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Breaking Articles

A few musings on the role of “useful idiots” in modern PSYOPs

I have to begin with an admission here: while hurricane Ian was a total disaster for most of Florida, hurricane Nicole came right on time to spare me from having to react to the mass idiocy surrounding the announced withdrawal of the Russian army from Kherson.  In purely military terms, this was a no brainer and if you have not yet listened to Andrei Martyanov and Brian Berletic discussing this

Rough Days Ahead, or why Zealots are Doomed

by F(unny)MAN for the Saker blog I have been so busy lately that I can keep writing sarcastic essays… I do need all my sarcasm to survive in the “environment” I am working on, doing extra hours nonstop, same as in any of the other two, or three mini-jobs I have. I am working seven days a week, 16 hours a day, in order to get as much money as

Rewiring Eurasia: Mr. Patrushev goes to Tehran

by Pepe Escobar, first published at The Cradle and posted with the author’s permission The meeting this week between two Eurasian security bosses is a further step toward dusting away the west’s oversized Asian footprint. Two guys are hanging out in a cozy room in Tehran with a tantalizing new map of the world in the background. Nothing to see here? On the contrary. These two Eurasian security giants are

Sun Tzu Walks Into a Kherson Bar…

by Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted Deal or no deal, General Winter is coming to town – ready to entertain his guest of honor Sun Tzu with so many new dishes at their dinner table. The announcement of the Kherson Retreat may have signaled one of the gloomiest days of the Russian Federation since 1991. Leaving the right bank of the Dnieper to set up

Bamboo diplomacy: the China-SE Asia romance

by Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted Beijing’s ties with countries now in ASEAN tend to bend the bamboo way: soft, clever, persistent and enduring The Association of Southeast Asian Nations is monopolizing the Asian and Global South spotlight for no fewer than 10 days, this week and the next, across a flurry of regional and international summits. First stop is Phnom Penh for the 25th

Short post Hurricane Nicole message

Dear friends This time around we were very lucky and the house we were staying at did not suffer any damage from Hurricane Nicole.  Many others in our area were not so lucky.  We are also exhausted and so I ask you for a little more patience – I will resume full time blogging this week end.  And no week-end music this time, I will resume that next week. Kind

The collective West might be losing the war with Eurasia

by Francis Lee for the Saker blog ‘’You can’t always get what you want.’’ Courtesy of the Rolling Stones This aptly sums up the Eurozone/East-Asian/US relationship: In short US hegemony. Suffice it to say that – of all people, Leon Trotsky writing in, (War – In the International 1933) – opined … ‘’That prior to WW2 the US was Europe’s debtor but now Europe was relegated to the background. The

On Deconstructing Constructs

By Batiushka for the Saker blog Introduction: Constructs An artificially-imposed union in unnatural borders is known as ‘a construct’. Constructs are artificial, as they are populated by different peoples, who speak different languages and have different cultures, and who would prefer to live in their own common nation-state because of those differences. For these reasons constructs are always imposed top-down for ‘reasons of State’ and rejected by those who are

Operation Z through the eyes of Vladimir Solovyov

by Ljubisa Malenica for the Saker blog By chance, while Moscow military operation was taking place, in author’s reading schedule it was turn for a book by the Russian philosopher Vladimir Solovyov entitled “Three Conversations on War, Progress and the End of World History“. The English translation, published in the second decade of the previous century, is entitled “War and Christianity from a Russian perspective“. “Three Conversations” is a philosophical

Last update before hurricane Nicole

Dear friends, The good news is that compared to Hurricane Ian, Hurricane Nicole will be less apocalyptic: it is, after all, already November, the waters are still very warm, and they feed hurricanes with energy, but the system is not as well organized as a typical, mid-summer, tropical cyclone.  The bad news is that waves offshore will reach 40 and possibly even 50 feet.  Those waves will not come directly

The Real Progressive interview of Michael Hudson (with transcript!)

Real Progressive webinar Sept 2022 RP Live with Michael Hudson: The Destiny of Civilization Intro [00:00:06] Luke Parcher: All right. For those who might not know me, I’m Luke Parcher, I’m a student and activist. I volunteer with Real Progressives. I’m on our leadership team and I also do a show on Sundays covering politics and current events, and I do some interviews throughout the week and things which you

Super-States in Core Eurasian Geopolitics – Utopian Proposition?

by Straight-Bat for the Saker blog Introduction A question that troubled me often involves different kinds of “state apparatus” witnessed in the history of core Eurasia – principalities, city-states, kingdoms, empires, nation-states etc. Every possible combination of a geographical region (within core Eurasia) and a particular epoch represents a specific historical manifestation of a particular type of geopolitical entity – hence, in the 18th century while Caspian Sea region hosted

Why does the Western Narrative sound so stupid and unrealistic?

by Detlef Romatzki for the Saker blog The question of why the Western Punters seem to make such ridiculous statements, and seem to be totally misinformed, has come up in numerous discussion about the Western Leaders and commentators. Let me try to present a theory in order to make some sense. In a recent article by Larry Johnson, dated 23 November, “De-Constructing Western Delusions on Ukraine and Russia”, Larry quotes

I might be unable to work on the blog for a few days :-(

Dear friends I am very sorry to report that I might be unable to work on the blog for a few days due to an approaching weather system which could be anything from a depression to a hurricane.  The meteorologist in this video explains why at this point the exact label we give Nicole (yes, it already has name) does not matter.  What matters is this: yet again, most of

Germany‘s Moral Collapse Inside China: Scholz‘s 11-hours Visit to Beijing Spells Catastrophe

By Thorsten J. Pattberg for the Saker blog This is probably the darkest piece I have written on the subject. I hope you didn’t miss Part I and Part II. Maybe get yourself a physical copy as well. So Olaf Scholz, High Chancellor of deindustrializing porkhole Germany, finished his Beijing ground trip in under 11 hours and counseled Mr. Xi Jinping hard on “the rule of law,” “free markets,” and “the rights for minorities.” IMAGE

The Trojan Horse Presidency

by Dmitri Orlov for the Saker blog The US midterm elections are nigh and, as I happen to be a good and patriotic Russian national, it behooves me to meddle in them. Election-meddling is an example of Russia’s soft power, which is much nicer than Russia’s hard power, so you should be glad that it’s still on offer. I am on record saying that “The United States is not a

Berlin goes to Beijing: the real deal

by Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted With his inimitable flair for economic analysis steeped in historical depth, Professor Michael Hudson’s latest essay, originally written for a German audience, presents a stunning parallel between the Crusades and the current “rules-based international order” imposed by the Hegemon. Professor Hudson details how the Papacy in Rome managed to lock up unipolar control over secular realms (rings a bell?)

The End of the Beginning and the Beginning of the End

By Batiushka for the Saker blog God is not in force, but in truth St Alexander Nevsky Introduction: How Much Longer? Many ask how much longer will the US war against Russia, Belarus and the Ukraine last? Some say only another two or three months, others much longer, even five years and more. For my own reasons I say another eighteen months, until 5 May 2024. Whatever you think, it
