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Breaking Articles

Putin’s Team is United: Talk of a Purge is Wrong

by Alexander Mercouris for the Duran As the Russian government weathers a period of unpopularity caused by the recession, there is talk that Putin is about to purge his cabinet, but this is almost certainly wrong. An article has recently appeared in The Huffington Post which discusses rumours of an imminent purge of liberals from Russia’s government. According to this view Russia’s President Putin is coming under increasing pressure from

Putin’s poisoned gift to the Ukraine (first impressions – not an “analysis”)

As most commentators had predicted, Putin has agreed to exchange Nadezhda Savchenko for 2 Russians citizens accused by the Junta of being terrorists.  To be honest, I am deeply disgusted by the fact that this rabid Nazi was allowed to walk free.  Of course, I understand that IF the two Russians captured by the Ukies were really any kind of intelligence officers, Putin just had to obtain their release.  I

Examining American Exceptionalism

By Stephen J. Bergstrom On the surface, American exceptionalism appears to represent a boldly-stated concept but when contrasted to the subtleties of personal experience, the lessons and flow of history and individual geographically-rooted place, horribly small-minded and delusional, conceivable only as a statement by a crazed, power-hungry overlord to an underling. Synchronized beautifully in 2004 by a senior aide to Bush Jr. to Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Ron Suskind writing

Kiev Junta’s victims sue Ukraine for hundreds of millions in ECHR, by Scott

Ukraine SITREP May 25, 2016   Since the beginning of the week the biggest news has been information released by Vladimir Markin, Head of Media Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation He stated that over 2000 legal complaints have been filed in ECHR court against the Ukraine regime. “According to information available to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, since the beginning of the punitive operation

Beware what you wish for: Russia is ready for war

by Pepe Escobar for RT So foreign ministers from the 28 NATO member-nations met in Brussels for a two-day summit, while mighty military power Montenegro was inducted as a new member. Global Robocop NATO predictably discussed Afghanistan (a war NATO ignominiously lost); Iraq (a war the Pentagon ignominiously lost); Libya (a nation NATO turned into a failed state devastated by militia hell); Syria (a nation NATO, via Turkey, would love

Video analysis by Ruslan Ostashko (

This is the first time that I am posting an analysis in the form of a video.  Actually, two separate videos glued together and subtitled thanks to Eugenia (to whom I extended a heartfelt thank you!!).  The person in this video is Ruslan Ostashko, the very sharp and articulate editor in chief of the website and its YouTube channel. I have been subscribed to the Polit Russia YouTube channel

Failed NATO Invasion of Moldova SITREP, by Scott

NATO’s invasion of Moldova foiled thanks to coordinated actions of many nations’ patriots It’s hard to overestimate the value of planning in advance, especially when it comes to getting reservations in popular restaurants and invading countries by military force. In the week of the May 9th Victory Day two significant failures took place  each one remarkable in its own way. Each event went completely unreported by the Western corporate and

Ukrainian Army losses in ATO (“anti-terrorist operation”) according to the IISS’s Military Balance

by Colonel Cassad Source: Translated by Seva One of the readers sent a comparative analysis of UA losses in the war in Donbass based on the data of the Military Balance for 2013 and 2016, with the emphasis on the lists of official personnel of the UA (Ukrainian Army) units. The most authoritative in the world military analytical agency International Institute for Strategic Studies issued a report Military

The Turkish “Hitler”?

by Uncle Vania translated by Vox Populi Evo On May 22nd, Turkey will have a new Prime Minister instead of the current leader of the Cabinet of Ministers — Ahmet Davutoglu. On May 5, 2016 he was forced to resign his post as a head of the ruling Justice and Development Party under pressure from Recep Tayyip Erdogan. As a result, he steps down as Turkish Prime Minister. About the

