Today, rather than comment on the latest developments on the ground, I want to step back and revisit a few basics, but I believe absolutely fundamental aspects of the Russian military operation in not only the Donbass, but the entire Ukraine. In fact, let’s begin here:
What was the generally expected scope of operations?
Okay, there is A LOT of nonsense written about this, so I need to clarify a few basic points.
First, absolutely NOBODY had ANY idea of the actual plan until that plan was decided upon. Let me clarify what I mean. Putin, the Kremlin or the Russian General Staff do not have “a plan”, that is not how things work. The Russian GS in particular is tasked with preparing plans for pretty much ANY contingency. So, let’s imagine that for the case of the Ukraine, they have a choice of 12 possible plans. What then happened is this, after being fully briefed on the situation, Putin, as commander in chief, would select one of these plans and give the order to execute it. At which point a number of coded messages will be sent out to various subunits, units, and formations ordering a specific set of instructions to be opened. These instructions would give their first orders for all subunits, units, and formations involved.
What did the vast majority of analysts expect? Here are a few options:
- Russia would wait for the Ukies to attack the LDNR and then assist the LDNR in ways ranging from indirect, deniable, support to a full-scale Russian move into the LDNR.
- Opinions were split on how far the Russians would go. Personally, I believed that they would probably liberate the Donetsk and Lugansk region, free Mariupol, and then dig in. I was very wrong, to put it mildly.
That operation to “free the LDNR from constant attacks” never happened. Putin never gave that order. That is absolutely crucial to understand.
==>>Again, that order never came.<<==

UNPAs in Croatia, now “Serb free”, thanks to NATO
Instead, and in his own words, Putin came to the conclusion that if the LDNR (possibly assisted by Russia) just moved to the administrative borders, that would open a long front in which Western assistance would be poured in. He also knew that the Ukie forces in the Donbass were highly concentrated, heavily armed and “motivated”, if needed, by many hardcore Nazi groups inside them. In fact, about 60-75% of all Ukrainian forces were poised for a Blitzkrieg attack à la “Operation Storm” which NATO executed against the UN-protected areas (UNPAs) of Serbian civilians in Croatia. According to at least one well-informed analyst, the operation was planned for the 25th of February. If true, that means that Russia merely preempted a Ukrainian attack.
But what is really crucial is not this, what is crucial is the actual order Putin gave to the Russian armed forces. It was NOT “support the LDNR and push back the Ukie lines”. The order Putin gave was totally different:
- Disarm the Ukraine
- Denazify the Ukraine
The first thing to understand is that an operation to deblock the LDNR would have been a mainly tactical level operation, possibly with subsequent operational level development (such as the closing off the Ukie forces in the Donbass cauldron). But both orders say “the Ukraine” not “the Donbass”.
That means, by definition, that the order Putin gave was for a strategic operation, covering the entire territory of the Ukraine.
In other words, all the opinions, expert or not, which were given about what everybody thought would be a tactical-operational Russian intervention on the Donbass were totally wrong (very much including my own!), at the very least wrong in the scope of operations they assumed.
Okay, what about the predicted timelines?
Let’s look at what most observers agreed upon. The general consensus was something along these lines: it will take Russia about 24 hours to turn the Ukrainian Armed Forces into smaller, isolated units and subunits which would not be able to coordinate attacks and force movements. Okay, IN SPITE OF THE FACT that most analysts expected a tactical to operational attack to deblock the LDNR, this part of the “special operation” was fully successful and achieved on time.
Because that initial standoff strike was a feature common to both plans! Either way, the FIRST thing Russia had to do is to break up the Ukrainian Armed Forces into discrete and separate “chunks”. Again, BOTH plans assumed that, so it is hardly surprising that this is what actually happened.
While a plan aimed solely at unblocking the LDNR could have been crudely summed up as “kill as many Ukronazis as you can, as quick as you can”, that was NOT an option for the strategic level plan chosen by Putin. There are many reasons for that including:
- Russians do not hate Ukrainians and see them as brothers (the LDNR forces not so much)
- Focusing on the destruction of the Ukie forces in the Donbass would leave their lines of supply open
- Focusing on the destruction of the Ukie forces in the Donbass would have left much of the Ukrainian airspace unchallenged, thereby slowing down Russian air and anti-air operations
- While it is pretty clear that Russia wants as many dead Nazis as possible, there are three things which the folks in the Kremlin do NOT want, and wisely so:
- Staying in the Ukraine forever (or for a long time)
- Having to police this huge country and restore law and order everywhere
- Pay for all the destruction
For this reason, what the Russians did is make maximal use of their air superiority and mobility, but did not storm all the cities or Ukrainian fortifications.
While there is no doubt in my mind that the Nazis and the bosses in the USA had correctly predicted that the Russian operation to dismember and disorganize the Ukie units would affect the entire Ukraine, including long range strikes deep in the Ukie rear.
What I think they missed is the Russians achieved strategic surprise achieved by immediately launching a full-scale strategic assault. Now let’s revisit the timelines:
- Dismembering and disorganizing the Ukrainian military achieved in the estimated 24 hours
- Closing the operational cauldron behind the Ukie forces in the Donbass: achieved in 2 weeks (in fact, it is even better, the Russians are now cutting the Ukie forces in the Donbass into two smaller cauldrons, see map here: (you see TWO blue circles, not one anymore!)
- Within the same two weeks, Russia liberated the entire Sea of Azov coast and much of the Black Sea Coast, which is now either under Russian control, or under direct Black Sea Fleet blockage.
Also within those two weeks, Russia basically encircled Kiev. This map shows you the situation around Kiev as it was today. While the situation on the south side is still unstable, combat operations are taking place, what is certain is this: only small, secondary, roads and open terrain are left to escape the city. Like everywhere else (see below), the Russians have offered humanitarian corridors and promised safety and good treatment to all Ukrainian POWs (Nazis are excluded, as are foreign mercenaries, they will be interrogated and shot). But to no avail, the Nazi delegation cannot agree to anything because their bosses in DC tell them to fight down to the last Ukrainian (as for the Anglos, Polaks & Co. they announce Russian defeats everywhere and every day, but for some unfathomable reason, they all are safely tucked away in Lvov or even Warsaw. How surprising!)
And, again, all that was achieved in TWO WEEKS and WITHOUT numerical superiority!
So to those who are still trying to convince the world that the Russian plan failed and the indomitable Ukronazi forces about to encircle the Kremlin, I ask:
- If you have no idea about modern warfare, why express opinion based on nothing other than frankly silly US PSYOPs and your own, personal, lack of the kind of education needed to speak about these matters?
- If you have some basic understanding of modern warfare, please name a recent operation in which such a huge swathe of land was taken so quickly and by such a small force?
[Sidebar: oh, I know. We recently saw how the entire planet was populated by experienced microbiologists, virologists and epidemiologists, so why not also simply accept that besides being by experienced microbiologists, virologists and epidemiologists they are also experienced tacticians, force commanders and strategists? After all, all you need to qualify is: 1) being unaware of your own ignorance 2) a desire to preach 3) a keyboard and computer. In the Empire of Lies, actual expertise is utterly useless. There is a word in both Russian and Spanish which comes to my mind, and it suggests a strong desire to eat droppings. I will settle for “scatophage” and leave it at that]
Okay, but did the Russians not also have defeats, failures, screw-ups, and other face plants?
OF COURSE they did.
I just came across this one, and I am utterly appalled. The Kremlin says “absolutely no conscripts” as late as yesterday and, voilà, not only conscripts, but even dead ones! BRAVO KREMLIN PROPAGANDA, WELL DONE!
In terms of actual defeats, no, sorry. There were several Ukrainian counter attacks, but they were limited in scope and even when they, for example, obliterated a Russian checkpoint, it was quickly restored and the guilty Ukies ran for their lives under counter-battery fire.
Guys, let’s be serious here.
If there are, roughly, 150k Russians and another 150k Ukrainians fighting each other, there will be blood on both sides. Ask any military person and he/she will tell you that 300+K fully armed soldiers fight each other, you are going to have not hundreds, but many THOUSANDs of dead people on both sides, plus plenty of civilians. In fact, force planners and military analysts even have formulas to calculate it all: numbers engaged, armaments, timing, etc. and, of course, expected casualties.
So the headline “hundreds of dead Russian soldiers” might do miracles for morale in the Empire of Lies and in Banderastan, and it might even frighten a lot of people in Russia, but they will have exactly zero effect on how the operation is being executed by the Russian General Staff.
Guys – the Russian General Staff has planned many such operations for months, possibly even years. And with each plan, they had “estimated losses” entries. That is why Putin, his government and even the Russian generals tried to do everything they could to gain time and to hope for some other solution.
But the Empire of lies gave no other option. Not to the Russians and not to the Ukrainians.
In a way, both sides are fighting for their very existence.
Ukies are not Anglos, and a lot of them gained combat experience during the 8 years of war. Add to this the most powerful PSYOP operation in history, and you will get many MANY Ukrainians fighting really hard, all for different reasons including
- Being a real Russia-hating Nazi (they have no hope for mercy)
- Being a mercenary (they have no hope for mercy)
- Having given an oath to your country and armed forces
- Deep resentment for Russia for many, many reasons
- Protection of your unit and comrades
- Blaming Russia for attacking first and so hard
- Sincerely believing that Russia wants to occupy the Ukraine and recreate the USSR
- etc. etc. etc.
How much is “many” here? I don’t know. But I would say “enough to force Russians to stop expecting being greeted everywhere as liberators“. In some locations, this is true. But in many others, it is not.
In spite of the many warnings by many Russians, including myself and Andrei Martyanov, an ethnogenesis did happen in the Ukraine. The old, historical, Ukraine (which did exist as a prosperous region until 1917) is gone, and so are the generations of Ukrainians which saw themselves as “central-Russians” (the word “small” as in “small Russian” means “central”, like “central Greece) and the “spread-out-Russians” (as in “not in the center) as brothers and liberators. That old Ukraine is gone forever.
What we have instead is a weird and ugly Banderastan where the Nazis are a numerical minority, but where they run everything, courtesy of the Empire of Lies, of course. How bad is it?
One example: Odessa.
If the Odessa of 2022 was inhabited by the kind of folks who lived there before 1917 or even before 1991, by now there would have been an uprising, especially with the Black Sea Fleet within visual range of the city. But after the massacre of scores Russian-speakers in Odessa on May 2nd, 2014 (shot, burned to death, beat up to death, tortured, etc.) and the subsequent total whitewashing of this massacre by the Nazi authorities, something must have snapped in the minds of many residents who clearly gave up hope, and waiting 8 years under Nazi rule is a hell I wish on nobody. So I am not condemning them. They paid a huge price in blood.
But the fact is, as of today, there has been no uprising in Odessa.
And it’s not like Russians are universally greeted as liberators. Yes, there were some touching scenes of reunited families in Mariupol, but I don’t exactly observe big crowds of Ukrainian civilians welcoming the Russians with flowers, bread and salt.
I actually don’t think that Putin or the General Staff misread the situation. In fact, I explain Putin’s obvious reluctance to openly intervene precisely because he knew that “just” liberating the LDNR was not an option anymore and that the entire Ukraine MUST, absolutely MUST, be denazified.
Putin and the GS did not want that, they hoped that somehow the Ukrainian people would find it in themselves to “clean house”.
This did not happen and I don’t see it happening anytime soon (especially with any degree of sincerity).
Conclusion: the Russian PSYOPs in the Ukraine failed miserably.
And not only in the Ukraine.
Russian PSYOPs comprehensively failed. Here are a few examples:
- Russia was not ready for Western cyberattacks, including government servers. That is just a fact.
- The Russian PSYOPs were crushed and obliterated by the most effective and biggest PSYOP in history
- Russian PR even failed INTERNALLY, especially during the first week, when a lot of Russians did fully believe that they would soon have no money, no food and, basically, no nothing. The Kremlin scrambled to fix this by putting a ton of experts on talk shows and by having well-known Russian war correspondents reporting from the front lines. It did help. The figures of support for the special military operation did slowly creep up and roughly 70% or so of Russians support Putin and the operation. But, frankly, the credit here is mostly due to the truly imbecilic nonsense spewed by the Russian 5th column and Atlantic Integrationists in power. They lost the internal political war, but the Kremlin hardly contributed to that.
- The Russians completely failed to explain what made this operation “special”, they failed that inside Russia, in Zone A, and even in Zone B!
So now I have to do it :-(
Okay, let’s begin by what this special operation is not. It is not
- A repeat of WWII or WWI
- A repeat of either/both wars in Chechnia
- A repeat of the Russian military intervention in Syria
- A repeat of the war in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan or any war you can think of
- A full-scale Russian attack
- WWIII (at least until now, that might change!).
Andrei Martyanov coined a very apt expression: “combined arms police operation“.
Combined arms means basically formation-level warfare.
Police operation means just that, the arrest/destruction of criminals.
So a “combined arms police operation” is strictly speaking nonsensical, and that is why Russian military specialists don’t use it. But it is still one I like, because it reveals both the full scope and full dilemma of Russian strategists.
How do you launch a combined arms attack ONLY against criminals and while sparing innocent lives?
The truth is – you cannot.
