So we are a week in and I think it is time to take short pause and see what happened over the last 7 days.
- The Russian attack began, as predicted, mostly by strikes with standoff weapons. 24 hours later, the Ukie air force and navy ceased to exist. In this initial phase, few Ukrainian units were directly engaged.
- The bulk of the Nazi forces is in Donbass and it took the LDNR forces several days to break through the Nazi defenses, but eventually they did it in two directions. At the same time, while the heavy combats between the Nazi forces in the Donbass and the LDNR forces were taking place, the Russians launched a two pronged offensive from the north and south to envelop the Nazi force concentrations. Interestingly, in spite of the fact that the two Russian forces have not reached each other and in spite of the existing no man’s land between them, the Ukronazis are not making any serious efforts to break through since they must realize that the entire area between the two Russian forces is a big “free fire zone” for Russian artillery, CAS aircraft and attack helicopters. For all practical purposes the entire Nazi concentration of course in the Donbass is now locked into an operational cauldron.
- The same is true for the Nazi forces in Mariupol. For them, it’s curtain down, show over.
- There is a large Nazi force left in only one location: Odessa. It appears that the Russians want to encircle it and then take a final decision on how to deal with this city.
- Kiev is a total mess, the Russians did not even try to enter the city yet, but the crazy rumors combined with terrified Ukronazis will make this one a particularly difficult situation to resolve. I personally hope that the Russians stay as they are, block the city on all sides, open a humanitarian corridor and wait until the time is right.
- On the informational war, the West gave Russia a thorough thrashing: RT and Sputnik are banned everywhere, absolutely insane rumors are circulating (see example below), I know for fact that some US colleges have banned their computers from accessing any .ru or .su websites – yes entire domain names are being shut down – Russian diplomats get assaulted (in one of the 3Bs statelets if I remember correctly).
- The Western PSYOP onslaught is so powerful that even some people in Russia are fearful and sincerely worry “what will happen to us next?!”.
- Western IT companies are disconnecting, throttling, while “private” Western crackers are unleashing DDoS attack on pretty much all the main Russian websites, not only informational ones, but also those who are used to run the civilian infrastructure of Russia. I am not impressed by how much (or little) Russian PR people did to prepare for this which was easy to see coming. Here, again, the West so far is winning, by a huge margin.
- The Western society is displaying its hatred of all things Russian in every way it can: hundreds and maybe thousands of students are summarily expelled from Western colleges (which used to be bastions of freedom). In a Swiss city the child of a friend of mine was beat up in school for being an “evil Russian”. Artists are expelled, others pressured to condemn their own country and president, Western presstitutes and politicians unceasingly vomit at Russia, Russians and everything Russian!
Which tells me how truly impotent and frustrated they are :-)
That being said, here is the good news: Today, one of our favorite trolls managed to bypass moderation and post this (see comment).
What is important here is to realize that whether this guy does it for money in a NATO troll farm or with utter sincerity, he is about to get a really big, probably huge, mental shock.
Right now, the entire Western narrative hangs on this kind of nonsense: Russia is about to be totally defeated, the Ukie army and people have won on all fronts, and Ze, backed by NATO, the EU, the US and the entire planet is about to deliver his conditions for a Russian capitulation.
The maps?
All fakes.
The local reports?
All fakes too.
So far, that has worked pretty well. But here are the stone cold facts about the Ukie military:
- Air Force: gone
- Navy: gone
- Long range, standoff capabilities: gone
- Air defenses: gone
- Regular ground forces: no less than 65% (some say up to 80%) of the Ukie military is surrounded and condemned
- Assorted Nazi units: I don’t have the figures, but A LOT of them are now either in the Donbass cauldron or in Mariupol. They will mostly not be taken prisoner, except for the leaders who will be tried and sentenced for their innumerable crimes.
So, in terms of the Russian goals, here is how I would score this:
- Ukrainian disarmament: mostly already done, the Ukraine has nothing to threaten Russia with
- Ukrainian denazification: only at the early start, but conditions are excellent and I am confident that most of the hardcore Nazis will soon be dead
One more thing I forgot to mention about the “no man’s land” west of the Donbass operational cauldron. It is shown in the map below where the black and yellow lines touch (and add about 5-10km on each side)

The Donbass operational cauldron
It’s not only that only small groups, maybe civilian cars at high speed can get out, it also means that the entire Nazi force in the Donbass is not getting resupplied. Not by air, not by sea and not by road.
Right now, amazingly, the Ukronazis are STILL shelling the LDNR, today 5 civilians were murdered by Ukie selling near Donetsk. So they are not even trying to break out, I suppose they know the score and with their supplies running out (many destroyed by heavy bombs) their lifespan is now counted in days.
Please keep in mind that while this force is surrounded, it did have SEVEN YEARS to dig in deep and place tons of concrete over their bunkers. But like the Ligne Maginot, while the LDNR were pinning down the Ukies, the Russians enveloped them from behind.
So one of two things will now happen.
- Either the Russians will convince the Ukie commanders to surrender and evacuate safely or
- Russia will start using her really heavy guns (MLRS, TOS-1, heavy artillery like the 240mm self-propelled gun-mortar 2S4 Tyulpan or the 203mm self-propelled howitzer 2S7M Malka) and even fuel-air explosives like this one: (I know, it’s from CNN, but in this case, it is helpful)
In other words, the real magnitude of the Ukrainian defeat will become impossible to conceal in just a few days. Then the narrative will shift from the “invincible Ukie Volkssturm” to “Russian atrocities”.
That narrative will also probably stick since the Western free press makes the original Nazi press look outright diverse and objective. But idiots such as the troll above will be very, very butthurt. I expect their “oy veh!!!!” to reach high heavens and heroic Ukies will be replaced by no less heroic celebrities sobbing over Ukie babies.
On a strategic level, the Empire of Lies did successfully force Russia to openly intervene. That is a fact and that is a defeat which the Russians will have to ponder over for many years. I will repeat, here are two, alas very real, Western victories:
- Forcing Russia to openly intervene
- Very effectively controlling the narrative
But don’t get too upset too soon. For one thing, the authorities in Russia have FINALLY declared both Dozhd and Meduza as foreign agents and it seems these two Zioliberal sewers are finally being shut down. Seeing how Medvedev is trying to repaint himself as a patriot, I think that the Atlantic Integrationists are now realizing that they were stupid to listen to the Western propaganda. I have not followed the Russian 6th column at all, so I don’t know if they are still hoping that “Putin” (for them it is all about him, personally) will “lose” or whether they will choose to wrap themselves into the “too little, too late, I could have done better” flag. Frankly, I don’t really care.
Next, they will start seeing Russian 5th columnists and assorted “liberal” their signatures away from their “open letters” or, better, emigrating to the EU or Israel. I sincerely wish them a happy flight and I hope that upon leaving Putin’s Mordor and arriving in the Free West they will all burn their Russian passports (on camera if they want).
So, what’s my “final intermediate conclusion” after week 1?
The West gave Russia a bloody nose by forcing her intervention, thereby crushing any chance for the EU to get decolonized in the next decade or more.
The West gave Russia an even bloodier nose by very effectively controlling the narrative.
But what’s next?
Russia will/has disarm(ed) and will soon denazify the Ukraine, that is a given.
But what after that? Please remember that this is NOT about the Ukraine, this is about the entire future security architecture of Europe.
I will just say this: while, no, Russia won’t invade the EU or even Poland, the Russian war to push back NATO has only begun, it will last MANY MONTHS so be prepared for this. MONTHS.
Please ready yourself for a long and difficult struggle.
In a week or two the narrative will be, the Ukrainian Armed Forces were on their way to Moscow when Putin unleashed biological weapons.
and how is the cream of the West responding to that…
Check it out !
AS always you ar edoing a fine service countering the Niagara of disinformation swamping those poor people still relying on MSM in the West.
It struck me that the evolving Kessel in the Donbass resembles the German 6th Armee at Stalingrad Nov. ’42 to early Feb. ’43, but surely without Ukrainian transport planes flying in supplies to keep them going. The ukronazis will hang tough–what choice do they have given their situation and ideology? Then we will see a repeat of the Russian operation to reduce the Stalingrad pocket–Operation Koltso (‘Ring’), as these fascists experience their own tawdry Götterdämmerung.
And the world will be a better place, and peace negotiations have a chance to begin. But these reborn nazi zombies simply have to go before that happens.
Handing weapons out to everyone …..
Welcome to America!
