So we are a week in and I think it is time to take short pause and see what happened over the last 7 days.
- The Russian attack began, as predicted, mostly by strikes with standoff weapons. 24 hours later, the Ukie air force and navy ceased to exist. In this initial phase, few Ukrainian units were directly engaged.
- The bulk of the Nazi forces is in Donbass and it took the LDNR forces several days to break through the Nazi defenses, but eventually they did it in two directions. At the same time, while the heavy combats between the Nazi forces in the Donbass and the LDNR forces were taking place, the Russians launched a two pronged offensive from the north and south to envelop the Nazi force concentrations. Interestingly, in spite of the fact that the two Russian forces have not reached each other and in spite of the existing no man’s land between them, the Ukronazis are not making any serious efforts to break through since they must realize that the entire area between the two Russian forces is a big “free fire zone” for Russian artillery, CAS aircraft and attack helicopters. For all practical purposes the entire Nazi concentration of course in the Donbass is now locked into an operational cauldron.
- The same is true for the Nazi forces in Mariupol. For them, it’s curtain down, show over.
- There is a large Nazi force left in only one location: Odessa. It appears that the Russians want to encircle it and then take a final decision on how to deal with this city.
- Kiev is a total mess, the Russians did not even try to enter the city yet, but the crazy rumors combined with terrified Ukronazis will make this one a particularly difficult situation to resolve. I personally hope that the Russians stay as they are, block the city on all sides, open a humanitarian corridor and wait until the time is right.
- On the informational war, the West gave Russia a thorough thrashing: RT and Sputnik are banned everywhere, absolutely insane rumors are circulating (see example below), I know for fact that some US colleges have banned their computers from accessing any .ru or .su websites – yes entire domain names are being shut down – Russian diplomats get assaulted (in one of the 3Bs statelets if I remember correctly).
- The Western PSYOP onslaught is so powerful that even some people in Russia are fearful and sincerely worry “what will happen to us next?!”.
- Western IT companies are disconnecting, throttling, while “private” Western crackers are unleashing DDoS attack on pretty much all the main Russian websites, not only informational ones, but also those who are used to run the civilian infrastructure of Russia. I am not impressed by how much (or little) Russian PR people did to prepare for this which was easy to see coming. Here, again, the West so far is winning, by a huge margin.
- The Western society is displaying its hatred of all things Russian in every way it can: hundreds and maybe thousands of students are summarily expelled from Western colleges (which used to be bastions of freedom). In a Swiss city the child of a friend of mine was beat up in school for being an “evil Russian”. Artists are expelled, others pressured to condemn their own country and president, Western presstitutes and politicians unceasingly vomit at Russia, Russians and everything Russian!
Which tells me how truly impotent and frustrated they are :-)
That being said, here is the good news: Today, one of our favorite trolls managed to bypass moderation and post this (see comment).
What is important here is to realize that whether this guy does it for money in a NATO troll farm or with utter sincerity, he is about to get a really big, probably huge, mental shock.
Right now, the entire Western narrative hangs on this kind of nonsense: Russia is about to be totally defeated, the Ukie army and people have won on all fronts, and Ze, backed by NATO, the EU, the US and the entire planet is about to deliver his conditions for a Russian capitulation.
The maps?
All fakes.
The local reports?
All fakes too.
So far, that has worked pretty well. But here are the stone cold facts about the Ukie military:
- Air Force: gone
- Navy: gone
- Long range, standoff capabilities: gone
- Air defenses: gone
- Regular ground forces: no less than 65% (some say up to 80%) of the Ukie military is surrounded and condemned
- Assorted Nazi units: I don’t have the figures, but A LOT of them are now either in the Donbass cauldron or in Mariupol. They will mostly not be taken prisoner, except for the leaders who will be tried and sentenced for their innumerable crimes.
So, in terms of the Russian goals, here is how I would score this:
- Ukrainian disarmament: mostly already done, the Ukraine has nothing to threaten Russia with
- Ukrainian denazification: only at the early start, but conditions are excellent and I am confident that most of the hardcore Nazis will soon be dead
One more thing I forgot to mention about the “no man’s land” west of the Donbass operational cauldron. It is shown in the map below where the black and yellow lines touch (and add about 5-10km on each side)

The Donbass operational cauldron
It’s not only that only small groups, maybe civilian cars at high speed can get out, it also means that the entire Nazi force in the Donbass is not getting resupplied. Not by air, not by sea and not by road.
