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Posts From The Saker

Quick intermission & OPEN THREAD

Dear friends, Frankly, I am exhausted: I could not sleep last night at all, and one of my chronic pains in my leg has just flared up, so I need time to rest and get the meds to kick in.  So, here is what I suggest; First, I can confirm that the operational cauldron in the Donbass has locked in the Ukie forces facing the LDNR.  I have seen at

The American Empire self-destructs. But nobody thought that it would happen this fast

by Michael Hudson posted by permission Empires often follow the course of a Greek tragedy, bringing about precisely the fate that they sought to avoid. That certainly is the case with the American Empire as it dismantles itself in not-so-slow motion. The basic assumption of economic and diplomatic forecasting is that every country will act in its own self-interest. Such reasoning is of no help in today’s world. Observers across

Major military and political developments and major risks next (UPDATED!)

First, the biggest news of the day: the city of Izium fell to the Russian forces.  Here is a map with Izium (Изюм) on the top and then two sets of arrows: the red ones show how the operational cauldron in the east of the Ukraine can be locked along the Lozovaia-Pavlograd while the black one shows the same option, but much closer to the surrounded Ukronazi forces along an

Extremely important statements by Putin (MUST SEE!)

As some of you know, Putin spoke at length with a group of Russian flight attendants.  This is such an important statement that I asked one of our interpreters (thanks E.!) to subtitle the video.  I am also posting the transcript below.  In this exchange, Putin spells out in quite some details WHAT Russia is doing and WHY she is doing it. Andrei PS: please press “cc” to see the

Day 11 – Putin’s last warning before beginning of the 2nd phase of the operation

First, since Boris Rozhin did take the time to write up a summary for the day, I will begin by sharing with you a machine translation of his summary of the day: 1. Negotiations between the Russian Federation and Ukraine will be held tomorrow on the territory of Belarus. Moscow has made it clear once again today that if Kiev does not accept the conditions (without any concessions), the consequences

Day 10 of the Russian special operation in Banderastan

Dear friends It’s day 10 of the Russian special operation and in this commentary I will try to sum up some of the most critical developments.  So here we go: First, the now obligatory map of the situation as of yesterday evening: I won’t comment much because either it is self-evident to you and my commentary is not needed, or this looks like an imminent Ukrainian victory over a “miscalculating

Day 9 of the Russian special operation in the Ukraine

Good evening, friends, First let’s begin with a map of how the situation was yesterday evening: The main news missing from here is that the Russian Black Sea Fleet conducted strikes on the Ukrainian coast southwest of Odessa.  The other big news I already mentioned, the Russians safely took control of the Zaporozhie nuclear plant.  Earlier the Ukronazis wanted a no fly zone above it to prevent another Chernobyl, only

Quick update and OPEN THREAD

In this post, I will be very short. First, the Ukrainian military used a Tochka-U missile to strike at a Nazi deathsquad near Mariupol.  Read all the details here on Andrei Martyanov’s website: Second, here is a machine translated summary of the day by Boris Rozhin: 1. Kiev. Fighting in Bucha and in the Gostomel area. There are battles to the west of Kiev. Gradually, the city is being

“It saddens me that the word “honor” has been forgotten”

Since it is too early to comment upon the military events of the day, that info comes with delay, I wanted to mention a few things about the politics of it all. First, from a purely military point of view, the outcome is not in doubt.  Initially, about 120-150 thousand soldiers were facing each other along the LOC and the Russian Ukrainian border.  According to Russian military experts, the Russians

War in Ukraine: “The whole world is with us” – and, with whom is “us”, with Kiev or with Moscow?

by Yuri Podolyaka for this YT channel translated by N. for the Saker blog Hello, my dear listeners. Today is March 2 and today’s first material will not be a review of the war front situation, because in the last few hours I just have not had a chance to get a whole lot of information. There is some information, but I will cover it in the next review. Today,

Day 7 – major moves in the south, human rights report suppressed

Dear friends, Here is a quick update.  First, a (provisional) map (which is typically 6 hours late or so): I think that this map is self-explanatory, especially since the only major change is in that pink box.  What we see here is what looks to me like an envelopment of the city of Odessa and the surrounding towns.  I would also notice that the distance between the Russian forces in

Day 6, a couple of quick points

First, let’s begin with a pretty decent map of the situation today: Here is a small commentary on what we see in this map: In red the most recent Russian movements today.  The only major progress is inside the purpose square when Russian forces have penetrated deep in the rear of both Odessa and Kiev.  So I have to wonder – are they planning a strategic cauldron??? Dunno, but I

Day 6 – Mr President, is Ukraine winning the war? (not a joke!)

This question was asked by some pressitute while Biden was walking to his helicopter today: Mr President, is Ukraine winning the war? Wow, just wow.  Either she fully believes it, and then WOW or she doesn’t and then WOW again. This is a “Let’s Go Brandon” on a geostrategic level! :-) By the way, she followed up with a question about whether he worried about a nuclear war. I think
