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Breaking Articles

Nine theses about the war we are engaged in

by: Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Seva Source: On April 27-28, the Russian Defense Ministry held an international conference on security. I participate in a panel discussing “color revolutions”. The time allotted to speakers (5 min) and discussion participants (1 min) was too short to present the entire concept of color revolutions in modern politics and their impact on general and military security of the affected state. Therefore, I will

Big Brother reprimands his unruly subjects: Obama lectures the UK population on how to vote in the Brexit referendum

by Leon Tressell As a British citizen I was both bemused and outraged at President Obama’s recent lecture telling us how to vote in the upcoming referendum on EU membership. It reminded me of a medieval feudal lord going to visit his one of his dominions and telling off his subjects and giving them a clear warning of what was expected of them. Since World War Two Britain has had

Sit back, relax, and enjoy the oil thriller

by Pepe Escobar for RT The famous Hollywood adage – ‘nobody knows anything’ – seems to perfectly apply to the current turbulence in the oil market. So in an effort to clarify where the global oil economy is heading to, let’s engage in a Battle of the Oil Analysts. Relying on these Oil Analysts (OA) does not necessarily mean you will be handed straightforward answers, but perhaps with some luck

A Journey to Moscow

by Auslander We both do not like to travel and since the rampant corruption in the orc dog show circuit drove us out of the shows after Sophia earned her championship five years ago we rarely go far from our little ‘village’ on the north side of the harbor. However, we had no choice but to journey to Moscow Region early in April. With orcland closed to the peninsula there

Saker blog on break for Holy Paskha!

Dear friends, I will be honest – I need a break.  And since Orthodox Christians will be celebrating Holy Paskha this coming Sunday, I have decided to “more or less close down” the blog for a few days.  Meaning that if I have some time, I might post something (especially if something big happens).  But other than that, please consider us all on break. I am not sure when I

The Daesh Chronicles: The Prognosis

by Ghassan Kadi The world has got to realize that the ideology that underpins Daesh is coming to a head. It had been latent for a long time, and now it has fully awakened and will not put its case to rest before one of two things happen; either that it will get its way, or it will be crushed, both militarily and, most importantly, ideologically. And if the world

Color Revolution Technology Isn’t Just Black And White

by Andrew Korybko Color Revolutions have brought destabilization and destruction to a growing number of victimized states ever since the US unleashed the first modern one against Serbia in 2000. It might come off as antithetical for any multipolar supporter to claim that constructive and applicable lessons can be learned by studying this technology, but as taboo and ‘politically incorrect’ as it may be to say that, the present global

World SITREP April 22, 2016 by Baaz

Russian Combat Engineers Completely Demine Historical Part of Palmyra Video of Palmira report to President Putin 5,000 Militants Entered Aleppo, Idlib from Turkey Huge battle underway for ISIS turf in eastern Syria – Map update 100 Years of Syrian Beauty   Israel wants to replace Turkey in trade with Russia We Can’t Save the Economy Unless We Fix Our Debt Addiction by MICHAEL HUDSON Serbia: You must choose the Russian

Technology SITREP: Russian pilots in Syria employed a unique anti-tank bomb

Source: April 19, 2016 Translated by Eugenia During the fighting in Aleppo, the Russian pilots tested a self-navigating aerial bomb capable of destroying any modern armored vehicle. Designed by Russian military engineers, modernized action elements SPBE-D for the aerial bomb RBK-500 are capable of selecting a target and destroying it with one hit. “Syria became a polygon for testing the Russian weapon systems. From the beginning of the Syrian

Meeting with President of the World Jewish Congress Ronald Lauder

Note by the Saker: interesting exchange below between Putin and the President of the World Jewish Congress which shows that at least in Russia there is no “Jewish problem” or no “anti-Semitism” issue.  The very same Putin who broke the rule of the (mostly Jewish) oligarchs in Russia and the very same Putin who openly restored the historical truth about the overwhelming percentage of Jews amongst the first Bolshevik rulers

Is Putin preparing a governmental purge?

This article was written for the Unz Review: As he does once a year, last week President Putin spend over three and a half hours answering 80 questions out of the 3+ million questions which were received. The show, which was aired live on Channel One, Rossiya-1 and Rossiya-24 TV channels, and the Mayak, Vesti FM and Radio Rossii was an unprecedented success which was watched and commented upon

Playing “the Circassian card” again

by Bozhidar Trpkovich A.Kabard, a representative of New York Adyghe society, Circassian activist, supported by information resources (“Echo of Caucasus”, etc.), financed by Western funds, announced in September 2015 the setting up of a new transnational structure – “Circassian polity,” with headquarters in London. As was stated, the new structure would focus on the unification of Circassians of various countries and acknowledgement of their ethnic identity on the international arena.

Interview with Andrew Korybko

An American studying in Moscow? That is a fascinating profile that sounds almost unreal. Can you tell us a bit about your background and how you came to study in a country that most Serbs greatly respect and admire, while most of your Serbian peers dream of studying in America? Hi, and thank you for this very privileged opportunity to address your readers, I’m very honored that they’re interested in

Hybrid war hyenas tearing Brazil apart – Pepe Escobar

by Pepe Escobar for RT The gloomy and repulsive night when the female president of the 7th largest economy in the world was the prey of choice fed to a lynch mob of hyenas in a drab, provincial Circus Maximus will forever live in infamy. By 367 votes for and 137 against, the impeachment/coup/regime change-light drive against Dilma Rousseff cleared the Brazilian Congressional circus and will now go to the

The Time Is Now

The Strategic Culture Foundation, a Moscow-based geopolicy think thank, sponsored a conference in Belgrade, Serbia, on 17 April 2016 entitled “What has ‘democracy’ imported from the West brough to the Former Yugoslavia since 1990?” Among nearly twenty distinguished participants was Andrew Korybko, Sputnik talk show host and frequent commentator on world affairs on RT and other analytical outlets. The conference was opened by Aleksandar Pavich, director of SCF Serbia office,

Turkey: War is good for business

by Kakaouskia Greetings to the Saker community and readers. In one of Start Trek DS9 episodes, a Ferengi (the ultra-exploiters of the galaxy for the uninitiated) made the following comment: War is good for business; however the closer you are to the frontlines the less your profit. It appears that this mantra is followed by Turkey, especially when considering the Syrian refugees. In 2013 Syria was estimated to have a

Technology SITREP: the Iskander-M Operational-Tactical Missile System

I have often said that when the East Europeans agreed to deploy the US “it is against Iran but really it is against Russia” anti-missile system all they did was paint a big bullseye on themselves.  This is not quite so, in reality they painted not one, but two big bullseyes on themselves.  The first one are the Russian Spetsnaz forces, but that is not the one I want to

Putin creates a Russian National Guard

This article was written for the Unz Review: The recent announcement by President Putin of the creation of a Russian National Guard has triggered a flurry of wild speculations about the reasons behind this important move. Some experts saw that as a way to prepare a bloody crackdown against an insurrection, others have speculated that Putin needed a new force to deal with protests and riots, while others have

The Daesh Chronicles: the Antithesis

by Ghassan Kadi I will again reiterate, in this very first sentence, that Islam is a religion of wisdom and peace. But this same approach did not stop critics in the past from throwing accusations that I was insulting Islam and the Holy Quran, and I am certain that similar accusations will be made now. In reality however, those who are insulting Islam the most are the Muslims who commit
