find out what is really happening over there. I have found the Vineyard of the Saker and Moon of Alabama to be the most informative. Call me biased, but I’ve found most of there never was a West (Graeber) media and internet coverage to be mostly U.S. jingoist crap – even so-called left websites. This morning I read an article that is by far the best I’ve read on the Ukrainian-Russian conflict.
My answer to Canadian friends worrying about the war in Ukraine
By New Cold War Posted February 28, 2022 In Halyna Mokrushyna,
That link was very good – thanks for posting. It was however “removed” from viewing here in prison Australia – -however it is available via the Tor Browser.
Dear Andrei,
Thanks a lot for all your analises and the good work of informing people. Here, in Brasil, the MSM doen’t even pretend more doing jornalism. Only abject propaganda and lies. We are especulating here that MSM wants to be part of OTAN/NATO more than 404.
Peace be with you.
César, Júlio
As an American who has been watching Ukraine with astonishment since the ” revolution of dignity” – coup detat -and subsequent self inflicted war, I am watching the special military operation with great hope, even though i am also nervous. I TRULY hope Russia will choose to, and begin rebuilding the mighty society she built in the 60 years after 1920. ..Russia went from a society that was, in many important ways still medieval, to leading the space age in 40 years.. NO WONDER these greedy myopic narcissistic western states HATED and more, feared her so much…Rebuild Russia with the wisdom of experience..This is what Russians have always been adept at.
IIRC, George Orwell’s “Two Minute Hates” were a daily feature on his fictional nightly news broadcasts in “1984”.
BTW, George was not an ‘armchair warrior’. He volunteered to fight the fascists in Spain. Wrote some good accounts of the experiences.
Most spectators think today in military terms. I think the more twisted is the political scene. Russia may declare that will not occupy 404, – btw. declared on daily basis that has no intention to invade it, what changed inbetween ? – , but there seem to be no realistic situation in which the Kremlin puppet government can be kept in power without military occupation in a Warshaw pact fashion. The next day the invaders leave 404, the people of Ukraine will chase away the stooges. Where is the political solution for that without hard power suppression of Ukrainians?
Big mistake to try and occupy Ukraine,it would mean decades of violence,stick to the plan then withdraw.
Major poll in China shows 53% Chinese citizens support Russian defense of national interests in Ukraine.
Only 15% oppose it, while 32% are ambivalent and say “It’s none of my business.”
What is the meaning of the term ‘Uncle Shmuel,’ which you use quite frequently?
Uncle Sam = USA
Just a gentle reminder of who’s pulling the yankee strings.
Uncle schmuel is salers way of saying uncle Sam. That is the USA
Here’s what I see on a baby-naming site: “Schmuel is pronounced -SHMYuwL †. Schmuel is of Hebrew origin and it is used mainly in Yiddish. Schmuel is a variant form of the English, French, German, and Hebrew Samuel.” I think the use of the name here implies that the good ole’ USA is nowadays run by Zionists.
I really hope you are wrong. Who talkes of occupation? A couple of bases with another dozen folk republics is a very desirable outcome. What do you think will happen when Russia simply leaves? Another denazification op in 8 years? Another attempt to join NATO as Georgia is always trying to do? This makes no sense. Denazify and let a thousand flowers blossom, with one or two bases in the vicinity.
Speaking of maps of Russia, the self-glorifying West might want to remove the label “Russia” from their versions of world maps, and simplify them with “Not USA” where Russia is located. That could also be applied to any other country, for example, China and Iran would simply be “Not USA” but the EUrodents would be one contiguous country identified as “USA”. They might as well. There are only two world zones according to the self-described “Masters of the Universe”: “USA” (Zone A) and “Not USA” (Zone B).
The simplification would greatly reduce the anxiety of the residents of Not USA by unburdening them with the impossible task of learning geography or astronomy.
Sorry, correction:
“The simplification would greatly reduce the anxiety of the residents of USA by unburdening them with the impossible task of learning geography or astronomy.”
Tonight is the State of the Union address. I won’t watch it, but guaranteed Biden will do 3 things.
1. Claim victory over Covid.
2. Blame Russia for all our financial ills.
3. He’ll call out the name of some “brave Ukranian patriot”, who’ll then stand up and be greeted by a standing ovation from both Houses of Congress. (100% guarantee on this one)
Saker, I am so grateful that you have created this site, where you provide us with so many informative viewpoints on what is happening and also giving us the ability to communicate about the viewpoints. I’m Dutch, live in Bulgaria, but lived in the US for a long time and also UK. The friends I have here, also Dutch and Belgian all feel the same way about what is happening, yet our family and friends abroad are absolutely determinedly and willingly blind to truth. I sent my mother in America an informative link yesterday. Today she told me, well yes, but that is state sponsored propaganda, luckily we don’t have that here. I just have to remember she is 93, but it was very painful, and I figure many of us are experiencing similar things with friends, colleagues and family. So it is very calming to come here and read your updates and feel a bit normal. Once again, many, MANY heartfelt thanks.
