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Breaking Articles

Trump and the New Iran Gambit

by Peter Koenig Did Trump cheat us all with his campaign promises and his succinct ‘to the point’ Inaugural Address? Or did he just deceive some of us, some of the time, and the rest will be taken care of by a more or less sophisticated trickery? – A gambit, one of which is Iran? After all, we know how he has been elected. Among the ruses used was a

Sandwiching NATO in Ukraine, by Scott Humor

When I started my master’s program in an American university, I also took work as a web developer, and programming was making me very hungry. My tuition paid for a meal plan and the use of a buffet-style dining hall, but as the only Russian there, I was the subject of extreme scrutiny by the student body of “food police,” resulting in my inability to take a second helping of

A possible shift in the Russian position on Novorussia

Something interesting is happening in Russia.  The recent murder of Givi is attracting A LOT of attention from the main media outlets, much more than any of the other murders of Novorussian commanders.  Furthermore, a majority of the key people invited to express their opinion generally seem to agree on a number of conclusions: Poroshenko is pretty much gone and finished. The Ukronazis have all but officially declared Minsk-2 dead.

French elite chose their new pawn, Emmanuel Macron, former Director of Banque Rothschild

by Cosimo The Short Version: In a shocker on Jan. 25, the French elite moved to destroy the right-wing candidate, François Fillon with a scandal that may be fake. The elite is clearing the way for their new pawn, Emmanuel Macron, a former Director of Banque Rothschild. Macron’s misdeeds are revealed here. The dissidents shine an unwanted light on the Macron-Rothschild connection and in return, the elite seemed to have

New facts and rumors emerge after Givi’s assassination, by Scott Humor

On February 9th, the Donetsk republic authorities announced that the regime in Kiev was behind the assassination of Mikhail Sergeyevich Tolstykh, nom de guerre Givi. They also claim that  they know who were individuals, involved in this crime.   Igor Mosiychuk, a Rada deputy representing the “Radical party,” an ultra-radical nationalist known for his alleged involvement in intimidation of the fellow members of the parliament, kidnapping and other criminal activities.

Lieutenant colonel Mikhail Sergeyevich Tolstykh, aka “Givi” has been murdered

This is one of those times when I sincerely wish I had been proven wrong and that those who criticized me for raising the alarm following the murder of Motorola had been proven right.  Instead, one of my worst fears has now materialized: Lieutenant colonel Mikhail Sergeyevich Tolstykh, aka “Givi” has been murdered. That’s what you get for not asking the hard questions and for stupidly denying that there is

Difficult Times for Globalists SITREP by Scott Humor

The German ambassador to Ukraine spoke to a Russia-based privately owned news source. He brought up the idea that in order to implement the Minsk Agreement  “local elections in Donbas could take place with Russian troops on the ground.” Thanks to the Kulak for the link. In his interview, the German ambassador is talking about a “new map” which means changing the way the agreement is implemented.  He says that

US vs Iran – a war of apples vs oranges

This article was written for the Unz Review: One of the most frustrating tasks is to try to debunk the Hollywood myths imprinted on the mind of Americans about warfare in general and about special forces and technology in particular. When last week I wrote my column about the first SNAFUs of the Trump Presidency I pretty much expected that some of the points I made would fall on

Germany SITREP February 6th, by C.

In a sick twist, now that the Trump-bashing Steinmeier has been promoted from foreign minister to head of state, his former position goes to Sigmar Gabriel. Who has insulted Trump even more gravely (as reported in my last sitrep). Gabriel is a pathetic loser. Under his leadership the SPD has become a shadow of its former self. (In 1990 the SPD had close to a million members, today not even

High risk of imminent large scale military operations in the Donbass

Most of you must by now have heard various reports about the rapidly deteriorating situation in the Ukraine.  Many, however, might have dismissed them because, let’s be honest here, we have had so many false warnings about an imminent Ukronazi attack that we got used to them.  In fact, there have been numerous previous incidents, but this time around I see enough indicators and warnings to warrant another warning.  Here

France’s election in total chaos for the mainstream

by Ramin Mazaheri Is this the end of France’s mainstream political parties? The day of reckoning certainly should be near. When 77% of France believes parliamentarians, are corrupt then you have a fundamental problem with your system. If you don’t trust you’re the highest rung of the legislative branch, then that house needs to be purged. It seems it’s going to happen this election cycle for the executive branch, at

The Cyprus Problem

by Kakaouskia Part 1 – A Beginners Guide Greetings to the Saker community and readers. In the past few months there has been a flurry of international activity in an effort to resolve the Cyprus problem. While to most people the problem is either unknown or a passing note, it does pose a bit of a headache for the southern flank of NATO as it is a constant point of

How the Kiev regime’s war on Donbass broke geopolitics by Scott Humor

The liberal think tank Stratfor has stated what we already knew: “Kiev could have incited the violence to draw attention to the conflict and rally international support for continued sanctions on Moscow.“ And that’s where the Kiev regime finds no understanding among the European national businesses. On the supra-national level everything is business-as-usual: In January in Ukraine, senators McCain and Graham visited front line troops and spent the night with them

Game-changers ahead on the (long) Maritime Silk Road

by Pepe Escobar for the Asia Times From the Bab al-Mandab to the strait of Malacca, from the strait of Hormuz to the strait of Lombok, all the way to the key logistical hub of Diego Garcia 2,500 miles southeast of Hormuz, the question pops up: How will the unpredictable new normal in Washington – which is not exactly China-friendly – affect the wider Indian Ocean? At play are way

The Ukronazis used a ballistic missile to strike at the center of Donetsk

Reports are coming in of what appears to be a ballistic missile strike which hit the city center of Donetsk.  Until now, only the western and northern suburbs of Donetsk had been affected by a massive barrage of artillery strikes (thousands of shells) fired by the Ukronazi forces.  Multiple rocket launchers were also used.  This time, however, the type of missile used as a tactical ballistic missile of the Tochka-U

French Islamophobia data: Punching the garbage man’s wife

by Ramin Mazaheri There wasn’t an official award handed out, but the Islamophobic statement of 2016 in France has to go to the politician who said that Muslim women who wear the hejab are like the “American niggers who were in favor of slavery”. LOL, she did even not say “blacks”, she said “niggers” – “nègres”, in French. You simply cannot use that word in polite society. I know because


This article was written for the Unz Review: It is a rare privilege to be able to criticize a politician for actually fulfilling his campaign promises but Donald Trump is a unique President and this week he offered us exactly this opportunity with not one, but three different SNAFUs to report. First, there was the botched raid against an alleged al-Qaeda compound in Yakla, Yemen. First, let me commit
