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Tag "Bashar al-Assad"

Assad after Aleppo’s Liberation: Despite Erdogan’s Loud Bark, All of Syria Will Be Liberated

Statement by Bashar al-Assad, President of the Syrian Arab Republic, on February 17, 2020. Source: Translation: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad stated that the Liberation of the city of Aleppo did not mean the end of the war, the fall of enemy plans, the end of terrorism, or the surrender of enemies, but that it certainly meant that they had bitten the dust, as a prelude to their complete

President al-Assad’s interview given to al-Sourya and al-Ikhbarya TVs

Damascus, the SANA news agency reports: President Bashar al-Assad stressed that the scenario broadcast by the US about the killing operation of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of Daesh organization, is part of the US tricks and we should not believe  what they say unless they give the evidence. The President added in an interview given to Al-Sourea and al-Ikhbariya TVs on Thursday, that the Russian-Turkish agreement on northern Syria is

Bashar al-Assad says if Donald Trump fights terrorism he will be a natural ally for Syria alongside Russia and Iran

Damascus, SANA-President Bashar al-Assad gave an interview to RTP TV channel.   Update: The YouTube video is no longer available. You can watch the interview here.   Following is the full text; Question 1: Mr. President, let’s start with Aleppo if you don’t mind. There are still thousands of civilians trapped, trying to survive in a sort of sub-human conditions in the middle of a deluge of bombs. Why do

President Bashar Al-Assad’s interview given to Russia’s “Komsomolskaya Pravda”

President Bashar Al-Assad’s interview given to Russia’s “Komsomolskaya Pravda” US playing Syria terrorism card as part of perpetual struggle for global dominance – Assad     12 October President of the Syrian Arab Republic Bashar al-Assad gave an interview to reporter of “Komsomolskaya Pravda” Daria Aslamova. We offer the full version of the interview Question 1: Thank you very much, Mr. President. It’s a big happiness for me, and I’m

Interview of President al-Assad to Denmark’s TV 2: Moderate opposition is a myth…

President al-Assad to Denmark’s TV 2: Moderate opposition is a myth… We won’t accept that terrorists will take control of any part of Syria   Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad affirmed that the United States doesn’t have the will to reach any agreement about Syria, and that Syria knew in advance that the US agreement with Russia will not succeed because the main part of that agreement is to

Major Interview (38 questions!) of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to the Iranian Khabar TV channel

source: Following is the full text of the interview: Question 1: In the name of God, the most compassionate, the most merciful. Mr. President, thank you very much for accepting the invitation of the Television of the Islamic Republic of Iran to give this interview. Thank you very much. There are many issues which need to be raised; and in this interview, I’ll raise a number of them. I

Listening to Bashar al-Assad

Like most of you, I spent 1 hour listening to Bashar al-Assad’s interview with the Russian media yesterday.  I have to tell you that I am impressed.  But before I discuss this in more detail, let me confess something which old-time readers of this blog might remember: I used to be very opposed to secular Arab nationalists, especially Baathists.  Not only did I have an extremely bad opinion of Saddam

President Bashar Al-Assad’s al-Manar August 25, 2015 Interview

source: DAMASCUS, (ST)_ The terrorists are the most important real tool in the ongoing aggression against Syria, outlined H.E. President Bashar Al-Assad . In an exclusive interview with the Lebanese al-Manar Satellite TV, aired Tuesday evening at 6:30 p.m. (GMT), President Al-Assad pointed out that encountering Israel deems it necessary for us to encounter its tools in the interior, asserting that Israel from time to time carries out acts

Full text of the interview of President Assad to Izvestia

President of the Syrian Arab Republic told about threat of US invasion, about his relationship with Putin and about common fate of Russian and Syrian people. All in exclusive interview in Izvestia. Interviewer: Mr President, the most pressing question today is the current situation in Syria. What parts of the country remain under the rebels’ control?President Assad: From our perspective, it’s not a matter of labelling areas as controlled by

Interview given by President al-Assad to Lebanese Al-Manar TV (UPDATED WITH VIDEO)

President Bashar al-Assad gave an interview to al-Manar TV broadcasted on Thursday. Following is the full text of the interview: Al-Manar: In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. Assalamu Alaikum. Bloodshed in Syria continues unabated. This is the only constant over which there is little disagreement between those loyal to the Syrian state and those opposed to it. However, there is no common ground over the other constants