Apart from the expulsion of Russian students from Euroepan universities, we have that there are already German restaurants which have placed warnings in their windows stating that people with Russain passports are not welcome there.
These were not hand written placards but machine done ones, one would say they had them prepared in advance like all those placards we always see all of a sudden appearing in the demosntrations organized byu Soros/NED.
But when in the Earth you were before asked to shoe your passport when trying to go into a restaurant?
Excatly, just some weeks ago, when still the pandemic measures were in force in Europe, thus, the people got conditioned throug ha eyar to accept the abnormal situation where a honest decent citizen is discriminated on the basis of holding certain kind of passports or not.
Then, it is claims by France on ejecting Russai from Interpol…Wghat is the point of Macron telephoning Putin every two days then? To menace him?
On the other hand, every journalist, including freelance ones, who have ever expressed an opinion close to relaity or seasoned in some way or have had any collaboration, even when isolated, with a Russian media is being labeled pro-Russian and added a label in its Twitter account as “account rlated to the Russian government”.
In this regard, Basque freelance journalist Pablo González has been detained in Poland on charges of being “pro-Russian” and “speaking Russian”, the most astounding it could sound, which seems to be a new criminal offense added to the International Criminal Legislation and Poland´s Criminal Code.
The guy had been previously detained in Ukraine and questioned by the SBU because of collaborating with Basque paper Gara, allegedly, by SBU consideration, a “pro-Russian” paper, but on my scale and knowledge, following quite a Soros line, too much in line with Davos´ Big Reset to my taste.
Well, one is inclined to think that the SBU is really badly informed, and that they really harassed the doctoral student of the Basque Country University because he has passed the last 8 years reporting in a seasoned and somehow objective way about the Donbass conflict.
Thus, blaming the whole European people does not seem to me fair .
Some of us have fought the Syria and Donbass war as hard as we could, then followed fighting during the pandemic, to this point.
I fear you will not go to the extent of risking your freedom and career in the US.
We have already risked our careers and a lot more here.
What is to expect here now, I wonder, that every association of Russian-Spanish friendship will be criminalized too?
Will be the Russian honorary consuls criminalized and jailed now?
Will all institutions of cultural exchange, like the Cervantes Institute be closed on orders of the nazis ruling Germany now, obn advise of Poland and The Baltics?
Why tiny countries with an irrelevant GDP, who add to the EU budget almost nothing and depend almost totally on EU subsides, dictate now the foreign policy of the 4th economy in the EU?
Are we all nazis now?
Things did not paint well when at any initiative by the Russians on the UN on condemning glorification of nazism, the whole EU abstained always, while the US and Ukraine voted against…
We are assisting at the final overthrowing of what remained on feet of the International Law on the alibi that “Putin has invaded Ukraine”!!
We had the people in the bars this morning talking about Putin and condemning him as if they were now all geopolitical experts, like they became virologist during the past two years, but what you do not hear anything about in the bars is about the astronomic prices of fuel, gas and electricity which were already astronomic before Russian intervention in the Ukraine, and which was the usual converstion twi years ago…
What has happened?
The people brainwashed during two years by the media and shocked by continuous fearmongering and shock and awer have reacted to the new “enemy of the people” changing their fellow compatriots with Putin and the Russians in zero coma as soon as the media, owned by BlackRock and Vanguard, at unison with public governmental media, pulsed the button of their consciences now robbotized and standarized.
You would wish that Putin will remain in Donbass, well, I would wish that, once submerged in such expenses, he does not stop till Berlin, like the last time, since unless the unelected foreign regime holding power in the EU is not vacated from foreign agents, and national elites caring for the progess f otheir countries and peoples take over, Europe is condemned, not only to poverty and misery, but also to perpetual war.
Last I have seen on TV while leaving mom´s home it was the Russian oligarchs making statements disconnecting themselves from Russian government and Russian operation in the Ukraine.
I do not know if you have noticed, but I am finding Putin astonishingly pletoric these days, as if the man would have lived mainly to see these days.
I was thinking some hours ago that all those broadcasted videos on Putin and Shoigu getting so spartan hollydays in Siberia make a lot of sense now…He does not need luxury to be happy, he can live with the basics, with a minimum, he does not mind impoverishing for a while if it is for a better brighter freer future.
Neither any decent people with a bit of dignity….
We will be all, the common people poorer, but, if the travel, we get rid of all the oligarchs who suck us and our countries of their blood, we will end winning more than continuing the same pace to disaster and absolutely no future.
Sometimes war is unavoidable. At least I have understood.
You understand it when soemone, your government, or whomever, delcares war on you with no reason, then you have not but to fight, for your life, for your truth, for everything what is worth.
