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The NATO destruction of the RuAF SU-24 Fencer and Turkish murder of the Russian servicemen

Russia’s Interdiction of ISIS-Turkey Oil Trade and Attacks on Turkmen jihadi militants Poses Risk of Enlargement of Syrian Conflict UPDATED By: JiminNH The increasing velocity of events in Syria indicates that the conflict may be ready to spill over into a larger conflagration and direct conflict between the forces of the AZ hegemon and the Resistance thereto. A couple of apparently un-related events have rapidly coalesced into armed conflict between

Additional links regarding the downing of Russian Su-24

Saker is attending his mother funeral at this time. Scott and myself (webmaster) have been tasked with providing support during this time. Early this morning an open thread post was open so that the Saker community could discuss the downing of the SU-24. Scott followed by posting a SitRep. While we await Saker’s analysis I found the following links quite interesting. This article provide a military tactical explanation for the

Turkey Attacks Russia in Syria SITREP by Scott

Official statement of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation Russian Su-24 aircraft shot down by Turkish F-16 fighter on its way to the Hmeymim airbase The Russian Su-24 aircraft was shot down on its way to the Hmeymim airbase in the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic by a Turkish F-16 fighter. Analysis of the objective monitoring data definitely showed that there had not been any violation of

Syria and the Middle East SITREP November 23rd, 2015 by Rambo

The Middle East Wars It’s been an eventful two weeks without doubt. By now we all know that France has been attacked by Islamic State fighters, a mixture of EU citizens and refugees. The toll has been somewhat significant, claiming the lives of 130 and injuring over 300. Bombs went off and gunmen went on a carnage through the streets of Paris, taking hostages along the way. The aftermath and

The GCC Has Its Sights Set On Ethiopia Next

by Andrew Korybko (The below article is a concise summary of a larger piece written for Katehon and inspired by South Front) A recent UN report says that GCC leaders Saudi Arabia and the UAE have contracted Eritrean support for the War on Yemen. News about the War on Yemen has pretty much been scrubbed from the mainstream media, as Saudi Arabia’s information partners in the West remain reluctant to

November 22nd 2015 Germany & EU SITREP by ‘C’

The biggest issue in Germany these days is of course the wave of islamist terror attacks that took place over the last couple of days with the ones in Paris dominating the headlines. In the aftermath of the attacks in Paris there have been numerous police raids in France, Belgium and Germany in which a lot of Daesh supporters including the alleged master mind of the Paris attacks, Abdelhamid Abaaoud,

USA SitRep November 21 by Auslander

SitRep, Auslander goes behind enemy lines I have just returned from a trip to USA. It matters not why I had to go, it simply suffices to say it was not my choice and it will in all probability be my last journey west baring an emergency that requires my presence. I am getting old and such long journeys are pretty hard in regards to the time and strain of

What is Daesh’s endgoal?

by Non-Zionist Anglo Observer The Saker’s excellent analysis on the position in Syria ‘after Paris’ poses several possibilities as to why Daesh appears to have a death wish, but frankly confesses to finding none of them satisfactory. Under such circumstances, it is usually the best policy to eschew inherently unprovable conspiracy theories  (particularly since unrealistic ones do us all a grave disservice by potentially leading people to reject our points

Week Seven of the Russian Intervention in Syria: dramatic surge in intensity

[Personal comment by the Saker: it turns out that working and thinking about issues other than my personal circumstances right now has been very helpful and, to my own amazement, I have produced a rather lengthy analysis of the seventh week of the Russian intervention in Syria.  I had thought that I would not be able to write 3 lines, and I ended up penning a 7000+ word long essay. 

Russia dramatically increases her anti-Daesh operations

Just has I had been predicting for a couple of weeks, Russia did dramatically increase the pace of her anti-Daesh operations. First, Russia has used all her most powerful long-range aviation bombers (Tu-22M3, Tu-95MC and even Tu-160) to strike Daesh targets with cruise missiles and gravity bombs.  Look at this footage which really says it all: Second, Russia has announced that 25 long range bombers will be fully allocated to

The Saker’s Book Amazon Announcement from the Publisher

Dear friends, Amazon indicates that the Saker’s book hardcover edition is temporarily out of stock. Please, go ahead and place your order, regardless stock level indication. Amazon will refill its inventory and ship books first come first served to people who have placed out of stock orders, *then* to new orders. This should all happen within a matter of days and is largely automatic. Great news is that the Kindle

Review of Saker’s Book by Patrick Armstrong

Toss Your MSM Subscriptions and Buy The Saker’s Book Patrick Armstrong The Essential Saker (ISBN 978-1608880584) is available at (print and ebook). Additional information at and Like thousands of others, I discovered The Saker early on in the Ukraine disaster and quickly added his site to my list of essential reading. His writing is an example of the finest that can be found on the Internet and