Where I have skills at identifying how close the gunfire outside the window actually is, and whether I need to crawl towards the bathtub. That’s called Saturday Night in an American city, at least if you live on the low rent side of the tracks.
From downunder:
Our PM Scott Morrison (aka Scomo the scumbag) and his ilk are spewing non-stop Russian hate with a persona sanction placed on VVP – ‘that vile man VVP, can’t come down here to cuddle koalas!!’
Vodka has been removed from sale. I fear for the safety of our grandchildren at school and university.
But Scomo has just made a big mistake – northern NSW is completely flooded – worst in living memory – only the roof of some houses poke above the miles of flood mud water. But instead of sending help and money to support the thousands of our citizens now homeless – Scomo just announced he was sending AU$50 million and weapons to Ukraine.
So the push back against this massive government abuse of taxpayers money has seen a huge swell of people keen to actually understand the Russia/Ukraine conflict.
One person mounting this charge of reporting truth to the sheeple downunder is Simeon Biokov (aka Aussie Cossack).
[Dear Mods: I know Saker’s moderation rules don’t allow promotion of other media sites – perhaps this could be an exception, if you think Aussie Cossack is ok. Thanks]
Interesting take on Scumo’s announcement, Babushka. He certainly has a tin ear and a loud mouth.
Our media are doing a hell of a job painting themselves into a corner they will not be able to get out of, between this conflict and their other pet disinformation project.
Maybe we will meet at a protest in Canberra in the near future?
Saker, I would respectfully disagree with your statement that “The West gave Russia a bloody nose by forcing her intervention).
It seems to me that we can safely say that not only wasn’t Russia forced to intervene but that her intervention had been carefully planned well in advance. Two facts to consider:
1) Such military strategy couldn’t possibly have been conceived on the fly. Several experts have expressed their opinion that the preparations for this kind of campaign could have well taken several years.
2) Putin and other high-ranking officials warned the collective West: in case the December ultimatum is not met, the West should be prepared to deal with harsh “военные и военно-технические” consequences.
That warning left the general public wonder where exactly the military response will occur. Since the West made it abundantly clear that they were not going to comply with Putin’s demands, it was only a matter of time when the promised blow was to be delivered.
We need to remember that, instead of complying, the West went totally nuts with their non-stop “Ukraine invasion” chatter, complete with all kind of maps showing the directions of the attack, endless threats, etc
What would a pro in judo do? That’s right: turn the momentum to his advantage. And Putin, a judo black belt, did exactly that.
How about this bit of a conspiracy theory? Not the invasion per se but the non-stop “drums of war” as a prelude to the invasion was something that seems like another stroke of a genius (this time not in judo but in secret intelligence operations).
Russia should insist on being paid in gold if its enemies want to buy its oil, gas etc.
Saker, Nightvision, etc.
This article has the potential to be explosive. Biolabs. If true, this isn’t the kind of things a lot of Americans wouldn’t approve of if they knew about it; especially in light of what we’ve experienced the last two years. If Russia wants to make a meaningful impact in the information war, this would be the ticket imo. Scary stuff.
Check this guy’s entire timeline, he’s all over it
Unfortunately it’s hard to parse what’s good intel and what’s kooky, Qanon level conspiracy theory b.s. when it comes to this “biolabs” stuff in Ukraine. Either way I’m sure Russia will be all over it once things are settled.
A problem after the dust settles may be rebel UKN partisan activities continuing – like Iraq after 2003..
And if Kiev holds out a NATO airlift.
No problems there in Chechny and Georgia. The fact of the matter is, Russia has the best track record of any other nation of preventing such a thing.
Some random thoughts:
On the one hand the anti-Russian western media blitz doesn’t bother me because eventually the truth will out. On the other hand it bothers me greatly because it fans the flames of hysteria, and hysteria is a hard beast to rein in. It poisons minds, especially among the young.
Someday Europe will realise its future lies in Europe, not North America. This will take some time.
As Russia was prepared for the intervention, so will she be prepared for the aftermath. What this will look like I have no clear idea, but Russia has all the running today, and she will have all the running for the foreseeable future.
The surrounded armies in the Donbass will have to surrender, sooner rather than later. Russia has yet to deploy her big guns. When she does, the soldiers will see they have no option. Not all of them will want to die far from home for a lost cause.
Mariupol will get ugly. The Ukraine forces there are true believers, and they may decide to die far from home while taking many innocent lives with them. Unfortunately, they also know that due to their past actions their future is bleak, dead or alive.
Odessa? I have always thought of Odessa as a Russian city. We’ll see.
Unfortunately the war was inevitable. And any time is as bad as any other. Now it’s a done deal. Of course all the latent anti-Russian sentiments in the West have been elevated to total hysteria. But also that is good – better in the light than to remain in the shadow of illusions. Now the priority should be the fate of post-war Ukraine as part of the Russian Federation. Ukraine as an “independent” country would just be a catastrophe and a source of constant chaos and instability.
Dear Saker,
Please accept my apologies. I’m the “idiot troll” responsible for the ludicrous entry referred to above.
It was intended satirically as a parody of recent news coverage in the UK, particularly the BBC.
Their broadcasts are so delusional and divorced from reality that they resemble a Monty Python sketch.
Supermodels with air rifles about to take on Putin’s hordes and much else in a similar vein.
Off the scale bias, no pretence of any balance or objectivity, discussion panels a competition in who can display the most vitriolic hatred for Russia and Putin, the most ludicrous claims issuing forth from Kiev treated as Holy Writ. I should have realised the content of the UK media is now so egregious it defeats all attempts at satire. Sorry.
Saker, can you comment on this 40 mile column that has.been moving toward Kiev, allegedly. It sounds like more msm bullpoopy. Do you have any info?
@ Chris
Yet another lie and deceit from the MSM. I debunked that lie with evidence several threads ago, it was not a 40 miles/64kms convoy; according to the satelite company that provided the pics, it was a 5.2kms long convoy, 40 miles/64kms from Kiev.
The media twisted it all, and those who swallow anything provided by them, amply reproduced it.
I found the links, just for you.
Next time, do your own research.
Lone Wolf
Thank you. I am trying to keep up with events, but have other things as well going on, and miss many things. I know msm is tot garbage, hence my question. Sorry for putting you out, but researching this got msm garbage.
The latest reuters gives msm bs.
Emergency statement of the official representative of the People’s Militia of the DPR at 15.30 02.03.2022
According to operational information received in the city of Mariupol, on the territory of the Azov-Stal plant, the commander of a separate special forces detachment “Azov” of 12 armored units of the National Guard of Ukraine is preparing for a mass provocation with the death of civilians. For this purpose, the civilian population is brought into the territory of the Azov-Steel plant, which is placed in mined workshops and office premises. Military equipment is placed in the courtyard of the enterprise. In the event of a breakthrough in the defense of the city of Mariupol by units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the nationalists plan to blow up the plant’s buildings, with further accusation of the Russian side of destroying civilians and civilian infrastructure with artillery fire.
In the basement and premises of school No. 34 on 17 Gastelo Street, more than 60 civilians are forcibly detained, of which more than half are women and children. All civilians who tried to leave the city through the provided humanitarian corridors are forcibly brought to the school. According to information from the teachers of the Priazov State Technical University, located along Universitetskaya Street, 7, militants from the Azov unit began to mine the building, as well as the approaches to it with controlled explosive devices.
“the West so far is winning (the PR war by) a huge margin”.
Sorry, I disagree. The West is NOT winning, it’s losing. To get an idea of just how badly it’s losing, compare today’s war PR with that of ‘Desert Storm’. My God, back then everyone swallowed it. A skyscraper next to my office handed over an entire floor to the Red Cross to handle all the patriotic Americans rushing to donate blood for ‘our soldiers’. So many donated you had to make an appointment and cross your fingers to be accepted. I worked in a major law firm (all major law firms are Leftist) and it went full blown nuts over that war. Everyone had a flag decal on their desk, flag pin in their lapel, patriotic posters on their walls. We had t-shirts on every corner, all of us were glued to the tube every evening watching that war and cheering our boys on. I mean, we swallowed that PR hook, line and sinker.
But today? No one’s swallowing anything. Why? Because PR’s destroyed itself. It did that when it said COVID would kill us if we didn’t vax (only for the vax to kill teenagers with heart attacks). PR destroyed itself when it said Kamala was a ‘skilled’ politician when everyone knows her only skill was sucking Willie Brown’s c**k. And of course there’s PR gushing that hair-sniffing Biden, drug addict Hunter, drunk as a skunk Pelosi, etc., are people we should all look up to.