So here is what the Russians apparently decided:
- Begin with a tactical assault against the Ukie forces in the Donbass
- Bypass all Ukie fortifications and cities which are not willing to surrender
- Develop your tactical assault into an operational one by encircling the ENTIRE Ukrainian force in the Donbass
- Move along the coast to liberate Mariupol (tactical), then continue further west (operational development)
- Clear the Ukrainian skies and quickly achieve air supremacy thereby dramatically reducing the ability of the Nazis to run, the Ukrainians keep their supply lines open.
- Once the skies are safe (not so much from Ukie aircraft, but from their air defenses), fully engage your rotary and fixed-wing aviation for reconnaissance, close air support, move forces, etc.
- Block the main Ukie Nazi centers: Mariupol (combats well inside the city), Nikolaev (combats all around the city), in Kharkov (blocked), Chernigov (blocked), Odessa (almost blocked) and Kiev (almost blocked). Then wait for the city to surrender. For that, the city would have to get rid of the local Nazis first, of course. If they cannot do that, then use specialized urban assault to liberate the city and kill all the Nazis, but their orders should be to save their own lives before saving anybody else. So this implies a very slow and deliberate gradual movement in the depth of the city.
- Next, destroy the long-range artillery which STILL strikes at the LDNR from several locations (Avdeevka). Then blockade the remaining forces and wait for them to surrender. Strongly urge the Ukrainian commanders to avoid a useless carnage and lay down arms. If all else fails, say within a week or so, wipe them out. Literally and quickly: once the entire Ukronazi controlled areas are declared “open fire zones” the really heavy Russian hardware will take less than 24 hours to completely liberate the entire Donbass.
- Then liberate the south first, that is the full Black Sea coast.
- Then begin to move forces towards the general direction of central Ukraine (south of Kiev) and wait for more strategic-level decisions by the Russian General Staff and the Kremlin
Will that work?
Frankly, I am not so sure.
My fear is that the United States and Joe “Biden” have decided that the best thing for them is to have as many dead Ukrainians as possible. And that is not a means to an end, it is the end: have as many Steppe Niggers and Snow Niggers kill each other.
This is the West’s sole and entire plan for the Ukraine: (example from CNN)
I wish I could place any hopes on the people of the Ukraine.
Frankly, I don’t. I think that many decades of joint US and Soviet propaganda (yes, on that they agreed!) following by 30 years of rabid Nazi propaganda, followed by 2 civil wars in the Donbass and a MASSIVE repression against THOUSANDS of people all over the Ukraine broke the spirit of those who have survived it all.
Again, I don’t blame them. I just see them as (mostly) a broken people.
Oh, I still hope and pray for an insurrection liberating the beautiful city of Odessa, but hope dies last: as for prayers, they are never wasted.

Mini Banderastan?
But I am afraid that unless something major changes soon, the “combined arms police operation” will drop its latter goal and become a real combined arms operation to occupy, disarm and denazify the entire Ukraine with the possible exception of the area I call the mini-Banderastan (see map here).
If that decision is taken, then Russia will have to move major reinforcements into the Ukraine. Maybe that can still be avoided, but only if the forces currently surrounding the Ukrainians in the Donbass cauldron (well, the two cauldrons inside the bigger Donbass cauldron, really) are quickly made available.
Russia also needs to DRAMATICALLY increase her air operations NOW, like “yesterday now!”, which might mean moving in larger units (air regiments) into western Russia.
Last, but not least, what about the Empire of Lies?
Yeah, I mean the rumors about volunteer brigades, Polish MiG-29 flying Ukies from NATO bases and all the rest of the crap.
Frankly, here is how I see it: I totally gave up on the West. And by this, I mean two totally different things:
- I gave up on any notion of honor, truth, dignity, courage, compassion, decency or any other little sign of hope from a civilization that has already died and whose last legacy to our planet will be the Empire of Lies and everything that entails. In other words, I assume that the level of evil and corruption of the Western ruling elites (ALL of them, not just politicians) is infinite and there is no such action or idea which would be deemed “too evil” or “too horrible” for these people. My last words about them will be taken from the 1983 Tempelton speech of Alexander Solzhenitsyn: “Before the multitude of those who have perished and who are oppressed today, may God be their judge.“
- I also have given up on any notion of common sense or even on a healthy instinct of self-preservation. It is not that the Western elites are not narcissistic enough to care about their sorry asses, not at all. But they are not smart/educated enough to realize that they are looking at the potential devastation of our planet’s entire northern hemisphere, including all of the USA and UK – nevermind Poland! The Poles think that the Anglos will give them cover and the Anglos think that the Russians don’t mean serious business. That unique combination of cowardice and evil might well bring about the end of our world.
So, to answer the question above: it really does not matter what the folks in Zone A think.
It makes for great headlines from the terminally “presstituted” press and it makes some TV watching zombies feel triumphant.
For me, this means this: while I hope to continue to write analyses about this war, I am now officially done debunking the many idiocies still spread by the Western PSYOPs.
What I wrote above is my version of a mini crash course on basic military realities, almost 3500 words, and I am now sure that:
- Those who ‘got it’ get it and don’t need the repetition
- Those who did not ‘get it’ won’t
- And the ratio of those who ‘get it’ to those who don’t make no difference at all
Because Russia already won the military war and because Russia already lost the PR war.
Okay, I just wrote this in one shot, over 3800 words of analysis, and I am too tired to edit it, and I am going to take a few hours off.
PS: It took me 4 hours, and I wrote it all in one shot. So it is probably very poorly written. Sorry!!!!
PPS: I friend from Russia pointed out to me that Putin did specifically mention the protection of the LDNR as a goal. He is correct, that was the POLITICAL reason given by Putin, but his MILITARY orders clearly when far beyond that limited political objective.
Retired US Col. Douglas MacGregor warns against Bidens brinkmanship, PSYOP and sanctions:
Archbishop Viganò: “Globalists have fomented war in Ukraine to establish the tyranny of the New World Order
The Ukrainian people, regardless of what ethnic group they may belong to, are merely the latest unwitting hostages of the supranational totalitarian regime that brought the national economies of the entire world to their knees through the COVID deception.”
This is very thorough and very long (35 pages). It took almost two hours for me to get through, because there is a lot to unpack and then to re-synthesize. But it is a “killer piece”. There is no alternative opinion to this which can withstand the force of his arguments.
Yeah, awesome declaration by Archbishop Viganò. He mentioned the CIA-trained and backed Azov Nazis, the totally corrupt and evil Ukraine government, the genocide in the Donbass, and even referenced the bioweapons labs in Ukraine.
Btw, speaking of the last part, did you see this from 2010:
Biolab opens in Ukraine
by Tina Redlup on June 18, 2010
U.S. Sen. Dick Lugar applauded the opening of the Interim Central Reference Laboratory in Odessa, Ukraine, this week, announcing that it will be instrumental in researching dangerous pathogens used by bioterrorists.
The level-3 bio-safety lab, which is the first built under the expanded authority of the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction program, will be used to study anthrax, tularemia and Q fever as well as other dangerous pathogens.
“The continuing cooperation of Nunn-Lugar partners has improved safety for all people against weapons of mass destruction and potential terrorist use, in addition to advancements in the prevention of pandemics and public health consequences,” Lugar said…
Vigano said we must raise a global resistance!
What a gr8 post Andrei, thanks.
It was a long read, but begs a couple of questions:
1. Who on his staff researched and wrote it for him?
2. Did the Archbishop read and understand it before it was published?
Archibishop Viganò fully understands and knows what’s going on in the war between evil globalism and true men, even more: he knows it’s a supernatural battle. He is totally redpilled – in fact, he gives red pills to the dormient.
Oppoet, Vigano has written quite a few of these, to be found on scribd. I highly recommend the shoet letter to pres Trump. Also many vids on tube.
as an italian speaker I have listened to many of his videos,
Vigano is genuine, no question about it
Superb, Andrei, and tragic.
Rest well earned.
Thank you.
Info about the hospital by Dmitry Polyanskiy
Fake: Vladimir Zelensky on Instagram called the Russian strike on the Mariupol maternity hospital an atrocity and said that children, their mothers and doctors are under the rubble.
Truth: The maternity hospital has not worked since the beginning of the Russian special operation in Ukraine. Doctors were dispersed by the militants of the nationalist battalion “Azov”.
On March 8, in an interview with”, the son of one of the maternity hospital employees, said that ” in the last days of February, people in uniform came to the maternity hospital where his mother works. The military dispersed the staff of the maternity hospital, and set up firing points in the building.”
His words are confirmed by footage published by Ukrainian Telegram channels from inside the maternity hospital after the shelling. Destroyed furniture and broken windows are visible, but there are no bodies of the dead. If there were women and children inside, the violent footage would probably have already spread all over the world.
“Azov” militants set up their firing positions in schools and maternity hospitals, as well as on the roofs of residential buildings, this is recorded in photos and videos.
Evil Russkies can’t stop blowing up hospitals!
“Patients were pulled from the rubble of a hospital damaged by Russian shelling in Izyum, south of Kharkiv, the city’s Deputy Mayor Volodymyr Matsokin said on Tuesday, March 8.”
Seriously, I’d say 30-40% of the comments are skeptical of this bs. The information war is far from being lost, especially with truth on our side…
Western media said “17people were injured in the hospital bombing..” No deaths? No patient died of a heart attack in the blast? Only 17 people in a vast hospital building like that?
Maybe the 17 people injured were a long way away in another building.
I figure the middle-class viewers of Western TV just don’t have their brain engaged, they just believe everything they see.
When you watch the video of the inside of the “hospital” the rooms do not look like they are being used for medical purposes. There are a few desks but not much else. There is a real lack of normal medical equipment which would be expected in a true medical setting. It looks like an old hospital that was abandoned. The image of the pregnant woman being carried on the stretcher makes no sense as they are walking her around the front of the courtyard which leads to nowhere. It seems mostly to get a photo op with a good background of a building with a lot of blown out windows. The story never gives the location or name of the hospital. The whole feel seems wrong. Similar to the “bodies under the tarp with the one hand sticking out” located on some sidewalk. That is about as fake as it gets.
100% agree with your observations. This is a straight provokatsiya, but an extremely effective one.
Inacreditável , o viés cognitivo impedem que a maioria das pessoas consigam enxergar os fatos realmente como eles aconteceram.
O maior exemplo disso é “o mito do 11 de setembro” aquela produção de quinta categoria, porem que permanece com a narrativa majoritaria apesar de todas as evidências contrárias.
The video of the hospital conflicts with the layout of the perinatal clinic of Mariupol. They are not the same building. Is there another maternity hospital in Mariupol?
I read the statement and he never mentioned the hospital, but maybe he did in the video.
I’m aware of the incidence, but for somewhat reason Saker ignored that info, and preferred to print fake of cnn. Here is more on crimes in Mariupol : what they (nazies) do to civilians which try to escape the city.
This must be wide known .
Appreciate your insights as always, and — this is rare for a political commentator — your capacity for self-reflection!
That was an excellent recap of the shituation. (not a typo) I don’t even bother reading anything from other sources, just wait for your daily recap. I appreciate the hard work!
The ordinary people of the West are in a state of shock; the curtain having been ripped aside to reveal their Governments as monstrously evil psychopathic liars.
It is proving hard to live with.
European Industry Starts Shutting Down as Energy Prices Soar
Demand destruction could be on another scale: Rystad Energy
Fertilizer, steel and paper industries are curbing production
Thanks Andrei – love you for this and thank you for everything – you’re so trustworthy
Totally agree and have the same thoughts. Thanks SO MUCH Andrei… stay safe, and be well, you and your family.
Excellent overview of the situation, sir!
I think you omitted one important factor. At least two million Ukrainians emigrated to Russia since 2014. Those millions were the ones most likely to have viewed and voted pro-Russia.
I believe it is unrealistic to hope that Russia can achieve denazification of Ukraine without a complete occupation for at least one election cycle. Yes, they can destroy the extreme nationalist units. But the problem is that Ukraine has outlawed, arrested, and murdered opposition political parties and journalists for nearly a decade. This has annihilated any potential opposition leadership, who are needed to take the reigns now.
To think that they can decapitate Ukraine and then expect it to grow a new non-nazi head without further Russian assistance seems implausible to me. The USA/NATO/EU will just shovel Ukraine full of dung and stuff it with weapons again the moment the Russians step back.
If Russia does not go full occupation to include changing the politicians, police, and the media, the resentment of regular Ukrainians toward Russia for the invasion is going to metastasize into a much deeper hatred than was already there.
I would rather see a Russian occupation of Ukraine. I think it would be better for the Ukrainians. But, for obvious reasons, that doesn’t look practical either.
If not a full occupation, then complete neutralisation may be the alternative.
NATO must be destroyed, otherwise, there will be no normalcy of life for the ordinary Europeans.
Either the humiliated population arise and de-zionize the European institutions or there will be a catastrophe.
North America Terrorist Organization
the problem is that Ukraine has outlawed, arrested, and murdered opposition political parties and journalists for nearly a decade. This has annihilated any potential opposition leadership, who are needed to take the reigns now.