Thank you!
I agree , lot of love from the UK..
Thank you for your work
Marco Rubio (US Senator) (@marcorubio) Tweeted:
I will be filing a bill to sanction & issue a lifetime visa ban for any govt official in #Ukraine who collaborates with #Russia to govern any part of the country
And I hope the EU & every NATO nation will do the same
I wonder what the Russian strategy is for after the defeat of the Ukrainian forces. Does anyone have a good idea about it? Putin was really clear with his security demands. Would they result in him turning towards the Baltic states and enforce his demands for demilitarization there?
Thanks for your opinions!
Baltic states, which are sharing borders with Russia, have very tiny armies and they don’t pose any threat.
So your assessment is that after finishing his mission in Ukraine, he will have achieved his goals and not bother himself with the West any longer? What about his security demands then in which he clearly stated he wouldn’t accept NATO troops in former Soviet states? I get that the Baltic statelets are no threat but wouldn’t it contradict his position to give ultimatums but not follow up on them?
I’m not sure that was what Putin said.
What I heard is that he wants an agreement that NATO troops from other countries couldn’t be in any state that borders CSTO.
Seems reasonable to me. If any incursion from either side happens, the nukes start flying.
“MOSCOW, February 20. /TASS/. The United States and NATO must give a concrete and substantive response to Russia’s proposals on security guarantees, Russian President Vladimir Putin said during a telephone conversation with his French counterpart. Emmanuel Macron, on Sunday.
Putin “once again stressed the necessity for the United States and NATO to take Russia’s demands on ensuring security guarantees seriously and to respond to them in a concrete and substantive manner,” the Kremlin said after their phone call.
Russia referred its proposals on security guarantees to the United States and NATO in December 2021. The proposed measures include guarantees that NATO will not advance eastward, including the accession of Ukraine and other countries into the alliance, as well as non-deployment of serious offensive weapons, including nuclear ones. Russia also demands the NATO military infrastructure be retreated to the 1997 borders.”
If the “proposals” (which are clearly demands) should not be met, the Kremlin made clear that they would act unilaterally and with military measures. The Ukraine Operation is a direct outcome of the West’s ignorance of these demands. It seems to me that Putin isn’t done with NATO, even after a regime change in Ukraine. The question is how far he will go to enforce his demands. The Baltic states and Poland will never accept the retreat of NATO troops originally meant for their protection. Eastern Europe (Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, the Baltic states) is scared shitless of the Russians.
Putin never gave an explicit ultimatum.
OK, but why the US didn’t try their missilistic installations there? Too small and thus easy to wipe out? There is a border 120 km or so close to St-Petersburg.
If Russia doesn’t break Ukraine into pieces, small pieces, they will rue the day.
There is no point to say you are going to demilitarize and denazify the Ukraine, and then leave it whole, integral.
There can never be a unitary state called Ukraine.
They will be back armed to the teeth with a million-man state-of-the-art military, with 5000 armed drones and missiles to devastate the Donbass.
You went in to do more than save Donbass. You must finish the task so there is no tomorrow for Ukraine.
There can be no government with Zelensky or any substitute from the lineup of mass murderers.
What is now Ukraine has to be wiped from the maps. And the possible, remaining tiny Ukraine, Lviv and suburbs is all they can move into if they want their Glorious country. That’s their cultural and pathological home.
No viable entity should be left for these Ukrainians.
The Donbass, Novorossiya, city-states can decide to confederate or not. But they should all be protectorates of Russia, integrated into EAEU and CSTO.
Otherwise, you will have a forever war.
Hey, NATO did it to Yugoslavia in 1990’s, why can’t Russia?
You’ve got nuclear power over there, you simply can’t have a forever war, no one can afford it.
Finally, someone talks straight. This is exactly the whole point of the OP in my opinion, Why first catch all the ire of the West, in a format that mostly resembles a war state, to then just leave and let this forsaken state re-nazify and become another attempt of an “anti-Rusia” sponsored by the West again? Makes absolutely no sense. Either we are missing something important or the Saker is wrong on this question.
As Putin says what he means and means what he says, we must assume that his emphatic description of the artificial and thus unsustainable character of the Ukraine as a preliminary to announcing the military operation meant that the op would separate the badly joined pieces.
@ Larchmonter445
I am usually at odds with your radical line of posting, on this one, however, I am more and more convinced there is no other way possible. Once the rabid West showed its loud and clear intentions to destroy Russia, Ukraine cannot be left whole. I understand the Saker’s concerns, they are valid, but Ukraine has no moral compass, its soul has been corrupted, sooner or later it will go back to the same Russophobic Nazis in power.
