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Sharing the tension, the drama, the agony, the beauty, the nostalgia, the despair and the serenity

We are living in scary times.  And I won’t pretend I don’t feel despair – I do.  But since we can’t control our future, and since our days are counted, sharing what we hold as beautiful and gives us joy is probably one of the few things which we can do which really makes sense.  For me there are many such sources of joy, especially music.  I love music, and

Syrian War Report – April 18, 2018: Syrian Army Advances In Rastan, Reaches Deal In Dumayr After the victory in Eastern Ghouta, the Syrian military turned its eyes to other militant-held pockets across the country. On April 15, the Syrian Army and the National Defense Forces launched a military operation against Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra) in the Rastan pocket in northern Homs. They have have liberated a large number of points including Jarjisah, Ard Jasiyah, Ard Qabr Shaykhah, Zahrat Jibab and Tal Na’ourah.

Who dominates Syria?

Things are getting scary… what do you think Trump's safe word is? #Syria — IN THE NOW (@IntheNow_tweet) April 17, 2018

Syria SITREP – three useful sources to debunk the nonsense (UPDATED)

Frankly, my blog is aimed at an adult audience with a graduate-level college education or equivalent, capable of critical and logical thought and free from the kind of mental prolefeed the media is serving the zombified masses.  So I would not normally bother posting info debunking the latest nonsensical lies of the AngloZionist propaganda machine.  But since the Hegemony is vociferously insisting that a gas attack did take place in

Syrian War Report – April 17, 2018: Syrian Forces Repel More Missile Strikes Last night, the Syrian Air Defense Forces (SADF) repelled another missile attack allegedly carried out by the Israeli military. Missiles were intercepted in two areas: Near Shayrat military airfield in the Homs countryside – 6 missiles were intercepted (according to some sources, 9 missiles) Near Dumair military airfield in the Damascus countryside – 3 missiles were intercepted. According to reports, the SADF also used its S-200 air defense system to launch

From the Saker’s inbox

I got this email yesterday, I am posting it with the author’s kind authorization. There is “another West” which is ignored by the Hegemony’s rulers, but which is still real.  There is a Russian saying “one righteous person saves the city”.  I am grateful to Sara for her efforts! The Saker Dear Saker, I had an appointment in London yesterday, and combined it with a visit to No.10 Downing Street,

SITREP: US missile attack on Syria – Russian statistics

The following are the official results of the US missile attacks on Syria as reported by the Russian General Staff on this video: TRANSLATION (all names phonetically translated from Russian, not the original Arabic, by me. The Saker) Target Attacking cruise missiles Defeated cruise missiles Diuvali 4 4 Duimeir airbase 12 12 Blei airbase 18 18 Shairat airbase 12 12 Tifor airbase 2 2 Mezze airbase 9 5 Khoms airbase

Reporting from Cuba: The world awaits a ‘Cuban RT’ or ‘Cuban PressTV’

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog Cuba seems to be the natural spokesperson of the global left. Just 100 kilometers from the US, everybody knows they have bravely stood up to the murderous bully that is the United States for nearly 60 years. Pound for pound, who else has such an exemplary record of internationalism? Cuba gives until it hurts, and we all know it. South Africa would certainly

Moveable Feast Cafe 2018/04/16 … Open Thread

2018/04/16 22:30:03Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open for

Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry official Major General Igor Konashenkov April 16, 2018 As it was promised, the Russian Defence Ministry analyzed effectiveness of missile and bomb strike made by the United States, Great Britain, and France on Syria as well as actions held by Syrian air defence units. It is to be reminded that on April 14 from 3.42 a.m. to 5.10 a.m. (MSK) different objects of the Syrian Arab Republic were attacked air and sea-based missile carriers of the United

The Rape of Russia (Saker blog exclusive interview)

by Lars Schall for the Saker blog Introduction by Pepe Escobar: William Engdahl is one of the world’s top geopolitical analysts. His books – from Century of War to Full Spectrum Dominance – are absolutely essential to understand how the self-described exceptional nation created and expanded its global hegemony tentacles. A measure of his influence is that as much as Engdahl may be dismissed or derided across the Beltway, the

US-led Strikes On Syria: PR Victory Or Decisive Failure? Early on April 14, the US, the UK and France delivered a massive missile strike on Syria. The attack was publicly justified with accusations that the Syrian government had allegedly been behind the so-called Douma chemical attack on April 7. US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis described the strikes as “harder” than the 2017 strikes on Shayrat military airfield. The Pentagon said that the US and its allies had launched

A Curious Incident Part X

by Sushi for The Saker Blog Introduction On April 14 the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov revealed an OPCW laboratory had detected the presence of the Chemical Warfare Agent (CWA) named BZ in samples collected by the OPCW technical team in Salisbury England during the period March 21 to 23. Those with an interest in the Skripal affair are attempting to re-frame the issues and determine: 1) the nature of

Mao’s legacy defended, and famous swim decoded, for clueless academics

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker blog Part 4 will take a very different tack…. There is a great and hilarious story about Mao during the Cultural Revolution, which is relayed in the Western university-standard textbook, China: A New History by “the West’s doyen on China” – John King Fairbank. In late 1965 the rumblings of the Cultural Revolution had begun, due to grumblings over corruption, revisionism (“taking the capitalist