Trust me, today’s media PR credibility is dead as a doornail. No one believes it. I don’t believe it when it shows ‘Russians blowing up a building in Kiev’ only for the building to have collapsed six years ago in CHINA. I don’t believe it when Russians tanks ‘destroyed’ by Ukrainians turn out to be SYRIAN tanks, etc. And I sure as hell don’t believe PR calling Zelensky a ‘noble patriot’ when I only have to download a video of him dancing half-naked in 6″ heels and wearing S&M gay bondage.
Trust me, the West is not “winning the PR war” against Russia. It’s not winning against anything. That PR noise you’re hearing is nothing but sound and fury signifying nothing.
I agree, and so do quite a few others, eg
Something from cassad telegram, if allowed:
The feedback bot received a message from the residents of Starobilsk in the Luhansk region about the mood in the city and other settlements:
“When the pro-Russian population feels safe in the cities in the Southeast, then a lot will change. As long as the supporters of the Kiev regime are safe, even in cities already under the control of Z, they openly threaten that they will burn down a house or a car at night, beat someone who supports Z.
Mayor of Kremennaya, pro-Russian, where is he now? I know for sure that in Berdyansk, most of the pro-Russian, there was no destruction, the people have nothing to be offended by. But they are afraid to go out. The Russians will leave, but the SBU is not asleep, they all think so. 99% are afraid that again, as in 2014, they will “throw”.
Then the same thing happened, Mozgovoy drove in, they hung the flag of the Russian Federation over the City Council, there was the LPR for 2 weeks, they began to create power, then Aidar arrived and the entire Lnra asset of Starobelsk was put in a pit on the sausage in Polovinkino. They expected that Russia would help and did not wait. And now they don’t believe. Such is the mood in the city.
# Lugansk #Russia #Ukraine
Lots of reports of ships leaving Crimea and headed toward Odessa, suggesting a possible amphibian assault of Odessa.
is there any more news on the two crashed Romanian aircraft from earlier today (previously reported on RT), they “mysteriously” disappeared while patrolling the Ukrainian boarder. Awfully suspicious timing what with all the recent threats of Ukrainian pilots using NATO bases to attack Russian forces.
1 airplane and one helicopter seems – but nothing else, silence
News from RT
Guess Russia’s EW is active and effective at Ukraine’s western border.
Romania loses two aircraft near Ukraine’s border
A Romanian fighter jet disappeared in the country’s southeast, with a helicopter crashing during a search-and-rescue op
West is beginning to pillage the “pro-Kremlin oligarchs,” anything they can put their hands on, will be ransacked.
Russian billionaire’s superyacht seized – media
Alisher Usmanov’s $600 million vessel has reportedly been impounded in Hamburg
US a “responsible nuclear power?” Guess Putin’s special alert order for Russia’s deterrant forces had a sobering effect on the US elites, suddenly they are “responsible.” Yet another joke…
Pentagon postpones nuclear missile test
US seeks to demonstrate it’s a ‘responsible nuclear power’
The next true United Nations organization would have its seat in Moscow or Beijing. The US and its “coalition of the Useful Idiots” are ready for the trash bin of history.
US eyeing ways to strip Russia of UN influence
Push to end Moscow’s status as permanent Security Council member gains steam after vote condemning attack on Ukraine
Even Russian cats could not avoid being target of sanctions. The West is obnoxiously vulgar and toxic.
Russian cats slapped with sanctions
Felines owned by Russians have been banned from international competitions as punishment for Moscow’s attack on Ukraine
Lone Wolf
[quote]The West gave Russia an even bloodier nose by very effectively controlling the narrative[/quote]
Well, to invoke a mythical Ole Uncle Joe :
“The Narrative, how many divisions has he got ?”
Russia is winning the real war, that’s what matter most. They barely tried to fight the propaganda war. Maybe they find it mostly irrelevant.
At the end of the day you hardly need to expend energy on propaganda when the West will still shout “Heil Biden” and blindly shuffle after a doddering old fool. Remind everyone, and yourselves (since you will continually struggle to believe it too) of just ONE fact and you have all the propaganda doses you need for the rest of the War:
GERMANY is now re-arming and suporting the self-proclaimed neo-NAZI heirs of the 14th Waffen SS Galician Volunteers, and even Switzerland is cheering along with the rest of the EU.
I did just write that and I still don’t believe it. The selfsame neo-Nazis who have been carrying out endless atrocities against the brothers and sisters of Russia in the Donbas for 8 years, are being sent offensive armaments by Germany, whose Chancellor proclaimed the bloodbath of ethnic Russians NOT genocidal!!!
The neo-Nazi demand in Munich for a nuclear armed Ukraine was then NOT ridiculed – yet Russia was somehow still wrong to cross the border in declaration that all this constitutes an existential threat? What WOULD constitute such a threat one wonders? Invasion by Space Aliens???
Anyone who honestly considers these few facts needs no further convincing, whereas propaganda offensives would be wasted on anyone who does not then instantly recognise the justification for Russia’s actions. Such people are perhaps deserving of medical and/or psychiatric assistance, but they cannot be reached by reason.
I also did not believe when I read it… On the other hand, this madness may have probably an explanation.
The UK tabloid Daily Mail revealed, in 2009, the existence of a document from 1944 reporting a meeting of Nazis in Germany who met and planned the return of Nazism to power in the future, that is, the Fourth Reich. The link to the webpage of that online newspaper goes to a page that opens, but is instantly replaced by a blank page showing only the masthead of the online newspaper. It seems that this report was also published in 2016 by The Independent, but I could not find a link. This report may not exist; but, it seems that somebody was trying to stir something up at that time…
Now, the Germans that decided to send weapons to Ukraine are acting like Nazis supporting other Nazis, aren’t they? Isn’t this alarming in another way, too?
A web search leads to many articles discussing this issue. This link shows the said report:
The West is lost to reason.
The west was always going to and will continue to win the propaganda war, in the west. If it, the propaganda, continues apace, it will wither and fail because of the short attention span of the consumers of it (the sugar rush of it) AND because, ultimately, in the West, the Ukrainians will never quite make the grade as Westerners; as “white” (re: your “snowniggers”). Continuing apace, the only other place the West’s propaganda leads to is WAR.
The West will still be winning the propaganda war, in the West, even as the nuclear missiles are let fly.
The Ukrainians need to realise, and soon, the lessons civilians in other countries have learned the hard way when you allow yourself to be ruled by nazis. I squint my eyes and look into the offing; Russia, China, Iran, India and Pepe’s Global South need to ascertain Do they have the wherewithal to lay seige to the West?: inflation, impoverishment, famine of the consumer dependent rentier economies will shine a hard light on the propaganda. The extremes of wealth inequality are already the baseline here requiring an already fatigued level of propaganda. People don’t believe anything, but they will believe “anything”!
To quote Jesse’s Cáfe Américain sign off …”Need little, want less, love more”. The nations that can do this will stand.
Yes, this is NOT about Ukraine.
Military analysis from India:
Thanks. That was very interesting
Official Estonian MoD account:
Second batch of #Javelin anti-tank missile systems donated by #Estonia has reached #Ukraine. From decision to delivery within a few days. #StandwithUkraine @oleksiireznikov
@ john1
According to the maps shown by the Saker, and the preparations made with 9 amphibian ships sailing to the Black Sea weeks ago, that is a strong possibility. Odessa’s eastern flank will be closed in a few days, enveloping the Ukronazis inside the city whose new Odessa Regional State Administrator, Maksym Marchenko, just appointed by neo-Nazi Ze, was the head of the infamous Aidar battallion, on record with Amnesty International since 2014 for war crimes in Donbass.
Odessa might become another Kharkiv in terms of neo-Nazi resistance.
Lone Wolf
Il y a ici une jeune Ukrainienne très inquiète pour son frère qui vit à Odessa : les nationalistes enrôlent les civils de force
Ce qu’elle dit a surpris beaucoup de gens : tous ceux qui sont persuadés que la dénazification de l’Ukraine par les Russes est une connerie
Google translation,MOD:
Here is a young Ukrainian woman very worried about her brother who lives in Odessa: the nationalists enlist civilians by force
What she said surprised a lot of people: anyone who thinks the Russian denazification of Ukraine is bullshit
Je me rends compte que ce que je viens d’écrire signifie que les nationaliste utilisent bien les civils comme boucliers humains !