Russia’s original plans desarming and denazifying Ukraine need to be adjusted according to the West’s hostile and aggressive actions. Putin is playing by the rules, I trust that he will be able to turn up the pain-dial when needed. Let me be clear, I am talking about Ukraine as a nation-state, not about the people of Ukraine, besides the Nazis and their supporters. Ukrainian people have also been victims of the Nazis, and continue to be, so many videos of people killed for trying to leave a town, or for suspicions of being “Russian supporters.” Those criminals need to be stopped and shot on the spot.
404 Delenda est!
Lone Wolf
“Once the rabid West showed its loud and clear intentions to destroy Russia,”
For me this is critical.
If the West had said, OK, we’ll back off Ukraine because you have made your point and with some face saving we can all go back to business as usual 2.0. It would be different.
But the threats and war cries directed at Russia and Putin are truly savage.
Russia must take them seriously. They are really more akin to (original) Nazi propaganda directed against Jews as subhumans. I am truly shocked at what I am reading and hearing of.
They are in fact a whole new casus belli.
So, I guess Russia has to go to Plan C in light of this gross response.
Make sure there is no rump Ukraine that can continue to be a base for destabilization and violence.
Like, for example, Israel in the middle East.
Really Russia needs to enact a doctrine comparable to the Monroe Doctrine, where it declares its sphere of influence, and don’t interfere or there will be consequences.
“If the West had said, OK, we’ll back off Ukraine because you have made your point and with some face saving we can all go back to business as usual 2.0. It would be different.”
The obvious rational answer via diplomacy.
However, the west (those driving this) are not in a rational mode, and I suspect the larger agenda has to do with deep systemic issues in the western capitalist fiat-based debt system. Since 2007/9 they need a post-Obama bailout and escape plan.
Crashing the system via contentious pandemic policy response (except Sweden and few others), and now Rusian ‘aggression,’ looks to be one way of smashing the system (for a needed reset on the same failed theory) rather than a transformation based on a new set of principles aimed at avoiding moral hazard.
How does that old tribal saying go? … “Better one (good) man die than the tribal system fail”.
A cross and nails comes to mind, although there are diverse opinions as to who actually got nailed on the day.
Dear Larch,
Fools begin wars, Russia is about to settle the Forever Wars.
“If Russia doesn’t break Ukraine into pieces, small pieces, they will rue the day.”
VVP is a balancer in his system, however the unreal group-hate and irreversible rupturing steps taken by the combined West really put the AI+5+6 on permanent back foot. Nothing to lose now. Rats nest(s) will be thoroughly cleansed. Current steps taken by West really liberate and open possibilities for Russia to lead to a healthy New New World Order. without regard to hysteria or opinion of putrefied West.
“What is now Ukraine has to be wiped from the maps.”
Yes, and essentially achieved east of the river. What we all await is (1) the approach to the Galician Orcland.. and (2) more importantly the C&C Homebase of all Orcs – the USUK. This will be the determinative phase once Ukrainian pieces are decided – settling with the nomenklatura and oligarchs of USUK.
And there are many indications they won’t make mistake of 1815 or 1945 of merely settling with the proxies.
How can that happen without a devastating attack more like the USA mode of war? The RU forces are avoiding destroying infrastructure and civilian life?
I have a better idea. Russia made the Jehovah Witness religion illegal. I suggest establishing the world headquarters for the religion in Ukraine. It would be a good deterrent for keeping Russia out. And, it would encourage those already living there to move out. No one would want to move there. I doubt those of that religion would be interested in fighting wars. Problem solved!
TOTALLY agree…
Any opinion you can share about the fascinating data exposed by Cas in an earlier thread? where it was established that the Ukraine never signed any papers registering the borders – so it has been technically part of the Union State all these years – and Russia has always had the rights over the territory of the Ukraine.
If that applies, then Russia has a solid legal case for destroying all NATO presence and US installed government…and can do with the territory what it likes.
“There can never be a unitary state called Ukraine.”
I disagree. Russia can organize a new state Constitution and a new government. Now is that guaranteed to work, as you suggest it won’t? No, it’s not. But it’s an appropriate step.
Remember, Yanukovich was about to do a deal with Russia. That’s what got him overthrown. But his opponents had help – specifically the CIA and the neo-Nazis. Russia is about to eliminate the neo-Nazi political parties and their militias. When a new Constitution is created, it will ban such parties and eliminate oligarch militias.
That’s all Russia needs – that and an article in the Constitution banning strategic weapons being installed in Ukraine that threaten Russia – followed by Russia “negotiating” installation of their own strategic weapons to counter the NATO ones in Poland and Romania. Also banning any cooperation with NATO.
Russian intelligence will embed itself so far up Ukraine’s butt that there will be no chance of the CIA doing anything there in the future.
It’s quite doable. And if the Ukraine government becomes problematic later, as you say, rinse and repeat. For some years, however, Ukraine won’t be a problem.
