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Day 36 of the Russian SMO in the Ukraine – a look at Ukrainian military

Today, I want to comment on a topic I did not address yet: the quality of the Ukrainian armed forces. Over night, two Ukrainian helicopters flying at very low altitude and high speed flew across the Russian-Ukrainian border, and in only six minutes of flight time found themselves next to a fuel storage facility near the Russian city of Belgorod.  They both fired, one missed, but the second one hit

President Putin’s Full Remarks at the Oil for Ruble announcement

Ed Note – Amarynth The video that we could obtain, was only a snippet and that is posted here: The full address is worth taking a look at, as Mr Putin in no uncertain terms told the west and Europe what they are doing. I caution that this is a machine translation, so, fine parsing of words may not be productive. This is the gist of what Mr Putin

Meet the New, Resource-Based Global Reserve Currency

A new reality is being formed: the unipolar world is irrevocably becoming a thing of the past, a multipolar one is taking shape. — By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted It was something to behold. Dmitri Medvedev, former Russian President, unrepentant Atlanticist, current deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, decided to go totally unplugged in an outburst matching the combat star turn of Mr.

The Ukrainian rabbit hole of radicalism 

If you don’t want or can’t see what’s going on, you won’t even see it. By Nat South for the Saker Blog This article covers three aspects related to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, namely an overview of how a noxious brand of Ukrainian fascism has shaped an all-pervading attitude at top levels.  Some instances of malfeasance shown at the top levels of the Ukrainian government are also highlighted.  The

Quo Vadis Europa

By Ljubisa Malenica for the Saker Blog Thanks to the current conflict in Ukraine, all the masks of so-called “Western values” fell before the eyes of the world public in a very short time. On the theme of Russophobia itself, another full text in its own right can be written. It came to the surface of everyday life throughout the West rather fast. For now, it is enough to notice

The Curious History of American Exceptionalism

by Jimmie Moglia for the Saker Blog Francois Mitterrand, the longest serving president of France (1981-1985), not long before he died (1996), he made this quite extraordinary statement: “France does not know it, but she is at war with America. A permanent, vital, economic war, and only apparently a victimless war. Yes, the Americans are inexorable, they are voracious, they want undivided power over the world… It is an unknown

Sitrep: Operation Z

By Nightvision for the Saker Blog Let’s start with the largest and most impactful news today: -Another emergency helicopter evacuation in Mariupol has been shotdown, ironically as claimed by DPR – with a requisitioned American Stinger missile. Remember I said those missiles are junk against Russian craft outfitted with advanced DIRCM (Vitebsk L-370 and Rychag AVM) but Ukr craft are not so fortunate. There is various rumor out there and

Day 35 of the Russian SMO in the Ukraine – a “naysayers special”!

How many of you remember the endless stream of warnings that “Putin works for Schwab” or “Putin is in bed with Netanyahu”, he will “sell out the Donbass” and he is “bluffing” about sanctions. Then came the ultimatum.  They dismissed it. Then came the Special Military Operation (SMO).  They dismissed it. Then came the news that Russia would sell gas to hostile states only in Rubles.  They dismissed it. See,

France apathetic about politics? Has corona gutted voter energy, or Macron?

by Ramin Mazaheri and cross-posted with PressTV One of the joys of France is the openness with which people talk politics here. In the English-speaking world simple political disagreement leads immediately to judgmental condemnation of one another. Look at the centuries of sensationalism and warmongering from London’s Fleet Street – there’s a big market for intolerance. In the US it’s considered best to not talk about politics, or religion, at

Corrective Notes from the (Very) Deep South

By Fred Reed for the Saker Blog American notions of Mexico are often decades out of date or just wrong. Nativists suffering from what appears to be minor mental unbalance sometimes refer to it as a Third World hellhole, which is silly. The country has problems, corruption, organized crime, uneven distribution of wealth. The bureaucracy can be maddening. The cartels engage in intramural massacres. Things are uneven: In remote areas

Negotiations: a primer for Zone A residents

Okay, I am going to ask you to make a real effort and, for a while at least, drop your certitudes and what you believe is a good or a bad way to prosecute a war.  Instead, I am going to appeal to your common sense. Long before the Russian Special Military Operation (SMO) in the Ukraine started, but following the Russian ultimatum, I indicated many times that what Russia

Two questions about IT issues

Dear friends, I have a few IT questions I would like to submit to you.  Please keep in mind that I only use GNU/Linux, never Windows or iStuff.  Here are my questions: First, is there a way to quickly obtain the embed code for a video posted on Telegram? Just to clarify, I do NOT want to embed an entire channel or even a single post.  I want to be

Moveable Feast Cafe 2022/03/30 … Open Thread

2022/03/30 19:00:01Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open for

Russian SMO in the Ukraine – Day 34

Lot’s of good stuff to share with you today.  So let’s begin First, the misunderstandings resulting from an absolutely terrible public information policy explaining the reality of what is being negotiated between the Ukraine and Russia has resulted in a massive “NIET!” from the Russian public opinion.  There is a Russian saying “нет худа без добра” which can roughly be translated as “even a bad situation can have a silver

Michael Hudson: Interview with Margaret Flowers, WBAI, March 29, 2022

Michael Hudson interviewed by Margaret flowers, Clearing the Fog, March 29, 2022. Posted with Dr Hudson’s permission Margaret Flowers: You’re listening to Clearing the FOG, speaking truth to expose the forces of greed, with Margaret Flowers. And now I turn to my guest, Michael Hudson. Michael is the president of the Institute for the Study of Long-term, Economic Trends, ISLET. He’s a Wall Street financial analyst and a distinguished
