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Posts From The Saker

After the Ukraine Is Over, Many a European Heart is Aching

By Batiushka for the Saker blog Foreword: The Cold Wait Northern Europe, as far south as northern Italy, is now in the grip of a wave of icy cold (no doubt, the result of global warming). As a result, observers are expecting the Russian winter offensive in the Ukraine to start all the sooner, though nobody knows when. This month or next? Maybe a dramatic entry from Belarus, cutting off

NATO is trying to find a pretext to attack Serbia (again)

As I have mentioned recently, the situation in NATO occupied Kosovo is quickly deteriorating (see here and here).  NATO’s humiliation in the Ukraine is pushing NATO leaders to try to prove their “martial valor” and “manhood” by, quote, “every now and again the United States has to pick up a crappy little country and throw it against a wall just to prove we are serious“ (Michael Ledeen).  And, again, the

Wars – How They Start and End?

by Marwan Salamah for the Saker blog Expressing displeasure with a counterparty is the primary method of communication between countries regarding what they view as an encroachment on their important national interests, or what they perceive as threats to their security. Subject of course, that they had previously declared and clearly communicated what they consider to be their critical national interests and their essential security framework, which were deemed fair

Fascism in the EU

by Hans Vogel for the Saker blog “Wij zijn de zwarte soldaten, want wij strijden voor vrijheid en voor recht!” (We are the black soldiers, ‘cause we fight for freedom and for justice) Thus went a marching song of the NSB, the Dutch National Socialist party (1932-1945). Of course, black referred to the color of their uniforms, not the color of their skins. In some weird way this old song,

Yet another major Ukronazi “victory” (and some week-end music)

So the Ukronazis, having defeated quite a few old statues, have now turned to defeating a DNR flag in Washington DC. No, I am not kidding, see for yourself: Powered by bitchute embed generator Ask yourself a basic question: is that the behavior of a side clearly winning a war?  And I don’t only mean the Ukrainians, I also very much mean the USA and NATO too. But then, one

The New Russia and a Prophetic Ballad

By Batiushka for the Saker blog Introduction: The Traitors Run from the Birth of the New Russia As the Saker has written, the New Russia was born on 24 February 2022, the first day of the SMO (Special Military Operation) to liberate the Ukraine of its militaristic Nazi demons. Almost at once, tens of thousands of hipster-type members of the Russian nouveau-riche upper class headed for Georgia, Kazakhstan, Finland, Serbia

The Coming Purge of the China-Hands

by  Thorsten J. Pattberg for the Saker blog Thousands of China collaborators are under surveillance. Some are on the brink of ruin, others don’t even know what’s in store for them There comes a time during or shortly after the academic training of every “Student of China” when he frequently runs into one of the many agents of Western anti-China state security. They are adverse hostile forces, they run a complete background-check on you, and

The Islamic Republic of Iran, the US-Zionists-UK unholy trinity, and Domains of Grand Illusions

by  Mansoureh Tajik for the Saker blog We were defining success. Having lavishly financed and miserably failed all options that were on, under, above, besides, and in secret compartments of the metaphorical-turned-legendary table against the Islamic Republic of Iran, the unholy trinity, US-Zionists-UK, went back, once again, to the drawing board. Hope springs eternal. This time, the trio pinned all their hopes on a mirage that gleamed and shimmered on

Are Ukrainians Russians?

Are Ukrainians Russians? Seems like a simple question, but in reality it is immensely complex.  I will try to outline a few of the issues, assumptions and implications this question involves. Well, for starters, we might want to ask “what is a Ukrainian?”  After all, no such nation or country can be found in history books.  But we should not stop here, and we also need to ask “what is

­Die Einsatzgruppen – Death Squads – Eastern Europe: 1941-44

By Francis Lee for the Saker blog During the Second World War in Europe, particularly in the East, special corps of mobile German extermination units known as “Einsatzgruppen” (literally “operational groups”) were recorded has having exterminated well over one million civilians, primarily in mass shootings in the greater Soviet Union and also included the Baltics, Romania, and Poland. Whenever Nazi Germany’s army marched East it immediately occupied and ethnically cleansed

The Yellow Vests at 4 years old: their 3 greatest historical achievements

By Ramin Mazaheri and cross-posted with PressTV On December 1, 2018, the Yellow Vests announced themselves to France, the world and the history books with their revolutionary graffiti tagging of the Arc de Triomphe. “The Yellow Vests will win” was a slogan gaped at worldwide as they would become the biggest, most organic, most devoted and most truly revolutionary threat any Western country had faced for 50 years. It was

Stop the Empire’s War on the World: From Tom Lehrer to Robert Frost

By Batiushka for the Saker blog There always have been and always will be clashes and tensions between different civilisations. In the words of an old Tom Lehrer song, National Brotherhood Week: The Protestants hate the Catholics, The Catholics hate the Protestants, The Muslims hate the Hindus, The Hindus hate the Muslims, And everybody hates the Jews. So sang a Jewish singer, some of whose ancestors, I believe, fled to
