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Ukromedia: Decommunization of the infrastructure has begun

translated by A. for the Saker blog source: Well, aggressive Ukrainian efforts to the tunes of the Western customers seem to have borne their first fruits – Russia’s extremely careful attitude to infrastructure on the territory of the Former Ukraine is now in the past and a wild field and new dark era are peeking around the corner. The Unian (Ukromedia) on line – I replaced the dubious local

The flood caused heavy damage to Pakistan.

by Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan for the Saker blog Preliminary estimates show that the country has already suffered heavy damages, including a death toll of more than 1000 precious lives, injured around 2000 persons, and damaged houses, crops, animals, and property. Initial estimates show it is worth $5.5 billion. But, it is just an initial report, and heavy rains are expected next few days. It is scary that the

Open thread, one development and a request

Dear friends, God willing, I will post an analysis tomorrow of what apparently has happened (I will look at at least two main versions) and what is going on today. At this point all I can do is to confirm that overnight the Russians have hit Ukrainian electricity nodes and that much of the Ukraine, especially in the East, is in the dark.  Even “Ze” confirmed this.  BTW – the

Another one bites the dust: shrivelled Lizzie drops off her perch

By Eric Arthur Blair for the Saker blog The Queen is dead. I am not referring to the demise of Freddie Mercury. That was ancient history, although Freddie’s passing certainly represented the premature tragic loss of an immense talent and deserved to be mourned. No, I am referring of course to the demise yesterday of an extremely old, extremely rich and extremely privileged lady who, as far as we knew,

Open Thread, one article, a very promising new blog and trolls/bots

Dear friends, I am creating an open thread about the SMO in the Ukraine. As a “primer” I recommend this machine translation of a Russian article: Version one: Version two: And, just to clarify, Sivkov (PhD in Military Sciences) is very critical of Putin and the Russian Military and while we can criticize much of what he writes, he is hardly a “flagwaver”. Finally, please pay special attention

Moveable Feast Cafe 2022/09/10 … Open Thread

2022/09/10 07:30:02Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open for

Roger Waters’ open letter to “Ze”‘s wife

“Did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?” An Open letter to Mrs. Olena Zelenska from Roger Waters Sunday 4th September 2022 Dear Mrs. Zelenska, My heart bleeds for you and all the Ukrainian and Russian families, devastated by the terrible war in Ukraine. I’m in Kansas City, USA. I have just read a piece on apparently taken from an

Open reply of the Head of the Foundation to Battle Injustice to the slander of the founder of BellingCat about the investigation and activities of the Foundation

by Mira Terada for the Saker blog Eliot Higgins, the leader of the BellingCat organization, an information dump overseen by Western intelligence agencies and known for its incompetent provocations against Russia, Russian citizens and organizations, spoke quite ambiguously about the materials of the July investigation of the Foundation to Battle Injustice. This investigation was devoted to the Ukrainian nationalist website “Myrotvorets” and the involvement of the BellingCat. Higgins, in a

Update on the Ukrainian attack towards Kupiansk (and some week-end music)

I am probably going to regret doing this, but I will do it anyway (sigh):  I will post maps.  In fact, I am going to do this three times! First, a video of the Ukrainian advances since their counter-attack: (no sound) Second, here is a map to give you a closer look: And finally a Google map of the area with the actual distance between Balakleia and Kupiansk indicated: So

Asia’s future takes shape in Vladivostok, the Russian Pacific

by Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted Sixty-eight countries gathered on Russia’s far eastern coast to listen to Moscow’s economic and political vision for the Asia-Pacific The Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) in Vladivostok is one of the indispensable annual milestones for keeping up not only with the complex development process of the Russian Far East but major plays for Eurasia integration. Mirroring an immensely turbulent 2022, the

Interview with Yuri Podolyaka

by Batko Milacic for the Saker Blog   Recently, the Ukrainian army launched a counter-offensive on the southern and eastern front. The Ukrainian leadership seems to have started to sober up and it has become clear to them that they have no use for false praises about successes on the southern front because in the end the people will find out the real truth. For this reason, the Deputy Minister

Faina Savenkova about the Ukronazi website “peacemaker

Yesterday, a press conference was held in Moscow by Mira Terada’s Foundation to Battle Injustice, attended by Western journalists working in the Donbass. The details of these journalists, like mine, are listed on the website (ukr. Peacemaker). I know many of them and they, like me, are in danger. Because they tell the truth about what is happening in our country. When a year ago my data became public

We the Silent Majority

by Asia Teacher for the Saker blog History has an unfortunate habit of repeating itself, invariably drawing the minority into the same world of beliefs as those who previously fell for them. Removing moral, spiritual and intellectual values, aka traditions and replacing them with woke ideologies, green agendas and cultural equality follows a well-trod political path to disaster. As we head for collapse, can or will the silent majority stop

Germany’s energy suicide: an autopsy

by Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted When Green fanatic Robert Habeck, posing as Germany’s Economy Minister, said earlier this week “we should expect the worst” in terms of energy security, he conveniently forgot to spell out how the whole farce is a Made in Germany cum Made in Brussels crisis. Flickers of intelligence at least still glow in rare Western latitudes, as indispensable strategic analyst