Absolutely true. I’m sure of only one mistake that the Kremlin ever made in this century, was in May, 2014, when Russia recognized the Ukrainian elections, even though some political parties were banned and at least one important presidential candidate withdrew because he reasonably feared for his life. That election was really a re-run of the previous election but after removing all the people and political currents that the puppet-masters considered too inconvenient. Re-running elections is a standard feature of color revolutions. I’m not saying that the Kremlin should have interfered, but a marker should have been laid down, that all the subsequent Kiev governments were simply not democratic, and not legitimate. In hindsight that mistake was even more serious than I thought at the time. It has left Russia with greatly diminished leverage over the political evolution of the Ukraine. Wasn’t Medvedev in charge in May, 2014 ?
No Cosimo you’re wrong. There are plenty of pro-Russian politicians and activists in Ukraine, who are currently in prison.
Russia can and Russia should occupy Ukraine for a long period and allow such People to change the Ukrainian society.
A few things that came to mind reading your post:
1. Surely out of the two million Ukrainians who migrated to Russia many of them could be volunteers in the “special military operation”. They know the terrain, the locals, etc, to be a great help.
2. These and those who for various reasons remain in Russia are the remnants who do not support the Azov nazis nor the Ukraine leadership since Yanukovich was forced out. They may well have a role in Ukraine’s viability and future, if the threats of the last 7 years are neutralized.
3. There is also an opposition party, whose leader/ founder (VM) was under house arrest, but was moved out of harm’s way when the Russians begin the op.
4. You are right that the Russians need to remain in Ukraine for at least one election cycle to ensure a smooth transition and protection. Just as Russia did in Syria – protection, ‘peace keeping’, training, policing, and any assistance necessary to ensure the new leadership can stand on their own – free from external destabilization, intimidation, and/or influence.
5. Also, there are the bioweapons research labs to take care of – Russia and China are not going to allow this to die down w/o holding the USA accountable to a declaration (I am sure not the full 336 labs worldwide) of the nature, purpose, and progression of those labs. UN and IAEA have their work cut out for them. Golden opportunity for them to do right w/Russia’s and China’s (and I hope many world leaders’ too) backing and encouragement.
Limpid ! Good job, Andrei.
I am french, it is very hard to look through the fog of war but I was getting roughly the same general idea that you are explaining in so much detail.
I also have the feeling that this event might provoke the long overdue collapse of the west power structure, or at least a stern reshaping of it, in which the imperial power networks embedded in the nation-states global system for so long might be rooted out or weakened enough to let a new westphalian Renaissance arise globally.
At least, that is my wish, my prayer
Bonjour. I reside in France and already now there is no stocks of heating oil. Not even at Euros 1.700. TOTAL is unable to deliver. Lucky we got enough till end April. Imagine the people here wih an empty tank and the days here start at -2.
Car diesel yesterday at Euros 2,20
The Marie has nothing better to do than send emails to he community to call for solidarity for Ukraine.
What about French people not being able to heat their homes.
I would suggest the French people better push for their social demands from the WEF puppet Macron through Yellow-Vests protests.
Yes. The hiking of the diesel price above that of petrol is a direct slap in the face to the Gilets Jaunes and to the entire fleet of truck traffickers in France. It is also a ploy to create supply-chain problems, probably with the intent of blaming Russia.
If you are looking for a very different view in French, you could try:
Karine Bechet-Golovko is a very astute lady and a jurist.
For military aspects viewed from the other side, have a look at Erwan Castel, a Breton fighting in the Donbass:
100% Got it, sums it up perfectly , yes the west has unfortunately won the Propaganda war ,its just not the russian way at all, false flags , lies piled on lies , crisis actors ,fake rescuers , the west has honed these skills in their endless wars. Western MSM is 99% Gov controlled narratives and most of general public lap up all the news they get on their TV,s without question. This Atrocity today they called it, 17 people Injured is all ,i mean really!!, a night out in any UK city there would be more people injured or in A&E ,is that an atrocity.
I am of the opinion that when proof about the ‘False Flag Operation’ that we call 9/11 is released……the propaganda war machine that the ‘West’ has extensively created to justify and explain their PR narratives to a world audience will come crashing down and lose all credibility across the globe.
I wish that would happen but i dont think after all this time, even if people were shown 100% proof most still wouldnt believe it, look at the Edward Snowden revelations about NSA , sure not as serious as no one died, but Nothing really happened , called him a traitor chased him across the world , to exile in Russia and that was it. And 9/11 TRUTH will probably come out when BUSH, CHENEY + are all dead, G Bush wont be around for long?.
Snowden was lucky compared to Assange
Awesome stuff. Thanks.
By the way Lee Camp has an interview with Scott Ritter (former UN weapons inspector) and if what he says about Russia inflicting a “6 to 1” ratio in troop losses that is a record. He also said the Russian operation was going BETTER than the blitzkreig had done.
Fantastic interview, everyone worrying about PSYOPS should watch it, but very scary for from an economic point of view for anyone living in Europe.
@ Saker
Grateful for your effort to keep us abreast in depth about what’s real.
I believe this is an important document in the series analyzing this conflict, editing for clarification in some sentences would be a worthwhile effort. I will point out some typos, missing words, etc., in a later post.
Get a well deserved rest, Saker.
Lone Wolf
It’s very readable now Lone Wolf. I don’t think there is anything serious left to worry about. We’re already running it through the editing machines (two human ones and one non-human one).
Don’t worry about another edit but thanks for your goodwill.
@ Amarynth
You guys are superb.
You’re welcome, any time.
Lone Wolf
Russia winning the military war is much more important than “losing” the PR war. (I would argue that Russia has only lost the PR war in the West). It doesn’t matter what the Western public thinks; the Western leaders/owners are going to do what they want anyway. Prior to the Iraq war, millions demonstrated against the war and that didn’t stop the western leader/owners from invading Iraq.
“(I would argue that Russia has only lost the PR war in the West). It doesn’t matter what the Western public thinks; the Western leaders/owners are going to do what they want anyway. Prior to the Iraq war, millions demonstrated against the war and that didn’t stop the western leader/owners from invading Iraq.”
Agree. I posted about that under the article about exposure of the american biowarfare labs. What I found was the Russian news of the biowarfare labs was being given serious consideration. The western zio-media all claimed Russian disinfo, but those outside it, or of a more independent bent, were now towing the zio line.
Russia didnt even fight the PR war and yes it does matter.
The PR war has succeeded in getting Russians to kill Russians and Europe to commit sovereign and economic suicide. If Russia/China dont wake up they will lose. They will lose everywhere zone A zone B they will lose. Lets not kid ourselves. Mind control is population control, in the end its all that matters.
Russia’s Zircon missiles also matter.
Evidente que são. Mas ter a capacidade de projetar a própria narrativa pode ser a diferença entre usar e não precisar usar mísseis. Tenho dito isso aqui seguidamente e me dá a impressão que isso causa uma certa irritação.
A Rússia tem muito a percorrer nesse território da informação. Falar a verdade não basta. É preciso ter uma máquina para repetir a verdade com a mesma ou maior intensidade que o ocidente repete a mentira. A Rússia não tem essa máquina. Aquela afirmação do goebels de que a mentira repetida ad nausea se torna verdade não é um lugar comum. É a mais pura verdade.
Essa discussão sobre comunicação dá um debate a parte. Seria interessante em algum momento fazer uma postagem só com o tema mídia.
PR war is very important. Remember the nukes!
Not towing the zio line. Typo.
Agreed. The West can ignore the truth, but they cannot ignore the consequences of the truth. The consequences are coming home to roost. They know it, the fear in their eyes and their hysterical, almost comical responses tell us what we need to know. You must act on moral conviction and have the courage to see it through. God will take care of you.
Anton Gorbatow
I fully agree with you. I don’t think we can use the term “Russia lost the PR war”. There is nothing Russia could have done in the West, which implemented wide scale anti-Russian propaganda and either banned or blocked news outlets like RT. As for the West, did it, perhaps, lose the PR war in Russia ? Yes, there were anti-war demonstrations in Russia, organized by pro-Western liberals, a few hundred demonstrators in one place and perhaps a few thousand in another. However, these were Soros style tactics, a minority being used to represent the majority. It failed miserably, like in the Navalny demonstrations.
There is always something you can do, otherwise why bother? Why not close RT, close Sputnik News, stop talking, stop giving any information? Anything you say or do is PR in some way so you can not avoid PR. The best PR is no PR at all. And when I say no PR, I mean Western style PR. The problem with Russian PR is that they are trying to copy-paste Western PR and that is just not working.
@mind held
Your opinion, not a fact. The West is a lost cause. Russia doesn’t need to be bothered about what Westerners think. The overwhelming majority of the world population back Russia in this war
The PR war is not finished yet, it is still going on.
And no matter how it develops, the West is the loser – if we who live there realize it already, or not, doesn’t matter. In time, we will understand.
And with every such war, the truth will be harder to suppress or forget.
I sort of forgot what we did to Yugoslavia, Serbia. Time will do that. The memories came back whenever we struck again. When ZDF reporters waited on site for a revolution in Belarus after the first successful color revolution in Ukraine (for hours, German TV broadcast pictures of empty streets in Minsk before belatedly realizing that nothing was going to happen). When Georgia invaded South Ossetia in 2008, German TV still reported the actual events on the first day – only to change track, and broadcast full-blown NATO propaganda on the second. So many more wars, and forgotten corners of the world (anyone remember the success story of Bosnia-Herzegovina? no?)
The steady reminders help keep the memory fresh.
Wrong. It is important what people think. Even on the West.
For what it’s worth, I too agree. As I have argued before, Russia keeps the real moral high ground by refusing to descend to lies and sensationalism.
Once they began to indulge in “psyops”, they would be on a slippery slope like an Olympic luge run – no way to stop before the bottom. One great danger when fighting totalitarians is that you adopt their methods and become like them.
“For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”
I understand Russian and pro-Russian propaganda seems at least as effective as pro-Ukrainian in that language.
Allow me to respectfully disagree on a number of points.
1. – As for Russia staying in the Ukraine forever.
There is no Ukraine. It’s a fake country that should have been disposed of in 2014. The Black Sea coast and the area knows as Novorossiya has been Russian since Catherine the Great. Russia would be foolish to let it revert to a fake country.
As the conquering power, international law states that Russia has the duty to maintain law and order. That’s going to take a long time. And the stated goal of the operation is denazification and demilitarization. That’s also a long-time undertaking.
2. An mass uprising in Odessa?
That would be suicidal. Putin missed his chance to take Odessa in 2014. I think he now sees his responsibility to liberate it, but it’s going to be a delicate operation. Civilians should in no way be involved.
I concur. Ukraine is indeed a fake country. It’s name is derived from the Slavic word “Krayina”, which means frontier region, as it was the frontier region of Russia. From “Krayina” you get “Ukrayina”, and from “Ukrayina” you get the current name of Ukraine. As for Ukraine’s Black Sea coast, I think it should be incorporated into Crimea.
As for Odessa, I think it would be too much to expect the population to rise against the Nazi forces, especially if you take into account what happened in 2014. What is the population supposed to do ? Rise and use sticks and stones against armed formations ? I think not.
the russians “lost” the information war long ago. it’s not a war worth winning as it requires stooping to western levels. no amount of surgical strikes or photo ops can undo syria and crimea; especially among those in the social media tardosphere who can find neither on a map.
just look at the woke kids: they see “nazis” EVERYWHERE…until putin points them out in plain sight. the west has always been about quantity. russia just has to worry about quality.
Russia had no chance to win the information war in the west because the MSM has had a lock on their spirits since mass media became a “thing”, a hundred years ago.
But there is still a big information war to win in the Ukraine, and I wish Russia the best of luck. But perhaps when EU citizens realize their economies are dying, perhaps those people might make a U-turn. Most EU nations have significant dissident movements, and most of them are working hard to wake up their fellow nationals. In the near future, the dissidents will have a more motivated citizenry to work with. Before all the self-defeating sanctions, French polls show Macron was already running for his political life in the April elections. The pain of the sanctions is juuust now starting to arrive.
1. I think the extent and magnitude of the Western PSYOP plus the disconnects in its logic shows that it is a juggernaut following a predetermined plan which means it was planned long in advance – in other words Russia intervened militarily to preempt a planned NATO offensive.
2. Faced with such a PSYOP juggernaut the best thing to do is not to try and oppose it but get it to accelerate until it crashes.
3. The lesson Washington learnt from the Iraq war is that more PSYOP control is needed. Why? Because Washington is corruption on a scale that is unimaginable and the media facing declining revenues saw an opportunity to get their share of defense spending
4. The real lesson of the Iraq war was that once the public woke up to the fact they had been lied to all trust in the media was lost – just look at CNN’s ratings.
There’s nothing new under the sun. Check out this passage from a book written over a century ago by a Texas doctor who did business in Russia:
“Abused Russia” by Dr. C.C. Young (New York: Devin-Adair, 1915), pp. 23-24:
“Some six years ago, I had an experience which vividly illustrated this point. I was in Odessa at the time, and that city was then considered one of the quietest in Europe. I remember being amused by reading in the Paris edition of the New York Herald an Associated Press despatch announcing another dreadful Jewish massacre in that city. On the night of the supposed massacre, I had been with a party of friends, motoring through Odessa, until three o’clock in the morning, and we had been aware of no disturbance of any kind, nor saw nor heard anything that might have been construed as a commotion. When, later, we showed the paper to Governor Tolmatchoff, he laughingly remarked that if we stayed long enough in Odessa, we would have a chance to read more such despatches, as they were being sent to New York from time to time, and from there cabled back to Paris, by a certain class of anarchistically inclined Hebrews, to stir up the minds of the better class of their own people and of the Gentiles, and open a channel of revenue, supposedly for the cause of the downtrodden Jews. The means so obtained, the Governor told us, seldom reached the people for whom they were intended, and generally went to further the ends of the anarchists and revolutionists and, he laughingly concluded, to contradict these false reports would consume the entire Russian budget!”
