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Tag "DPRK"

The DPRK declares itself a nuclear power

Note by the Saker: please read carefully what this official statement says.  There are two key elements here, first, the DPRK has successfully completed its program of nuclear tests and ballistic missiles test and, second, the DPRK will now act as a responsible nuclear power and never use its nuclear power unless she is attacked.  In plain English this simply means: we made it, you could not stop us, now

An interesting theory about the recent tensions on the Korean Peninsula

Shevchenko I just heard one of my favorite analysts, Maksim Shevchenko, offer a very interesting theory about the tensions on the Korean Peninsula.  Here is a summary of his theory:There is no way the DPRK would have started that kind of confrontation with the USA without the blessing of the Chinese.  What happened in this case is that the Chinese told the North Koreans to “rock the boat” in Korea

Dismissing North Korea? Maybe not completely…

I have been watching the circus on the Korean peninsula with some dismay for a while already.  I am dismayed not only by the fact that both sides are acting rather irresponsibly, but also by what I consider a potentially dangerous dismissal of the North Korean threats.First, and here I am going to alienate some folks with whom I otherwise sympathize, I do not lay the blame for the current

South Korean newspaper exonerates North over torpedo

RT TV reports: A South Korean newspaper claims Russian investigators have found North Korea did not torpedo one of the South’s warships that sank in spring. The report says the vessel hit a mine. Russia has not yet commented on the story. The “Cheonan” sank off the Korean peninsula in March, with the loss of 46 sailors. Earlier, a US-backed international investigation found Pyongyang responsible. However, Pavel Leshakov, the director
