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Breaking Articles

Why Hillary Clinton Will Appoint Old World Nationalists to Cabinet Positions and the Quasi-Legal Coup-Hillary Clinton Information Operations In Election 2016

by GH Eliason Whether you are for Hillary Clinton or against her, the problem with Hillary Clinton isn’t her lack of experience. Almost the entire political establishment is behind her. Throughout all the bumps and scandal in this whole election cycle, Republicans and former presidents are coming out of the woodwork supporting her. According to the LA Times she may well be one of the most experienced candidates in US history, while even accounting

The Ancient Spiritual Roots Of Russophobia

This article was written for the Unz Review: Introduction The term “russophobia” (the hatred and/or fear of things Russian) has become rather popular in the recent years, courtesy of the anti-Russian hysteria of the AngloZionist Empire, but this is hardly a new concept. In his seminal book “Russie-Occident – une guerre de mille ans: La russophobie de Charlemagne à la Crise Ukrainienne” (“The West vs Russia – a thousand

World SITREP November 4th, 2016 by Baaz

Russia and its Allies China Joins Russia in Syria Shaping New Anti Terrorist Alliance   Serbia: Russian and Belarusian Airborne units arrive for ‘Slavic Brotherhood’ drills   Vladimir Putin’s Videoconference With Expedition In Antarctica Nov 4, 2016 President Vladimir Putin spoke via video linkup with members of the Leaders Club expedition currently in Antarctica. Kremlin, Moscow, Russia, November 3, 2016. Click on CC button for English subtitles.     [Scott]

What does it take to bring Hillary Clinton to justice?

by Pepe Escobar for RT Virtually the whole planet holds its collective breath at the prospect of Hillary Clinton possibly becoming the next President of the United States (POTUS). How’s that humanly possible, as the (daily) Bonfire of The Scandals – relentlessly fed by WikiLeaks revelations and now converging FBI investigations – can now be seen from interstellar space? It’s possible because Hillary Clinton, slouching through a paroxysm of manufactured

President al-Assad: United States and its Western allies are to blame for failure of latest ceasefire

President al-Assad: United States and its Western allies are to blame for failure of latest ceasefire November 3rd, 2016 Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad asserted that the United States and its Western allies are to blame for the failure of latest ceasefire, because terrorism and terrorists are for them a card they want to play on the Syrian arena. In an interview given to the Serbian newspaper Politika, President

The Russian media just loves the campaign to demonize Putin

Last May I wrote an article entitled Counter-propaganda, Russian style in which I explained that far from banning or censoring the western anti-Putin/anti-Russia campaign, the Russia media reported about it in meticulous detail.  Half a year later, not only is this still true, but the level of coverage has now sharply increased.  Check out this screenshot from the latest (and most watched) weekly news show: Remember that roughly 80% plus

Report on the use of chemical weapons by the “moderate terrorists” in Syria

Administration of democratic self government of Rojava (Syria). Violations of militant groups, connected with Free Syrian Army, which coordinates its operations with terrorist groups of Jabhad al Nusra and Ahrar al Sham in Aleppo. Source: Translation: Vox Populi Evo The Аgreement for сease-fire, which came into operation in 27.02.2016 in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution of 2268, devoted to the termination of hostilities in Syria, and which had

Clinton and Trump: The Known And The Unknown

by Ghassan Kadi My American friend Roger is a staunch Democrat supporter. He is in his seventies and has always voted Democrat. Him and I have had countless discussions over the many years that we have known each other. His paternal roots are Arabic and he sees himself to be on the “left” side of politics, anti-Israel lobby, anti-Empire, but of late, him and I have not been able to

American dream, revisited

by Pepe Escobar for the Strategic Culture Foundation Will Trump pull a Brexit times ten? What would it take, beyond WikiLeaks, to bring the Clinton (cash) machine down? Will Hillary win and then declare WWIII against her Russia/Iran/Syria “axis of evil”? Will the Middle East totally explode? Will the pivot to Asia totally implode? Will China be ruling the world by 2025? Amidst so many frenetic fragments of geopolitical reality

The Emerging Multipolar World with Saker: Russia, Syria & Recommendations for a Trump Presidency

Dear friends, Here is the latest installment of my quarterly conversations with Catherine Austin Fitts.  This time the topic was Russia, Syria & Recommendations for a Trump Presidency.  I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did. Here is the main page of the interview: You can listen to the interview here: sr20160929_InterviewHQ.mp3 (auto-download) You can get the transcript in PDF format here: I highly recommend

Putin and Xi in Western propaganda – why does XJP get off so lightly?