Dear Andrei,
Thank you for defending truth and honour at a time when the West’s most beastly instincts are being unleashed on the Russian people and those who support them.
Briefly re the information war. The maelstrom of hatred unleashed on Russia is definitely very powerful but the criminals are committing a basic mistake. The more they impugn, block, insult and ignore, the value of any information from the Russian side increases (I would say exponentially). Forbidden fruit and all that. Those few who decide to dig deeper (what an adventure!) and even learn some Russian will immediately start to question their narrative. And they will be the people who will undermine this insane orgy of hatred (no Tchaikovsky? Even Hitler had Jazz big bands!) So don’t worry. Russia is what it is with all its splendour and shortcomings and this is why we love her.
I predict that more and more people will eventually start to question this madness. The only thing that matters (as the title of my last article said – Ni shagu nazad). It is an existential struggle that must be won at all costs.
Thank you again,
This outpouring of hatred on all Russians is also likely to have one major effect they weren’t planning on – it will unify and strengthen the Russian identity.
Indeed – they’ve handed President Putin the best possible tool for creating a sense of national unity – ready made.
but but but . . . the Moscow/St. Petersburg* Eloi class wants to go shopping in Paris! NOW!!!
(*Dear VVP: Could you ditch the faux-German name for that city and revert to Petrograd? Choosing that form of name is one of the few things the Kerensky government did right.)
I was fanatically pro-American (and British) as a boy. Then I had an encounter with reality. Many of those Russians infected with a sense of inferiority will be cured. Agree re Petrograd.
I’d say regarding cities: let St Petersburg dwindle and build up a Siberian city to be the ” second capital ” of Russia
Indeed. This war is providing a handy spiritual and cultural dividing line in the Slavic and Orthodox Christian worlds: those on one side will lose their identities and become servants to the Western elites, losing their Slavic identity and becoming Uniates, the rest will keep it and prosper and remain free.
Spot on, Ken! Please link me to your article/website.
In the “existential struggle that must be won at all costs” the good people of the West must immediately depose their monarchies in: The United Kingdom, Belgium, The Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Spain and Luxembourg. And nationalise their wealth, of course.
Thanks a lot for all your sharp and clear analysis, and also and most importantly for your very strong moral compass.
Regarding the PR war, Russia comprehensively lost it in zone A, but is it really the case in zone B? I am not so sure, as most of the people in the world (including some in zone A) have known for many years that the biggest threat to world security and peace is the “USA” (empire). Many polls performed throughout the years clearly show it.
The fact the zionazis couldn’t give a strong or efficient answer to the Russian punch is for everyone to see the end of their unlimited strentgh myth. It is a comprehensive defeat for them, one that no PR campaign will ever be able to hide.
Very valuable point. I don’t see the same loss of PR in large parts of the rest of the world. But the Zone A stuff is of course very loud.
The weakness and degradation of the Empire of Lies show in the stupidity and sadism of the empire’s servants.
“Putin must be taken out, say US Congress members:”
no they aren’t. The ‘Murkan political class simply knows who signs their paychecks, owns ther debt – individual and collective – provides shekels for their endless electioneering, and controls the mass media and acess to it. The who is
That would be more NATO losing the PR war in zone B than Russia winning.
Love to read your stuff, but I just can’t figure out what “LDNR” means. A little help?
Lugansk-Donetsk People’s Republics. I guess.
I believe it is the People’s Republic of Lugansk and Donetsk
A contraction of The Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR) and the Luhansk People’s Republic (LNR)
Type it to Google and explanation is right on top. Louisiana Department of Natural Resources.
But not on this site, also there on Free Dictionary – Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics.
What is Zone A and Zone B, then? For new readers on this valuable site, this should be explained. Thank you.
Read this article ..
Thanks amarynth. I am not a very new reader but I really appreciated all that help!
Dear Andrei,
Wonderfully written article, among your best. Coming directly from the heart, supported by the best info you currently have, and the military knowledge you applied to situations on multiple fronts, this article deeply resonates with me.
Bolshoi Spasibo, Spiral
Russia has lost the PR war? In the West, yes. It would be a waste of resources to even try to match the media Wurlitzer that the CIA has been building since the end of WWII and is now at full volume. However, if you look at this map there’s another story: Look at all the countries that have not joined the sanctions regime; in fact many have made public declarations of support for Russia. Not one country in Africa, Latin America (not even Mexico), or Asia (apart from Japan, Singapore and South Korea) is on the sanctions bandwagon. Australia and New Zealand are beyond irrelevant. We’re all only reading and seeing what the West is spouting, but if you go to the Indian media, just for instance, well they have an entirely different take, and the Chinese public are vocal in their support. The game is far from over.
If you look carefully at the map you’ll see that Chile is colored in as putting sanctions. (It’s hard to see.) Since they’re not on Russia’s naughty list, I doubted this and so looked it up, and they did indeed declare sanctions. It’s certainly not made the news, so I don’t know what that’s all about that kept Russia from not including them on ‘the list’.
The war is not in Ukraine and it never was.
The war is in Moscow.
Hopefully Moscow realizes this.
One cannot argue rationally with an irrational person.
Similarly, one cannot win with the truth in the world of lies.
Wars are won with boots on the ground. This is what matters.
This was a great and deep article, Saker. Congratulations! It takes a lot of experience, suffering, and heart to produce that.
God is with those that are smashed and broken like the people in Ukraine. They are the closest to salvation, because they are like the incense in the censer, where the burning coal of adversity turns them into sparks of light and sweet-smelling prayers and purified souls are lifted up to God. In this world, it is the cross and struggles, being purified, chastised, and trialed by fire to be made worthy of Christ and His Kingdom. This is a path to hope and life.
I think the Russians had intelligence of the upcoming ukronazi attack of the Donbas and figured it would be better to hit them as they were organizing, and not ready, rather than wait for the attack and counter it then.
The american biowarfare presence also may have been a major reason. The Russians may have intelligence of a covert biowarfare aspect of the ukronazi attack that would take place. This israeloamerican biowarfare strategy has played out in China several times, with recent attacks on Chinese agriculture. With covid-19, the israeloamericans upped the war to include humans. The Russians have been hit hard by the israeloamerican covid-19 attack, a new round with a new pathogen would not be tolerated.
From an Ukrainian source:
A dangerous law has come into force in our country allowing civilians to participate in hostilities and use weapons against persons carrying out aggression in Ukraine (against the Russian military and not only). Zelensky signed it today.
There is a suspicion that now everyone can kill everyone, and then refer that they allegedly killed the “enemy”.
The second point that many have already raised online is the fact that the norms of the Geneva Convention on Prisoners of War will not apply to you. That is, they will not take you prisoner.
The third dangerous case is that now every peaceful Ukrainian is a threat to Russians. Therefore, there will be more deaths, the heat will be even stronger.
The fourth case is the most dangerous, which indicates that someone decided to make “Syria” out of Ukraine, where the war goes on for a long time, and the country is completely destroyed.
Ukraine just threw away any Geneva or Hague Conventions regarding the Rules of War
Про забезпечення участі цивільних осіб у захисті України
Констатуючи акт збройної агресії Російської Федерації проти суверенітету України,
беручи до уваги прагнення цивільних осіб до активної участі у національному спротиві,
прагнучи захистити життя і здоров’я, честь і гідність, недоторканність і безпеку людини як
найвищої соціальної цінності,
враховуючи положення частини першої статті 65 Конституції України, згідно з якою захист
Вітчизни, незалежності та територіальної цілісності України є обов’язком громадян України,
Верховна Рада України ухвалила цей Закон.
Стаття 1. У період дії воєнного стану громадяни України, а також іноземці та особи без
громадянства, які на законних підставах перебувають на території України (далі – цивільні
особи), можуть брати участь у відсічі та стримуванні збройної агресії Російської Федерації
та/або інших держав, у тому числі отримати вогнепальну зброю і боєприпаси до неї відповідно
до порядку та вимог, встановлених Міністерством внутрішніх справ України.
Стаття 2. Застосування цивільними особами вогнепальної зброї, отриманої відповідно до
цього Закону, здійснюється аналогічно до застосування зброї військовослужбовцями під час
виконання ними завдань щодо відсічі збройної агресії проти України в порядку, затвердженому
Кабінетом Міністрів України.
Стаття 3. Цивільні особи зобов’язані здати отриману ними вогнепальну зброю і
невикористані боєприпаси до неї до органів Національної поліції України не пізніше 10 днів
після припинення або скасування дії воєнного стану в Україні.
За порушення вимоги, передбаченої цією статтею, цивільні особи несуть кримінальну
Стаття 4. У період дії воєнного стану громадяни України можуть брати участь у відсічі та
стримуванні збройної агресії Російської Федерації та/або інших держав, застосовуючи власну
нагородну зброю, спортивну зброю (пістолети, револьвери, гвинтівки, гладкоствольні рушниці),
мисливську нарізну, гладкоствольну чи комбіновану зброю та бойові припаси до неї.
Стаття 5. Цивільні особи не несуть відповідальності за застосування вогнепальної зброї
проти осіб, які здійснюють збройну агресію проти України, якщо така зброя застосована на
підставі та в порядку, визначених статтею 1 та статтею 4 цього Закону.
Стаття 6. Прикінцеві та перехідні положення
1. Цей Закон набирає чинності з дня, наступного за днем його опублікування.
2. Дія цього Закону поширюється на всіх осіб, які отримали вогнепальну зброю і
боєприпаси до неї у випадку, передбаченому статтею 1 цього Закону, незалежно від дати їх
видачі та застосовується протягом дії воєнного стану і 10 днів після його припинення або
3. Розділ II “Прикінцеві та перехідні положення” Кримінального кодексу України
(Відомості Верховної Ради України, 2001 р., № 25-26, ст. 131) доповнити пунктом 22 такого
“22. Цивільні особи не несуть кримінальної відповідальності за застосування вогнепальної
зброї проти осіб, які здійснюють збройну агресію проти України, якщо така зброя застосована
відповідно до вимог Закону України “Про забезпечення участі цивільних осіб у захисті
Президент України В. ЗЕЛЕНСЬКИЙ
м. Київ
3 березня 2022 ро
On ensuring the participation of civilians in the defense of Ukraine
Stating the act of armed aggression of the Russian Federation against the sovereignty of Ukraine,
taking into account the desire of civilians to actively participate in National Resistance,
seeking to protect human life and health, honor and dignity, inviolability and security as
the highest social value,
considering the provisions of part one of Article 65 of the Constitution of Ukraine, according to which the protection of
The Fatherland, independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine is the responsibility of the citizens of Ukraine,
The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has adopted this law.
Article 1. during the period of martial law, citizens of Ukraine, as well as foreigners and persons without disabilities
citizenship that is legally located on the territory of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as civil ones
persons), may participate in repelling and deterring the armed aggression of the Russian Federation
and / or other states, including obtaining firearms and ammunition for them, respectively
to the procedure and requirements established by the Ministry of internal affairs of Ukraine.
Article 2. Use by civilians of firearms obtained in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation
this law is carried out similarly to the use of weapons by military personnel during the
their performance of tasks to repel armed aggression against Ukraine in accordance with the procedure approved by the government of the Russian Federation
By The Cabinet Of Ministers Of Ukraine.
Article 3. Civilians are obliged to hand over the firearms they have received and
unused ammunition for it to the National Police of Ukraine no later than 10 days
after the termination or lifting of martial law in Ukraine.
For violation of the requirement provided for in this article, civilians are liable for criminal liability
Article 4. during the period of martial law, citizens of Ukraine may participate in repulsions and
deterrence of armed aggression of the Russian Federation and / or other states, using its own
award-winning weapons, sports weapons (pistols, revolvers, rifles, smoothbore shotguns),
hunting rifled, smoothbore or combined weapons and combat supplies for them.
Article 5. civilians are not responsible for the use of firearms
against persons who carry out armed aggression against Ukraine, if such weapons are used on the territory of the Russian Federation.
on the basis and in accordance with the procedure defined in Article 1 and Article 4 of this law.
Article 6. Final and transitional provisions
1.this law comes into force on the day following the day of its publication.
2. this law applies to all persons who have received firearms and
ammunition for it in the case provided for in Article 1 of this law, regardless of the date of their use
it is applied during the period of martial law and 10 days after its termination or
3. Section II “final and transitional provisions” of the Criminal Code of Ukraine
(Vedomosti of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2001, No. 25-26, Article 131) add paragraph 22 of the following
“22. civilians are not criminally liable for the use of firearms
weapons against persons committing armed aggression against Ukraine, if such weapons are used
in accordance with the requirements of the law of Ukraine “on ensuring the participation of civilians in defense
President of Ukraine V. Zelensky
m. Kiev
March 3, 2022
The Americans strategized a wild west scenario for Ukraine and Zelensky is awaiting for the cavalry to turn up.
