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Breaking Articles

The Daily Daesh D-Day Dilemma

by Ghassan Kadi In the closing article of “The Daesh Chronicles”; The Prognosis, I raised the alarm about the high likelihood of Daesh attacks increasing in frequency and domain of activity. I even warned that they may become daily events that the West will one day have to contemplate. In hindsight, I did not expect the escalation of those attacks to reach this threshold so soon, because daily attacks are

James Clapper Director of National Intelligence: “US Intel is at war with Russia 7/24 365”

This is the full text of the panel at the Aspen Security Conference 2016 in which the Director Clapper admitted that the US Intel community is at war with Russia: MR. SCIUTTO: So, let’s turn that around, if Putin sees himself as fighting this sort of low level war, in your job do you look at yourself as at war to some degree with Russia? MR. CLAPPER: Well, that’s the

Full Spectrum Dominatrix vs. Off Spectrum Narcissus

by Pepe Escobar for Sputnik News History can be a damned good screenwriter – currently presenting an excruciatingly agonizing, do-or-die choice (“Love trumps hate” vs. “Lock her up!”) not only to US voters but also to the whole planet, which will be affected, directly and indirectly, by this choice. On one side we have a populist over-the-top billionaire pop Narcissus, a.k.a. “cheeto-faced ferret-wearing shitgibbon” (thank you, Scotland) and reality TV

Russia SITREP July 31, 2016 Updated by Scott

Russia In response to the US and Israel shooting down Russian jet and recently shooting down the helicopter, Russia’s long range bombers bombed the US and UK training camps for ISIS terrorists on the border with Jordan.  Prior, these camps weren’t targeted by Russia per agreement with the US. Interesting to note that the first time Russia bombed the training camps on June 16th, after that Germany and the US

Something symbolic, but very important is happening in the China-Russia partnership

Moscow-Beijing Express By Jeff J. Brown Cross-linked with China Rising: Podcast: Starting today, this map takes on a whole new geopolitical meaning. (Image by Up till now, both Russian and China have eschewed the concept of an “alliance”. Why? Because of all the historical Western empire baggage that goes with it, including sometimes secret, frequently broken treaties, treachery, double dealing, back stabbing and all the other perfidy

False flags fluttering in the Empire’s hot air

This article was written for the Unz Review: When I think of the recent developments in the USA (Dallas shooting, Orlando shooting) and Europe (Nice, murdered priest, Germany shooting) I get this unpleasant feeling that something is not quite right. For one thing, the perpetrators are absolutely ridiculous: pseudo-Muslims who turn out to be drinking homosexuals, ex-patients of mental institutions – the kind of people I call “overnight Muslims”:

UK Politics 2016: Everything to Play For

by Jack J. War and austerity serve the interests of the British establishment, and are contrary to the vast majority of the UK population. If we define ‘war’ as the bombing and invading of other countries plus the threat of annihilation through nuclear arms and ‘austerity’ as the roll-back of the welfare state we can divide the political forces of the UK into establishment and anti-establishment. Establishment Forces Tory Party

“Gulen-Gate” Islamic Terrorists Descending on the Democratic National Convention

by GH Eliason Why are known terrorists at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia? Doesn’t the Secret Service vet people that are in the same building as the President of the United States anymore? What the hell is going on? Invited as a guest to the 2016 Democratic National Convention is none other than Kadri Veseli, the Speaker of the Kosovo Assembly. Veseli is a former Kosovar Albanian leader of

Israel Faces a Civil War in near future, by Scott Humor

The owners of the tiny eBay store that sell my eBooks are being inundated with mysterious phone calls on the phone number that has been dedicated to the eBay store. It’s easily available per customers’ requests. Previously, over the years, they have received just one call on this phone number.  This week phone calls are coming from the phone numbers presumably originating in the vicinity of a general geographic location

The Real Secret of the South China Sea

by Pepe Escobar for Sputnik News The South China Sea is and will continue to be the ultimate geopolitical flashpoint of the young 21st century – way ahead of the Middle East or Russia’s western borderlands. No less than the future of Asia – as well as the East-West balance of power – is at stake. To understand the Big Picture, we need to go back to 1890 when Alfred Mahan, then

The Central Issue in the U.S. Presidential Campaign

by Eric Zuesse The central issue in the U.S. Presidential campaign can’t even be discussed in U.S. newsmedia, because America’s media have been almost uniformly complicit all along in hiding from the American public the crucial factual information that’s necessary in order for the public to vote in an intelligent and truthfully informed way about it. No news medium wants to report its own having been complicit in anything; so,

‘Let them eat precaution ?’ A recipe for social darwinism, corporate malfeasance, global terrorism …

by Paul Matthews, poet & writer «1 Nobel peace prize, 8 economists, 24 physicists, 33 chemists, 41 doctors» – and a partridge in a pear tree … The Right Honourable Theresa May learns her lines as “Israel’s true friend”… Her Majesty’s Government has never been a fan of the Precautionary Principle. Ever since the 23 December 1913 Federal Reserve Act and the ensuing two world wars, the magnates of the

Major developments in Syria and Turkey

This article has been written for the Unz Review: This week has been marked by two major events: the USA and Russia agreed to a common plan for military coordination in Syria and the failed coup in Turkey has been followed by a massive purge of the Turkish elites. Syria: The Russians had really no option but to accept to work with the USA in Syria. They way in

Reaction of Elena Isinbaeva, two-time Olympic gold medalist, a three-time World Champion and current world record holder

Reaction of Elena Isinbaeva, two-time Olympic gold medalist (2004 and 2008), a three-time World Champion (2005, 2007 and 2013), the current world record holder.  She has never been implicated in any doping scandal. Translation: All which an athlete had to do what to jump high enough, pass the test and compete.  Thank you for the funeral of track and field athletics.  This is motivated solely by political expediency.  All the

Wishful thinking (Saker rant)

Caveat one: Wishful thinking is considered bad, pollyannish, naïve, deluded, etc. Fine. I will plead “guilty” to all of these and boldly proceeded to express some terminal wishful thinking. I will do that because I do believe that it is sometimes important to set aside such otherwise precious things as realism and the so-called “real world” and to unabashedly proclaim that the world we live in is not the world

Emigre Super Bloc: The Failed Turkish Coup – An Exploded View

by GH Eliason Is Fethullah Gulen the feeble, kindly imam that mainstream media is making him out to be? Hardly. What this article will show is that Gulen is instead a career ultra-nationalist bent on carving up the Middle East and Asia. Gulen is on a mission to destroy Russia and China by cutting out territory that contains Turkic peoples from both nations. Important to understand is Gulen is at

Guy Mettan: Jewish russophobia has never existed and still does not exist today

Note by the Saker: Guy Mettan has kindly accepted my invitation to reply to some of the critical comments I made in my review of his excellent book ““The West vs Russia – a thousand year long war: russophobia from Charlemagne to the Ukrainian Crisis”.  While I obviously disagree with this conclusions, as he does with mine, and while I welcome and even encourage an open and frank debate on
