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Tag "Andrew Korybko"

Andrew Korybko On The “Arab Spring”

This text is slightly modified from an interview that Andrew Korybko gave to a Moscow-based PhD student specializing in the “Arab Spring” regime change events. The Role Of Social Media Social media platforms were instrumental in organizing and deploying the regime change destabilizations that took place during the “Arab Spring” theater-wide Color Revolutions. They allowed the initiators of these events to more easily connect with tens of thousands of sympathizers

Color Revolution Technology Isn’t Just Black And White

by Andrew Korybko Color Revolutions have brought destabilization and destruction to a growing number of victimized states ever since the US unleashed the first modern one against Serbia in 2000. It might come off as antithetical for any multipolar supporter to claim that constructive and applicable lessons can be learned by studying this technology, but as taboo and ‘politically incorrect’ as it may be to say that, the present global

The Time Is Now

The Strategic Culture Foundation, a Moscow-based geopolicy think thank, sponsored a conference in Belgrade, Serbia, on 17 April 2016 entitled “What has ‘democracy’ imported from the West brough to the Former Yugoslavia since 1990?” Among nearly twenty distinguished participants was Andrew Korybko, Sputnik talk show host and frequent commentator on world affairs on RT and other analytical outlets. The conference was opened by Aleksandar Pavich, director of SCF Serbia office,

Immigrant Crisis 2.0: What’s Next For The Balkans?

by Andrew Korybko The Balkan region bore the brunt of the immigrant wave that first crashed into Europe last year, becoming the geographic bottleneck through which over one million people had to pass in pursuit of their cherry-picked welfare resorts in Western, Central, and Northern Europe. Just as they’ve historically functioned for centuries, the Balkans reemerged as the critical link in connecting Europe with the Mideast, and in what has

Polarized Poland: The Identity Crisis Goes International

by Andrew Korybko for the Russian Institute of Strategic Studies The nationwide protests that have rocked Poland over the past couple of months have been completely misrepresented in the international media, even among outlets that are editorially sympathetic to one side or the other. The outside understanding is that this is a stereotypical struggle between the government and the opposition, represented in this case by the right and left wings,

Sexual Terrorism In The Heart Of Europe

by Andrew Korybko The festive revelry of New Year’s celebrations abruptly turned into a horrible nightmare of sexual terrorism for at least 100 German women in the city of Cologne. The large-scale attack seems to have been planned well in advance and coordinated among the nearly 1000 “refugees” that took part in it, and the widespread fear that it instilled in the population is leading to a backlash against the

2016 Trends Forecast, mega analysis by Andrew Korybko

By Andrew Korybko 2015 has proven to be a monumental year full of geopolitical surprises, with Russia’s anti-terrorist intervention in Syria being chief among them. The old world order is changing at a rapid pace as rising multipolar forces push outwards against the resistant unipolar establishment. Just as much as Russia, China, and Iran are endeavoring to change the global system, the US and its Lead From Behind proxies are

Andrew Korybko’s Exclusive Interview With Serbia’s Novi Standard

source: and 1. We just saw the Turkish Air Force shoot down a Russian plane. What change will that bring into the Syrian conflict, according to your opinion? What reaction do you expect of Russia in the short term, but in mid-term also? Do you think Turkey is getting very close to become one of the crucial victims of creating a multipolar world? Many impactful consequences have already

Reconceptualizing The TPP: The Brotherhood Of The Three Blocs

by Andrew Korybko The common perception of the TPP among informed individuals is that it’s an American-dominated ‘trade’ organization, a framework designed to secure the US’ top position vis-à-vis all of the signatory states. While that’s certainly true and isn’t to be disputed at all, there are also deeper, more subtle geopolitical goals that are being pursued at the same time, which if fulfilled, would greatly increase the viability of

“Soft Power” And Cultural Diplomacy In The 21st Century Balkans

The below text is a copy of the speech that Andrew Korybko presented at the “”Soft Power” And Cultural Diplomacy In The 21st Century” international scientific conference at the People’s Friendship University in Moscow on 11 November. First off, I’d like to warmly thank RUDN for hosting this event and the Institute of Strategic Research And Predictions for organizing it. My speech will be about how foreign actors are using