This whole process is exactly what I’ve been advocating since 2014.
La Suisse a fermé son espace aérien… On est mort de rire !
Désolée d’écrire en français. Mon anglais risque d’être incompréhensible.
Mais la Suisse a rejoint le troupeau sur toutes les autres sanctions. Très déçue de mon pays. J’ai honte pour lui.
On nous a annoncé ce soir que les Russes ont bombardé le centre-ville de Kharkiv, que les zones résidentielles sont visées.
Et qu’ils utiliseraient des munitions thermobariques et à fragmentation.
Ça devient… lourd. Dans l’entourage la communication, qui avait déjà bien été suspendue avec le C19, ne s’est pas vraiment améliorée, bien au contraire !
J’espère que notre ami VP ne s’est pas “gouré”- au fond de moi je ne le pense pas mais parfois je me fais rattraper par la propagande. C’est un sentiment terrible. C’est pour cela que je n’écoute que les titres des journaux télévisés. Parce qu’il faut bien savoir ce que racontent les “autres”. Ensuite j’éteins l’appareil. C’est à vomir.
Heureusement que vous êtes là, pour nous insuffler un peu d’air frais. Merci pour tout votre travail, vous et les autres, Martyanov, Escobar, Orlov, MoA.
Veuillez bien sûr lire Kharkov, ci-dessus. Désolée
Please read Kharkov, above. Sorry
Switzerland has closed its airspace… We have died laughing!
Sorry to write in French. My English may be incomprehensible.
But Switzerland joined the herd on all other sanctions. Very disappointed with my country. I am ashamed for him.
We were told tonight that the Russians bombed downtown Kharkiv, that residential areas are being targeted.
And they would use thermobaric and fragmentation ammunition.
It gets… heavy. In the entourage the communication, which had already been suspended with the C19, did not really improve, quite the contrary!
I hope our friend VP did not “guru” – deep inside I don’t think so, but sometimes I get caught up with propaganda. It is a terrible feeling. That’s why I only listen to the headlines of the television newspapers. Because you have to know what the “others” tell. Then I turn off the device. It is to vomit.
Fortunately you are here, to breathe some fresh air. Thank you for all your work, you and others, Martyanov, Escobar, Orlov, MoA.
Even Washingtonpost admits what I’ve been saying for days:
““During the campaign against Iraq in 1991, for example, the average pace of the U.S. force was a little over 1 mph. Even the fastest division barely managed a little over 2 mph — the speed of a leisurely walk.””
“More recently, the U.S.-led campaign to expel Iraqi forces from Kuwait in 1991 — widely regarded as one of the most successful military operations of modern times — had its supply headaches. For example, the ground portion of the war famously lasted just over four days, but the U.S. Army’s 1st Armored Division nearly ran out of fuel on Day 3 while trying to attack the Iraqi Republican Guard.”
Wait so you’re telling me, the thing you’re now accusing Russia of, i.e. “running out of fuel” is exactly what happened to the mighty U.S. army in 1991?
“There were close calls during the 2003 invasion of Iraq, too. The U.S. Army’s 3rd Infantry Division was supposed to be resupplied two days after the invasion began. But a confluence of events conspired to delay the first resupply until six days into the offensive. By then, despite stretching their initial supply of food and water as far as possible, some units had only enough on hand to last them a few more hours.”
Wait, wait, wait! So you’re telling me, that the U.S. army forces literally RAN OUT OF FOOD? And had only a few hours worth of food left? And this was in 2003? But I thought it’s the Russian army currently is “running out of food” and its demoralized soldiers are “starving”! How can this be, the mighty U.S. Army ran out of fuel and food and was reduced to crawling 1mile per day. Maybe Putin hacked the WashingtonPost!
“Articles written in the midst of combat operations cited fears that the forces would soon run dry of critical supplies or provided descriptions of isolated problems. Later accounts catalogued lists of shortfalls, such as no spare parts delivered during combat operations, or described the sustainment system as one that was close to failure.”
“The striking speed and maneuverability of modern tanks notwithstanding, military forces rarely advance at anywhere near the top speed of their vehicles. During the campaign against Iraq in 1991, for example, the average pace of the U.S. force was a little over 1 mph. Even the fastest division barely managed a little over 2 mph — the speed of a leisurely walk.”
“The 2003 invasion of Iraq was no faster. It took U.S. forces about two weeks to cover the 350 miles from the Kuwait border to the outskirts of Baghdad. Some units took indirect routes and some sprinted over short distances, but the net pace of the invasion was about the same as in 1991.”
“These speeds may seem slow, but they are not unusual. In an old but still very useful study on how fast large forces advance during military operations, Robert Helmbold found that “even the most rapid advance rates of land combat forces are at least one or two orders of magnitude below that of their principal modes of movement.” Most military units, it turns out — even those participating in a successful invasion — spend the vast majority of their time standing still.”
