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Breaking Articles

World SITREP October 23rd, 2016, by Baaz

Russia This Ain’t Grandpa’s Soviet Jeep: New UAZ Patriot Competes With Luxury SUVs The Russian anti-terrorist operation in Syria is about to get more ‘patriotic’. On Friday, the Defense Ministry confirmed that it has deployed a group of UAZ Patriot pickups equipped with Kord 12.7 mm heavy machine guns and AGS-17 grenade launchers to the war-torn country. The vehicles are likely to be assigned to protect humanitarian convoys. Russia: Four-year-old

The recent article about “Cat Motja on Motorola and Ukraine in simple human language”

Dear friends, My bad.  I screwed up.  The recent article by Scott “Cat Motja on Motorola and Ukraine in simple human language” should not have been published, at least not in its current form. I removed it along with the (predictably) divisive comments section. The responsibility is entirely mine and I apologize to everybody. The Saker

The USA are about to face the worst crisis of their history and how Putin’s example might inspire Trump

This article was written for the Unz Review: Watching the last Presidential debate was a rather depressing experience.  I thought that Trump did pretty well, but that really is not the point here.  The point is this: no matter who wins, an acute crisis is inevitable. Option one: Hillary wins.  That’s Obama on steroids, only worse.  Remember that Obama himself was Dubya, only worse.  Of course, Dubya was just

Questions about “Babushka security” and tons of answers, all of them wrong

I just watched a video for a neighbor of Motorola who explains that Motorola had no real protection, that it was easy to enter his building, that it was easy to enter into the elevator shaft and place a bomb there.  As for using a remotely controlled device, it was easy to build even for amateurs.  Bottom line: even poorly trained amateurs could have killed Motorola. Okay, the first time

Yemen – an introduction to the forgotten conflict you so rarely hear about [A Who’s who with maps included]

By Aram Mirzaei For 18 months now, Yemen has been embroiled in a devastating conflict that has killed at least 10 000 people according to official sources, that number is however probably far higher. The Yemeni conflict is characterized by the asymmetric ways it’s being fought on the battlefield and by the massive amount of suffering for the civilian population in the impoverished country. Background The current Yemeni conflict can be

‘Assume greater security role’ in the Donbass, calls for Russia to investigate Motorola’s murder

by Alexander Mercouris for The Duran The Saker has written an article on the subject of the recent murder in the Donetsk People’s Republic of the militia leader Motorola.  In it he calls for the Russian authorities to take over the investigation of Motorola’s murder and to take steps to ensure security in the Donbass. Normally I avoid expressing views on these sort of issues, but on this occasion I

Thesis: The current leadership of the Russian state assessed upon principles of Dharma

by Student Introduction I have considered writing on the topic of President Putin and an analysis of his conduct and stature according to the principles of Dharma, loosely analogous to ‘right conduct’ in English. However, in my contemplation I came to realise that whilst President Putin the man is a very charismatic figure, he is representative of a greater, overall leadership structure as exists today in the Russian Federation. As

Very high risk of false flag operation in Kiev!

The Leader of the DNR, Alexander Zakharchenko, was interviewed yesterday on the most watched talk-show on Russian TV, “Evening with Vladimir Soloviev” and when asked by the host whether the local accomplices who had made such a murder possible had been identified, he only replied “the investigation is still ongoing”.  This short exchanges illustrates a couple of interesting things: First, even though there are some who don’t want questions to

Why Hillary Clinton is a bigger concern for China than Donald Trump

by Pepe Escobar for The South China Morning Post So you think Donald Trump is the biggest threat to world peace? And Barack Obama engineered America’s “pivot to Asia”? It was actually Hillary Clinton, emphasising the necessity of a “strategic turn” for the United States, who launched the pivot to Asia in an October 2011 article titled “America’s Pacific Century”. The tone was martial: “Our military is by far the

The Murder of Motorola – questions which must be answered

Small caveat first: I will be honest here, I am extremely uncomfortable with this topic and I greatly hesitated before addressing it here.  As I have said it many many times before, there is a US-manipulated crowd of what I call “hurray patriots” which will use anything and everything to blame it all on Putin (just like their US controllers do, of course).  So when Putin (or Russia) does something

Hmmmm.. what about I offer you a good deal: a real podcast behind a *pretend* paywall?

Dear friends, How shall I put it…  hmmm… maybe its the hurricane and my forced ‘vacation’, or maybe all the repeated outages of our server (we still have not found the root cause of them, out IT officers are still trying to find it), or it’s all the crazy events taking place in our world gone insane, or maybe you are setting aside for the now very possible WWIII –

President of Russia answered questions from Russian journalists following the BRICS Summit in Goa

The President of Russia answered questions from Russian journalists following the BRICS Summit in Goa President Vladimir Putin answered questions from Russian journalists     Question: Much is being said in the Western media about BRICS going through a rough patch. Since Brazil got a new president, the country has been allegedly thinking whether it needs BRICS. There is little secret about the tension that exists between India and China. In fact, the US has been increasingly proactive regarding

The World SITREP October 16, 2016 by BAAZ

Quote of the week from our author “No loyal American worth his salt would ever question the basic goodness of dropping bombs on foreigners. Any foreigners (the darker the better), any time, any kind of bombs (the bigger the better), no valid reason required. ” Jeff J. Brown Miracle of the week Russian bombers perform flight to stratosphere Russian Eastern Military District Sukhoi Su-34 pilot crews have performed flights to the

President Bashar Al-Assad’s interview given to Russia’s “Komsomolskaya Pravda”

President Bashar Al-Assad’s interview given to Russia’s “Komsomolskaya Pravda” US playing Syria terrorism card as part of perpetual struggle for global dominance – Assad     12 October President of the Syrian Arab Republic Bashar al-Assad gave an interview to reporter of “Komsomolskaya Pravda” Daria Aslamova. We offer the full version of the interview Question 1: Thank you very much, Mr. President. It’s a big happiness for me, and I’m

Vladimir Putin’s interview with the French TV channel TF1 (transcript)

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: How did you end up here? This is a just a small provincial town. These days, you find French people wherever you go in Russia, in every village. This is very good and we are pleased to see it. Question (retranslated): Mr President, could you explain why you are not going to Paris? Vladimir Putin: It’s very simple. We had planned to hold an official opening ceremony for the newly built Russian religious and cultural centre in Paris. From

By way of deception thou shalt lose your Empire

This article was written for the Unz Review: “For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light” Holy Gospel according to Saint Luke (8:17) “There’s an old saying in Tennessee — I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you

The Spiegel interviews Sergey Karaganov, Putin’s foreign policy advisor

SPIEGEL: Sergey Alexandrovich, NATO is boosting its presence in Eastern Europe in reaction to recent Russian advances. Western politicians have warned that the two sides could stumble into a situation that might result in war. Are such warnings excessive? Karaganov: I was already speaking of a prewar situation eight years ago. SPIEGEL: When the war in Georgia broke out. Karaganov: Even then, trust between the great powers was trending toward

Hillary Clinton’s axis of evil

by Pepe Escobar for Sputnik International Let’s cut to the chase; Hillary Clinton is ready to go to war against Russia in Syria – with inbuilt, potentially terrifying, thermonuclear consequences. Anticipating an outcome of the US presidential election as a remix of the 1972 Nixon landslide, Hillary has also coined, George “Dubya” Bush-style, a remixed axis of evil: Russia, Iran and “the Assad regime”. That’s not even counting China, which,
