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Breaking Articles

The Turkish Coup: For Russia From Turkey With Enough Love To Last Until The Great War

by Imran N. Hosein Turkish President Erdogan is, of course, quite correct that there was US (and hence NATO) involvement in the attempted coup against his government. He is also quite correct in his accusations against the Turkish Sufi Shaikh, Fathullah Gulen, accusing him of involvement in the coup. It would have been more honest of Erdogan, however, if he had also disclosed that he knew that the coup was

Emigre Super Bloc – Clinton’s Jihadis | Will the Super Delegates Vote YES to More Terrorism?

by GH Eliason By the end of this section, you will understand Islamic terrorism better than most analysts. Where it came from, where it’s going,who’s driving it there will be to a large degree answered. The background detail makes this poignantly clear. Can we trust American politicians that already know these things, like the idea of them, and throughout the primary cast their superdelegate vote to make sure terrorism becomes

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant: A genocidal campaign- Part 3: The Wahhabi mission spreads globally

by Aram Mirzaei In the previous articles, we explored the origins of the sectarian ideology in the early days of Islam, the Khawarij. We also examined surge of the Wahhabi mission, a similar Takfiri ideology that originated in the 18th century, one that continues to live until this day through the support of different imperial powers, the British Empire and the US. In this final part, we will examine the

Hell Hath No Fury Like a Teflon Sultan (Pepe Escpbar on Turkey coup)

by Pepe Escobar for Sputnik News When Turkish President/aspiring Sultan Recep Tayyip Erdogan landed at Istanbul’s Ataturk airport early Saturday morning, he declared the attempted coup against his government a failure, and a “gift from God.” God apparently uses Face Time. It was via that iconic iPhone footage from an undisclosed location shown live on CNN Turk by a bewildered female anchor that Erdogan managed to call his legion of followers to hit the streets, unleash People

The New Middle East: Exit America Enter Russia

by Ghassan Kadi Is the genie finally out of the bottle? A myriad of seemingly unrelated events and loose ends are converging in a manner that points in the direction of a huge win for Russian diplomacy in the Middle East, and we only need to connect the dots to see this scenario unfolding. What dots, one might ask? Henry Kissinger made it law for America to protect Israel. In

Failed coup in Turkey – a few initial thoughts

When I first heard that a coup was in progress in Turkey my first thought was that it was the USA’s way to punish Erdogan for his sudden apology to Russia.  Yes, sure, I realized that there were many other possible explanations, but that was the one I was hoping for.  I even  told my family that if this was a US-backed coup and if Erdogan or his supporters said

Military Coup in Turkey SITREP Updated, by Scott

Pro-NATO military coup failed after a few hours. The rebels immediately closed the straits of Dardanelles for all ships to stop Russian ships traveling to and from Syria. The coup organizers wanted closer relations with NATO and Washington. Turks want closer relations with Russia, and no Washington. Turks want to survive and eat, and to stay warm in coming winter. They need Russia’s market and Russia’s gas for these. Everyone

The USA springs a trap Russia will have walk into

This article was written for the Unz Review: Tis the season to be leaking, at least in Washington DC were the latest WaPo obtained “leak” is suggestint that the US is offering Russia a plan to ‘coordinate’ their strikes on Daesh and al-Nusra and to set up joint implementation group (JIG) to “enable expanded coordination between the United States and the Russian Federation beyond the established safety of flight

Brexit SITREP: Looking down from Northern England

by Jack J. Back in 2015 we were all moving to Scotland. Ed Milliband had just suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of polish-faced Cameron. After years of austerity actually driving the deficit up, the British people voted for more of the same; the combined vote of blue, yellow and purple tories topped 50%, so even proportional representation would not have fundamentally changed the outcome. Sorry, did I say

Guy Mettan’s book on russophobia is a “must read” for any person interested in Russia

Review of the book “Russie-Occident – une guerre de mille ans: La russophobie de Charlemagne à la Crise Ukrainienne” (“The West vs Russia – a thousand year long war: russophobia from Charlemange to the Ukrainian Crisis”) by Guy Mettan, Editions des Syrtes, Genève, Suisse, 2015 ( Initially, I planed to write a ‘regular’ review of this book, but by the time I finished reading it I realize that nothing short