They are under demonic influence Andrei, their minds are full of demonic thoughts. All we ca do is pray. But prayer and fasting can change the laws of nature, and stop war.
The demonic influence of Ziocon demons must be destroyed. Otherwise, more people will suffer.
On the basis of NATO / US / EU’s involvement so far being a lot of hot air, and illegal weapons supply, but a decided reticence for direct involvement, this surely sends clear signals to the “non-aligned masses” that maybe NATO is more paper tiger than rabid wolf.
China is no doubt very aware of everything going on, and I must wonder whether China too has noted NATO / USA’s reticence, and might interpret this as weakness, so, might we expect “exciting times” in the South China Sea, and possibly “renewed interest” in Taiwan / Formosa? I think the original plan was to wait until Taiwan was happy for reunification, however if the opportunity was presented for a reunification at an acceptably low cost to China, I feel this would be on the table, if only to firmly close the door on US nuclear weapon systems placement there.
Any thoughts on this, folks??
I am thinking, Taiwan has a built in nuclear weapon: it`s fabs.
I support autonomy. I do that for the Donbass and since I am not a hypocrite, I also support autonomy for Taiwan – if that is what the Taiwanese want.
So if I am the big cheese in Taiwan, I declare to the WORLD, that in case of a Chinese invasion, all the fabs will b destroyed.
At that point China is alone. More so, by magnitudes, than Russia now.
and Taiwan worthless to it, considering the effort…so to speak…
screw autonomy. I support the destruction of the demonic cabal that has parasitically controlled the globe, and Taiwan has chosen to align itself and in fact prostrate itself as obedient servant to that cabal and thus I fully support China in doing whatever it needs to do to Taiwan.
Taiwan is just another Ukraine with fake unelected puppet leaders placed there by the CIA who do not even represent the people/populace — who themselves are professionally propagandized to steer them away from the truth.
If Russia invades Ukraine and reduces the Azov steel works to rubble, it is not a problem.
If China invades Taiwan and reduces Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company to rubble, the world economy enters recession.
I don’t know that Russia lost the psyop/PR war. To win a war don’t you need to defeat the enemy? The psyop war has mostly featured a lot of histrionics (from shrieking women but sometimes shrieking men) and nonsense spewing directed towards an audience that has been raised for generations in a Russophobic culture. It is hardly a feat in the US to get everyone riled up to hate Russians (and ditto the UK/EU). So the psyop war is just a echo chamber for 1 billion out of the nearly 8 billion people on Earth. For about 7/8th of the planet Westerners screeching about the latest dictator or whatever falls on deaf ears. Hence, we see Saudi and UAE not even picking up the phone for Biden. We see China flat out telling the US to piss off with their sanctions. India supporting Russia and so on down the line. So CNN convincing the 5 people left who watch CNN that Russia is a big baddie is some sort of PR victory or something? Nah.
In fact, the psyops thing is going to wear off shortly, as you can’t keep the dial on 11 24/7 and expect people to still react. They tune it out. And, of course, once the markets correctly price in the sanctions effects, then cost of living in the West doubles or triples in a couple months. Then everyone turns on the people who are running the psyop campaign. I mean virtue signaling with Ukrainian flags doesn’t really help when people are paying like $10/gallon for gas. At that point no one cares about Ukraine anymore. They just want to be able to afford to drive. And then, there’s Russia saying, well we have plenty of gas but your leaders didn’t want it. How do you suppose that is going to work out for the narrative creators?
At best I’d say the West won a psyops battle. This is hardly over, and like everything, Zone B is playing the long game. Zone A came with everything they had, a total blitzkrieg and unloaded everything in their armament. The other side hasn’t even bothered to fire yet. Besides, what’s the point in talking to psychotic people? Let them talk, you’re not going to convince them one way or another. Also, isn’t the strategy let Zone A spew and spew until they’re out of breath, then you reveal the depth and depravity of their bioweapons program (including maybe that a virus near and dear to all of us was the result of one of these programs)…and then once this reality sinks in and the cognitive dissonance is sufficient to shake people from their slumber, then you drop the 9/11 truth on them and then just break out the popcorn. My money is on something like this.
Also, lets all be honest–if your team is Nuland, Psaki, Von Leyden and Truss, you’re going to lose.
Psychopaths lie even when telling the truth results in a better outcome. Many people are going to understand this in the next few months.
while I hope to continue to write analyses about this war, I am now officially done debunking the many idiocies still spread by the Western PSYOPs.
A couple of Martyanov pearls for you re the west.
“when you lie down with dogs you get up with fleas.”
“So, dogs bark but caravan passes on.”
He even channelled Mark Twain.
“Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”
“Never wrestle with a pig. You both get covered in sh*t and mud, and the pig likes it”.
Another gem from Twain.
Excellent commentary
I am fearful that I don’t see how this war ends. If the cauldrons are destroyed or surrender, does resistance end, apart from a few nazis in cities? Do they agree to terms? Give up like after Debaltsevo?
If no agreement is possible then, does Russia leave with Donbass secured? Or split Ukraine in half? Would eastern cities be willing to separate? A further problem is protecting nuclear reactors and canal flow to Crimea. Maybe this provides good leverage – Russia sits on the coast near Crimea and stays until a rational government negotiates.
Another point after nazis are dead. Average age of Ukraine is among the worst in the world and over 25% are pensioners plus their caregivers. The young and healthy who ran away might never return. Perhaps the threat will be over, with hardly any ability to raise an army.
Dear Andrei,
Great summary
I wonder two things:
1. Economic wars, how far this econ war has gone through, how it is affecting Russia, how it is hurting the west…. and what is its end game?
2. Someone mention Israhell as not being part of hostile nations mentioned by Russia…. Any thought about it? Israhell was telling their support to Ukr. And I remember Putin has said, in effect, “Golan Height does not belongs to Israhell”,,, and “… go back to Tel Aviv, (rather than Yerussalem as Israhell capital)…
Israel is a small country on the Mediterranean that has nothing to do with it either way. Russia doesn’t care about Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, or the Golan Heights. Far as anyone can see, Israel and Russia get along just fine and cooperate in Syria together. Israel is heaven compared to your shytehole “willage” in cafukistan mororngolia
Thank you for this and thank you for your recent analyses during this time. The Orthodox mentality that only another Orthodox person can appreciate combined with your expertise in the relevant subject matter during such a tragic time about which you personally care so deeply, is touching on a profoundly deeper level than blogs usually are, at least to me, however I feel that I am not alone in this regard.
You are not alone…
I feel the same.
For those who can read Russian these are beautiful words of F. Tiutchev which I will not try to translate:
Умом Россию не понять,
Аршином общим не измерить,
У ней особенная стать…
В Россию можно только верить…
There are 11 million pensioners in Ukraine and few young men (average age is 41 years):
(Check out the animation over time in the middle of the link)
So basically, they are waiting to see who will be in charge once this settles down and will hope to get pensions or jobs with them. i.e. not exactly 1917 uprising material.
Man I’m depressed as hell.
Thanks for the honesty and analysis, though.
America needs to wake up. I don’t know how. But I’m sure it won’t take anything less than a complete overhaul of our society, which as a prerequisite would require a complete breakdown of American society. A kind of phoenix from the ashes thing. Problem is, how much time will it take?
Who knows.
Someguy, that is exactly their plan, I believe, balkanise and destroy, conquer, then, order out of chaos. It’s how the New World Order rolls.
For what it’s worth, check this out:
It may be bs, but it gives me hope for my kids’ future. We (Gen X’ers) are screwed, though…
I’m anticipating that a doubling or tripling of food and fuel costs will accomplish something. Not sure exactly what it will accomplish on the domestic scene — I expect the worst — but it will reduce the USA’s ability to play global hegemon.
Classic one two punch… knockout
we have seen the first punch but not yet the second
“never been a better time for China to take Taiwan”
China can destroy the western hegemony in one stroke
simply tell Sauds you want us to buy your oil {Saudies biggest customer}
you accept our currency. Or > {Russian oil surpluses now available}
Petrodollar dies as does US empire.
appreciative of both your analysis and your humility, Andrei. get some rest sir.
The pro-Russian Ukrainians (outside the Donbass) are a bunch of weakminded p*ss**s. This in contrast to the rebellious Donbass Russians who have some Serbian blood leftovers flowing through their veins from an 18th century Serb settlement in the Donbass.
Fun Fact: The city of Donetsk was originally founded by a Welsh businessman, John Hughes. The village was originally named Yuzivka (Hughesivka, Ukrainian: Юзівка) after Hughes. One assumes there was a collaborative relationship between the British Crown and their relatives on the Russian throne at the time.
“403 – Forbidden . That’s an error.
Client does not have access rights to the content so server is rejecting to give proper response. That’s all we know.”
The israeloamericans (another anonymous cut out asset attack, or regular government?) are cyber attacking RT again.
Russia lost the PR war – ok.
What could or should Russia have done to prevent this?
I think not much.
If you look, for example, at the recent voting behavior in the UN (even if you can certainly relativize the result in one kind or another), we seem to have a peculiar form of “world domination”.
The same was established in 1990.
This “victory of the West”, 1990, was also and above all an ideological victory – and it was a victory of the Americans … among other things also over the remains of the “old Europe”…
And the Americans have done a lot to spread and enforce their ideology worldwide, if you look at these various Young Leader programs, for example….
Li no site Duplo Expresso a alguns anos que DIlma participou desse programa americano de “jovens lideranças”.
Talvez por isso mesmo , a meu juízo, não opôs nenhuma resistência ao golpe?
O principal argumento é a manutensão durante o seu governo o mesmo ” ministro da justiça” José Eduardo Cardoso
Thank you for taking the time to write. I pass this information to everyone I can. Since hope dies last, I keep hoping enough people will clue in to reality so they at least see how they’re being lied to.
Thanks for the analysis and very honest(and rare) to recognize you have been wrong(like everybody, except the CIA for once).
One important issue I don’t understand: Putin has three demands(mandatory) in the ‘negociations’ with Washington…euhh sorry Kiev.
– Crimea is Russia (logical)
– Recognize the two Republics (in their former state) as free of Kiev (logical)
– Ukraine will never enter Nato (essential)
I doubt they will EVER accept that(not really Kiev , but the owners in US/UK(EU is irrelevent)
Even ukies defeated in a week or three, Putin wants to keep the ZE in power it seems?
Do they really believe in Moscow that this guy(even free of nazis), will become sane suddenly?
If Russia let Ukraine and leave, be sure that after a few months, it will be Minsk on steroid all over again.
They will never respect anything(even written treaties, changed constitution as if they care about their constitution or any law).
And a massive NATO/mercenaries/jihadists/bandits from all over the Word will slowly take over.
Even letting the small banderastan (Llov etc), it will simply relocate the Nato issue a few hundreds kms.
It will not deal with possibility of nukes, bioweapons, occupation force, air defense…
And still no solution for the missiles in Poland or Romania(one day in three B).
Don’t expect sanctions to be remove EVER as they usually do, except (that is now the official goal) if regime change and if Putin is replaced before or in 2024, or even later.
Even if they destroy EU economy(started very fast already).
US is far, sanctions for them are almost irrelevant(except for some oil on the short term, they will kill Maduro if necessary, bribe the Mollahs in Iran, UAE already switched side tonight).
Russian eventual counter sanctions will only hit EU countries (but not all).
They are playing the long way.
War is a victory ok, PR is lost a fact, but I’m not so sure that RU economy will survive very long.
When millions will lose their job…or one solution is to go full USSR 2.0, back to communism 2.0, let’s say
commies à la Beijing, communisto conservatism: meaning nationalizing everything or almost, of course full expropriation of western companies leaving.
What Moscow needs absolutely to do after the war inside Ukraine, control of the media with a long and massive
media PR campaign to tell ukrops the truth since 2014. With pictures, videos, leaks, testimonies etc.
Tell the ukrops how far and how much they have been lied and deceived,all the money sent by the west stolen by oligarchs..
That they don’t own their country anymore, everything has been sold for a penny to western interests(including not so sleepy joe).
Trump just delayed (during 4 years),the ‘plan’ which was Hillary one: WWIII
nb: Erdogan said today he has a proposition for peace, zios as well, even saudis.
Putin’s real goal is a financial/economic victory over the West, a military victory over Ukraine is just the intermediary step.
Thoughts brought up by Saker article:
(1) Putin had to know that the smallest ‘effort’ by the Russian military would bring-down incredible propaganda and sanctions upon Russia. Given that, why not go big?
(2) Putin’s formative years were when Russia and Ukraine were brothers and allies. It is likely that he sees Ukraine within that frame, especially deep in his heart. Saker has opined (correctly) that Ukraine is heading into – or has transitioned into – a failed-state status. The AZEmpire has shown by its actions that this is exactly where it wants Ukraine to be – another Libya or a ‘frozen conflict’ state like Syria. Putin must have known that, so the only way to reverse that ‘condition’ would be to go big. (I.e., this may have been as much a heart-oriented decision as a rational decision.)
(3) China. Chinese politicians have been known to be ‘squishy’ in their support for Russia. Note how many times China has abstained in anti-Russian UN votes, rather than voting no. While generally supporting Russian interests, they are trying to remain ambiguous. If Russia ‘went small’ in the Ukraine, Chinese officials could still play that game. If Russia ‘went big’ in the Ukraine, those same officials might have to actually declare a side.
