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Breaking Articles

The Lucy Stein Gang Rides Into Moscow

by Israel Shamir for the Unz Review Can the Putin Fans League win municipal elections in New York City? Not bloody likely, you’ll murmur, and probably justifiably so. However, in the municipal elections last week, pro-American forces captured one third of the seats in Moscow. A great shock, slightly mitigated by the media silence that accompanied both the election and its results. As a rule, I do not dwell much

MADE In Russia VII September 1 – 15 2017

  by Scott Humor What does Russia produce? 1 What does Russia produce? 2 What does Russia produce? 3 Made In Russia SITREP IV Made in Russia V Made in Russia VI   Time Forward!       The transcript of the video with sources The best news of the week that you might have missed. Time of Production [0:23] In Yakutia opened a new mining and processing plant with

Is it really true that America’s richest 1% are ‘overwhelmingly Jewish’? (UPDATED: Saker post-scriptum)

by Eric Zuesse On September 8th, an article I wrote for Strategic Culture Foundation, “What America’s Aristocracy Want,” was republished at the Donbass (far-eastern formerly Ukrainian) website, “South Front”. The article blamed a lot on America’s billionaires and centi-millionaires, “the American aristocracy” (as I referred to it), who own controlling blocs of stock in America’s largest corporations, and whose political donations control the U.S. federal Government. It defined the powerful

Europe’s unsolved debt crisis will legitimize bitcoins in October

by Ramin Mazaheri There are seemingly rather few commentators who understand the “real economy” (encompassed by national growth rates and employment rates), the “fake economy” (the 1%-dominated FIRE sector: finance, insurance and real estate) and crypto currency. I have seen top commentators make the most fundamental errors regarding crypto since it began a spectacular boom in April. And then there is a fourth axe: socialism. Even fewer Western commentators understand

Letter to my American friends

Introduction by the Saker: During my recent hurricane-induced evacuation from Florida, I had the pleasure to see some good friends of mine (White Russian emigrés and American Jews who now consider themselves American and who fully buy into the official propaganda about the USA) who sincerely think of themselves as liberals, progressives and anti-imperialists. These are kind, decent and sincere people, but during our meeting they made a number of

Am I still happy about my Brexit vote?

by Jack J. First of all, what could happen that would make me regret my vote?  If the Tories recover from Brexit and go on to dominate British politics for the coming decade, somehow managing to win the next election and thwart Scottish Independence, then I would have to turn over my Brexit vote to Captain Hindsight. I predict they won’t and I predicted they wouldn’t if Brexit happened.  I

Kadyrov in Chechnya vs. Soros in Myanmar

by Scott Humor Everyone else got it wrong, and that’s why you should only read and our partners. Let’s start with a hypothetical scenario. A supra-national intergovernmental criminal organization called the Deep State runs a militarized intelligence agency called the CIA. They make money the way street thugs do. Only instead of ambushing individuals, they attack, ambush, rape, pillage and loot entire countries.  Their ambush operations against any doomed

While we watched the fake American civil war

On September 1st, the scary Antifa groups and the Black Blocs that burned American flags, toppled monuments, screamed and beat other crisis actors with long sticks, all had vanished without a trace. Went back to school, most likely. They did good. They gave the left a bad name and a black eye. I spoke to an old pal of mine, who is the head of some local republican organization, and

Saker news update: all is well, I hope to be home in a couple of days (but please still don’t email me!)

Dear friends, God is merciful indeed!  Not only did Hurricane Irma not take the worst possible track (not even close), but she also lost a lot of power right at the ideal moment and then she took a very bad track (for her).  In my part of Florida the impact from an already weakened hurricane was, frankly, minimal.  My sons just returned home and found it unscathed and even our

Putin prevented a war: Why Donbass needs the UN peacekeepers

by Ruslan Hubiev (RoSsi BaRBeRa) exclusively for Regrum translated by Scott Humor   In resolving a conflict in the East of Ukraine there has been a fundamental turn — the President of Russia Vladimir Putin unexpectedly initiated a resolution for the UN Security Council on the deployment of a peacekeeping mission along the demarcation line in the Donbass. What’s behind this far-reaching suggestion? What geopolitical objectives does Moscow plan to

Saker announcement: I am safe (but please do not email me!)

Dear friends, After a gruelling 16 hours on the road, I have safely arrived in southern Virginia.  I am safe and comfy, just with a slow Internet connection.  Thanks for your concern and good wishes.  I will stay put up here at least until Tuesday and, depending on the conditions, it might take me 2 days go get back down to Florida.  So being back to work on the blog

BRICS is Eurangloland’s canary in the imperial mines

By Jeff J. Brown Above, the official logo of the big BRICS summit, held in Xiamen, China, September 3-5, 2017. It was reported that there were dead canaries all over the place, covered in coal dust. No official explanation has been provided, but Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Chinese homologue, Xi Jinping were reported to be smiling from start to finish.   BRICS is Eurangloland’s canary in the imperial

Putin and Moon Jae-in on Russia, the Republic of Korea and the DPRK relations

Press statements following talks with President of the Republic of Korea Moon Jae-in Vladimir Putin and Moon Jae-in made statements for the press following their talks. September 6, 2017 Vladivostok   President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, We have just completed our meeting with President of the Republic of Korea Moon Jae-in. We had a meaningful and constructive conversation, and discussed in detail the state and future of bilateral relations, as well as urgent regional and international issues. The Republic of Korea is one of Russia’s key partners in the Asia-Pacific Region.

Saker message: I have to evacuate, signing off for a while

Dear friends, Hurricane Irma looks very, very powerful and the resulting hysteria in Florida is outright toxic (there are fistfights at gas stations). A friend offered to host us in Virgina and we have decided to accept that invitation.  So we are going to hit the road at 0500 tomorrow.  I will try my best to remain in contact and maybe even post a little something once I get to

The real BRICS bombshell: Putin reveals ‘fair multipolar world’ concept in which oil contracts could bypass the US dollar and be traded with oil, yuan and gold

By Pepe Escobar for the Asia Times The annual BRICS summit in Xiamen – where President Xi Jinping was once mayor – could not intervene in a more incandescent geopolitical context. Once again, it’s essential to keep in mind that the current core of BRICS is “RC”; the Russia-China strategic partnership. So in the Korean peninsula chessboard, RC context – with both nations sharing borders with the DPRK – is

Saker announcement: very uncertain week ahead

Dear friends, The glorious US corporate media did it again.  Even though Hurricane Irma is still a week away from any possible landfall in the USA, the media leeches did what they always did: the created a panic.  As a result, things are slowly but surely going crazy in Florida.  The problem with my much beloved Florida Peninsula is just that, a peninsula with basically only 3 evacuation highways to

Bin Laden Remembered: the Rise of the Jihadi Spring

by Ghassan Kadi Political analysis is often based on speculations in an attempt to explain the news; past, present and future. Future analyses are not meant to be predictive per se, but sometimes indicative of a worst case scenario, certain plausible and even far-fetched agendas. Likewise, digging into the past does not provide answers, but it rather enables us to look at the past with different binoculars. The “killing” of Bin