Nope! Lies! This can’t be. I’m convinced Putin and the KGB hacked the WashingtonPost….
So…anyone else still claiming Russia is ‘advancing slow’?
“So you’re telling me, that the U.S. army forces literally RAN OUT OF FOOD? And had only a few hours worth of food left? And this was in 2003? ”
Heh, heh, yeah, I remember a lot of stuff like that during the invasion. I used to frequent the late Colonel David Hackworth’s blog at the time. He used to receive all kinds of reports from soldiers in Iraq explaining how totally screwed up everything was there.
I also followed a site called which was rumored to have connections to the Russian GRU. They also posted situation updates that called into question the happy news being reported by the US MSM. Also reports of US atrocities like machine-gunning buses full of people, claiming that “Saddam soldiers” were embedded with the riders and the like.
For years afterward, every time an Iraqi car driver – apparently they all drive like idiots like much of the Third World, I’ve read – would approach a US checkpoint, the US guards would open fire if the driver was simply going a little fast, massacring an entire family.
I was in Vietnam in 1967-1968. The US military couldn’t do anything right then, they couldn’t do anything right in Iraq, they couldn’t do anything right in Afghanistan, and it seems the “New Action Army” can’t do anything right now.
Maldova is pretty stupid if they don’t use this as an excuse to take some coastline and get a port. Romania even could get some more beachfront.
Thanks for the update, and yes, the situation re Odessa is interesting.
The situation in the UK is much simpler. news of protests are replaced by marketing brochures for weapons systems. That and tabloid photos of dead children. The politiicans in the EU are similarly “off the hook”. From what little news details reaches us suggests that the Russians are minimising casualties.
Which brings me to my question. What is Russia’s exit strategy? That should tell us a lot about what is really going on.
Exit strategy for Russia? I think the question should be: What is the exit strategy for NATO-USA? Because with this, the “West” will come out so undervalued that it will have to humbly assume its future if it wants to survive politically…
Thanks Saker!
The empire always accuse their enemies of the empire’s own modus operandi.
This is all so Orwellian, hate weeks and minitrue MSM, rewriting history. One thing is not yet fully completed: the impoverishment of the Plebes. I guess we wont have to wait too long for this. “You will own nothing and will be happy. Yours truly, Big Brother”.
I never dreamed to see the day.
‘just write “here be bears” on the map of Russia.’
Zing … beautifully put mate!
One small note: There are voices denouncing this in America. It is admittedly the ‘fringe’ that is doing it, but you do see committed leftists (who generally struggle against the Democratic Party anyways) coming out and denouncing all of this. IIRC, the world socialist website is not a favorite over here, but they did a good ‘meeting’ about the situation this weekend. Good historical background back to the bombing of Belgrade (and apologies that time did not permit a review deeper back into Vietnam and further into American Imperialism) But the youtube stream of the meeting only had 300 viewers, so it was definitely not mainstream.
I’ve seen a few other of the more committed voices on the left coming out against all of this. But, they are rare. Generally, you can see just how far into ‘the left’ the Democratic Party has full operational control. Definitely extends through the “progressive democrats”, and even the Greens restricted their statement to a call for ‘negotiations’. At least they aren’t openly pro-Ukraine like way too many on the left (fake). But beyond these forces, there is a left that takes the considerable open ground to the left of the rather right-wing Democratic Party. There just aren’t many people there any more, and many of us seem to have grey hair.
Back during the Cheney regime, there was a vocal anti-war movement. But, it turned out to be mainly a Democratic Party political operation, and it was shut down when Obama took the oath of office. Since then, there’s been a few determined dead-enders who keep a left-wing anti-war movement going. And, if you get among those voices, you still hear denunciations of what’s going on.
Just thought I’d make a note that there are a handful of Americans who aren’t going along with this, for the future record of the War Crime Tribunals. There are a few ‘Good Americans’, just not many of us. History teaches that we are not nearly as many as who will try to claim it after this all crashes and burns around the fascists, but a few.
“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it–always.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
I’m with you, Le Pew. My gray hair too. We may be Few, but we are True.
There are a few subreddits that are islands of sanity. They are decidedly of the left but not the faux left of the wokesters and the corporate Democrats. They are not large (they can’t be allowed to be) but have enough posts and comment traffic to be of comfort to those who have seen their fellow Americans lose their minds since at least 2014/2016 and poked holes and issued warnings abut the Russiagate hysteria all along. Here’s one: . Don’t be fooled by the Bernie logos – it may have started there but didn’t end there when Bernie capitulated (after being cheated good and proper in the Dem primary). There are a few others I know of that are smaller but pack a punch.
And BTW, the saker is hard banned by Reddit as are many other sites, including Strategic-Culture, Zero Hedge. But people find ways to share……if they wish.