World SITREP May 20th, 2016 by Baaz

Russia How a Weak Ruble, Sanctions Help Russian Economy Grow Russian, ASEAN Energy Companies May Trade in National Currencies instead of US dollars Russia, Serbia Sign Military Cooperation Plan for 2016 Why is Mongolian neutrality significant for Russian security Russia and India agree on contract to develop FGFA Indian start-ups help Russian businessman become billionaire Is revolution in Russia by émigrés abroad possible? 27 April 2016 YEKATERINA SINELSCHIKOVA, RIR Parliamentary

Like with MH17 in Ukraine EgyptAir Flight MS804 crash is prequential to the US war on Egypt, by Scott

The US State Secretary John Kerry traveled on Wednesday May 18th to the presidential palace in Egypt.  In news “The US secretary of state has held talks with the Egyptian president in Cario on the country’s political situation and peace proposals for the region, including the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” Translating from the political doublespeak into English: The US and Israel tried to push Egypt to drop its support for the upcoming

Western Evangelism Encroaching On Syrian Orthodoxy

by Ghassan Kadi When you close the door in the face of an evil like Daesh, another will find a way in through the window, and if you close the window, it will find a way through the keyhole. Such is the nature of insidious evil. Western evangelists are now pushing to get a foothold in Syria. They cloak themselves with disguises of support and friendship and use words that

Debunking popular clichés about modern warfare

“What would a war between Russia and the USA look like?” This must be the question which I am most frequently asked.  This is also the question to which I hear the most outlandish and ill-informed responses to.  I have addressed this question in the past and those interested in this topic can consult the following articles: Remembering the important lessons of the Cold War Making sense of Obama’s billion

Is China a House of Cards?

by Pepe Escobar for Sputnik Let’s start by examining what the Dragon himself – President Xi Jinping – has to say about China being largely derided in influential Beltway circles as a House of Cards. Xi has forcefully dismissed the notion that a House of Cards power struggle has been raging at the rarified heights of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Yet at the same time he’s adamant; “conspirators”, “careerists”, “cabals” and “cliques” are

Germany SITREP researcher C. talks to Scott May 18th, 2016

Scott:  I had today a Q&A session with a talented young patriot of Germany. The following is its summary: Before I answer the questions, please read my post “Waiting for Yalta-2”   Q:  Do you know the guy being interviewed here? Or the program he is on? Assuming the subtitles are accurate, this is stuff that is hardly ever talked about in Germany. With very few exceptions, Germans are blind

The Ukraine between Fascism, Ochlocracy and Breakup

This article was written for the Unz Review: There is less talk about the rump-Ukraine in the news these days, especially in the western corporate media, and there is a good reason for that: that short-lived Urkonazi “Banderastan” is falling apart. This is hardly surprising since the entire concept was never viable in the first place. Let’s remember how it all began. It is crucial to remember that there

Historical speech of Brazilian President Dilma Roussef (with English Subtitles)

An IMMENSE “thank you!!” to D. for translating and subtitling this for us and to VV for helping me with this issue.  The Saker (press ‘cc’ for English captions) Transcript: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, journalists. Good morning, here’s Congressmen, Ministers, Good morning everyone here. I will make a statement to the press, so it’s not an interview, it is a statement. I wanted first to tell you, and say

Dilma out: Brazilian plutocracy sets 54mn votes on fire

by Pepe Escobar for Russia Today Never in modern political history has it been so easy to “abolish the people” and simply erase 54 million votes cast in a free and fair presidential election. Forget about hanging chads, as in Florida 2000. This is a day that will live in infamy all across the Global South – when what was one of its most dynamic democracies veered into a plutocratic

World SITREP May 13th, 2016 by Baaz

NATO acts like a country  1.US trying to gain upper hand against Russia: Analyst 2. Takfiri terrorists, US plot against resistance: Nasrallah 3.  Senior Hezbollah commander killed in attack in Syria 4.  Romania: US activates missile shield system at Deveselu air base A part of the NATO missile shield was brought online during a ceremony at the Deveselu air base on Thursday. Speaking at the event, NATO Secretary General Jens