Google translation,MOD:
I realize that what I have just written means that the nationalists are indeed using civilians as human shields!
Breaking News!!
According to, the Aidar Battallion was defeated in southeastern Ukraine. No details available.
On 2 March 2022, the Nazi Aidar battalion suffered a huge defeat in southeastern Ukraine. More than 5,000 men are on the run, including their instructors from Greystone (ex-Blackwater). They abandoned the equipment they had received from NATO.
The Nazi Azov battalion continues the fight.
PS. The above photo is old. There is currently no verifiable photographic source on the spot.
Lone Wolf
You can’t beat the narrative of the devil, he’s good at accusing.
The only solution is: destroy all western satellites, and submarine cables and return to the 19th century. If a conventional war breaks out, Switzerland would be a very good first target, it is the financial center of the black nobility, which keeps money of the real power.
That would bring down the entire Western system like a playing card.
western peoples are docile, spineless, gutless herd who oppose their criminal leaders with peaceful protests and lately with social media in their comfortable home while other people are cleaning their mess with their blood.
by going to war, Putin is clearly lost hope in changing things with soft power. just look at the high numbers of people injecting themselves with the deathshot to realize the sad state of affairs in the west. while its helpful,
Putin is not trying to win the hearts and mind of sheeple loving their sevitude and suffering from stokholm syndrome, cognitive dissonance and mass formation psychosis. Putin has no time for the bullshit. All he has in mind is defending his people from an imminent threat.
The only thing more terrifying than this is the comment section in the shared story on The Drive’s Facebook page: (scroll down, easy to spot, nearly 400 comments in that section alone)
You have to wonder why they need NATO anymore given the communist ideology of the USSR has gone.
It should have been wound down since 2010 after 20 yrs of Free Russia since 1991.
To continue to retain it shows that its purpose is offensive, not defensive.
All of the discussions about sanctions against Russia are missing the point. Those who hate Russia say it is just a gas station with nukes. Those who like Russia say no, it has deep financial and energy reserves, a diversified economy and can feed its own. All of the latter are true but Russia wouldn’t be in Ukraine and thumbing its nose at sanctions if it weren’t for…China. I don’t think anyone is seriously listening when Presidents Xi and Putin say that what they have between them is more than an alliance. When it is more than an alliance, if you are negotiating a trade deal with China then you are also negotiating a trade deal with Russia. And when you are sanctioning Russia then you are also sanctioning China. People need to wake up and stop treating Russia and China as if they can only act on their own for themselves. The world has changed.
I know how that Father of All Bombs works.
Easy to tell from that video by someone who knows about weapons and stuff.
Sometimes the simple things are better than the hightech ones.
I would add, there is a way to expand the size of the fire cloud by 700%.
UKN’s only saving hope is to recruit the Kyle Rittenhouse to save them.
But I doubt he would join them.
I found this very interesting:
“So will the Fed start buying gold in the open market? We doubt it… but just as attention is now turning to “regulating” (read banning) cryptos to avoid Russian oligarchs from using to to bypass sanctions, it stands to reason that the next trigger point as the fiat system continues along its relentless path to terminal disintegration, will be a confiscation of all precious metals. It’s only a matter of time.”
Dear friends,
The huge elephant in the middle of the room that no one is talking about, or properly analyzing the full-scale repercussions, is the “the facto” *confiscation* (eg. stealing) of more than half of RF external reserves. This move by the west went *way* beyond the anticipated SWIFT exclusion. Even though the west didn’t (yet) ban Russia energy market, the fear by counterparts (buyers, banks, shipping companies, etc.) all around the world, even in China, has already crippled the oil flow from Russia and so far only the gas exports for Europe remains untouched (the fact that Russia wasn’t predisposed to immediately shut off the energy flow as a response for the [financial]war declaration by Europe tells that Putin wasn’t expecting this huge escalation by the west at this early stage of the events.)
Because of this unprecedented world-wide histeria against Russia/Putin, the West’s weak politicians are emboldened to make poorly-calculated decisions that as I said above, hugely escalated the actions against Russia and will make retracing such moves very difficult/unlikely. Also the unintended consequences of the scale of such sanctions is already beyond what the west anticipated. To put in another way: The situation vis-à-vis Russia and the west already spun out of control for both. Neither side expected such a rapid and violent escalation especially by the west which essentially pulled the plug/severed the ties almost completely with Russia in the most chaotic and unplanned way.
This changed the current paradigm to a whole new-level and if the ‘status-quo-ante’ will not be somewhat reestablished (eg. the west return Russia’s reserves) this will make actual war a very real possibility.
Now the thing is: From what I am gathering on the MSM, the west doesn’t care anymore if Putin will back-off from Ukraine or whatnot. They want to bring Putin/Russia down by any means short of direct military attack. And again, things escalated so fast, coupled with this collective insanity pushing the world against Russia, that I seriously doubt that it will be possible to achieve any compromise that will change the collision course towards actual war with the west.
I’m sure Putin is already recalculating his strategy as surely he didn’t anticipated the irrational/fanatical actions by the west. As most competent analysts foresaw, this move by Putin to neutralize Ukraine is not about Ukraine itself but about the Europe security-architecture in the broadest geopolitical sense. Putin calculated that the reactions of the west would be grounded on this fact and as such things would progress somewhat in a previsible manner. Instead the west threw the chessboard away and started a MMA fight. Reaching the immediate goals of demilitarizing and denazifying Ukraine and guaranteeing that the progress eventually reached won’t be lost in the future *will* require a long-term military presence (with or without an agreement with the actual regime) so the west irrational sanctions won’t disappear anytime soon too, which will bring catastrophic consequences for the entire world.
Putin surely is realizing at this point that the nuclear-economic attack by the west, with the declared intent of destroying Russia and deposing him, if let unanswered, will mean his demise. As I said before, the confiscation of RF reserves is tantamount to a war declaration. I seriously doubt that Putin will let this slip by, and considering the irrationality of the west combined with the fact that the intervention in Ukraine *won’t* be a quick and clean endeavor, I doubt that the west will back-off those moves, which will force Putin’s hands yet again, but in a manner that will bring total chaos for the world.
I simply don’t see a way out of this and Putin surely won’t just say “oh no matter, they stole 350 billion from Russia’s sweat and blood but we will work with our non-west partners and rebuild just as fine”. Anyone thinking that this will be the way this will be played is either naive or delusional. For one, reestablishing trade relations with new partners takes time and the west won’t just sit idle either, it would be a cat and mouse game, with the west obstinate in destroying Putin by wrecking Russia completely. And second, Putin won’t have the *time* to sit this thru and react only with “cool and rational” actions (just as he didn’t had the option to keep cool and not invading Ukraine). The west is doubling-down on it’s actions and a chain-reaction was lit by the west which will force Putin’s hand again.
And what to expect then? Well since the west made a mortal attack against Russia’s economy including reserve confiscation (people don’t seem to grasp the severity of that), Putin will have to bring the uttermost chaos to the west’s economy using the tools at his disposal. He may choose to close oil transit routes, confiscate/block commodity shipments, destroy satellites, blow some nukes over the ocean (like the tsar bomb test) as a shot-across the bow to force negotiations over the issue….. then either the west negotiate or it will be total war. I repeat: If the west doesn’t retract this reserve confiscation shit, then Putin won’t have the luxury of not responding or being restrained. The internal pressure will be gargantuan…
I don’t think it’s possible that Putin and his economic planners / generals didn’t anticipate every single one of these moves. And trust me, I’m not coming from the angle of “Putin is a 4d holographic chess genius blah blah,” in fact I hate this recent fetishization of Putin as this untouchable demi-god. But the things you mentioned which the West has done, in my opinion, are extremely obvious and visible from a mile away to the extent that I’m certain Putin has already anticipated it. The only big question is, does he and Russia have any actual concrete and viable plans to withstand this assault, or is it more of a “well we can’t do anything about it, let’s hope for the best” type of situation. And by the way the reason I think it’s obvious they already expected the severity of these attacks/sanctions is because most of the stuff was ALREADY in talks and in preparations for deployment against Russia. I.e. the SWIFT cancellations etc. So it’s only common sense that if they were already desperately inching towards deploying a lot of these more aggressive actions even long BEFORE the invasion, then any reasonably astute person would know that the West would fire every economic ‘nuclear weapon they had in the event of a full scale invasion.
