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Posts From The Saker

Day 35 of the Russian SMO in the Ukraine – a “naysayers special”!

How many of you remember the endless stream of warnings that “Putin works for Schwab” or “Putin is in bed with Netanyahu”, he will “sell out the Donbass” and he is “bluffing” about sanctions. Then came the ultimatum.  They dismissed it. Then came the Special Military Operation (SMO).  They dismissed it. Then came the news that Russia would sell gas to hostile states only in Rubles.  They dismissed it. See,

Negotiations: a primer for Zone A residents

Okay, I am going to ask you to make a real effort and, for a while at least, drop your certitudes and what you believe is a good or a bad way to prosecute a war.  Instead, I am going to appeal to your common sense. Long before the Russian Special Military Operation (SMO) in the Ukraine started, but following the Russian ultimatum, I indicated many times that what Russia

Two questions about IT issues

Dear friends, I have a few IT questions I would like to submit to you.  Please keep in mind that I only use GNU/Linux, never Windows or iStuff.  Here are my questions: First, is there a way to quickly obtain the embed code for a video posted on Telegram? Just to clarify, I do NOT want to embed an entire channel or even a single post.  I want to be

Russian SMO in the Ukraine – Day 34

Lot’s of good stuff to share with you today.  So let’s begin First, the misunderstandings resulting from an absolutely terrible public information policy explaining the reality of what is being negotiated between the Ukraine and Russia has resulted in a massive “NIET!” from the Russian public opinion.  There is a Russian saying “нет худа без добра” which can roughly be translated as “even a bad situation can have a silver

Ramzan Kadyrov speaking about the negotiations with Ukraine

Please make sure to press the “cc” button to see the English captions! and, just in case the Ministry of Truth decides to block that video on YouTube (they did so with the original one, calling it “hate speech” which makes me conclude that Nazis are now a protected minority, but whatever), here is the BitChute version: BitChute embedding powered by

Russian Special Military Operation (SMO) – Day 33

Dear friends, First, a quick announcement – I have agreed with a Russian speaking reader to have a SITREP about the Russian Special Military Operation (SMO) every 2nd day. Here is the first one: (make sure to check it out!!!) Please drop by and give us your feedback, suggestions, criticisms, etc.! Second, there is a true panic going through the Russian society.  It is due to the talk happening

Back at the keyboard, but today I begin with a repost

Note: Far away in distant 2015 I wrote a article I entitled “The moral yardstick of the Ukrainian war (Saker rant)” and I want to repost it today.  Since 2015, things did not get better, they only got worse, especially in Zone A.  So here are my thought about that issue, at least they were in 2015.  Please let me know what you think.  I will resume my “normal” blogging

The Saker interviews Michael Hudson

Following Putin’s announcement about selling gas for Rubles only to hostile nations, I decided to reach out to Michael Hudson and ask him (my level, primitive) questions.  Here is our full email exchange: Andrei: Russia has declared that she will only sell gas to “hostile countries” for Rubles.  Which means that to non-hostile countries she will continue to sell in Dollars/Euros.  Can these hostile countries still purchase gas from Russia

Gonzalo Lira – “Why The Western Elites Are Foolish and Amoral”

As a graduate from two top US universities, the School of International Service – SIS – from the American University and the Paul Nitze School of Advanced International Studies – SAIS – from Johns Hopkins University, I can confirm that every word spoken by Gonzalo Lira are true and spot on.  Listen to the man, every word he says is 100% true! Andrei

One month into the Russian special operation in the Ukraine

The Beast woke up in pitch darkness And the price was named to God. Everybody has caved in – even our brothers in Christ, Everything has caved in – but not my country. (translated lyrics from the song “Donbass is with us”) First, the official version First, here is a machine translated summary of events following one month of combat operations as posted by Boris Rozhin (aka Col. Cassad): 1.

Quick update on the war in the Ukraine

The Ukrainians fired a Tochka-U missile at a port where three large landing ships were offloading their freight, the Tochka-U was intercepted by Russian air defenses, but its parts did enough to start a major fire on one of the ships whom the Russians decided to sink in the port to avoid a detonation of the ammo it carried.  This is the first Ukrainian strike which we can consider as

Rostislav Ishchenko on “will Poland invade the western Ukraine?”

Note: another very interesting translation from our new team of Russian translators (thank you!) Question: do you believe that Poland will send forces into the Ukraine? No, I don’t think the US is giving conflicting instructions to Kiev. The fact is that when we are negotiating with Ukraine, we are, in fact, indirectly negotiating with the United States. Because, it is clear that we are fighting not with Zelensky, but

Day 26 of “Operation Z” in the Ukraine

Dear friends, First, a small announcement:  I am working with a few friends to try to get a daily “Operation Z SITREP” posted in our SITREP section.  This would contain the latest news and the maps that so many like so much.  This is still a work in the planning stages, but I hope to get the ball rolling reasonably soon. Next, according to Chechen sources, Chechen special operations have