(4) The big elephant in the room is the financial implosion of the US. I interpret much of the hysterical war-propaganda and sanctions as efforts to distract the US populace from that Fall. If Putin had not ‘gone big’ on Ukraine, then terrible Covid variant Zeta would have been ‘discovered’, false-flag nukes would have gone-off on US soil, or some such. Anything to entrain the people. Putin ‘going big’ was just an opportunity to initiate Operation Distraction…
One of the larger concerns is the pile up of spent nuclear rods stored at the defunct nuclear reactor, there are combatants of questionable integrity and intent located all around the vicinity.
I cant imagine what they would or could do with all the spent rods, besides die of possible radiation poisoning, but then again, I don’t live near a spent nuclear reactor with live ammunition all around.
“Ukrainians fighting really hard, all for different reasons including …
Being a mercenary (they have no hope for mercy)”
Traditionally, it is wise to offer hope to mercenaries. If they have hope for mercy, then as soon as their paymasters can no longer deliver the gold, they can see the wisdom of no longer fighting for them. If the mercs feel like they are in a no-mercy situation, then they have no choice but to keep on fighting. Truly mercenary mercenaries are historically rather famous for switching sides during a fight.
Of course, many of the modern capitalist mercenaries are recruited on ideological grounds, which tends to lead to them declining offers of mercy that a true mercenary mercenary would accept.
And, who knows, among the mercenary mercenaries, you might find a few who’d rather work for the winners. Its gonna be a long war.
Is that who you want fighting on your side, at your side? For sale to the highest bidder? They ARE in a no mercy situation, of their own volition, and they can keep fighting all they want – they are (and ought to be) toast.
A really great piece. Learned a lot. Thanks.
Some more Russian Ministry of Defense videos from the past 24 hours to show.
The first shows a Russian military column of armored vehicles heading to somewhere on the front:
The second shows a Russian attack helicopter destroying some of Kiev’s military equipment:
The third shows a large amount of Kiev’s tanks and other armored vehicles destroyed during the special operation:
Finally, here is a very nice Ruptly video showing the Syrian people rallying in support of Russia’s special operation:
The last video is already taken down, sadly….
“In spite of the many warnings by many Russians, including myself and Andrei Martyanov, an ethnogenesis did happen in the Ukraine. ”
I wonder if someone here might answer a question? I remember reading that Russia had taken in, IIRC several million refugees from Ukraine after the Nazi’s overthrew the democratically elected government. Are any of these people interested in a right of return?
The first population movement of this large number flowing towards Russia would have changed the demographics of the population of regions of Ukraine. Now, we are seeing the same in the other direction, with the Ukrainians finally getting the open border pass into the EU, and large numbers now flowing in that direction.
Which makes me wonder, will we then see another population flow of people who had fled to Russia now taking the opportunity to return to a de-Nazified Ukraine? I would not expect to see this into a war zone of course, but once things settle down?
All of which means it might be a bit hard to predict on what the population of specific regions will look like once things settle down, and something like a Crimea-style referendum is conducted in regions like Kharkov to let the people there use their right of self-determination as to where they want to be in the future.
I think it’s because you live in the West and are embedded in America and its culture that you feel so deeply about the lost propaganda war and so fall into the trap of greatly overestimating the importance of “selling” the public (in that respect you seem to have gone native). In addition to the military, there are three theatres of war more important than public opinion: economic first and foremost, then diplomatic, and then political. And Russia, with China at its back, is off to a great start in all three.
In particular, I am confident that, under General Lavrov, the diplomatic war will continue to go well. The fact that sanctions are rejected by all the major powers who are not US pawns is awesome. Russia now has to get the goods on the Ukrainian regime and its backers, which it has started to do with revelations about bio weapons labs, baby nukes, proof of the true extent of NATOization of the country, Nazi atrocities, etc etc etc. These will be buried by Western media of course, but Russia’s able corps of diplomats will use it to increase support/discourage opposition among the people who really count: ruling elites around the globe.
Then, when the time is right, Russia can launch a peace offensive spearheaded by a re-presentation of the security guarantees treaties of December: now that the whole world is listening and appreciates how high the stakes are, people may come to appreciate how reasonable Russia’s demands really are: withdrawal of Europe’s militaries to their 1997 dispositions and removal of all nuclear weapons to the territory of their owners. Even Western media will have a hard time suppressing Russia’s message after this.
If at that point Russia needs to resume its military pressure on NATO to have its demands met, the diplomatic offensive will have helped prepare the ground in world opinion. Even in the West, those aching for peace or suffering from the sanctions war can latch onto the Russia’s peace proposals to energize political opposition to their governments’ wanton bellicosity. Politics might then start to work against the West’s ruling elites.
But I expect it will be the economic war that will prove decisive and I don’t see how Russia can lose given the fact that the planet’s largest and most powerful economy can’t afford to let Russia go down and face a victorious US, triumphant on all fronts.
@ Midge
Very perceptive comment, with depth and common sense, if I may say so. General Lavrov should enlist you to his HQ staff!
In my view, Russia should seize the occasion (carpe diem!) and go the whole hog to bring the Hegemon to his knees. The first act (showing the world the beast has feet of clay) is being played out now; the next act is an assault on the dollar dominance.
To the Saker, that four hours was well spent. I’ll add my view to that of Midge.
Re psyop: In the USA, and the UK, the mind control is such that if needed, propaganda can be tailored individually. Hence when assessing effectiveness, some recalibration is needed to include over 20 years of TV apologising for Iraq and for Afghanistan.
With that in mind, now consider that psyop cannot conceal that the world is now multipolar.
The best way I can describe this is a quote from the Godfather “you do not ask with respect”.
Europe and North America’s populations are now deep into economic problems, first from the effects of their governments covid responses, and now from sanctions. Prolonging Russia’s presence in the Ukraine will only make things worse.
Disrespecting Russia will make a reconciliation impossible.
I’ll suggest that “Nazification” of the Ukraine is a psyop error. The West will never accept that Jews can be Nazis. Anything that contains that suggestion will fail.
Russia has the initiative in Ukraine. It should have learned by now how to respond to events and to pre-empt the media response of the Ukranian government.
Lastly, resources I trust suggest that life was good in many areas of Ukraine before Russia intervened. Much of that population has no good reason to welcome the appearance of Russian troops on their streets. That’s just a fact.
Again, thanks for the opportunity to respond.
You’re the best. Thanks so much for your honest and forthright analysis. I have but one recommendation – that you not only quit debunking the Western corporate media, but quit watching/reading/listening to it at all. I have. We’ll yes, I might glance at it once in a while (not on TV – NEVER on TV, but on their websites), but what I’m looking for is usually specific.
For example, what is the reporting on the huge increases in gas prices throughout the USA and EU and will these increases lead to a recession? I can tell you this, never, NEVER has there been such a silence about the ramifications of high energy costs on Western economies. I mean, until Russia entered Ukraine and the West declared economic war on her, there was a drumbeat of complaints about the price of gas rising over the last year. What was the source of these complaints? The fossil fuel companies, which want the right to frack and drill across the USA (even in our fabulous national parks!) and along our coast (they’ve already turned the Gulf of Mexico into a dead zone – so why not do that to the entire Atlantic and Pacific shelf?). This would be the great remedy – not passive energy sources like solar and wind – which are to this day hugely undeveloped in the USA and are dismissed by utilities and their shareholders as threats to their profits (as with solar panels on rooftops, energy becomes distributed and these utilities cannot charge for the electricity generated by these installations). Instead, the preference is to push hard for fossil fuels and the corporations behind these fossil fuel companies lobby and fund politicians. Can it be denied that these fossil fuel corporations are behind the policies crafted against Russia? They will directly benefit from the rising price of gas and the ability to sell their LNG at 2-4 times the cost of gas that could be used via Nordstream 2.
And as the cost of energy rose over the past year, there was inflation in goods and services common citizens buy regularly. What was the remedy? The Federal Reserve was already under pressure to raise interest rates to curb inflation caused by rising energy prices and supply shortages resulting from the fallout of Covid on production cycles. This might have induced a recession – perhaps a mild one – just to cool things down. But the R-word was purposely kept out of the corporate media. Now the threat of a serious recession is extremely likely, yet recession (depression?) is still being kept out of reports by the corporate media. Why? Workers and businesses will be drastically affected – loss of housing, inability to feed households and provide medical care, growing homelessness, a shut down of facilities resulting in job losses for many Americans, further reducing the demand for goods and services, thus leading to more job losses and business failures, and the vicious cycle of recession/depression.
All of this is under-reported and hidden – so it’s not just news about the Ukrainian intervention that is omitted from corporate media reports.
Speaking of the Ukrainian intervention, it is surprising that so few in the USA really understand the Nazi role in Ukraine. I found this discussion extremely helpful:
The discussion is chaired by Brian Berletec, who is ex-USA military and has been reporting on Asia for the last decade. He lives in Thailand. Ben Norton is a top-notch reporter (he was associated with The Grayzone). He is now living in Nicaragua and has created a website called Multipolarista, the focus of which is the evolution of the world economy away from an imperialist uni-polar structure to a multi-polar structure. In the discussion, they demonstrate that the corporate media itself has covered the Ukrainian Nazi problem many times since the 2014 coup. You would not know that if you started reading corporate media today. If you started reading today, you would believe Russia simply made up the Nazi problem in Ukraine to invade a poor innocent country.
Another news story I’ve been following in the corporate media is the reporting on the bio-weapons labs in Ukraine. As you are aware, Saker, I sent you an email several months ago – if not a year ago – about bio-weapons labs in the USA and the threat they posed to the public. Over a 3.5 year period, I wrote commentary under a pen name in my local paper about the issue ad nauseum when a level 4 bio-weapons plant was built in Manhattan, Kansas (, but my commentary was obliterated when the local paper decided to ban me from commenting AND deleted all 3.5 years of my commentary. This censorship was justified under the same governing philosophy that the censorship against Russian media has been justified – i.e., the platform is “owned” by a capitalist and that capitalist can determine what is on his platform.
In the commentary that was removed I discussed the great danger posed by this kind of research. In fact, the laboratory in Manhattan, Kansas originally existed on Plum Island, New York, in the middle of the ocean off of Long Island. The reason it was on an island was because of the danger posed by the experiments that were being done on pathogens directed at the food supply! The entire Kansas state delegation got behind the approval of this laboratory during the Bush-Cheney years and spent a lot of citizen tax dollars subsidizing it. The crazy thing was is that this all came AFTER the Anthrax attack by (person X) against members of the USA government. The FBI itself said the anthrax was created at Fort Detrick, Maryland ( and another source I read added the Dugway Proving Ground, Utah ( – both USA military installations involved in bio-weapons research. And here’s something especially creepy – John McCain, the erstwhile rightwing Vietnam bombing war hero and Republican senator from Arizona claimed on national TV that four generals had told him this Anthrax had been developed by Saddam Hussein. This was why he was so adamant about going to war in Iraq. You might recall, this same Senator John McCain gave a speech in Kiev prior to the Maidan coup ( Can it get any more bizarre?
Well yes it can!
Now we know for certain that the USA and Ukraine were conducting biological experiments in up to 21 labs constructed by USA military defense inside the Ukraine! Think about that. This country is not a formal ally of the USA. While Victoria Nuland herself admitted that the USA had these laboratories inside the Ukraine, their purpose has not been disclosed. And the corporate media, that bastion of truth, justice and the American way, has omitted reports of these laboratories or buried them. They are now referring to the Russian findings as CONSPIRACY THEORY (just like the assassination of JFK and the 9-11 attacks)! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! I’m really laughing – it is so ludicrous.
So Saker, please! Do yourself a favor and do not watch or listen to or read the lies of the presstitutes. It’s a solid waste of time. Their narrative is fake and any reports are just lies.
Thanks again for having the courage to print the TRUTH. The war is being run according to plan. The greatest aspect of the war is the care the Russian military has taken to avoid civilian casualties. Think about all the USA invasions post WW2. Was any care taken to avoid civilian casualties in Korea? (Nearly 5 million people died). How about Vietnam? (Up to 3.9 million – about 21% of the population died). How about Iraq? (Over a million – and that was from the fighting alone! Secretary of State Albright under Clinton said that a half million Iraqi children had died as a result of the sanctions during the 90s). Yet all we see in the corporate media is headlines condemning Russia for a HANDFUL of civilian deaths. When compared to the atrocities under USA military invasions and bombings, this amounts to a minuscule amount. Yet the headlines scream look! LOOK!
So just ignore their lies. And continue printing your truth.
In response to point 2 near the end about delusional western elites. On June 10, 2014 you wrote the following:
These are a lot of ‘ifs’ (which are all false!) that still result in an absolutely unacceptable ‘then’. And I don’t care if McCain or Hillary are in office – if they even suggest such a move they will be told in unequivocal terms by the US “deep state” something along the lines of “shut up, sit down and get back to your business”. I also have met enough US force planners and officers (including one Chairman of the JCS) to make me confident that they would never allow such a crazy plan to proceed. Yes, there are a lot of crazy and arrogant US politicians, and yes, there are even some lunatics in the military, but, as I said, the folks actually in charge of nuclear deterrence are really the cream of the crop, especially those on the middle level (not top commanders, not the guy who turns the key – the operational commanders, typically with a colonel rank).
