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Putin’s speech at the Eastern Economic Forum

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Friends, Mr Min Aung Hlaing, Mr Pashinyan, Mr Oyun-Erdene, Mr Li Zhanshu, ladies and gentlemen, I am delighted to greet all participants and guests of the Eastern Economic Forum. Russia and Vladivostok are again hosting a forum of business leaders, experts, politicians, public figures and members of government from dozens of countries across the world. As per tradition, the programme of the Eastern Economic Forum

The Coming Victory of Native Europeans in the UK and the EU

By Batiushka for The Saker blog Introduction: A Spectre Is Haunting Europe A spectre is haunting Europe – it is the spectre of poverty. The bets are now on as to which European country will collapse first. Among the front runners you will find Portugal, Latvia, Ireland, Romania, Italy, Moldova, Spain, the Czech Republic, Germany, Bulgaria, France and Slovakia. But perhaps none of them is more likely to fall first

Some *very* basic stuff about Russian defenses in the SMO

Yesterday I posted a short SITREP about the Ukrainian offensive on Balakleia.  And, sure enough, there are 72 comments on this already!  Many of them show a total misunderstanding of the nature of the SMO (it was a mistake for me to post a map which, obviously, most people cannot make sense of!). So all I propose to do today is to explain something really basic about the concept of

SITREP: Ukronazi forces attempt a 2nd “counter-offensive”

This time the Ukronazis have attacked north of the city of Balakleia.  Here is a summary of events on that front: (machine translation) Today, the Armed Forces of the Ukraine, after prolonged artillery preparation on Balakleya, Izium, logistics routes and warehouses, launched an offensive on Balakleya from the west from Andreevka. Due to its geographical location, it is difficult to secure the north-western flank of the group based in Izyum

Moveable Feast Cafe 2022/09/06 … Open Thread

2022/09/06 20:00:01Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open for

The IAEA releases its “non-report” about the ZNPP

So the IAEA has released its so-called “report” which is a 52 pages “nothing burger” and not something worthy of being called a “report”.  You can read the entire thing here: but, frankly, it is a waste of time.  Just one example: Notice how this report presents Ukronazi information about Ukronazi shelling as it the Ukronazis were not Ukronazis.  They even included that touching photo: Bottom line: it was

The Case for a New American Civil War

by Dmitri Orlov for the Saker blog Will the USA hold together through 2024? Earlier this year Covid-related complications took the life of Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the bombastic perennial leader of Russia’s Liberal Democratic Party. He was known not just for his inimitable oratory but also for the uncanny accuracy of his predictions. For example, he predicted the start of Russia’s Special Military Operation in the Ukraine almost to the day—months

The persecution of Graham Phillips by the UK government

Dear friends About a month ago I wrote about the truly Orwellian persecution of the journalist Graham Phillips by the UK government and I did a short Q&A with Graham himself.  Graham has sent me a number official document regarding his case, I concatenated them into one PDF which I will now share with you: This is a scary, but very interesting read.  One thing is very very clear: Graham’s

Ten years of Chinese Research and Development: 2005-2015, the decisive decade to the top

by Jean-Pierre Voiret for tjhe Saker Blog After the beginning of the millenium, China started investing huge amounts of money in scientific research and development. With millions of engineers and scientist working to develop the country and its science and technology this effort will, in the long term, bring about a tremendous quantum jump in science and technology for the whole planet. Acronyms: Atimes Asia Times online, Hong Kong BjRev

Russian engineers make it alone and confirm it’s technological progress

by Batko Milacic for the Saker Blog Saki gas combined heat and power plant of the KRYMTETS company in Crimea From August 26 to 30, a group of international journalists had the opportunity to visit Crimea and see how the European Union sanctions affect Crimea. The author of this article was among that group of international journalists. As a reminder, Crimea became part of Russia again in 2014. In March of

Moveable Feast Cafe 2022/09/03 … Open Thread

2022/09/03 08:30:02Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open for

Unicorns Are Real

by Batiushka for the Saker blog Unicorns Are Real or It Must Be True, the Western Media Told Me So An autumn chill is descending on every European country, though in each country in different ways. Gas-dependent Germany and Italy are desperate for Russian gas. It is not just homes, but whole factories which face imminent closure in energy-intensive industries. The result of that will be mass unemployment. By ‘mass’,

The Kiev regime planned to use IAEA team as ‘human shields’ – Russia

RT reports: The Russian military has provided new details on the botched Ukrainian raid on the Zaporozhye nuclear plant Kiev forces wanted to seize the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant in a daring military raid and use the personnel of the UN nuclear watchdog as “human shields” to maintain control over the facility, the Russian Defense Ministry claimed on Thursday. The botched raid came shortly before a team of experts with

US economic decline and global instability Part 2: Rise of BRICS

by Phillyguy for The Saker Blog Summary The US emerged from WWII as the world’s preeminent military and economic power. All of the pillars supporting US power are now threatened by decades of neoliberal economic policies, spending vast sums of taxpayer money propping up financial markets, the military and attainment of economic/military parity by the Russia-China-Iran axis. In this essay, I link the continuing economic and social decline in the

A Story for Children

By Batiushka for The Saker blog Once upon a time there was a world where there were four Kingdoms. These were called the Kingdom of the North, the Kingdom of the East, the Kingdom of the South and the Kingdom of the West. Now the smallest Kingdom by far was the Kingdom of the West, which was only a tiny part of the whole. But it was by far the
