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Posts From The Saker

Unicorns Are Real

by Batiushka for the Saker blog Unicorns Are Real or It Must Be True, the Western Media Told Me So An autumn chill is descending on every European country, though in each country in different ways. Gas-dependent Germany and Italy are desperate for Russian gas. It is not just homes, but whole factories which face imminent closure in energy-intensive industries. The result of that will be mass unemployment. By ‘mass’,

The Kiev regime planned to use IAEA team as ‘human shields’ – Russia

RT reports: The Russian military has provided new details on the botched Ukrainian raid on the Zaporozhye nuclear plant Kiev forces wanted to seize the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant in a daring military raid and use the personnel of the UN nuclear watchdog as “human shields” to maintain control over the facility, the Russian Defense Ministry claimed on Thursday. The botched raid came shortly before a team of experts with

US economic decline and global instability Part 2: Rise of BRICS

by Phillyguy for The Saker Blog Summary The US emerged from WWII as the world’s preeminent military and economic power. All of the pillars supporting US power are now threatened by decades of neoliberal economic policies, spending vast sums of taxpayer money propping up financial markets, the military and attainment of economic/military parity by the Russia-China-Iran axis. In this essay, I link the continuing economic and social decline in the

A Story for Children

By Batiushka for The Saker blog Once upon a time there was a world where there were four Kingdoms. These were called the Kingdom of the North, the Kingdom of the East, the Kingdom of the South and the Kingdom of the West. Now the smallest Kingdom by far was the Kingdom of the West, which was only a tiny part of the whole. But it was by far the

Which crime syndicate murdered Darya Dugina?

by Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted The vile assassination of Darya Dugina, or terror at the gates of Moscow, is not really solved – as much as the FSB seems to have cracked the case in a little over 24 hours. It’s now established that the main perpetrator, Azov batallion asset Natalia Vovk, did not act alone but had an Ukrainian sidekick, one Bogdan Tsyganenko,

Tons of thanks, a SMO update and some beautiful week-end music!

First, my deepest gratitude to you all! I want to begin today’s report by thanking all those of you who have reached out to help me and the blog.  In spite of the hard economic times, many of you have sent donations, offered to volunteer and, last but not least, said prayers for me.  Of course, your donations will help financially, but it is your moral support which most deeply

Western Propaganda and its Aftermath

by Asia Teacher for the Saker Blog As President Zelensky attains celebrity media status, revered by western political leaders and Hollywood’s glitterati all jostling for a photo shoot, let’s not forget the propaganda behind it and the consequences now beginning to emerge. The western propaganda we’re currently experiencing is nothing new. Today’s President Putin joins yesterday’s Middle East “monsters” as current Ukrainian Nazi militias become “freedom fighters” and the Russians

Ukraine: Somewhere between Afghanization and Syrianization

by Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted Ukraine is finished as a nation – neither side will rest in this war. The only question is whether it will be an Afghan or Syrian style finale. One year after the astounding US humiliation in Kabul – and on the verge of another serious comeuppance in Donbass – there is reason to believe Moscow is wary of Washington

Russian MoD updates the losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces after the failure of their counter-offensive

source (machine translation, emphasis added) The Russian Defense Ministry said that the APU lost more than 1,200 people in an attempt to attack The Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), while trying to conduct an offensive in Mykolaiv-Krivoy Rog and other directions, suffered heavy losses, more than 1,200 soldiers were destroyed. This was reported to journalists by the Ministry of Defense of Russia. According to the ministry, Russian troops destroyed 48

Ukraine SITREP: the promised “major Ukrainian counter-attack” ends in disaster

source (machine translation) The Defense Ministry called the losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces during the failed offensive of Ukraine near Kherson Ukrainian troops attempted an offensive in the Mykolaiv and Kherson regions, as a result, the AFU units suffered heavy losses, the Russian Defense Ministry told reporters. “Today, during the day, on the direct instructions of Zelensky, Ukrainian troops attempted an offensive in the Mykolaiv and Kherson regions in

Language, objectivity, and political power

by Francis Lee for the Saker Blog Contemporary politics consists of the usual timeless formula of Machiavelli – namely: rule by force and fraud – but now with the current emphasis being on fraud, writes Francis Lee. ‘’Defenceless villages are bombarded from the air, their inhabitants driven out into the countryside, their cattle machine gunned, their huts set on fire with incendiary bullets: this is called pacification.’’ (Politics and the

And now a word from a true Saker hater (Troll “SITREP” of sorts)

The mods have to intercept a lot of plain ugly and sophomoric (or even semi-literate) comments.  The trolls go especially crazy when I post any appeals for support (I guess the thought of somebody actually helping me *really* pisses them off).  So today I decided to share with you one such comment, which is so typical in its mediocrity, that it could be in a dictionary next to “troll”.  Here

Now it is my turn to ask for your help

Dear friends, I have been putting this off for as much as I could, but the truth is that I need to make a fundraiser again.  Sorry! This is the price we all have to pay for not having ads, subscription only content, pop-ups, etc.  This blog is 100% financed by 100% volunteer donations.  As for its contents, they are all licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 4.0 International license

The Brazilian Democracy Party at TSE

by Quantum Bird for the Saker blog The gossip, moronic jokes and idiotic memes that now constitute the preferred method of communication of Brazil’s native corporate media – BTW, adopted also in good extent by the alternative one – provided the necessary camouflage to cover up the opening of yet another chapter in the book of Brazil’s hybrid re/neo/colonization war. It concerns the swearing-in ceremony of Alexandre de Moraes to

Gulliver’s Travels

by Jimmie Moglia for the Saker blog Does art imitate nature or is nature herself inherently artistic? The debate has engaged the minds and pens of many critics and philosophers. But, given that comedy is equally a form of art, when man becomes unintentionally comic, is his comicity attributable to art or nature? The question may seem irrelevant or one among the children of an idle brain, but I jumped

All the way to Odessa

by Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted Dmitry Medvedev, relishing his unplugged self, has laid down the law on the Special Military Operation (SMO). Bluntly, he affirmed there is a “one and a half” scenario: either to go all the way, or a military coup d’Etat in Ukraine followed by admitting the inevitable. No tertium applies. That’s as stark as it gets: the leadership in Moscow

Week-end short news + some good music

A few interesting short news first. Does Russia have air superiority over the Ukraine?  See a good answer here: Next, speaking of aviation, here is a machine translated Q&A with aerospace officials from Rostekh and  the United Aircraft Corporation about Russian plans to deal with the issue of civilian aviation in Russia: Question: When will we see fully import-substituted SSJ and MS-21 aircraft? Answer: The successful completion of resource