I’m finding this blog good, same as moon of Alabama and reminisce of the future, but south front is seeming a bit off. Any thoughts?
Something that nobody talks about really bothers me. What about the secret bio-labs that the Americans have set up in the Ukraine?
Scroll down the timeline of this account, you’ll get more than you can handle of that stuff
also this:
Check out
Dilyana writes:
“While the US is planning to increase its military presence in Eastern Europe to “protect its allies against Russia”, internal documents show what American “protection” in practical terms means.
The Pentagon has conducted biological experiments with a potentially lethal outcome on 4,400 soldiers in Ukraine and 1,000 soldiers in Georgia. According to leaked documents, all volunteer deaths should be reported within 24 h (in Ukraine) and 48 h (in Georgia).
Both countries are considered the most loyal US partners in the region with a number of Pentagon programs being implemented in their territory. One of them is the $2.5 billion Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) Biological engagement program which includes research on bio agents, deadly viruses and antibiotic-resistant bacteria being studied on the local population.
See also Dilyana research on US biolab programmes under the DTRA agency in 25countries, including Geogia and the Ukraine.
“The US Army regularly produces deadly viruses, bacteria and toxins in direct violation of the UN Convention on the prohibition of Biological Weapons. Hundreds of thousands of unwitting people are systematically exposed to dangerous pathogens and other incurable diseases. Bio warfare scientists using diplomatic cover test man-made viruses at Pentagon bio laboratories in 25 countries across the world. These US bio-laboratories are funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under a $ 2.1 billion military program– Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP), and are located in former Soviet Union countries such as Georgia and Ukraine, the Middle East, South East Asia and Africa.”
Additional link to my previous post (still undermoderation)
Croatian news announced that Zagreb philharmonic orchestra took Tchaikovsky of the list in protest against Russia. 😊
no, “Pathetiqué”
Why don’t they ban Chemistry altogether, then? Given that Mendeleiev was Russian and created the periodic table of the elements, no one should prepare chemical reactions since they are using “pesky symbols created by a war criminal”…
Apparently Ukraine has/had a policy of, drive by diplomacy, we are not sure whom they are watching or for how long this watch has been going on, but he appears to go by the handle of mousy and his handlers are rather deep into their own denial but not yet ready to admit a moral defeat.
Meanwhile we found out who Putin works for, his name is Earnie and he can literally do the same work of 100 gay young todays adults in a days time, and also seems to represent some plants and bacteria (that have rights also) and such, guess you can only ignore some things for so long before a mechanism shows up to enforce it, this 2 or 3 year Ukrainian clean up could get even messier if it somehow spills into neighboring country’s.
Yeah so don’t expect to find some stuff as the days roll on, and the stuff you do find will be a hell of a lot more expensive says the crystal ball, and even after that you might have to turn it into something you can use.
Oh yeah, and the opposition doesn’t even know its surrounded yet, they think the alamo is cloud next to heaven.
The depiction of the EU flag is perfect. Other things happening to Russians in the EU:
Not only the “economic and financial war” French seizing Russian property but the Poles too:
Utter thievery!
Good news in Russia some of the 5th column media has been taken off air:
“The Ekho Moskvy radio station was taken off the air, Alexey Venediktov, its editor-in-chief, said on Tuesday.
“Ekho Moskvy was taken off the air,” he said on Telegram.
Earlier, the Prosecutor General’s Office demanded that access to Ekho of Moscow and TV Rain be restricted. The office said the reports by these news media contained calls for extremism, violence against Russian citizens, mass violations of public peace and safety, participation by Russian citizens in mass public events in breech of current legislation and violent overthrow of the Constitutional order.”
A good opportunity for Russia to get rid of all their AI+5+6.
Your Russian frien trapped in Canada is welcome to my place in Montreal as l9ong as needed. I mean it.
God bless Russia
Thanks for the update, I believe the military outcome is not in doubt but I think bigger question is how the economic war is going to be fought.