Right now, amazingly, the Ukronazis are STILL shelling the LDNR, today 5 civilians were murdered by Ukie selling near Donetsk. So they are not even trying to break out, I suppose they know the score and with their supplies running out (many destroyed by heavy bombs) their lifespan is now counted in days.
Please keep in mind that while this force is surrounded, it did have SEVEN YEARS to dig in deep and place tons of concrete over their bunkers. But like the Ligne Maginot, while the LDNR were pinning down the Ukies, the Russians enveloped them from behind.
So one of two things will now happen.
- Either the Russians will convince the Ukie commanders to surrender and evacuate safely or
- Russia will start using her really heavy guns (MLRS, TOS-1, heavy artillery like the 240mm self-propelled gun-mortar 2S4 Tyulpan or the 203mm self-propelled howitzer 2S7M Malka) and even fuel-air explosives like this one: (I know, it’s from CNN, but in this case, it is helpful)
In other words, the real magnitude of the Ukrainian defeat will become impossible to conceal in just a few days. Then the narrative will shift from the “invincible Ukie Volkssturm” to “Russian atrocities”.
That narrative will also probably stick since the Western free press makes the original Nazi press look outright diverse and objective. But idiots such as the troll above will be very, very butthurt. I expect their “oy veh!!!!” to reach high heavens and heroic Ukies will be replaced by no less heroic celebrities sobbing over Ukie babies.
On a strategic level, the Empire of Lies did successfully force Russia to openly intervene. That is a fact and that is a defeat which the Russians will have to ponder over for many years. I will repeat, here are two, alas very real, Western victories:
- Forcing Russia to openly intervene
- Very effectively controlling the narrative
But don’t get too upset too soon. For one thing, the authorities in Russia have FINALLY declared both Dozhd and Meduza as foreign agents and it seems these two Zioliberal sewers are finally being shut down. Seeing how Medvedev is trying to repaint himself as a patriot, I think that the Atlantic Integrationists are now realizing that they were stupid to listen to the Western propaganda. I have not followed the Russian 6th column at all, so I don’t know if they are still hoping that “Putin” (for them it is all about him, personally) will “lose” or whether they will choose to wrap themselves into the “too little, too late, I could have done better” flag. Frankly, I don’t really care.
Next, they will start seeing Russian 5th columnists and assorted “liberal” their signatures away from their “open letters” or, better, emigrating to the EU or Israel. I sincerely wish them a happy flight and I hope that upon leaving Putin’s Mordor and arriving in the Free West they will all burn their Russian passports (on camera if they want).
So, what’s my “final intermediate conclusion” after week 1?
The West gave Russia a bloody nose by forcing her intervention, thereby crushing any chance for the EU to get decolonized in the next decade or more.
The West gave Russia an even bloodier nose by very effectively controlling the narrative.
But what’s next?
Russia will/has disarm(ed) and will soon denazify the Ukraine, that is a given.
But what after that? Please remember that this is NOT about the Ukraine, this is about the entire future security architecture of Europe.
I will just say this: while, no, Russia won’t invade the EU or even Poland, the Russian war to push back NATO has only begun, it will last MANY MONTHS so be prepared for this. MONTHS.
Please ready yourself for a long and difficult struggle.
It’s useful and necessary to say Russian operation has not been as successful as most commanders were thinking. Number of used forces so far is of course rather limited.
“Russian forces are receiving needed supplies and reinforcements that may facilitate much more rapid and effective operations in the coming 24-72 hours. The Russian effort around Kyiv remains poorly organized, however, with elements of many different battalions combined into what seem to be ad hoc groupings rather than operating under standing regiment or brigade headquarters. The initial errors in the Russian force composition and organization in Belarus and western Russia that ISW has previously reported on, which contributed to Russian logistical and operational failures around Kyiv, will be difficult to remedy quickly and will likely continue to cause friction and reduce the effectiveness of Russian operations even as supply issues are addressed and reinforcements come into the fight.[2] It remains too early to evaluate the likely effective combat power the added Russian troops will bring.”
Propaganda. Lies.
Sources include Facebook and Twitter and are not on the ground.
Thank you. I will remind everyone; the US, internally, is a ticking time bomb. This overstuffed Disneyland population has been firehosed with lies since JFK’s Assassination. Think rabid blind dogs being hit with sticks; 911, 2008, 2016, 1/6/21, covid, lockdowns, trucker convoys, 11 yrs nonstop ‘freedom democracy’ wars, BLM, CRT, Antifa and lgbqxzw where’s the right bathroom?