I’m not an economist but I also vaguely understand there may be major repercussions of holding the exchange reserves hostage. One possibility I read about is it could lead to Russia being able to basically clear its debt via ‘bankruptcy’, not sure how realistic that is.
Anyway, one of the things you have to understand is that a newly released poll shows Putin’s approval rating has just skyrocketed in Russia from the 61% or so it’s been at recently to 71%. The public appears to massively support his actions in a way no other Western leader is supported. So don’t expect any financial hardship / fallout from this to catastrophically affect him with “pressure at home.” Remember the Russian people are not dumb, they see what’s going on, how ruthlessly the bloodthirsty and racist west targets them and dehumanizes them now daily in their campaign to completely elide all Russian culture from the global stage. I believe Russian people will rally behind Putin and will understand that the economic/cultural terror being waged on them is the fault of none other than the West.
……Damn Bloomberg cut half of Pozsar’s talk off and added its sweet lemonade into the second half to promote US dollars. Shame on Bloomberg, the second half of Bloomberg article was just reading funny.
Great analysis, this is the new new world order.
Zoltan Pozsar Warns Russian Sanctions Threaten Dollar’s Reserve Status
Tyler Durden’s Photo
WEDNESDAY, MAR 02, 2022 – 12:54 PM
I think you are correct about this – & I do not believe Putin & the Kremlin are overly concerned about the info war in the West because for them, what is most important, is what the Russian population believes. In fact, from that angle, the West’s propaganda offensive will back fire hugely in Russia where people have access to Western media, speak various languages, English, French, German, Spanish etc. & see how blatantly racist it all is. It will revolt them even more. In terms of IT cyber security & protection, again, I think that Russia will have prepared for this as well as they could – it is interesting that Russian official proposals to the West on talks on security issues have included cyber security as a major priority. So the Kremlin has definitely been taking this seriously for some time. My guess is that after this, Russia will take a series of emergency measures in the economy & the infrastructure, amongst other thing is to build up a completely independent IT system within the country, which will mean manufacturing own hardware & software – this will be complimented by sanctions on Russia importing computer technology, some they will get from China, but much of it Russia will have to begin manufacturing itself.
Yep. It’s already backfiring hugely in all of south america and asia where the vast majority of the populations support Russia because watching the U.S. enact economic terror against Russian citizens gives the populations of these countries PTSD flashbacks of U.S. destroying their own countries. In fact movements of support have spawned in many of these countries such as the multitude of sightings in China now of cars with a big white lettered Z on them in support of Russian troops.
Furthermore, people in Russia are galvanizing and rallying behind support of Putin (whose approval rating just SKYROCKETED from 60% to 71% in the latest poll, after the ‘invasion’) because they see the absolutely demonic, disgusting, and inhuman attacks being waged against Russia (banning Russian cats and paraplegic athletes, banning Russian cancer patients from global programs and thus lessening their treatment, and many more).
“Enemy” (what a word!) commercial orbital operations might actually be threatened, especially Starlink, which is a huge issue for any sovereign country.
Also the denial of enemy patent rights is an interesting idea, though more symbolic. The decree VVP signed concerning foreign investors’ ability to move assets out of the country is probably more effective. And from what I can see the U.S. is playing again the game of demanding from the Europeans to leave Russia, while their own companies – as of now – do not face such pressure.
Expropriate the expropriators!
Well, at least confiscate the Russian assets of the corporations headquartered in or majority-owned by citizens of the confiscating States.
I’d hold off on France and Germany in hope that they’ll come to their senses and see what a dangerous game they’ve been led into since 2008.
@Eros Grau,
This is nonsense: “Now the thing is: From what I am gathering on the MSM, the west doesn’t care anymore if Putin will back-off from Ukraine or whatnot. They want to bring Putin/Russia down by any means short of direct military attack.”
Your first mistake is watching corporate media (government shills). Secondly, there is no chance the USA or Europe will risk nuclear war with Russia over Ukraine. They do want Russia to be bogged down in an “occupation” which I believe Russia plans to avoid after doing what it said it would do – deNazify and demilitarize Ukraine. I do think they’d be wise to create a couple of military bases based on approval of the post-Z government.
Russia has not begun to fight the economic war. It has several tools at its disposal, and the biggest one is it’s ability to reduce energy to the EU. I would slowly ratchet down the supply to make it much more expensive for EU businesses and households to manage. This will result in blowback against the EU and the national governments. Here in the USA, the same is true.
All of Russia’s raw materials can be directed towards the global south and east. Screw the west. They’re economies are going to begin to fail and the dollar will drop. It already is dropping due to inflation.
Russia has many tools at its disposal on the economic front. It is a major raw materials supplier. Sorry your analysis does not add up.
1) CBR reserves are frozen, not taken. Big difference!
2) Nobody knows how much its – we only know the end-january numbers of CBR reserves in the EU
3) my contacts in the asset mgmt business told me that there was chatter about such a potential step already by end-january
4) which means the CBR definitely was aware of the possibility
5) whether they acted upon it is unknown to me
I agree with your general view that Russia may threaten the nuclear war option if the sanctions aren’t rolled back but this likely won’t happen until after the Ukraine has been defeated/surrendered.
PS: there is increasing chatter that NATO may view a nuclear power plant accident (as result of shelling by Russia) as attack on NATO countries which would prompt involvement. Now, Russia won’t do that of course but Ukrainians could easily fire at one of their power plants from a captured Russian tank/MLRS to draw nato into it.
We may be an inch away from world war 3!
I am ever more worried that Putin’s risky strategy here may lead to either ww3 or become Russia’s undoing. Things on the ground , as little as I really KNOW about them, do not look to me as if they go according to plan. I might be wrong on that.
I still fail to see overall how this can and will result anything good but I prey and wish for the best, especially for as little further casualties as possible on all sides (Nazi batallions and foreign mercenaries are excluded from that wish )
On “The western society is displaying its hatred of all things Russian”: I don’t think Russians should necessarily take all the nastiness displayed right now in Western society too personally. Yes, there may be that element of stupid or ignorant hatred in many people, but there may well be another, weightier factor. Here’s a hypothesis: the fact that “hundreds and maybe thousands of students are summarily expelled from western colleges” may not be due to “hatred of all things Russian”, but to the fact that the colleges have been strongly “advised” from above to do that, i.e. that what we’re seeing is a narrative mercilessly imposed from the top on all sorts of institutions and organizations (in this case colleges, art venues, orchestras, etc., but also, of course, as usual, the media) and, through these, on the whole of society.
Where did we see that lately? Oh yes, Covid! In that case, the institutions were medical/health institutions. Speaking about colleges, Steve Kirsch was recounting on his Substack on February 26th, in an article headlined “Is science dead?”, how science is being treated right now at MIT. Would such courageous, principled college authorities as the ones at MIT deny a strong “suggestion” from above to expel Russian students? Not likely.
I remember seeing the results of a survey of German public opinion on Russia, conducted during another crisis in relations a few years ago: I was surprised by the large majority of German public opinion favorable to Russia. It seemed that most Germans were not fooled. Likewise, I don’t believe Russians are generally unpopular around the world, not even now, certainly not here in Latin America.
As Felipe Gonzalez once said, one thing is public opinion (la opinión pública), and another is published opinion (la opinión publicada).
Being expelled from woke US universities and colleges is actually the best possible thing that could happen to those students. Not a hill to die on
Not sure what Russia should have done to prepare for information war. There were simply no means to do it. The west always controlled the narrative (Skripal, Navalny, Syria, Georgia). They could have put the most brilliant content in Sputnik and RT, it would not make the slightest difference, otherwise they had no control of the rest. The information war was lost long before the war. At the same time as Russia lost the narrative war in the west, the west also lost the narrative war in Russia. They do not even need to close the western channels, just leave it on for all to see the lies, but of course the option to legitimately ban them is still there.
The answer is nothing. You don’t need to. The Truth doesn’t need any assistance, it simply requires time. And the higher they build that wall of lies the harder those bricks are coming down. The whole ‘omg we are losing the information war’ is a non-issue in my opinion. The Truth wants the lie to overplay it’s hand.
The Saker considers the effective control of the narrative a western victory. IMHO I disagree.
If one of the aims of Russia’s special operation in Ukraine were to expose Western lies, then the West would’ve won a victory, but I don’t need to repeat here the aims of the operation. None of them has to do with the narrative. So the West hasn’t won a victory by maintaining the status quo.