Moscow-Beijing Express, on The Saker By Jeff J. Brown, Crosslinked at: Podcast is available on SoundCloud: Better watch out, Vlad. When Western propaganda throws an “-ism” at you, the gloves have come off. Think Marxism, Leninism, Maoism, communism, socialism, extremism and “Islamic” terrorism, for starters. After all, behind the Great Western Firewall, they are all the same thing, right? A recent cover and main article in the

New Features: Up/Down Voting has been Removed

Saker has decided that up/down voting will be removed. The ‘read more’ will be retained. Thank you all for your feed back. Saker has asked me to place this in the ‘blog, announcements’ for enhanced visability. My apologizes if you have already reviewed this information. I also have added the current reactions to the changes. Please provide your reactions … if changes are not wanted they will be removed. The

Trump and the Power of Money

by Peter Koenig Imagine, Donald Trump would accede to the US Presidency, an unlikely event with the presstitute media relentlessly slamming, slashing and demonizing him, not unlike they do with President Putin – while cheering no-end for the warmonger Killary, no matter what atrocities she has on her hands and body, no matter that blood is dripping out of her mouth every time she opens it – like Iraq, Libya,

President Putin Meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club

Vladimir Putin took part in the final session of the Valdai International Discussion Club’s 13th annual meeting, which this year took the theme The Future in Progress: Shaping the World of Tomorrow. Over the three-day event, 130 experts and political analysts from 35 countries examined current issues concerning development of international relations, internal political organisation, the economy, demography, and technology. The participants looked, in particular, at ways to mitigate the consequences of radical changes on the global political map and the crisis in democratic systems and their work, and discussed development roads for Russia-EU relations and what the global system

Russia calls the War Party’s bluff

by Pepe Escobar for Sputnik International Cold War 2.0 has reached unprecedented hysterical levels. From the Clinton (cash) machine – supported by a neocon/neoliberalcon think tank/media complex – to the British establishment and its corporate media mouthpieces, the Anglo-American, self-appointed “leaders of the free world” are racking up demonization of Russia and “Putinism” to pure incandescence. And yet a hot war is not about to break out – before

Latest Saker Podcast # 12 (Q&A with readers) is out!

Dear friends, As promised recently, I am happy to announce the posting of my 12th podcast today.  You can pick one of two formats to listen to it: YouTube or Archive.  Here they are You can also grab it on this page: Please let me know what you think and how I did and, most importantly, if you like that Q&A format (I personally do). Hugs and kind regards

«America Has Lost» in the Philippines

by Pepe Escobar for Strategic Culture «Your honors, in this venue I announce my separation from the United States… both in military and economics also». Thus Philippines President Rodrigo «The Punisher» Duterte unleashed a geopolitical earthquake encompassing Eurasia and reverberating all across the Pacific Ocean. And talk about choosing his venue with aplomb; right in the heart of the Rising Dragon, no less. Capping his state visit to Beijing, Duterte

Making sense of the Russian naval task force off the coast of Syria

This article was written for the Unz Review: The AngloZionst Empire’s propaganda machine, otherwise known as the corporate media, has had great difficulties deciding what it should say about the Russian naval task force which has been sent to Syria.   The Americans have decided to express their usual contempt for anything Russian and describe this force as centered on the “geriatric” aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov, while the Brits chose

“Vatnik” – to the Ukrainians. Why would we liberate YOU?

Note: “vatnik” is a derogatory term used in today’s Ukraine to describe people in Donbass and other South-Eastern regions as well as anybody supportive of the ‘Russian World”. The word ‘vatnik” means an overcoat padded with cotton (“vata”) habitually worn by agriculture and construction workers in early and mid Soviet times. It is quite warm but hardly fashionable. The reference is to the supposedly primitive nature of the people that
