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International Military Review – Syria, November 30, 2015

Help produce more actual and interesting content, join our struggle by donating via PayPal: or via: The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has deployed newly-arrived Russian T-90 advanced battle tanks to the Southern Aleppo front for the first time. The Russian battle tanks will help to continue the SAA advance on the towns of Kafraya and Al-Fou’aa. T-90 offers the Syrian army several new features to fight ISIS including

Crimea SITREP … by Auslander

SitRep Sevastopol and Krimea 30.11.2015 While citizens in Sevastopol are getting used to the deprivations from the power cut off, the lack of power is still extant. 1. Russia Army is sending a complete field hospital to Krimea. The hospital is complete including a surgical ward and diagnostic center with the most modern diagnostic machines. It is my understanding that this hospital will be used in the more rural areas

Short message from the Saker

Dear friends, I just wanted to let you know that I am sorry for being unable to work on the blog for the past week.  The trip to bury my mother has turned out to be even harder than I feared.  I am leaving tomorrow morning and, God willing, I should be back home on Wednesday.  A huge thank you to Scott and Herb for holding the fort in my


A HYBRID WAR TO BREAK THE BALKANS? By Andrew KORYBKO In the spirit of the New Cold War and following on its success in snuffing out South Stream, the US has prioritized its efforts in obstructing Russia’s Balkan Stream pipeline, and for the most part, they’ve regretfully succeeded for the time being. The first challenge came from the May 2015 Color Revolution attempt in Macedonia, which thankfully was repulsed by

Silk Roads, Night Trains and the Third Industrial Revolution in China … by Pepe Escobar

Silk Roads, Night Trains and the Third Industrial Revolution in China by Pepe Escobar The US is transfixed by its multibillion-dollar electoral circus. The European Union is paralyzed by austerity, fear of refugees, and now all-out jihad in the streets of Paris. So the West might be excused if it’s barely caught the echoes of a Chinese version of Roy Orbison’s “All I Have to Do Is Dream.” And that

Russia reacts to Turkey’s attack SITREP November 29, 2015 by Scott

Historically, Russia’s big wheels turn slowly, almost invisible to the naked eye, but they do turn and grind anything getting between them into fine dust. On November 24th something extraordinary has happened, the big wheels of Russian bureaucracy moved with a pace of an Olympic sprinter banned by IAAF. Keeping fingers crossed, maybe we witness a new age of the Russian statehood, when things that need to be done get

Ukraine Syria Turkey Crisis News November 28, 2015

Help produce more actual and interesting content, join our struggle by donating via PayPal: or via: The growing number of violations of the ceasefire regime in Donbass is caused by the lack of Kiev’ control over the territorial battalions, head of the DPR delegation at the Minsk talks, Denis Pushilin stated on Friday. The peaceful settlement of the conflict “are not the aim of the radicals in the

International Military Review – Syria, Nov. 27, 2015

Help produce more actual and interesting content, join our struggle by donating via PayPal: or via: Over the past 3 days, Russian warplanes have conducted 134 sorties, hitting 449 targets in the provinces of Aleppo, Damascus, Idlib, Latakia, Hama, Homs, Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor. The main targets were the Al Nusra terrorist group with allies and ISIS. The Russian Air Force has targeted a number of the terrorirsts’

Mini SitRep Krimea and Sevastopol

Mini SitRep Krimea and Sevastopol …. by Auslander Yesterday and today have been difficult days, I will lay the events out by number: 1. We have roughly 60,000 guests in this city, most from Novorossiya but a good number from Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov etc. A not small number of them are getting nervous with the energy system problems which of course permeate just about every aspect of normal life. As

The Western Sanctions on Russia SITREP by the Serbian Girl

The US –led war campaign against Russia, includes financial warfare. USA has complete dominance of the global financial network. Sanctions were put in place in order to financially asphyxiate Russia and “destroy Vladimir Putin” Political and Military Analyses Source: Here’s how Obama’s sanctions will destroy Vladimir Putin The timing was particular painful as it coincided with the fall in oil prices. The sanctions, however, have backfired in at least two

Lavrov and Syrian FM Walid al-Moallem hold joint press conference in Moscow (ENGLISH)

Video starts from 48:00 minutes. Streamed live on Nov 27, 2015 Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov and Syrian foreign minister Walid al-Moallem hold a joint press conference following their meeting in Moscow on November 27. Both leaders are expected to discuss the possibility of an international anti-terror operation in Syria and to discuss Tuesday’s downing of a Russian Sukhoi Su-24 by Turkish F-16 fighter jets. Sergey Lavrov talks about economic

Why is the US Hanging Turkey Out to Dry? …. article by Andrew Korybko

These three additional links support Andrew’s thesis that the US is turning on Turkey: US says Turkey downed Russian jet while Syrian airspace Retired US airforce general says Turkey broke international law The West wants Turkey out. Webmaster Why is the US Hanging Turkey Out to Dry? By Andrew KORYBKO (USA) Turkey’s shooting down of the Russian anti-ISIL aircraft was an unprecedentedly direct aggression against Moscow that trumps even the

Putin, Hollande speak after Moscow talks LIVE

Putin and Hollande give a joint press conference following their meeting – English Audio Video starts at 0:33 seconds Russian President Vladimir Putin and French President Francois Hollande held a joint press conference in Moscow, Thursday following a meeting to discuss joint action in combatting militant groups in Syria. The Russian President spoke about an “industrial scale” of illegal oil sales from militant-held areas of Syria, stating that “day and

Military Review – Syria, Nov. 26, 2015

Help produce more actual and interesting content, join our struggle by donating via PayPal: or via: On November 25  Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed Turkish convoy arrived in border Syrian town Azaz from Turkey. Azaz is under control of pro-Turkish terrorist groups. According to reports, Russian warplanes destroyed 20 trucks and 7 militants, 10 militants wee injured. The Russian Air Force increased number of airstrikes over the Turkmen Mountains,

The air navigator of the SU-24: „I have a debt to repay for the Commander”

INTERVIEW: The air navigator of the SU-24: „I have a debt to repay for the Commander” Today at the Latakia air base Konstantin Murakhtin, an air navigator of the Russian SU-24 frontline bomber which was shot down by the Turks, gave his first interview with Russian media, in which he stated that there is no way that his plane violated Turkish airspace. No. It is not possible, not even for

Life in Crimea 20 months after reunification with Russia … by Auslander

Auslander provided with the very well received USA SITREP .  He was subsequently asked if he could provide a reciprocal glimpse into life in Sevastopol. He kindly agreed and I received his work this morning. The article was written under the duress of the current power outage and intermittent internet connectivity. Auslander has also just published a book which is available on Amazon.  As a side note Auslander cannot

The Saker Community Announcement on the Essential Saker Book and the Call for Networking Help

Dear friends, I just want to give you a brief update on the Saker’s book sales. As you know, it had launched on November 17th and to our pleasant surprise that book had immediately became a bestseller in the Politics & Government > Specific Topics > Globalization books section on Amazon. Our publisher, Fred Zimmerman, even said that amongst all his titles, it was the best book launching, for the

Report from Crimea by Auslander

Auslander posted this sitrep in our comment section. I have reposted it here for all to read. (Webmaster) The situation in Krimea and Sevastopol is serious. The power coming to Krimea was actually Russian electric, ‘transshipped’ to Krimea via uke power system, at great cost I might add. Included in this formal agreement and written contract was Russia supplying the ukes with substantially more electric than was ‘shipped’ to Krimea.