Neoliberal ideology that Russia also follows does not allow for war footing as it is good only for making rich richer and worse any clash with western powers is not good for Russian capitalist class which Putin served so far (and west has counted on and not without reason). Now Russian national interest will require Putin and his cadres to take on these people. I wonder if he will ever do that. In any case, I very much would appreciate another interview with Michael Hudson or perhaps Sergey Glaziev about what Russia could do fight the economic war. I am sure many other people here are also wondering about that
Putin has signed a special economic decree to fight the sanctions ….will retaliate for expulsion of diplomats 12 .. .. 670000+ refugees now exited from ukr to surrounding countries UAE supports Russia…no apple sales in Russia …headlines al jazeera
All of us, I’m sure, want to know how the RF is doing with their goals to demilitarize and denatzify the Ukraine. Information along this line is unavailable in the western media, because it features the new and constant stream of lies, threats, and aggressive narratives coming from the pack of Western lapdogs, and nothing from the RF. Out of curiosity, I decided to crack open my trio of The Essential Saker books to see what he had to say about the 2014 Maidan coup. Oh, yes, he was following the events, and in order to make a point about what the RF is dealing with, he preceded his coverage of the actual Maidan coup with a 1000 year history of the Ukraine. This history opened my eyes, as it explained the cultural, religious and geopolitical events of that thousand years, and the resultant effects on Ukrainians today, especially the blood-thirsty, rabid nazi trash that wants to murder Russian babies and their parents. The Saker explains in this article how this has come to be this. The pure hatred is not a new thing, but was born and developed over the centuries by various players, and I was surprised when I learned the identity of the main influencer of this insane hatred. I won’t reveal this player here, but will look for the link to this historical foundational posting, because my blunt three word revelation will not do credit to the Saker’s history lesson. It needs to be read in its entirety. Reading it has given me insight into today’s situation in Ukraine, and it explains why the RF is going to put bullets into the rabid nazis in the Donbas and Mariupol rather than let them return to their families. It’s the only way to permanently remove the existential threat to the RF. These people cannot be reformed; they need to be shot, shredded, or vaporized.
The article was written 8 years ago, and it is prescient in its predictions of how things would develop after the Maidan coup by the US. The Saker nailed it. I’m excited to read the next article, which I will have to do later today, as I have a project that needs my attention, and the title will explain my excitement: “How the Ukrainian crisis will eventually bring down the Anglo-Zionist empire.” I’ll try to find a link for this one, too. I can hardly wait! I’ve been praying for years for the end of this evil empire of chaos, murder and wholesale looting. Yes, and lies!
Here is the link to the 1000 year history: /ukrainian-nationalism-its-roots-and-nature/
And here’s the link to how this fiasco will lead to the end of the empire of lies:
I saw a couple of minutes of retired colonel Douglas McGregor on Fox yesterday as reproduced on (Horror!) the Alex Jones Show, and what he said sounded actually pretty close to describing the real military situation as you have explained it. There is still some sense in the good ol’ USA, then, even if it is mostly to be seen when “retired”, but we already knew that.
On “Uncle Schmuel” not planning on imposing a no-fly zone, you write “imposing a no-fly would mean “shooting down Russian aircraft” which, for some unfathomable reason, the USA did not want to do”. Now, in all fairness, Psaki did state yesterday that “a no-fly zone would require implementation, it would require deploying the US military to enforce, which would be a direct conflict, potentially a direct conflict, and potentially war with Russia, which is something we are not planning to be a part of”. So, she did state clearly the reason why the US government is not thinking about trying that. I was quite surprised to hear it, what with all the rhetorical antics of the last few days: one is surprised when the US government or the collective “West” shows some common sense, however minimal, which, in itself, is telling. They don’t believe their own rhetoric, but sadly a great part of the population will believe it.
A competitive Eurodent for the title of Longest Canine in the West, a French ministre by the name of Bruno Le Maire, said yesterday, his very words: “Nous allons provoquer l’effondrement de l’economie russe”. Tremble, Poutine, miserable !
Merci Saker de nous fournir une analyse fondée et en contre-poids des débilités les plus ahurissantes que l’on entend ou lit ici en Suisse et dans “l’occident en générale”. Cette partie du monde est en phase terminale de débilitation profonde, depuis au moins le 11 sept 2001 (je dirais depuis le premier choc pétrolier en fait). J’ai la “chance” de vivre en Suisse et d’être relativement à l’abri, mais ça risque de ne pas durer. Nous serons touchés par les contre-mesures techniques et militaires bien plus tôt que ce que nos génies à Berne n’imaginent.
Encore merci.
For this I’m going to say this : whereever I see a russian I hug him or her and say even if I don’t know you (but I do) I will greet you as my friend and my best neighbour. Let’s make sports together and do anything together. In the summertime we can go fishing. The stupid west are so blind so I wonder if they ever going to see again. Sweden,were I live now (for the moment) is so stupid because you don’t have one voice that say other then down with the russians. All of them. It’s astonishing.But wait and see : they will soon call for help,but no help will come.God bless you Andrei….!!
I’m curious to know what does Russia plan to do with Ukraine, after the goals have been achieved of the military operation? I honestly have a difficulty to see how this country can survive in its current shape or form or name? Is it possible to form Novo Russia from Kiev to Donbas and leave the Nazis in the West to be EU’s headache?
I spy a miles long Russian military convoy…
Gold kills the Fed soon. I smell freedom around the corner here in ZioMurika. Media lied about the truckers in Canada too.
I’m enjoying this movie.
Thank you Andrei,
With all these supposed tough sanctions being annonced one after the other, it feels like to be standing right in the middle of a husband – wife divorce procedure. The West likes to exaggerate things a bid.