The US Empire is in decline militarily and economically, but its control over the narrative hasn’t declined much, if at all. That’s why the Empire of Lies is an apt name.
“The US Empire is in decline militarily and economically, but its control over the narrative hasn’t declined much, if at all.”
That’s true in the sense of the sheer brute force of volume, intimidation and “deplatforming”, most of all censorship.
It’s not true in any “soft power” sense, any qualitative sense. The days when the US mantras of “freedom”, “democracy”, “opportunity” were truly plausible and desirable for large numbers of people, in the West and around the world including among the communist countries, are long past. This much deeper, better form of “controlling the narrative” by truly winning hearts and minds has declined tremendously.
Thus the avalanching resort to force and censorship. That’s all they have left.
I will also go into the club with the words : spot on Andrei. The west is SATANIC. When I read the bible (I’m a former so called priest for a long time ago) I can see clearly that Satan comes as an angel of light and that is his signature. The west is so corrupt so they don’t see the real light but think they are in the light and suddenly darkness is all around them .That’s how Satan treats them with his so called “light”. In my hometown in Sweden (not anymore) I wonder if I am i Ucraine or in Sweden because the Ucrainian flag is at the top together with the Swedish flag at the house of the town government. In Sweden there is a total support for Ucraine. The light of SATAN HAS JUST ARRIVED IN FULL BLOOM. My dear brother Andrei : God bless you in all ways…!
Locked content shows and whatnot on sputnik and rt can be enjoyed in Asia or anywhere via VPN set to any Asian country (or opera’s browser with free VPN also set on “Asia”.)
Both are obviously totally verboten on youtube except sputnik radio’s “political misfits” (good show) for some reason.
When Poroshenko compared the future life in Donbass to the rest of Ukraine, saying: “We will have jobs, they will not. We will have pensions and children support, and schools, they will not….” it was a horrible and callous thing to say.
But that quote will fit perfect when comparing the future lives of people in the new “Eastern multipolar world” with the lives in EU and the 5 eyes (+Japan and SK).
You just forgotten the financial and economic side of this War?
On a strategic level, the Empire of Lies did successfully force Russia to openly intervene. That is a fact and that is a defeat with the Russians will have to ponder over for many years. I will repeat, here are two, alas very real, western victories:
Forcing Russia to openly intervene
Very effectively controlling the narrative
But that is only Phase 1, the first battle in the war. Phase 2, 3, 4, … are yet to come, yet the West have shot their wad already.
Russia said very clearly that “this is not about Ukraine”. All the best analysts, including of course this site, also warned resoundingly that this is not about Ukraine. When the Ukraine mess is under control, then comes Phase 2 …
Has NATO retreated back to 1997 lines yet? How is Russia going to achieve that? They certainly have very comprehensive plans that cover all scenarios – I don’t think there can be any doubt about that. Even once Ukraine is under control, Russia has not yet achieved her major declared goals – and it is either now or never. Ergo there will certainly be subsequent phases to force NATO back to 1997 positions. We can only guess they will start using standoff missiles against offensive assets, but really we have almost no idea how they will escalate – what is certain, though, is that escallation will come.
Then there are the biowarfare labs. Astonishingly, Russia has been silent on those recently. Yet in my personal opinion they represent a far greater strategic threat to Russia than nuclear weapons, and are far far far more likely to be deployed. Incoming nuclear missiles can be shot down with an S500, but such tools are useless against viruses. Maybe that was part of the reasons for the full Ukraine ground operation – maybe President Putin deliberately allowed and baited the US to force them to invade Ukraine, as a way of initiating their operations against biowarfare labs – standoff weapons won’t do for that. We have to assume they are neutralising the bio labs in Ukraine. What happens to the Western narrative when Russia shows the evidence collected from bio labs in Ukraine? What will the neighbours say if Russia offers to destroy Porton Down and Fort Detrick using standoff weapons, unless the US and UK agree to complete dismemberment of both under fully armed international supervision?
So many open questions. Certainly the US tried their best to force Russia to invade Ukraine, but whether they succeeded depends on the nature of Russia’s plans for subsequent phases, especially the bio labs. And who knows, maybe in Phase 2, the blowback from Phase 1 informational warefare due to burning their cards will cause the West to massively lose even the informational warfare in Phase 2 (I’m not saying it will, but it is a possibility).
Russia is free, people. No one needs to worry about her. She’s fine and will be fine. Precisely, these attacks and insults are what set her free.
“entire domain names are being shut down”
SWIFT and DNS-servers should not be controlled by a few nations
This article describes President Putin’s tremendous popularity among the tunisian people despite french media’s hystery towards him. Is this an illustration of the Muslims-Christians orthodox friendship to come described by the scholar Imran Husain ? (+ good relations Russia- Algeria, Egypt, Syria, Iran, Pakistan, Houthis etc despite the ukranian crisis).
What is next? Well, what we should fear is what would escalate this beyond the Ukraine.
It will probably start with a brutal false flag… one that makes both MH17 and 911 seem pale.
We know it from Sarajevo to Damascus. I dont know if the Russians ever can probably secure the dams on Dnepr or all the nuclear power stations, as it doesn’t take much to actually seriously damage them and cause horrible damage (and Mass thousands of casualties).
When it’s all blamed on Putin… well the voices of crazies in the basement that want war between Russia and NATO become louder and harder to shut.
Even if there is no “intervention” by NATO/US… the opinions of the Ukrainians in doubt… that are not totally nazified… might be hard to turn.
Here are 3 links for RT direct access
This probably signals the highwater mark or absolute limit of western expansion, which has been on a roll since the fall of the Soviet Union; though, this has been an incredibly expensive and bloody… roll, as the ordinary people of Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, Serbia. Is it the end of a historic era, or the beginning of an even bigger struggle?
If Washington’s dream is to turn the Ukraine into a new Afghanistan for Russia, with the same result, will this strategy succeed? It’s very doubtful.
It also shows just how ‘brainwashed’ the public is in the West and how controlled the western media is, how little dissent is allowed anymore. Free, democratic debate seems to have almost vanished. Replaced by war propaganda and hysteria that reminds one of 1914. ‘Liberal democracy’ cannot also include an ’empire of lies.’ It’s evolving into sometning else. The strong, national security state, where ‘democracy’ as a ritual still exists, but it’s been castrated. It’s a hollow shell.
SEAN Hannity of Fox News says NATO should launch an air strike on the 40-mile convoy of Russian tanks heading towards Kiev. He says that after the air strike, each member state of NATO should deny that it was involved in the attack. In that way, Putin would not know who to retaliate against
Of course he was saying that just for the sake of being obnoxious and retarded, especially since there is no such “40 mile convoy” and never was.
But just for the sake of argument, since NATO is legally/diplomatically one entity and all its members/targets are from that perspective fungible, the Russians wouldn’t worry about anything but the military importance of various NATO targets. (No doubt they’d detect where the attack came from anyway, unless it was from infiltrated terrorists or saboteurs on the ground.
I suppose the first targets in retaliation would be the Polish airfields along with the nuke-capable weapons systems in Poland and Romania.
First, Thanks to Saker for top notch reporting and analysis of events.
During Georgian incursion into Ossetia and Abkhazia, Putin exclaimed the effective silence of western Media about the incursion and later total explosion of accusation against Russia for invading Georgia.
Thus Putin knows what the information Media is capable of. If he did not prepare for media war now, then I will assume he has other plans.
I am glad to say that while the US media may scream against Russia, the people are dead set against Ukraine intervention. Mostly the thinking conservative Republicans want to stay neutral.
I also note that US Leadership is not really interested to help Ukraine as Russia is helping the US leaders indirectly to cover up their corruption in Ukraine.
I’ve seen to many shocking comments about the war on twitter so far. Even twitter do recognize the Azov is posting a racist content showing their pork oil immersed ammo, many still plead it. Unbelievable.
Ukraine army is recruiting civilians, mostly having no combat experience, to against the Russian army. Beer factory start to manufacture Molotov. Modern warfare is not like Finland 1939, arming civilians is only sending them to death. I don’t think they don’t know this, they just don’t give a s about people’s live.
To avoid a complete extinction, Ukraine resistance will eventually hide themselves in civilians and refugees. I can already see another Moscow hostage case launched by them later. No one wins at last.
Now, President Putin, after all this media blitzkrieg orchestrated by the “God´s elected” against Russia, against Russian people, against your person, you should stay away from those 5th. column Straussians that you defended & cherished all those years. I hope you realized who the main ennemy planners for the destruction of Mother Russia are? Please, no more half-words to spare calling them out, it is high time to name the names.
