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Hassan Nasrallah: US Sanctions against Hezbollah are Last Resort, Resistance Axis Triumphs

Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General, Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, on March 8, 2019, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Foundation to Support the Islamic Resistance. Translation: source: <br> Transcript: […] The US sanctions and financial siege that we currently experience, along with being added to the list of terrorist organizations, and lately, the British decision to add Hezbollah’s political wing to their own list of terrorist

POLL: Crimeans Still Strongly Prefer Russia Over Ukraine

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog Whereas the U.S. regime and its allies demand that Crimea be returned to being ruled by the Ukrainian Government, as it had been during 1954-2014 (but Russian at all other times), all polls, ever since at least 2013 (when the U.S. Government started polling this) have shown that approximately 90% of Crimeans want to be ruled instead by Russia’s Government, and the latest

Why Nazarbayev’s legacy will remain intact

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times ) by special agreement with the author) The exit of Kazakhstan’s strongman after 28 years at the helm won’t end its pivotal regional role At first, it sounded like a geopolitical bombshell: Kazakhstan president Nursultan Nazarbayev, 78, in power since 1991, dramatically announced his resignation. In a “special” address, significantly delivered in both Kazakh and Russian, Nazarbayev said: “As the founder of

The great fraud of National Zionism

[This article was written for the Unz Review] The Defining Event for the USA There is no doubt that the 9/11 false flag (now even admitted (by direct implication) by NIST!) was a watershed, a seminal event in our history. While millions (or even billions) watched in horror as the twin towers burned, a small group of Mossad agents stood nearby and danced in overwhelming joy. Why exactly were these

The Cold War Ides of March

US Cold Warriors escalate toward actual war with Russia. By Stephen F. Cohen for The Nation Magazine Heedless of the consequences, or perhaps welcoming them, America’s Cold Warriors and their media platforms have recently escalated their rhetoric against Russia, especially in March. Anyone who has lived through or studied the preceding 40-year Cold War will recognize the ominous echoes of its most dangerous periods, when actual war was on the

March 20th Gilets jaunes SITREP

By Le Saker Francophone for The Saker blog The balance of power between the Gilets Jaunes (Gj) and the government/media couple is becoming tenser, while remaining, for the moment, in a kind of status quo where neither side wants to give in. The last three weeks have therefore been punctuated by Saturday demonstrations, government repression and media attacks, without anything really moving on. Here are the main news of those

Tracing The Con(Tours) Of The Inverted Narratives That Bedevil ‘THE West’

by Denis A. Conroy for The Saker Blog Those who allow seriousness to get in the way of imagination, fail to discover what they need to free themselves from. For many decades I have been aware of knocking on the door of Western Imperialism from the inside in search of a universal perspective. Maybe it started 80 years ago when I first experienced authority (de jour) in the person of

The Expanding Global Footprint of U.S. Special Operation

The Expanding Global Footprint of U.S. Special Operation   Written and produced by SF Team: Brian Kalman, Daniel Deiss, Edwin Watson This video is based on the text anlysis entitled “The Expanding Global Footprint of U.S. Special Operations“. It was originally released by SouthFront on February 2, 2019. Introduction With the possible U.S. military withdrawal from Syria in the news on a daily basis, the mainstream media has been quick to parrot

Moveable Feast Cafe 2019/03/20 … Open Thread

2019/03/20 10:00:01Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open for

Champs-Élysées war zone reporting & the coming Yellow Vest crackdown

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog What war zone? Because if Saturday March 16 was a “war zone”, then France has been at war since 2010 – I didn’t see a single thing out of the norm for France. A young woman who freaked out after getting tear gassed and lying on the ground quivering? Seen it. Me taking a breath which contained zero grams of oxygen and only

Police and political protests: a different look

by A. Michael for The Saker Blog The Saker was kind enough to offer me an opportunity to write a rebuttal to Mr. Mazaheri’s article about the French police and their interactions with the protesters/rioters in France. I felt the need to do so given the fact that I have been in law enforcement for 26 years now and I wanted to give the Saker’s audience a different point of

Disrupted Land Documentary

Disrupted Land is a documentary film about the history and future of land ownership in South Africa. The film deals with the controversial history of land in South Africa and views it is a matter that has been distorted for political gain by politicians and land reform activists. The film investigates the question of how white farmers obtained land in South Africa and exposes the extensive failure of the South

Inside the Yellow Vests: What the Western media will not report

by Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog Disclaimer: if you think that Soros/Russia/America/Illuminati is behind the Yellow Vests or some other batsh*t nonsense, then please stop here. This article isn’t for you. Cat videos on YouTube are maybe more appropriate. While the Yellow Vests (Gilets Jaunes) protests actually began on 17.11.18, I think most are aware that frustration with the government has been building for many, many years. Sarkozy certainly

EU dilemma: how to deal with China

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times ) by special agreement with the author) Facing China’s irresistible rise all across the chessboard, and under relentless US pressure, the not exactly democratic EU leadership is on a backbreaking exercise to position itself between a geopolitical/geoeconomic rock and a hard place. The 28-member EU holds a crucial meeting next week in Brussels where it may adopt a 10-point action plan detailing,

Russia Deploys Su-25 Attack Aircraft To Contain Idlib Militants

Syrian War Report – March 18, 2019: Russia Deploys Su-25 Attack Aircraft To Contain Idlib Militants Government forces and the Russian Military Police have kicked off a joint security operation in the Eastern Ghouta region near Damascus. In particular, the operation targeted Jisreen, Mohammedia, al-Aftaris, al-Nashabiyah and Marj al-Sultan where a notable number of weapons and equipment was abandoned by militants after the defeat suffered from the Syrian Army in


The USAF temporarily forward deployed B-52s tempo stands at: (From RAF Fairford, UK) 1xB-52 in Estonia, 1 B-52 in Romania 1 B-52 over Barents Sea (From Guam) 2 B-52 off Far East Russia. This is rare. The Boeing B-52 Stratofortress is part of the backbone of the US strategic bombing force. They are capable of carrying cruise missiles and bombs including nuclear ordnance. A group of 6 B-52s came

Tragicomedy of Errors

by Jimmie Moglia for The Saker Blog The sublime Plato said that the soul has a trinitarian composition – a very coarse soul in the belly, a loving one in the chest and a reasoning third in the head. The soul is immortal, though women have only two souls, for they are missing reason. But a father attending the Council of Macon (585 AD), from across the banks and shoals

Ukraine’s Ecocide in Donbass, 1991 to post-Maidan 2019

by GH Eliason for The Saker Blog On February 26, 2019, Lugansk People’s Republic hosted a roundtable entitled “Ecocide of Ukraine: Consequences.” This provided a forum for environmental experts from Lugansk People’s Republic (LNR) and DNR to formally start addressing the environmentally catastrophic situation both republics inherited from the post-Soviet Ukrainian government. Both fledgling republics have already started addressing the vast environmental problems outlined below. Even in the middle of