Andrew Korybko’s Interview With Serbia’s “Geopolitica” Magazine (English Exclusive)

by Biljana Đorović and exclusively published in print in the magazine Geopolitica You are a brilliant young researcher who entered with rocket speed into the first-world echelon of geopolitical analysts. Your insights penetrate into the heart of the problems the world faces today. These problems can best be studied from the perspective of the nature of modern warfare: hybrid wars and network-centric wars. Present us, please, the nature of these

Andrew Korybko’s Interview With China’s Dr. Pang Zhongying

Regular contributor to The Saker, Andrew Korybko, is presenting us with additional correspondence from his recent China trip . He had the opportunity to conduct a prolonged interview with Dr. Pang Zhongying,one of the country’s premier international relations experts, alongside his colleague from TASS, Ksenia Petrova. The following is a transcript of their conversation, with minor grammatical changes made to the text to make it more understandable. This is the first

Exclusive One Belt One Road (OBOR) Briefing From Andrew Korybko’s China Trip

Regular contributor to The Saker, Andrew Korybko, attended the second-annual Yangtze River International Forum Summit 2015 last month that brought together China’s political, economic, and social elite (to see the full program, click here). The day-long event saw the participants discuss the One Belt One Road project, which is the world’s largest-ever connective endeavor. Having received the hard-to-get permission of the Chinese government to operate at this closed-door event as

The Mideast As Explained By Ideology: Past, Present, And Future – PART III

Andrew Korybko (Please read Part I and Part II prior to this article) The third and last section of the article explores various scenario forecasts that build upon the ideological foundations explored in the previous two sections. In total, there are 6 predicted scenarios – the Union Of Kings, Islamic Republicanism Jumps The Pond, Egypt Resurrected, The Republican Arc, Turkish Tumult, and Retrogressive Rot – some of which can occur

The Mideast As Explained By Ideology: Past, Present, And Future – PART II

by Andrew Korybko (Please read Part I prior to this article) Part I expounded upon the theory that Mideast developments can be understood through the prism of four ideologies (and three subcomponents), and now it’s time to test the idea by seeing if it can accurately explain key events in regional history. Those concerning Egypt, Turkey, and Yemen were already addressed, so let’s look at the Arab-Israeli Wars, the Lebanese

The Mideast As Explained By Ideology: Past, Present, And Future – PART I

by Andrew Korybko The politics of the Mideast are intimidatingly complex, with many observers struggling to understand its dynamics and instead falling victim to false simplifications of “Sunni vs. Shiite”. The reality is a lot different than surface stereotypes let on, as the region’s processes are actually determined by the interplay between four official ideologies – Israeli Exceptionalism, Secular Republicanism, Islamic Republicanism, and Monarchic Absolutism – which divide themselves into

New Western Info Fronts Against Syria: Refugees, Russia, And The Balkans

by Andrew Korybko Russia has taken the lead in supporting Syria this summer, actively initiating efforts to bring a diplomatic resolution to the country’s crisis and assemble an inclusive anti-ISIL coalition. The rapid pace at which it’s working is due in large part to the looming specter of a joint American-Turkish invasion force which hangs ominously over the Mideast. Disturbed at the success that Russia has had so far in

The Russian-Chinese-Indian Strategic Convergence In Myanmar: PART II

by Andrew Kroybko (Please read Part I before this article) Existing Unilateral Initiatives In their quest to stabilize Myanmar according to their long-term strategic visions, each of the three examined actors has unilaterally taken significant (and in most cases, counter-productive) strides in trying to achieve this. Here are the most impactful actions and their results: India: By far the most important thing that India has done in trying to stabilize

The Stock Shock And Economic Bipolarity

by Andrew Korybko “ Black Monday’s ” stock shock sent waves through the global economy, with all of Asia and most of the West experiencing some degree of market decline. The drop raised fears that the world is on the verge of yet another global recession, this time caused by China’s “ new normal ” phase of moderate growth and currency correction . The transition of the world’s largest economy

The Russian-Chinese-Indian Strategic Convergence In Myanmar – PART I

by Andrew Korybko The Southeast Asian state of Myanmar is beleaguered by creeping threats that risk returning the country to the dark days of full-scale civil war. Neighboring powers India and China have no interest in seeing this scenario, as such an event would spoil the role that they expect a stable Myanmar to fill vis-à-vis their strategic vision for the country. In what makes for tragic irony, however, their