Critical thinkers are learning about how criminalization of dissent works.
The southern border is wide open.
Inflation is 20% by real measures, debt is 123% of GDP. As civilizations go Russia will be fine, North America and the EU not so much. Suicide generally is permanent and we are watching that happen in real time. The Western elites cannot possibly account for every variable in their world domination schemes nor in their controlled demolition of their own populations and civilization.
It reminds me how sluggering land warfare still is and these American and Russian wonder weapons have not changed this big picture much. So you all should bury hopes and fantasies of fast and splendid victory. From Vietnam to Ukraine.
It should be taken seriously under consideration that V.P and Russia might have lost Ukraine 8 years ago and it’s pretty hard to change the game now. The future of Russia itself is now on table. And has always been. Danger becoming vassal should not be “impossible”.
But – these pessimistic dark ideas will vanish if RF Armed Forces could crush Ukies during the next crucial two weeks.
@ Eric Cartman on March 03, 2022 · at 7:21 am EST/EDT
“No frontline changes today. Seems that Russian advance stalled.”
Says the armchair general, looking out at the battlefront from the screen of his desktop/laptop.
Last night I posted a link to reliable announcing the defeat and routing out of the Aidar battalion.
No more information is available so far.
Colonel Cassad, in his daily report, stated that,
Russia will bring the operation in Ukraine to an end
From Lavrov’s recent statements.
1.The operation in Ukraine will be brought to an end by Russia.
2. Russia’s requirements shall be minimal.
3. Russia will not obey the dictates of the West
4. Sanctions are a price to pay for independence.
He also added that,
1. Negotiations between the Russian Federation and Ukraine should be held today in Belarus. Much is not expected of them, especially in light of the inadequate statements of the Zelensky gang. The operation will not stop during the negotiations.
Stalled you said? Where are you getting your news from? Ukranews? Or are you spreading misinformation?
Lone Wolf
Excuse the typo; 21 years of war, not 11! Including the terrorism boogie man and disgusting exit from Afghanistan. The ensuing theft of 7 billion dollars from that country is telling. Theft and lies are all these ‘folks’ (Obama TM) have left in the shop worn tool kit.
Hello Andrei,
What are your thoughts and conclusions as of now regarding the theory that both Russia and the Ukraine have been set up in the manor that the Soviets and Afghanistan were set up a la Brzezinski?
You know, Ukraine was set up as bait starting back in the early 2000s in the hope of creating a big enough threat to Russia so that she will have no choice but to move-in militarily. The goal of course being, to bleed Russia in the Ukraine so that the US and EU do not have to fight Russia on the battlefield. Please share your thoughts on this important matter. ( not as an answer to me but rather as an article to clarify the matter)
@ Frankie on March 03, 2022 · at 8:20 am EST/EDT
“It’s useful and necessary to say Russian operation has not been as successful as most commanders were thinking. Number of used forces so far is of course rather limited…”
It’s even more useful and necessary to say the infamous “Institute for the Study of War,” is a MICIMATT (military-industrial-congressional-intelligence-media-academia-think tank complex, as defined by Ray McGovern)* mouthpiece.
As per your link, which I will not copy here least I become a purveyor of lies,
Supporting Effort #2—Mariupol: Russian forces fully encircled Mariupol as of March 2 and are conducting a deliberate campaign to destroy critical civilian infrastructure and residential areas in a likely attempt to force the city to surrender. Deputy Mayor of Mariupol Serhiy Orlov informed the BBC that the city is “near to a humanitarian catastrophe” after 15 hours of Russian bombardment on March 2.[21] Orlov confirmed Russian forces have advanced to within several kilometers of the city on all sides and are particularly targeting critical civilian infrastructure. Russian forces have taken a similar approach of creating a humanitarian catastrophe by deliberately targeting civilian infrastructure throughout the Russian intervention in the Syrian Civil War. Russian forces claim to have completed the encirclement of Mariupol by land and sea on March 1, though the Ukrainian General Staff claimed Russian forces have failed to “block” Mariupol as of March 2.[22]
Key words, “destroy civilian infrastructure and residential areas,” “near to a humanitarian catastrophe,” “Russian bombardment,” “particularly targeting critical civilian infrastructure,” again, as an analogy to Syria, “similar approach creating a humanitarian catastrophe by deliberately targeting civilian infrastructure.”