I’ve just listened to a talk by John Mearsheimer on the Ukraïne situation being the West’s fault, from 2015! It explains so much on the history of this conflict.
Thanks for all the reporting. I’m happy to get some alternative news on the matter here.
To block RT, Sputnik I see more like signs of frustration. People reading this sites might mistrust even more the wester MSM. BTW, do you know that en the Czech republic one can be incarcerated for having and spreading positiv opinions about Putin/Russia? Not so sure if the law is on now but they considered this. This equals to Nazi behavior.
In regard to the 5th column media – “For one thing, the authorities in Russia have FINALLY declared both Dozhd and Meduza as foreign agents and it seems these two zioliberal sewers are finally being shut down…..”
You didn’t mention one other – the most prominent Ekho Moskvy whose Board has now decided to shut it down:
Gazprom Media have finally woken up it seems. Great time for Russia to clear out all this 5th column media.
As RT has been taken off the air not just in EU but UK too – does that mean the BBC can be kicked out of Russia? Waiting for the reciprocal announcement……
Meanwhile, the Ukies are playing for time with the peace negotiations:
“….The Ukrainian side is already in Poland, however, it strongly opposed the fact that Belovezhskaya Pushcha was chosen as the venue for negotiations. Perhaps this is due to some associations, since we all remember that the Soviet Union lost its statehood there,” the expert noted.
“It seems to me that our Ukrainian partners are playing for time. Everything looks like that. Either they are waiting for reserves or volunteers from international brigades. However, there is no desire to rush these negotiations,” Voskresensky stated.”
at this rate it will be months…..
well…the longer time gives time to finish off the encirclements and ….
I can’t say I see the point of negotiating with parties that are 100% guaranteed to renege on any agreement reached. I wouldn’t bother. In Russia’s shoes I’d just hand them a list of non negotiable items and a phone number. Call whenever you’re ready.
I firmly believe that the Russians will gain back their fearsome reputation and prestige (if that is an apt description) provided they wrap this war up against the Nazis in quick time.
If NATO is crushed i.e. missiles in Poland and Baltics are eliminated, there will be many smaller countries bullying the USA as some are currently (i.e. Baltics) doing to Russia. The dominoes will then fall.
The loss of prestige is a big deal for the USA/UK Nazis. That is why they are banning all things Russian in the hope that people will still hate on Russians in the likelihood they defeat NATO.
The epicentre for the Russiaphobia has always been the U.K., the establishment here are utter racists and regard Russians as sub-human. Churchill wanted to continue WWII and attack the Soviets following the defeat of Germany, thank goodness military realities prevailed. The Litvinenko poisoning, the farcical Skripal Affair (even a BBC drama was made), the Navalny nonsense (a white supremacist) and not to forget MI6’s Instiute for Statecraft all directed at persecuting Russia. Russia should just break diplomatic ties with UK as they contribute nothing, the one positive would be to halt any opposition support/agitation from within Russia’s borders. I have largely avoided the the UK MSM as it predictably follows its scripted propaganda to program the sheeple, they is zero balance here, no historical context.
On another note, the Chinese Air Force recently held preparations for airborne landings on Taiwan for the first time in its history, just as American hawks call for Taiwan to be equipped with nuclear weapons. China has tacitly supported Russia’s position on Ukraine and is now working more closely with Russia (and Iran) than ever before. If NATO is truly willing to turn Taiwan into an undeclared nuclear proxy, then I am certain that China, like Russia, will take preemptive action to occupy and annex Taiwan.
Neocon hawk calls for Western supply of nuclear weapons to Taiwan:
Trump himself seems to be thinking along these lines and may be privy to NATO’s internal deliberations. I think that NATO’s goal in triggering dual crises with Russia and China was not to instigate nuclear war, but to instigate full-scale economic dislocation and the partitioning of the world into rival blocs. Even if Russia succeeds in achieving her goals in Ukraine and China’s in Taiwan, the aim of NATO is to use Russia’s and China’s actions as pretexts for isolating the West from the East.
Trump claims that “stupid” U.S. decisions may trigger Chinese invasion of Taiwan sooner vs. later:
Hi, just an idea.
Maybe you can set up a mailing list, just in case the website is taken down.
You could still spread the news.
Regarding informational front in the West, it is strictly controlled anyway and is no possibility to convey independent information to any meaningful part of western society. We’ve seen it in last few days: western outlets went from propaganda to full censorship. All russian state media have been banned from major platforms in EU. Some russian platforms, like are also no longer available (at least from Poland) – I’m not sure it is because of DDoS or filtering. In polish media comment sections under news regarding Ukraine are disabled. Yes, currently it works but it also marks significant deterioration in viability of western “news” outlets. They are no longer able to keep their narratives without extensive censorship.
Hi Saker,
I would be more fearful for the leadership here in the west in amplifying these Psyops, all it will take is a pragmatic Russian victory for the discontent and covid tired citizens of the west to have the Psyops turned on them.
Putin is synonymous as being the grandmaster playing chess against those resigned to playing checkers. Keep in mind the players haven’t changed just the stakes have risen.
Let’s move forward in the West when inflation hits it’s real stride soon, prices at supermarkets going up, supply chain issues (nearly 15% of shipping is manned by Russians & Ukranians worldwide), the repatriation of agricultural land & mines from foreign companies in Russia & Ukraine backfiring in the Wests battle for hearts.
Add to that China preparing for Taiwan to become the controller of 60-75% of the world’s total chip production.
All roads for the economy and the world’s innovators will be heading off to the new pastures. This seems to smell like the great reset and will cause a meltdown in the west, maybe Putin has just chosen to give their alphabet crew enough rope instead of taking them on for zero rewards as everything else will now fall into place naturally-with no one left to feed the pyramid, the pyramid crumbles.
I would have faith, Putin has proven time and time again he is 3-4 moves ahead and the West’s attention will be busy elsewhere soon, I would categorize it a short term Psyop victory a pyrrhic one if anything. After all the dust settles its deeds not words that will count.
“I will repeat, here are two, alas very real, western victories:
Forcing Russia to openly intervene
Very effectively controlling the narrative”
I remember the invasion of Iraq, when the narrative was very intense and convinced the American public that Saddam had organized 9/11. It was a victory but had short-time effects.
Now, they have a “Saddam” that may not fall and, unlike a war in a distant country, there will be consequences in the prices of basic staples and a very likely recession, compounded by the hangover of the pandemics (Canada had to raise the standard rate due to inflation, which will have bad effects in the repayment of loans).
I suspect that the traumatic experiences that will follow from this economic war on Russia will change the dynamics and the effect of future narratives on offensive operations.
“Russia won’t invade the EU or even Poland”
I remember Putin demanding NATO to get back to its pre-1989 borders. I am puzzled how he would realize that without invading.
It’s the 8th of May 1945 and Marshall Chukov phones Comrade Stalin:
“Comrade Stalin, I have good news and bad news for you.”
“Umm, tell me the good news first.”
“The Wehrmacht has capitulated. We have won the war!”
“That’s great! But what is the bad news?”
“We’ve lost the information war.”
So, the “West” or “NATO”, i.e. the Empire forced Russia to intervene.
That is certainly a sort of defeat. But it basically comes from the fact that it is Russia that is attacked. And if one is attacked, one can protract a response only for some time.
We all should remember that it was “NATO” that started an open military conflict with Russia. Russia does not state it that way because they do not want to fuel the fire. But “NATO” openly supported – financially and militarily – a Nazi backed racist dictatorial regime that has *officially* stated to be at war with Russia. That is a proxy war.
And that is the case, even leaving out the fact that it was the Empire who destroyed the Ukraine internally, brought extremists to power and erected basically a racist dictatorship that wages war against its own citizens, and commits war crimes in the process.
Since the Empire’s control over the European poodles is basically absolute and total, it simply was not in Russia’s power to stop the open confrontation. “NATO”, i.e. the Empire has over 8 years continually upped the ante, and they would have continued.
Even if Russia had evacuated and abandoned the Donbass the Empire would have staged further events and placed nuclear missiles right at the border, in front of Russia’s eyes.
This was a strategy of maximum provocation. There was no way to avoid a reaction.