So unless we assume a case of collective and suicidal insanity all this talk about a US-Russian nuclear war is absolute baseless nonsense. Good stuff for movies, but absolute nonsense in real life.
This is no longer your assessment of the situation?
4 hours of great work – many thanks for helping me to find facts from fiction
I personally think a lot of people who are falling victim to the current western psyops are missing the revolution that’s taking place between the lines. We are seeing right before our very eyes, the western cohesion collapse. The Biden administration is being absolutely savaged domestically, it’s worse than a laughing stock in the U.S. And now internationally huge, tectonic shifts are occurring. The U.S. has been reduced to a risible beggar desperately chasing after all its own former boogeymen, begging the likes of Venezuela, Iran, Saudi Arabia, UAE for a deal. And what do you think the world will look like if Iran/Venezuela does take deal on THEIR terms and subsequently their economies are now revived to the level that the anti-imperialist “bloc” will now wield increasing power on the global/international stage.
And the fact that KSA/UAE is now reported to have balked and ignored Biden’s phone calls is very telling. On top of that, many people are missing the clues indicating massive ships. Not only did the embarrassing debacle vis a vis the U.S./Poland MiG-29 situation expose an “alliance” that is completely un-balanced and has run wildly off script, but now more and more people are starting to suspect (with very good reason and support) that the TRUE reason Germany has proclaimed it will be rearming for a vague ‘security’ purpose (never mentioning Russia specifically) is something which has been actually written about and forecasted for a long time now by MANY people. And that is: German elite and industrialists are absolutely tired of being the U.S.’s used-up, wet sockpuppets. In fact this is turning into Germany’s De Gaulle moment of ‘privilège exorbitant’, where Germany has been looking for a long time for an EXCUSE to break free of the bonds and chains forced upon it by the U.S. Germany just needed a sneaky angle, a ruse, a misdirection which Russia opportunely provided. In fact now we see that many of Germany’s supposed ‘sanctions’ are fangless and are not actually striking Russia as people thought they would. Germany has openly countermanded the calls for Ukraine to be in either NATO or EU, and we heard the words even several days into the ‘invasion’ (which passed under the media radar) that “Nordstream 2 stoppage is temporary”. And almost as an inside joke, the much vaunted German weapon supplies to Ukraine ended up being a poisoned pill as it was reported half of the delivered missiles were not functional as all of the missiles were “old stock” from decades ago that expired in the 70’s and 80’s. So in short, Germany simply did a performative, virtue-signaling donation for the sake of keeping up appearances as a humble steward of ‘European values’, but in fact just offloaded its worthless junk on Ukraine which it never had the true intention of helping.
As for the rest of the economic nuclear bomb the U.S. attempted to unleash on Russia. Will it actually accomplish much? As of today, for one, we know the Ruble has already stabilized to 120 from a swing up to 150.
By the way, Biden proudly and smugly declared in his speech yesterday that “a Ruble is now worth less than 1 American penny” . I guess someone should inform him that one Japanese Yen is also worth less than one American penny as the current exchange is about ~115 Yen to 1 Dollar. Yet Japan is hailed as one of the top current global economies. And by the way, Russian Ruble was less than $30 to 1 Dollar before the 2014 devaluation when the U.S. massively began its economic terror campaign against Russia and the Ruble skyrocketed to $80’s per dollar, where it stayed until recently. So over night the Ruble had doubled in that time period, and now it’s doing a similar thing. But how did Russian economy fare from 2014 til today? In fact it’s been going stronger than ever… so this should give you a clue as to how much it matters how the Ruble converts to the Dollar. And in fact today it matters even much less than before because Russia has dedollarized its economy and its foreign exchange reserves, Gold reserves, etc are much higher than they’ve ever been.
A bunch of sleazy western companies are leaving Russia. Big deal. Now all the mom and pop shops of an organic, culture-rich economy will return and take their place. This is a huge plus for Russia. In fact I’m part of several groups for Russian citizens on social media, and I heard all Russians laughing at this. None of them care that Pizzahut, Mcdonalds, Coca Cola etc are leaving Russia, and most of them are glad and are saying “Good riddance!” And by the way, Russia has many exciting far more natural brands that are ready to take their place:
European countries are starting to feel the bite and are already getting cold feet from their “sanctions” anyway: Porsche just stopped production of its Tesla-competitor electric car, the Taycan, citing component shortages due to Ukraine war
And while the West bleats that they will create chip shortages in Russia which will greatly affect all domestic manufacturing by sanctioning Russia’s imports of essential microchips, the problem is it turns out Russia is a leading global supplier of several precious metals (being a 90-100% supplier globally on some of them) which are critical for chip making. So Russia itself can shutdown all chip manufacturing worldwide by withholding these resources. Not to mention, the West should be careful because Taiwan’s TSMC holds the world monopoly on all semiconductor fabs and China may just decide to take Taiwan soon which means it would single handedly control the entire global supply of semiconductors.
@Nightvision – thanks for the info. Agree – Russia has yet to state what it plans to do on the economic front to hostile countries. Gonna be interesting day tomorrow as I believe that is when they’ll announce what they plan to do.
Can you believe the arrogance of the West.
They try for maximum harm to Russia but then believe they are giving concessions by allowing Russia to supply goods they cannot do without!
Looking around me, I’m seeing desperation already setting in at current, moderately heigthened fuel prices. The thing to understand about Western populations, in particularly Anglo-Saxon ones, is the degree to which they live heavily indebted from paycheck to paycheck. Outwardly they are middle class; in reality they are indentured debt-serfs with the pseudo-freedom of moving from place to place, job to job. This lifestyle is threatened already when the daily commute becomes un-affordable, but we are not even speaking of their daily meals becoming unaffordable, as yet. We may be entering an inflationary depression given how things are developing. The pseudo-middle class will have no water beneath their keels in the most basic ways. Many people survived the Great Depression in the 20’s and 30’s because they still had connections to the countryside, were able to move to farms, grow their own produce. Such options will hardly be available to the urbanized masses of today, especially in Europe. Think also of the the equally urbanized, hardly controllable underclass that has developed due to unchecked mass-immigration from the third world over the last decades. It’s hard to predict what will happen when the propaganda war hits this explosive mixture, but it will fairly soon.
“Indentured debt-serfs” – quite a colorful and accurate description of the middle class of the USA. So much of its wealth has been transferred upwards to the USA oligarchs. Think about it… Unions eliminated, credit cards introduced to make it easy to “spend today” while paying much more tomorrow, and a lifestyle predicated on the automobile – one where the “good life” is portrayed as a house in the suburbs with a 2-3 car garage, safe from urban scum while far enough out to enjoy the fresh air of country living without having to endure overall-wearing rubes, a house that is in a subdivision with access to freeways for long traffic-filled commutes to and from work. I remember in Los Angeles, my commute was a full hour and a half a day, and that was leaving well after rush hour began – and this was back in the 80s! And what was the answer to such a stressful back and forth? Well of course a new vehicle, whose price continued to skyrocket even as wages stagnated. Now with gas going sky-high, what will the great American middle class do when they go to refill their gas-guzzling SUVs and pick-up trucks and find it costs then $100 to do so, all so Ukraine could be a member of NATO? It’s really quite funny!
So it was all bark and no bite? Alright then. (part of me kinda swore that that was the case, but the other half wasn’t sure.)
And now that you say it, I can’t help but look back at all the hysteria in the Russian media and wonder if it was worth it. But I digress.
How many of us knew this at first?
I remember when in my country, Italy, we had a very diverse and capillar merchant ecosystem. Then the french multinationals ( Nestlè for one ) started arriving. Now it is an ugly version of America.
Food was more genuine at the time. There was an infinitely smaller concentration of capitals in the hands of few. Workers got payed ( now franchises go bankrupt and leave workers on the streets, then reopen under other names. Rinse and repeast. Sic! ).
So yes, getting the merchandise monopolies out of a country doesn’t mean making it poorer, but richer and stronger.
As for the chips, Russia can stop exporting neon and by by microchip fabs. As for self-sufficiency, a new industry must be booted up. It will require time, importing machinery ( precision machinery ) from China ( and if Taiwan get reunited with China, the latest fab processes can be imported ) and starting ( maybe by using western patents for free, as proposed by some russian politicians ) building the fabs.
Meanwhile SMIC will gladly accept new customers.
The west doesn’t understand that the global south is decoupling from the financial fairy tale and going into a commodities world, ruled by gold. Even Credit Suisse is seeing this coming. This means that the euro, dollar, etc… will lose a lot of their purchasing power. This will severely limit the power of the empire to wage wars and subjugate nations.
Semiconductor manufacturing (fabrication) isn’t a monopoly; dozens of companies pound sand into integrated circuits at over 500 fabrication plants / foundries worldwide, in a desperate effort to maintain the relentlessly accelerating semiconductor-density described by Moore’s Law, the Prime Directive of the Semiconductor Industry, in its neverending quest to massage more and more raw 1s and 0s into meaningful data, information, knowledge, wisdom, insight, communication, education, entertainment, infotainment, disinformation, and—most importantly—ever higher quality, quantity, variety, and depravity of sticky-clicky livestreaming online adult entertainment. Or so I’ve read.
The Big Swinging Chips of semi-fabbing (oo er) are roughly:
• TSMC – Taiwan, China, USA
• UMC – China, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore
• Global Foundaries – Germany, Singapore, USA
• SMIC – China
• Samsung – Sth Korea, USA, China
• Texas Instruments – US, Germany, China, Japan
• SK Hynix – China, Sth Korea
• Micron – US, Singapore, China, Taiwan
• Intel – US, Ireland, Israel
• Infineon – Austria, Germany, Malaysia, USA, Sth Korea, USA, Singapore, China
Neon gas, rare-earth metals, and various other semi manufacturing inputs are concentrated geographically for various reasons, most of which have more to do $ than resource scarcity i.e. (prohibitively) large capital investment required to enter the market, scale production capacity to compete vs mature / established / heavyweight semi players, and ultimately squeeze a ROI of capital decent enough to make it worth sinking into pounding sand, as opposed to, oh I dunno…house-flipping, flipping crypto, NFT, or Dank Uncle Hank’s W@nk-Van Franchise (“You want sin? Get it? Hur de hurr hurr…”)
If Vlad or Xi decided to cut off their nodes to spite their fates or got sanctionated or whatever, Aussie / Canadian rare-earth extraction would make a lot more sense…in a hell of a hurry ofc. It’d mean a price hike on gadgets, but whaddaya gonna do…boycott child slavery? Hahahahaha! Pull the other one, I get click-thru revenue (one NFT pixel per mega-giga click; I’m .0013% of the way to a full stop. My little brother was five-eighth’s of the way to an ellipsis but had to stop due to unforseeable sudden loss of the meaning in the upper extremities AKA his brain just stopped. Worked out okay in the end; he got an unpaid internship as a Reddit de-moderator.)
Good awesome Job Saker!
Many thanks for your gratitude to explain this anymore…
I agree with you, Russia already won military war! That is the most important thing! Loose on the side of informational war will be healed by reality on the ground later.
The shout of “uraaa” is gaining popularity here in my country Indonesia.
Russia is RESCUING Ukraine from foreign devils – and that should be its PR theme to UKN.
Its a rescue operation.
From the clutches of Soros and elite EU devils.
Who have driven the UKN economy into the ground since 2014.
The only problem may be partisan activities financed by the devils to prolong the situation.
But air strikes may be the answer to this once most the place is secured now that electronic systems (satellite / infrared etc) can pinpoint troublemakers and missiles are accurate.
This is also great training exercise for Russian military forces to sharpen them up.
Offering $ rewards to Ukrainians to turn in the rebels would be effective.
Andrei, you mentioned Alexander Solzhenitsyn. His spirit is still with us; “his” times never stopped and can be followed until this civil war. I was thinking about him lately a lot, have read some of his books. Reading him helps understand some of the root causes of that war.
The ethnic composition of the Ukraine was marked by different Slavic “tribes”, which were more or less geographically fixed, but one small ethnic group – the Jewish population – was geographically more mobile and was able to develop a network of kinship throughout the whole territory, mingle with other groups. The population of large cities, like Kiev, Kharkov, Odessa, Lvov, had a relatively larger percentage of Jewish people than the small towns and villages – that development happened after the Russian Revolution 1917. Interesting details of those human interactions since 1917 is described by Solzhenitsyn in his “200 years together. Die Juden in der Sovjetunion”. This work was branded as “antisemitic” – but in my view – the Autor is not singling Jews as the only ethnic tribe to put blame on, he blames Russians too, and he gives credit to Jews who behave honorably. His observation of Russophobia among Jews who left Soviet Union and Ukraine in 1960’s and later, can be, perhaps, carried over to their descendants, the younger generation of Western figures who play significant roles in Western governments, like Victoria Nuland, Col. Vindman, Wolfowitz, Chrystia Freeland, Blinken, and some more.
I thought Solzhenisyn turned 104 years old on dec 21 2021. Please correct me if am wrong.
long time reader, 1st time poster.
You are correct, the expectation that Ukranians will welcome the Russians as liberators did not materialize except in areas close to Crimea and Donbass. Everywhere else….. no dice.
The “targeted” and limited approach of this operation has been taken advantage by UkroNazi and NATO to build up their narrative of Russian ineptitude. In other words, they have taken Putin’s niceness for weakness, and successfully build up a false sense of “strength” in the minds of Ukranians.
