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Breaking Articles

Russia SITREP Questions and Answers August 16th, by Scott Humor

Just a few recent events here to show how the situation is gradually turning to the favorable for Russia and the Eastern democracies way. This year Russia is getting a record crop of grains, especially wheat. The price of Russian wheat went up considerably. Russian Wheat Prices Climb for Second Week on French Crop Woes Wheat is one of the main items of export of Russia, and  it’s comparable with

Unifying India: ‘Vande Mataram’

by “Avarachan Thomas” (pseudonym). August 15th is the Republic of India’s Independence Day. To celebrate the occasion, India’s national song and national anthem are performed throughout the country.  In particular, the story behind the national song, “Vande Mataram,” reveals India’s approach towards multiculturalism and national unity. “Vande Mataram” literally means, “I bow to thee, Mother.”  The poem from which the song is derived consists of six stanzas, some of which

Russian military options in Syria and the Ukraine (UPDATED)

This article was written for the Unz Review: The past two weeks have been rich in military developments directly affecting Russia: Syria: 1) Russia has announced that she will transform the Khmeimim airfield into a full-fledged military base with a permanently deployed task force. 2) Russia will deploy her heavy aircraft-carrying missile cruiser (often referred to in the West as an “aircraft carrier”) Admiral Kuznetsov to the eastern Mediterranean

Request for help from the Saker: are you good at drawing, especially maps? (UPDATED!)

Dear friends, I hope that somebody from our community could draw the following map for me: Take a (non-copyrighted) map of the world and show how far a line 1000km away from the Russian border would reach? A simple map of Russia with the Russian border clearly indicated and then a second “border” 1000km away from the real border would be perfect. I would like to have a picture to

It’s a cookbook!

by JiminNH Saker’s recent article entitled “The counter-terrorist corrida opposing the West and Islam addressed the so-called “clash of civilizations” between Islam and “the West,” and efforts of ideologues like Zbigniew Brzezinski to help make it so. Whenever I see mention of Brzezinski’s “The Grand Chessboard” or Samuel P. Huntington’s book “Clash of Civilizations”, it reminds me of watching an interesting episode of the Twilight Zone many years ago, titled

The Ukrainian Defense Ministry’s main intelligence directorate terror plot foiled in Crimea August 2016 SITREP, by Scott

The Ukrainian Defense Ministry’s main intelligence directorate terror plot foiled in Crimea August 2016 SITREP I will keep updating this post over the next couple of days. I have a large amount of information mostly in Russian, that’s why it takes me long time to translate. Please, keep checking back for updates. How it’s all started A shootout took place on Crimean border early on Saturday August 7th The shooting


STATEMENT BY THE FOREIGN MINISTRY OF RUSSIA August 11, 2016 Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) has disrupted a plot to carry out terrorist attacks in the Republic of Crimea. The attacks, planned by the Ukrainian Defence Ministry’s Chief Intelligence Directorate, targeted critical infrastructure and facilities in Crimea. Russia’s intelligence services take the view that these planned acts of sabotage and terrorism were intended to destabilise the socio-political situation in the

Paul Craig Roberts and Michael Hudson: “Russian government is reconsidering the neoliberal policy”

by Paul Craig Roberts and Michael Hudson According to various reports, the Russian government is reconsidering the neoliberal policy that has served Russia so badly since the collapse of the Soviet Union.  If Russia had adopted an intelligent economic policy, its economy would be far ahead of where it stands today.  It would have avoided most of the capital flight to the West by relying on self-finance. Washington took advantage

Are the Olympics dead yet? Unraveling the doping scandal

By Marcel Woland Followers of mass media in the West may be forgiven for not noticing that the Olympic movement has been severely damaged by the recent weaponization of the Olympics. What the average Western viewer was expected to take away from the much-reported ‘Russian doping scandal’ was that Russia is indeed a lawless, sinister entity and that the Fu Manchu-like Putin has his finger in every pie. Many believed

What’s Happened to America’s Turkish-based nukes?

Note  by the Saker: the following was sent to me by a person I know but who decided to write under an alias.  When I asked my contact how sure he was of his info, he replied: “Well the source in xxxxxxx does have connections (ex-military intelligence) and it is also surely logical that they would. I can do no better than that.”  This means that the source is unknown

Putin, Erdogan hold joint press conference in St. Petersburg (FULL VIDEO)

Putin, Erdogan hold joint press conference in St. Petersburg (FULL VIDEO)   Streamed live Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, are holding a joint news conference in St. Petersburg following their meeting. Items for discussion on the agenda were expected to include economic projects and the settlement of the Syrian crisis. Erdogan is on his first foreign visit since the attempted military coup in Turkey.

A hardcore Russian nationalist shares his opinion about Islam (very interesting!)

Let me begin by saying that I am not a big supporter of Konstantin Dushenov.  Without going into a long detailed discussion about this, let’s just say that I don’t consider myself a nationalist.  However, I will readily admit that Dushenov makes some excellent points and that I do agree with a lot of what he says.  This time, I decided to post his short commentary about Islam to show

A nuclear Rio, attempted murder of Plotnitsky, armed attack on Russian border guards in Crimea SITREP August 8th, Updated by Scott

An attack on Russia’s border control in Crimea leaves one Russian serviceman dead and several wounded. An attempt to assassin the President’s of the Lugansk Republic,  Igor Plotnitsky, injures him and his bodyguards. A “nuclear option” for the Rio Olympic games In Russia, there is a very strong understanding that Russian Olympic team was banned from the Olympic games as a part of  elaborated plot to organize a massive terror

The counter-terrorist corrida opposing the West and Islam

In many of my past articles I have tried to show that the terrorists which have committed the recent atrocities in the USA, Europe and elsewhere were not really motivated by Islamic values at all and that the rulers of the AngloZionist Empire are trying to create a “clash of civilizations” narrative in which the western world and the Islamic world are on a collision course. They way they do

World SITREP August 4th, 2016 by Baaz

Main trends for the week. Russia and Eurasia are consolidating their sphere of influence in the inner Eurasian heartland and its “rimland.” The West keeps falling apart. Russia Putin abolishes the Crimean District The Russian president has changed the status of Crimea, turning it into an ordinary Russian province. Does this threaten the peninsula? Russia and Iran negotiate starting construction of Bushehr NPP second stage   Ukraine Kiev authorities refuse

Say hello to Southeast Asia’s New Silk Roads

by Pepe Escobar for RT It’s not only China vs. the US in the South China Sea. Few in the West realize that two completely different, intersecting stories are developing in maritime and mainland Southeast Asia. The Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague denied China’s historic rights to waters in the South China Sea within its nine-dash line; it also ruled that the Spratly Islands are not islands, but

The Syrian conflict: An Iranian perspective on the Russian involvement and a potential Turkish cooperation

Foreword by the Saker: the latest article by Aram Mirzaei is truly a rare gem as it outlines an Iranian view on the conflict in Syria and on the Russian involvement in it.  As I, and others, have mentioned several times, Russia and Iran are de-facto allies in this war, but unlike AngloZionist “coalitions”, that does not mean that one is subordinated to the other and that there is only
