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Tag "military analysis"

Reassessing LDNR military capabilities

There is a lot of misunderstanding about the current tensions around the eastern Ukraine, so we have everything, anything and its opposite.  All presented with great gravitas as undisputed facts.  I won’t deal with all of these facts here, but I will address a few misconceptions. But first, a caveat.  What follows is a much over-simplified model and the reality of tactics, operational art and strategy involves much more complexity. 

Military And Political Trends Of 2019 That Will Shape 2020 In the year 2019 the world was marked with a number of emerging and developing crises. The threat of terrorism, conflicts in the Middle East, expanding instability in South America, never-ending military, political and humanitarian crises in Africa and Asia, expansion of NATO, insecurity inside the European Union, sanction wars and sharpening conflicts between key international players. One more factor that shaped the international situation throughout the year was

Week of Victories Russia SITREP June 25th, 2016 by Scott Humor

It’s been a truly amazing week for Russian society with many huge victories, some unexpected.   On Wednesday, President Putin signed a Federal law prohibiting the  Central Bank of Russia changing auto insurance rates during the year after their establishment, reported the official Internet portal of legal information. The essence of this news is not insurance. Vladimir Putin. Banned. The Central Bank Of Russia. Let’s for a moment ponder about

Debunking popular clichés about modern warfare

“What would a war between Russia and the USA look like?” This must be the question which I am most frequently asked.  This is also the question to which I hear the most outlandish and ill-informed responses to.  I have addressed this question in the past and those interested in this topic can consult the following articles: Remembering the important lessons of the Cold War Making sense of Obama’s billion

RUSSIA SITREP April 12, 2016 by Scott

Hours after the Russia-bound Metrojet flight 9268 A321 with Russian vacationers exploded in the sky over Sinai on October 31st, 2015, President Putin had not come on TV to address the people of Russia. Many immediately questioned why. Many observers had also noticed that before this act of terror and hours after it there was a coordinated influx of messages on social media declaring that Russian planes would be dropping

International Military Review – Syria, December 6, 2015

Help produce more actual and interesting content, join our struggle by donating via PayPal: or via: The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) supported by the National Defense Forces (NDF) continued its advance along the Turkish border in the Latakia province’s northern countryside. Following the heavy clashes against the al Nusra and Free Syrian Army militants, the Syrian forces took control of Zahiyah Tower, near the Turkish border-crossing. The government

International Military Review – Syria-Iraq Battlespace, Dec. 4, 2015

Help produce more actual and interesting content, join our struggle by donating via PayPal: or via: On Thursday, the Syrian Arab Army and its allies have resumed large-scale military operations against terrorists in the provinces of Damascus, Quneitra, Aleppo, Homs and Latakia. The pro-government sources’ reports said large groups of terrorists have been killed and injured in the clashes. While such terrorists’ loses are hardly confirmed, it’s clear

International Military Review – Syria, November 30, 2015

Help produce more actual and interesting content, join our struggle by donating via PayPal: or via: The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has deployed newly-arrived Russian T-90 advanced battle tanks to the Southern Aleppo front for the first time. The Russian battle tanks will help to continue the SAA advance on the towns of Kafraya and Al-Fou’aa. T-90 offers the Syrian army several new features to fight ISIS including

International Military Review – Syria, Nov. 27, 2015

Help produce more actual and interesting content, join our struggle by donating via PayPal: or via: Over the past 3 days, Russian warplanes have conducted 134 sorties, hitting 449 targets in the provinces of Aleppo, Damascus, Idlib, Latakia, Hama, Homs, Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor. The main targets were the Al Nusra terrorist group with allies and ISIS. The Russian Air Force has targeted a number of the terrorirsts’

Novorussia – Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, and settle for anything in the middle

I love the American expression “Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, and settle for anything in the middle” and since no halfway clear picture is coming out of the combat operations taking place in Novorussia, I think that this is the approach we should use.Hope for the best is easy: the Novorussian resistance beats back the Nazi forces.But what is the worst which can happen?The worst which can

Could the Ukraine, backed by NATO, attack Russia?

On at least three occasions I tried to dispel the notion that the US/NATO could attack Russia or Russian forces in the Ukraine (see here, here and here).  I tried to show that geography, over-reach and politics made a conventional attack impossible and I tried to show that a nuclear attack, whether tactical or strategic, could not succeed.  There is a new theory which is apparently going around now which

The conflict in the Ukraine as seen by a professional soldier

I have recently come into contact with “Juan” who currently resides near the conflict area in the Ukraine. I don’t personally know Juan but I am confident that he/she is a person with a military background and a first-hand knowledge of the Russian military, including elite units. In our email exchanges we soon established that while I was “one of ‘them’ who was buried under 15 kilometers of concrete, rock

Three military analyses of the 4 day war between Russia and Georgia

The August War between Russia and Georgia Mikhail Barabanov Initially, Georgia’s attack on the capital of the self-proclaimed Republic of South Ossetia on August 8, 2008, seemed like it would lead to yet another bloody, drawn out Caucasus war. However, the quick, energetic, and sustained intervention of Russia (the guarantor of peace in South Ossetia since 1992) escalated by August 11 into a powerful blitzkrieg against Georgia proper. Commentators