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant: A genocidal campaign – part 2: The rise of Wahhabism and the formation of a bastion of terror.

by Aram Mirzaei In the previous article, we examined the history of the concept of Takfir, Muslims who engage in excommunication of other Muslims. We also examined the history of the first great split within Islam. In this part we will examine the second surge of Takfir, one that originated in the Arabian Peninsula during the 18th century. Before we examine this surge closer, a short introduction to Islamic jurisprudence,

Between a rock and a hard (South China) place

by Pepe Escobar for RT The Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague, backed by the UN, essentially ruled that there is no legal basis for China to claim historic rights to vast sections of the South China Sea included in the ‘nine-dash line’. Here it is, in full legalese: “China’s claims to historic rights, or other sovereign rights or jurisdiction, with respect to the maritime areas of the South

Serbia’s March into NATO Servitude

by Stephen Karganovic President, Srebrenica Historical Project Serbia’s pathetic defense minister, Zoran Djordjevic, was seen dutifully in attendance in Warsaw last Thursday where he rubbed shoulders with NATO notables and associated freaks (e.g. the guest of honor, Ukrainian killer-lady, Nadiya Savchenko). Apparently delighted that its minister was treated to such generous photo-ops in Warsaw, Serbia’s defense ministry triumphantly averred that NATO’s invitation to Djordjevic to attend the gathering was proof

The “XXVIth NATO Party Conference” in Warsaw (a commentary)

So the much advertised NATO summit in Warsaw finally took place.  It was a total success, at least if the criterion is that the outcome matched the expectations: Poroshenko and Nadezhda Savchenko were invited and treated like a respected guest Russia was condemned for her “aggressions” in Georgia, Crimea and the Ukraine The Poles plastered Warsaw with posters saying “ACHTUNG RUϟϟIA” The Balts each got one NATO battalion to deter

UK SITREP: The Brexit Farce and the Headless Chicken-Coup

by Jack J. The British establishment have suffered two serious setbacks in rapid succession: The Tories have lost both of their leading figures, caused economic turmoil and empowered secessionist forces in Scotland, whilst the genuinely anti-establishment Leader of the opposition has been massively strengthened through a botched coup attempt. During the 2015 General Election Cameron promised a referendum ‘on Europe’ to the British electorate, and won a slim majority through

Catherine Austin Fitts interviews the Saker for the Solari Report: The Emerging Multipolar World with Saker – Russia, Ukraine & the Risks of War

Dear friends, Here is the latest installment of my quarterly conversations with Catherine Austin Fitts.  This time the topic was Russia, Ukraine & the Risks of War.  I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did. Here is the main page of the interview: You can listen to the interview here: You can get the transcript in PDF format here: I highly recommend that you

Major Syria developments soon?

This article was written for the Unz Review: A number of events have happened recently which point to the possibility that something might be brewing in the Syrian conflict. First and foremost, there was Erdogan’s apology to Russia which was really much more than just an apology. The Turks have really extended a hand to Russia and their offer officially includes not only a return of Russian tourists or

Aircraft carrier “Admiral Kuznetsov”: the present and the future

by Leonid Nersisyan Source: Translated by: Seva Russian heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser “Admiral Kuznetsov” will be deployed this fall to the Mediterranean, near the shores of Syria. According to an informed military source, its aircraft will attack the positions of ISIS and other militant groups in Syria from October 2016 to January 2017. Interestingly, rumors that “Admiral Kuznetsov” would be sent to her first task circulated earlier, but they were

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant: A genocidal campaign – part 1: The origins of sectarianism in Islam

by Aram Mirzaei A plague upon the world, a terrorist group who hates humanity. Many are the words describing the Daesh phenomenon which has been unleashed upon humanity. The terrorist group who allegedly originated out of Iraq as a result of the US- led invasion in 2003 has now become a worldwide known phenomenon which few people have never heard of. Their atrocities are reported daily, and mainstream media have