And you call this an “assessment” of the “Russian Offensive Campaign”? You’re willingly (or not) spreading US/NATO/Ukronazi misinformation and fake news. Russia has deliberately slowed down the campaign in Ukraine to minimize civilian casualties. Mariupol could have been by now bombed back to the Stone Age, Russia is not going to kill her own people. Have you read the neo-Nazis are holding the civilian population hostage, forcing them into buildings they have occupied? Why don’t you balance your posting with some truthful information?
We already have enough lies by the presstitutes in the MSM, to have more lies from the criminal “Institute for the Study of War” pushed in here by posters, passing fake news for information as willing (or not) tools of the gigantic PSYOPS unleashed against Russia.
Lone Wolf
* Thank you, Pepe.
South Front analyses have been a mixed bag, with some of them having a 6th-column flavour to them. Today’s doesn’t sound very good, though:
What could China bring to the table? China’s sovereignty will be on the chopping block just like Russia’s in case of a Russian defeat. Then again, China hasn’t been in a larger ground war for a long time. So there is a lack of experience and a lack of public preparedness. Russian and Chinese forces fighting side-by-side would probably lead to all sorts of coordination problems, too.
But could China not contribute stand-off capabilities like combat drones? One might guess that coordination would be easier to achieve with Chinese operated drones. China has a leading position in this field. Combat drones should go a long way towards making life difficult for Ukrainian forces without air cover.
Igor Strelkov tells it along similar lines:
He is especially critical of what’s going on around Kharkov.
Undermining National Security with the provision of an unlimited supply of weapons is a game that everyone can play at.
Why not supply Javelin type weapons, RPGs, sniper rifles, protective gear, and grenades to;
The Scottish Nationalists,
The Basque Separatists.
All the Jihad migrants to Europe.
All the Nazis in Europe.
It won’t actually be necessary, because all those weapons flooding into Ukraine will, without any doubt, find their way to every hot spot in Europe. That is the intention of those Nations giving weapons to the Ukraine who compete with Europe. One also has to take it into account that getting weapons into Ukraine is not going to be easy, which makes it more likely that they will end up somewhere else.
Selling weapons will put food on the table in many a Ukrainian household, particularly if there is no other way of putting food on the table.
There is no limit to the stupidity of European politicians.
The irony here is that for the last 30-years, the United States has treated Russia and the Russian People like they are sub-humans. No respect. Just contempt, ridicule, and unrelenting bear baiting. The United States, the EU, and the West have been treating Russia and its people exactly the way Nazi Germany did during World War II. Regardless of the fact that Russia is a super and nuclear power.
After the UK threatened Russa with as much, Russa was forced to respond to the threat of nuclear retaliation by putting their nuclear forces on the highest alert. No response from the UK government. No “our comments were misunderstood. Lost in translation. Sorry about that.” This is how nuclear wars start.
And now with the sanctions and xenophobia. World War III has already started.
The irony here is that for the last 30-years, the United States has treated Russia and the Russian People like they are sub-humans, practically picking up where World War II left off. No respect. Just contempt, ridicule, and unrelenting bear baiting. The United States, the European Union, and the West have been treating Russia and its people exactly the way Nazi Germany did during World War II. Regardless of the fact that Russia is a super and nuclear power.
After the United Kingdom threatened Russa with as much, Russa was forced to respond to the threat of nuclear retaliation by putting their nuclear forces on the highest alert. No response from the UK government. No “our comments were misunderstood. Lost in translation. Sorry about that.” This is how nuclear wars start.
And now with the sanctions, xenophobia, the threat of creating a “No-Fly Zone” over the Ukraine, World War III has already started.
At least “Voltaire” should have mentioned when, where in southeastern Ukraine and how Aidar battalions collapsed. I’d like to see confirmed information from other sources too. And much more details.
The western BS propaganda notwitstanding – the only weapon of mass delusion left to the West – I wouldn’t put too much credit on the west’s PR effort. You see, for Vladimir Vladimorvitch, Sergei Lavrov and rest of their team there’s only one opinion that matter – that of the russian people.
As for attacking – with that clown Zelensky throwing aroung trashtalk about obtaining nukes to use against the russians, Vladimir Vladimirovitch may not had much of a choice. I guess he did the calculations, decided that the russians would be damned, if they do, damned if they don’t, so better proceed forward. And in the final analysis, for the russians don’t really matter what the west say about them. If the west don’t want do business with the russians, it’s actually ok for them – yes, in short term it would be difficult, but in medium and long term Russia shall do better than the west.
