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Tag "PressTV"

Iran got Reagan elected in 1980 – will they get Trump fired in 2020?

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog (cross-posted by permission with Press TV) Jimmy Carter’s foolish and feckless opposition to the Iranian Islamic Revolution was perhaps the single-most important reason he was not re-elected in 1980. Nearly 40 years later, Donald Trump is on the brink of allowing Iran to decide yet another US presidential election. The Pahlavi dynasty was popularly overthrown in February 1979, just as monarchy was deposed

Trump’s ‘near strike’ shows US hesitation caused by Iranian unity & patience

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker blog (Written for PressTV and cross-posted by permission) I am deeply skeptical that the US ever initiated a missile strike against Iran and then called it off, as was claimed by The New York Times. Of course, the US “paper of record” routinely does terrible journalism – they repeatedly rely on anonymous sources, as they did for this claim. Anonymous sources cannot be considered
