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Tag "2020 coup"

The Deep State wins the 2020 Presidential election: USA RIP

Okay, this time it does look like it’s over. Mitch McConnell congratulated Biden and Harris, thereby signifying the official surrender of the GOP (which, let’s be honest here, never really was ready to fight for Trump).  Vladimir Putin also sent his congratulations in the following way: (official Russian statement) Congratulations to Joseph R. Biden on winning US presidential election Vladimir Putin sent a message to Joseph R. Biden congratulating him on his victory in the presidential election

Ask yourself the crucial question: why?

Why is it that US news channels censored a press conference by a President of the United States? Why is it that tech giants feel the need to censor Trump’s tweets? Why is it that in key Dem states the GOP observers were not allowed to actually observe anything? Why did the Dems counter-sue just to try to prevent GOP observers from observing the ballot count? Why do the media

Statement from President Donald J. Trump

“We all know why Joe Biden is rushing to falsely pose as the winner, and why his media allies are trying so hard to help him: they don’t want the truth to be exposed. The simple fact is this election is far from over. Joe Biden has not been certified as the winner of any states, let alone any of the highly contested states headed for mandatory recounts, or states

This is absolutely amazing: the EU leaders follow the Ziomedia and declare Biden the winner!!

Dear friends, When I saw this I could not believe my eyes: “European leaders congratulate Joe Biden, after media count declares him victorious in US presidential election“. This is truly unheard of: foreign leaders declare a winner in a US election even BEFORE the vote count has been certified by US courts!!!  Talk about “interference in US elections” – this really takes the prize! Yeah, I know, these EU knuckleheads