BTW, this is not the first time Russia was put under total sanctions – the last time they did it, Russia was turned from a backward agricultural country into industrial powerhouse rivaling Germany. This time, without any bolsheviks messing around, I expect that the russians will do better ;-)
You live here Saker so it is not surprising that you are better informed about Western civilization than anyone in Russia. Of course the West is going apeshit. Russian orthodox Civilization is stronger than the combined West.
It is tough for Westerners to see on TV that Uncle Oswald was right.
I’m not believing in any sources until the final battle of this war in Ukraine is over. Then (if even then) we will see which websites and sources have had the most realistic big picture. Until then there is big thick smoke covering battle ground. I will take this as a one big war in military history. And also example how massive propaganda machine we really have now.
If history tells us anything one thing is sure: winning land war is not easy. Winning peace that’s really hard. We don’t really know how united EU and Russia really are. What happened when price of war comes to mind of all Europeans? Will they say this all was worth of it? Russians, they already understand what’s coming.
Unfortunately, the Empire may well be contemplating a false-flag nuclear attack on Kiev:
The question is whether Russia will be able to prevent such a potential eventuality.
The article mentions the “possibility” that “Putin” might detonate a nuclear weapon in, say, Kiev. If NATO were conduct one or more false-flag nuclear strikes on sizeable Ukrainian population centres, then it could create the conditions for full-scale Western intervention and also increase international pressure on non-Western, “non-aligned” states such as India, Brazil, et al.
(The same article, incidentally, also suggests that NATO should impose a no-fly zone and attack Russian supply-lines. Such activity could theoretically follow one or more false-flag nuclear detonations on one or more sizeable Ukrainian population centres. NATO is clearly losing in Ukraine, so its level of desperation might countenance a 9/11-style operation on Ukrainian soil.)
Russia won, because she won her independence. When you are oppressed, bullied, abused, nothing is better than when you obtain your freedom. Sure, there’s a price of that freedom and some steep hills. One probably will move from a bigger house to a smaller and poorer apartment away from the bully, but that’s OK because you can be you, to have yourself and your identity. Not all people understand the value of having your true identity and being able to breath freely even if it costed you the struggle and sacrifice of pulling yourself out of an unhealthy environment.
All these info war, propaganda, restrictions, and losses are secondary. In fact, the hysteria is completely irrelevant. Once everyone starts thinking bad about you, you finally realize that actually the opinion of those you tried to please so much is irrelevant. They have no bearing on the on-ground reality. It’s a big world out there.
Russia won and will carry the meaningful burdens of freedom, adaptation, and growth without outside intrusions.
People that don’t understand the power of the cross cannot see how Russia is destroying the Western system by letting them destroy themselves and by absorbing and overcoming their hatred.
Now, the euphoria of the narcissistic rage is wild in the West. What happens once this tones down and the emotional freakishness is worn out? All this hysteria and information propaganda will wear out, nothing is forever. Then, they will need to wake up to the reality of completely losing Russia. Believe me, those control freaks and bullies are unable to deal with such a loss, because the last thing they want is Russia to be independent, free, joyful and it is happening. Then, they may even try to revert some of the things they have done and have said, but to very little success, because they did what they did and said what they said and cannot be taken back. When someone directly and clearly reveals their face unequivocally declaring “I want to destroy you” and enact it, and you have always known that anyway, then this is beyond the breaking point and there’s no coming back. The level of pain in the West will be severe. It’s id over between Russia and the West, worse than between the Soviet Union and the West (the Soviets cared somewhat about the West, Russia will not).
Once all this madness is over, it will become clear that Russia is not rejected by the world, not isolated, not hated, but rather a lot of nations and people empathize with Russia. This is an act of the devil to slander and to try making one feel alone, rejected, isolated, persecuted, unforgivably lost, unloved, powerless, lacking agency. But that’s a lie and that’s all about it. This Russian struggle will have transformative effect on the world and will wake up a lot of people.
What we will be seeing is Russia gradually putting her things together, building her own things form electronics to airplanes to laboratory products to chips to cars, everything. She will get on the path of growing, improving her military as well. The parts of Ukraine that will be in Russian influence will do also well and be fully restored, grow, while the other parts of Ukraine will not. Russia will protect with the power of her military all that from the spite and envy of the West who decided (who gave them the authority to decide that) that Russians have no right to good future, no right to joy, no right to prosperity, not even right to life. But Russia will have all those without the agreement of the West. I reiterate, it’s a big world out there.
No one should take my word for it. Let’s just observe and see. All this will happen once it’s over between Russia and the West, and it is over already. The West is diluted to believe that they decide who has prosperity and future and that it’s up to them to distribute the portions of happiness, it’s in their power to decide who is successful and who is an outsider. Oh, how wrong they are and how high will be their fall!