Its time to take the gloves off…
1st. Shut off/severely degrade internet, radio, TV going in and out of Ukraine. Every story of a burnt Russian convoy, prisoners, speech by embattled Ukranian military leaders/soldiers, destroyed Russian vehicle serves to create a false-idea of “hope”. It builds a narrative of the “defender beating up the superior attacker”, David vs Goliath.
2nd. Fill the communications channels with a simple message: Ukranians are our brothers, and NATO is lying to use you as tools in the global Hegemony ambitions. Divide and Conquer all of Eurasia, and turn it into source of raw materials and prostitutes.
3rd. Instill fear and respect into the general public. Eastern Europeans are known to be brawlers. I don’t mean to level the cities like the allies did in WW2 and US did in Hanoi. No…. I mean surround and starve out population so they leave the cities. Then, treat it like retaking Aleppo, Deir Ezor, the ISIS held parts of Daraa. ***** artillery & tank fire to destroy all known, suspected, and likely enemy positions, with infantry supporting. One at a time…. so that the rest know, that Russian means business.
The final thing, is areas occupied the Russians must install pro-Russian folks to power and engage in a program to seek out Ukro Nazis and their sympathires…. like the Checka (VChK) during the Russian Revolution. This is what the Ukro-Nazis did since 2014, now a counter-purge must occur.
Only then will the reconstruction and aid programs will be successful.
my 2 cents.
This war has an large “civil war” element to it. It is not just UkroNazi + NATO mercs VS Russians.
U.S. deploys 2 patriot batteries in eastern Poland (video).
The concept that this venture into Ukraine is a policing operation, followed by Russia withdrawing, seems to be an impossibility. Like it or not, Russia now owns the Ukraine.
The only question now is how to turn the Ukraine into a demilitarised area, with as much independence as possible?
Russia will have to offer Ukraine security, and then remove any weapon ‘larger’ than an Ak47, from the Ukraine. Russia could take over critical military bases/airfields, etc, within the Ukraine, as Russian staging posts.
Russia now has control over the air space, and any weapon/convoy, entering the Ukraine from the NATO countries will be erased.
Then let the people live how they wish, until the madness of Ziocon fever passes from the land.
My two cents!
Muito bom. Parabéns!
Google translation,MOD:
Very good. Congratulations!
Russia lost the Psyops war long ago. The Zona A population has been for years subjected to the 5 minutes of hate against Russia, that tis military operation just popped the balloon and channeled that hate on something very concrete. It was inevitable.
If Russia is losing the INFOwar psy-ops so badly, why has two-thirds the world’s people stood by Russia?
Because they know the Empire of Lies rules the Internet, MSM, and suffocate all other sources.
So, they automatically reject 99% of it. The other third are loyal serfs filled with russophobia.
How much ingenuity does it take to stimulate hate from Russophobes?
Psy-ops? It’s like supply drugs to an addict. Of course, they respond. They get their fix every day from the psy-ops.
What matters is Russia winning its goals in Ukraine.
It will never break through the walls the US disinformation and propaganda machines have erected.
Facts on the ground will tell the true story. Just as it ultimately did in Syria.
The war that was lost was when the USSR fell and the US took over the mind massaging of the entire society of Ukraine. The Russians could not compete for the consciousness and consciences of their neighbors.
All the rest doesn’t matter. Lies don’t stop tanks and missiles. Lies don’t rescue civilians. Lies don’t feed the hungry and protect the frail. Moral strength wins hearts. And later, the hearts change minds.
It will be a ten-twenty year process. Counter-propaganda would never work until the nazis are dead and gone and the military is taken apart.
It matters not at all to the Operational Plans. It is noise to the signal of complete victory. It distracts, but doesn’t deter or divert.
NATO is taking a beating in the INFOspace. The US looks ridiculous and disorganized in the INFOspace. And that is not from INFOwar psy-ops by Russia. It is because Russian military is performing its mission.
Netcentric, Combined Arms Police Operation. First of its kind. Brilliant roll up of an enormous armed forces.
Because 90% of the ‘active’ audience of this “war” only exists on Twitter or primarily uses Twitter for their information and thus has plugged themselves into a massive echo chamber of selection bias, circle jerk of the same CIA cut out OSINT accounts bandying their retweets back and forth. And so the perception seems Russia is losing so badly but it’s only on Twitter and Twitter, my friends, is NOT the world.
The West is bankrupt and the rest is noise.
“Netcentric” is only a word if you don’t have a reliable network of sensors in space, in air and on the ground. So in reality, it looks like “reconnaissance by combat” is still the main tactical approach used by Russian army (/the-opinion-of-a-professional-about-the-special-operation-in-ukraine-must-read/).
The vast mobility and maneuverability of the Russian forces over enormous distances, with air dominance is clear evidence of netcentricity.
The ‘recon by combat’ tactic applies to the special forces probes of defenses of the cities and fortified positions.
How else did the Russians take down ISIS from Syrian cities?
They are doing the same in Ukraine. The Ukies didn’t fight. They shielded behind the mass of civilians.
They were deprived of command and control and all logistical resupply within 24 hours.
All that is left for them is surrender or extermination.
The Ukies are not holding off the Russian forces.
The Ukies are an armed forces of cowards and war criminals sacrificing their citizens to save their own asses.
All their officers who do not surrender or release the citizens will be tried for war crimes.
If you observe the movement of Russian forces from the south to the north, from the north to south, from the south to the west, you must understand that these are not reconnaissance by combat moves. This is netcentric movement of massive forces and their logistical tail to positions of blocking and encircling.
This remains the main Russian tactic.
I’ve tried to read every comment on various sections so if someone has posted this already, forgive me.
A Russian film director’s take on how this situation transpired. It’s heart rending.
This video was embedded here several days ago.
You are correct. It is very powerful truthtelling.
No harm to visit it and invite other newcomers to it.
Cynical utopian and Larchmonter445, I don’t know how I missed that before, but I just watched it all the way through and will never be the same after seeing it. I actually think it should be shared in every comments section until everybody but everybody has seen it. As amazing as it is riveting, as comprehensively informative as it is utterly heartbreaking! Oh how I wish I could make so many people I know watch just this one video!! Thanks for it.
The Psyop war is just beginning The more the Russians get hard evidence of Nazi atrocities they will start winning.The blatant lies Vicky Nuland told about the Biolabs that is coming apart. The Empire of lies will be seen for its ugly self more and more every day. Especially if some of the Ukies involved in the MH17 shootdown start talking. Brennan as CIA chief too much a shred bureaucrat to do with no political cover, Biden ordered the shootdown. All these sanctions violate International law also.No my friends the Psyop war is just beginning.
Abd Russia has friends in those who are Seekers of the truth.
Yep. Big personalities with MASSIVE followings are exposing Nuland and all the current U.S. crimes. People like Jimmy Dore, Russell Brand, Tucker Carlsen, Gerald Celente, and many others are shutting down the western propaganda and getting a critical mass of their own enlightened followers going. And if you tune in to any international news, many countries in particular China and India are rife with anti-U.S. counter narratives as well
What is RF gonna do when the Ukie Nazis do a biological weapons attack on Moscow? Has it been clearly articulated that Russia will respond as if it were a WMD attack directly from the USA?
A bioweapon is a WMD. Russia certainly will have an extreme response if it knows or believes the US is attacking it this way.
But unlike a nuclear attack the result of a bioattack isn’t necessarily self-evidently distinguishable from the result of a “natural” outbreak or “accidental” lab escape, so one’s perception of being attacked and retaliation don’t necessarily have to be in the form of an immediate public accusation and military counterattack. Russia will have options.
The Chinese government believes the Wuhan “Covid” outbreak was a US bioattack but has not yet considered it expedient to publicly state this or launch a countermeasure. Therefore for public consumption they’ve treated it as if it occurred naturally.
It seems Russian information operations are pretty good, precisely where they are needed:
“Everything is fine, I am safe”.
I have seen one or two small examples like this, and I hope they have been beneficial.
If you want a real laugh, take a look at some of the Ukrainian ones:
Best regards, Shyaku
No need to apologies Saker as everything written is on point and concise!
Wishing you rest and good health during these difficult times.
The commitment and regular updates are greatly appreciated.
To add to military and PR war I suggest ‘geopolitical’ war as in the realignment of the post-war order. Russia seems to be doing very well there, with the US being increasingly isolated from the majority of the world, and also cracks showing between US and main ally Europe.
Also, the PR war might change. Think judo: first it looks like they are down and out, totally out-narratived. But later once the military campaign dust settles, so might credible information about biolabs, early invasion of Donbass plans, Maidan atrocities etc. come out.
The latter depends on a far better level of presentation ability than has thus far been demonstrated. Good quality subtitles. Better production. Clearly presented arguments or documentaries and reports. The thrust should be to convincingly demonstrate the falsity of the seeming reality presented by the Empire of Lies providing those who have been convinced with a serious teaching/learning moment, a mind-blowing moment, a Red Pill moment – or rather series of moments.
It could happen. And if it does, it could be one of the most impactful events since the end of WW II. Narratives are far more important than mere economic or military victories or defeats for it is narratives that shape and determine how we see our various realities. The West is long overdue for some serious, deep, real, impactful teaching moments. They need to see how the narratives they believe in are based in deceit.
Dear Saker,
Thank you for another brilliant summary. Testament to deep thoughts and feelings, humility, humanity, integrity and some pain. Let’s alleviate the pain. Start with Rachmaninov piano concerto nr 2.
Psyops and PR are about perception management. Perceptions change like the weather. And peoples memory has shrunk thanks to iOS/Android, etc… it is shocking how the consumer masses forget in a matter of days what just happened.
The special operation is about substance – changing an environment that is sick and hazardous that poses an existential threat. The military/police action will be over soon, but the deep cleaning will take some time and require introduction of structural changes that will slowly translate to changes in mentality. This will take years of care, nurture and discipline. It took Russia 22 years to arrive where it is today after 10 years of insane destruction (moral as much as economical). Ukraine had 32 years of post soviet destruction of everything one can imagine.
The Ukrainian population acts like an abused animal, fear, no trust, best defence is offence… i like to believe that the Russian strategists were well aware of this aspect of the population psyche prior to starting the action. it took 3 days of bruising to confirm their suspicion and then adapt to the next suitable method. And it will take more than 2 weeks to gain the trust of the abused masses… in the meantime don’t expect gratitude of any kind. That will take years to come, if it ever comes.
There is a far greater challenge in multiple dimensions that the Russian government and military have been preparing to take on and finally are facing the inevitable in action. Why did the Putin et al. wait til now? because timing is everything. They carefully built the essential foundation of the country and studied their subjects/opponents very carefully to be able to take on not just 404, but the nauseatingly arrogant west.
Let’s have faith in those people that build the new reality, and just acknowledge the inevitable detractors (5th and 6th columns), keep them in their place/minimise their damage.
Ukraine is just the porch of the Russian House that needs cleaning and disinfecting after three decades. The rot is deep, and will take more than just a good scrubbing…
“denazification” is more than just a good word. It will gain a very elaborate meaning in due course.
The global changes precipitated by these events are absolutely colossal and necessary. So far Russia is on the side of promising future built on solid pragmatic foundation, not on illusions (like trading futures and such nonsense). All the bombastic economic war actions taken by the “west” are backfiring one by one (in Hungarian we say “the ice cream licked back”), creating an existential threat to the insouciant and spoiled inhabitants of EU and the anglo-saxon world. As things stand, the collapse of the liberal western “world order”(disorder rather) will be far worse than the collapse of the soviet union, and soon nobody will remember ukraine, the theatrical cast of their government etc,
These dramatic events only started a fortnight ago, which is less than the blink of an eye. The real multi-dimensional war is far from over. Porch cleaning at 404 is the lesser concern in the grand scheme of things.
Have a good rest! we need your strong spirits and clear mind.
Saker, thanks a lot for your analysis!
But I’d like to clarify 2 points here:
1. About freedom of speech in the West
Please have a look at this Larry Romanoff’s article:
So, you see it is impossible for journalists in the West to say the truth, for they are immediately killed by their Jewish Overlords.
2. About “PR war lost by Russia”
– China wholeheartedly supports Russia,
– India since 2014 sees this Ukrainian crisis as an internal Russian affair,
– Iran supports Russia.
So, all Russian allies fully support her in this conflict.
Moreover, all Muslim countries and all Arab countries, Latin America and Africa either support Russia or stay neutral.
And what countries truly oppose Russia? – Only the USA and the UK (and I’d say that European countries and Japan as occupied vassals of the Empire of Lies should be disregarded here).
I think Russia might hold the Russian areas of Ukraine, and encourage Poland to assume control of the Polish areas of Ukraine. Ukraine needs a divorce.
However ultimately this is about breaking the western cartel.
I’ve been following you pretty much daily since the Maidan in 2014.
You’ve been the gateway into this wonderful group of people who can blast a light through the western narrative and I’m so grateful.
Thank you for this analysis of how this all is likely to play out. Let’s hope that it is so.
Thank you and let’s hope that sane ukranians comes out of this stockholm syndrome with the Nazi’s. As i remember it the people of Donbass were waving their ukranian flags for a long time before they abandoned ship.