I had thought that Russia might respond to an Ukronazi attack on the Donbass only locally, i.e. only reacting to attacking troops. But that would have lead to a protracted military conflict at a very defined and prepared front. “NATO” would have been able to control the threat and pain level and keep the conflict on forever. This in a way very clever an “assymmetrical” response is the only chance to avoid the trap of permanent heavy military conflict in the Donbass, with continued resupply of the attacker by “NATO”.
So I think the Russian decision to dismantle the Ukrainian military and create a buffer zone right now, i.e. not waiting for further provocations and actions against Russia, is the correct decision.
Sure, it can much easier be portrayed as “Russian aggression” by the lying media. But the lying media are perverse liars. They can make up anything. I mean, they just invent or orchestrate stuff, from “Skirpal” to “MH17”.
Russia knows that the Empire wants to destroy it. So the type of response is in fact much more a tactical decision than one might think.
Also I still think that there is some WMD stuff going on that simply had to be prevented. Zelensky did state in Munich, that either foreign troops intervene in support of the Ukraine or Ukraine would seek nuclear weapons.
That is a provocation that basically only left one answer.
Rumours that Andrei Sukhovetsky,He was the commander of the Novorossiysk guards mountain air assault division of the Russian Airborne Troops has been killed.
Bad news if true
confirmed fake.
There is no excuse for people in the West lo claim ignorance in this age of the Internet. There are alternatives to the MSM. If people people want to be entertained instear of being actively digging for the complete story then no one else can help them. So I wouldn’t expect fairness from the Western public if I were from Russia. No amount of rhetoric will help. I am afraid there will be a great amount of pain before the minds start to open. This is just a philosophical statement based on the small historical knowledge I have gathered over the years.
The true colors of the West are now shown in full daylight. The current hateful behavior of the self-appointed Western liberals who claimed the monopoly on virtue is the most convincing demonstration of their hypocrisy. There is no need to listen to the West.
So Russia was supposed to fold its arms and allow a massacre in the Dombass, for the west not to ‘win’ in forcing it to intervene? But i understood President Putin to have stated that Russia’s actions would be determined by its security interests. and nothing else, Closing Russian media in the West is a victory for Russia, in my view, it shows that they were very effective weapons in providing a counternarrative, and have forced the West to take the mask off the illusion about freedom of expression. As a South African who lived under the Apartheid regime, I know that censorship is a sign of defeat by those who do the censoring.
a lot going on over Poland close to Ukraine near Deblin is a Airport
Boeing E-8C circles there Callsign REDEYE6
an Airbus A330-243MRTT also circling there
a Northrop Grumman RQ-4D Phoenix was also there just now but it disappeared from the screen now
and several planes without callsign
No frontline changes today. Seems that Russian advance stalled.
Or maybe it is operational security. How do we know anything about Russian movements? From social media videos of Russian convoys filmed by Ukrainians from their windows. And even they are quite scarce.
Didn’t stall, they simply achieved their first objective which is to encircle the target cities. Now they are giving some time to evacuate civilians while precision-striking some choice military targets in the cities. They want to give some time for civilians to leave before they go all out to storm these cities.
Regarding as “The Western society”.
If one goes into broad generalization, one will invariably lose the truth.
There is a Western mainstream society that is decidedly anti-dissent – and so anti-Russian.
That is not all there is, though, despite its attempts to silence the dissenters.
Andrea Drescher who publishes on the Austrian blog published a piece called “Die andere Seite” today. Translated, that is “The other side”. She mentioned that her blog has been accused of publishing “pro-Putin propaganda”, and that its view of the conflict isn’t balanced.
She for one, doesn’t plan to be balanced. She is trying to be a counter-balance. She says we can see the Western / West-Ukrainian point of view everywhere in MSM. She is trying to portray what is left out.
She is very well aware that the war in East-Ukraine has been going on for years, but many Austrians and Germans don’t know that. She is active in “Friedensbrücke Kriegsopferhilfe” ( which tries to help victims of war, and some of its helpers have been shelled at the front line in years past, so I guess they really know.
She states clearly (because she has been asked) that she would also help West-Ukrainian victims of war – but as their means are limited, and there is much more help available for those victims that the West wishes to acknowledge, they decided they can only help in the East.
Reading / watching the news today, I realize how many of our politicians have started sounding like Hitler, in the end phase of the Third Reich. France’s minister of Finance wants “Total War” against Russian businesses, and Luxemburg’s foreign minister Asselbaum wants to eliminate Putin physically. Eric Bonse from the German language blog is aghast – judging by his past submissions, he is no Putin fan, but that goes a good deal to far as far as he is concerned.
” RT and Sputnik are banned everywhere,” – hang on. Just get ‘VPN’ installed. click on its icon and choose ‘Russia’ Then Lo! RT will be there.
RT and Sputnik are both still available in Italy.
“Russia will/has disarm(ed) and will soon denazify the Ukraine, that is a given.
But what after that? Please remember that this is NOT about the Ukraine, this is about the entire future security architecture of Europe.”
So, it is about fulfilling the two proposals one way or another. It is startling they would actually decide this from the moment they decided on their two proposals. The leaders that had to react to it could not even address the three key demands in writing head on. They just ignored our proposals, said the Russians. The two proposals are a poker of aces (whatever is invincible in poker). NATO is an anachronism today. I think Trump said so, too, before finally changing his course, yet with threats of pulling out unless they “paid.” Right, not really needed.
2) Putin did not need to say, “empire of lies”, plus not to get in his way, like he did. It does not fit in the context of only an invasion of Ukraine. It fits in this other context.
3) Peskov revealed all when he mentioned the possible reconfiguration of the map of Europe, depending on the reaction to their proposals, citing WWII. One of the top negotiators at Geneva then said that the “all or nothing” way was viable in international relations, pointing to history as a reference. You ponder these signs when they appear, but it’s startling for someone like me.
4) About three weeks ago, a successful (as people like to say in America) Russian lady told me about how Ukraine used to belong to Russia. She waved her left arm forward and said with full conviction: “The Russians are going to take that back!” I said, “yes, yes”, but not fully there (at least I had some idea).
More war is not the solution to not having agreed to the two impressive – brief, with the secondary things being also like primary things – Russian proposals.
Ukrainian propaganda is incredible – making such realistic movies, thousands of them now, with such realistic details of Russian surrender, Russian capture, Russian hardware destroyed. Truly, they must have the backing of Hollywood. We should boycott Hollywood from making these thousands of fake videos.
Even films showing Kyiv, without a single Russian solder, not one. It’s fake. It’s an entire city computer-generated to fool the world. They even show fake videos, hundreds of videos now, of Russians destroying schools, kindergartens, hospitals, it’s all fake.
Fake strikes from Russia on apartment buildings and civilians. Thousands of fake videos from every angle now (I will admit, the special effects technology is world-class).
I read and the saker, I know the truth.
Sure, it was meant to be over “in 48 hours” but eight days so far is not much. Russia will prevail, they must bomb civilians in Ukraine. It’s not a real country. They are not innocent, they are Nazi’s like the Jewish Zelensky is also really Nazi. Even fake video of missile striking Babi Yar, Putin would never destroy the graves of Jewish. Zelensky is not really Jewish, and I read he is in Cypress now.
I am a Muslim living in South East Asia. I dont quite agree that Russia was somehow led to intervene and is therefore defeated by Western machinations. From my perspective Russia is correct to intervene to stop the genocidal shellings of the Ukrainian army in the Donbass that has been going on for 8 long years, ignored by the rest of the world, that killed over 10,000 innocent lives and injured/maimed God knows how many more.
As a Muslim, I believe tbat the prayers and supplications of the oppressed is heard & answered by God. I also believe that Russia’s Special Military Operation is lawful in the eyes of God, by fulfilling these 3 conditions for a just war (1) to liberate the oppressed people in Donbass (2) the oppressed people of Donbass asked for Russia’s help to liberate them (3) Russia tried all it can to resolve the issue diplomatically & diplomacy has been exhausted.
I believe that Russia is on the right side of history, and it should not fear the consequences when God is on its side. There will be short/mid term pain to endure. But it helps to have faith in the Creator whose plans supersedes Man’s plans. I quote the example of the Mongols who set out to destroy God, but in the process they and their descendants became believers in God.
Russia has a long history that began over 1000 years ago. Throughout this 1000 years of existence, it has survived countless wars, regime changes, and in the last 70 years two major political earthquakes and it emerges stronger, and still the largest nation on the planet abound with rich natural resources and bestowed with technological advancements many other nations envy. This to me is clear signal that it is doing the right things and it is a nation blessed by God. And when God is on your side, fear nothing.