I’ve just heard Konashenkov report the presence of 1000’s of European mercenaries, reportedly launching attacks on the RF supply lines.
He also mentioned lots of attack planes coming from the West. I’m actually less worried by these. They will be destroyed.
I’m not sure what kind of havock those mercenaries can wreak. It sounds pretty bad.
At any rate, they do not have the status of combatant soldiers, and so the RF forces won’t bother take prisoners among these. They have been warned.
Have any US/EU/UK guerrilla weapons been intercepted by the Russia troops or destroyed by Russia Air Force?
tons of them.
many videos of dozens of british NLAWS captured amongst other things. I heard at least one javelin. At this point wouldn’t be surprised if many more
Much obliged.
1—The situation in the #Ukraine|ian forces is catastrophic. According to internal #Ukraine|ian government sources, at least 8395 #UA are dead (including those missing in action). #Russia|n MoD has been able to objectively verify and confirm UA losses of 2870 dead. 2/16
At this point, how likely is this possibility, in conjunction with a NATO attack on Moldova?
Not very likely. That’s a bit far-fetched to me, there’s more practical means for NATO to conduct falseflags, and the fact that Russian security services are now infiltrating all Ukie command etc, it would be particularly difficult to cover up or carry out such a large scale and obvious one.
From the RT Service. They cut us off this morning although we in Serbia, luckily, are still not in the EU. Now, somehow, the link has been restored. The Serbs, even in the worst of the horrors of war, never lost their sense of humour.
Please read this headline:- RUSSIAN CATS SLAPPED WITH SANCTIONS. ‘Felines owned by Russians have been banned from international competitions as punishment for Moscow’s attack on Ukraine…’ Some in the comments section said, ‘Dogs are next’. I believe it. ‘Whom the gods wish to punish, they first make mad’. And I thought I was the only one to spot the item but it’s already all over Belgrade.
And, if your leaders are wise, you’ll remain outside EU. Do not make the same mistake that we, bulgarians, made 15 years ago.
Video showing the formal linking of RF and Donbas troops after connecting their separate fronts/territories
Lot of Ukie troop surrenders happening. Here’s a video of 30-40 surrendering at once
First nazi captured as well:
A Ukie unluckily named “Zelensky” is captured by Russian forces, hilarity ensues:
Pravda says Russia has stopped all petroleum suppllies to the US
Careful with the fake “news” coming from the PSYOPS, that has already killed half the Russian army, and destroyed half their armor.
Info by the Ukrainian media about the death of General of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Andrei Sukhovetsky is fake. The Vkontakte account of Sergei Chipilev from Kirov, where it was posted — was hacked.
Lone Wolf
it was a given that the “invasion” was going to be used for propaganda and as an excuse for more sanctions to be used as means to bring down Russia and by doing so to weaken the alliance with China, but it ain’t happening, never meant to be a real and hot confrontation between Russia and the US/NATO cartel, such showdown would only expose the fraud that they are, they’ve known all along that the Russian military would not commit the atrocities they themselves perpetrate on a daily basis in many parts of the globe, nazikranians were the perfect foils on this as they will be no match for Russia’s military and everyday Ukrainians would not join them on a resistance, the West might be happy to believe it has won this one on their fantasy world, reality being that it’s a big defeat in the real one, propaganda might control the fake narrative on a make believe Hollywood fantasy production, those who believe all this propaganda have forever willing swallowed it whole trusting that doing so preserved their soon to fall apart privileged status, for those of us who don’t required reinforcement on something we have long seen coming the details be damned, blocking information with their MainShitMedia machine is a futile effort to block reality, like using their thumb to block the sun, only those fools who choose to shut their eyes can pretend that it’s happening, meanwhile real life keeps moving on and the sun’s still shining bright and clear, their time’s up and their expiration is long due.
Yevhen Karas the leader of C14 neo-nazi group explaining their role in the Maidan (interesting) and also much fun they have murdering people.
One agent provocateur with a swastika flag was effectively used to smear and discredit the entire trucker protest in Canada, and yet full-blown nazi murder squads in Ukraine can be ignored by the same media.
Why dont Ukraine just become part of BRICS? Something like UBRICS will be nice. Lots of export potential for them.
Good morning
It’s the second time since yesterday I heard the nuclear plant in Zaporizya has been hit
Any news about it?
mal’informiert’ americans/und europa.
Danke, Andrei