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Breaking Articles

The China-Russia alliance is in full bloom – if you know where to look

Moscow-Beijing Express The China-Russia alliance is in full bloom – if you know where to look By: Jeff J. Brown Any questions about Russia’s and China’s long term cooperation were put to rest, after conducting research on what these two Anti-West colossuses are doing, on a daily basis. (Image by This week, I did a web search on the popular internet engines, Google and Bing. I did this,

The Daesh Chronicles: The Definition Challenge

by Ghassan Kadi Islam, real Islam, is a religion of piety, wisdom and peace, and Muslims, real Muslims are not terrorists. Even though all terrorists that have been caught involved in terrorism are “Muslims”, this does not give a blanket description of all Muslims as beings terrorists. Those who “use” terrorism to spew hatred towards Islam and indiscriminately against all Muslims have their own agenda. These are the true Islamophobes.

An Appeal from the Srebrenica Historical Project

Note by the Saker:  I would compare the importance of the events in Srebrenica only to 9/11 in terms of the immense consequences resulting from them and in terms of the determined efforts made by the Empire to conceal the reality of what took place in 1995 and 2001.  The big difference is that while many people do care about the truth about 9/11, most people think that Srebrenica is

Yet another version of Mozgovoi’s murder.

by Colonel Cassad (Boris Pozhin) Source: Translated by Seva Journalist Roman Skomorokhov proposed yet another version of the murder of Alexey Mozgovoi. It sometimes happens that the story is over, and it makes no sense to return to it. One cannot revive the dead, whereas issues of honor and memory in some places do not matter, to put it mildly. But as far as this story goes, I could

Why Islamic State carried out Paris and Brussels attacks?

by Nauman Sadiq As we know that France under Nicolas Sarkozy had played a lead role in fomenting the insurgency against the Gaddafi regime in Libya in 2011 and after him Francois Hollande too had been on the forefront of supporting the Sunni militants in Syria against the Alawite-Shi’a Assad regime. That arrangement of an informal pact between the Western powers and the Sunni jihadists of the Middle East against

Brazil, like Russia, under attack by Hybrid War

by Pepe Escobar for RT Color revolutions would never be enough; Exceptionalistan is always on the lookout for major strategic upgrades capable of ensuring perpetual Empire of Chaos hegemony. The ideological matrix and the modus operandi of color revolutions by now are a matter of public domain. Not so much the concept of Unconventional War (UW). UW was spelled out by the 2010 Special Forces Unconventional Warfare manual. Here’s the

The Commander of the Russian military grouping in Syria gives his first interview

Syria – Russian Thunder The Commander of the Russian military grouping in Syria gives first interview to “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”. Source: Translated by KA When President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin acknowledged the military personnel, who had particularly distinguished themselves in Syria, in the Kremlin last week, few people knew that Colonel General Aleksandr Dvornikov, who was honoured with the title Hero of Russia, had commanded our troops in

The Life of Stalin by Jimmie Moglia

Foreword by the Saker: Today I am presenting you with what I consider a very important publication.  My friend Jimmie Moglia, whom you might remember from his excellent series on the history of the Ukraine and the history of American imperialism, has just released a 5-part video series on the life of Stalin.  I am posting it here before having had the opportunity to view it because I want to

Syrian-Turkish Border Security: Check Point Taurus

by Ghassan Kadi My previous article titled “Kurdish Autonomy; Partition Or Master Plan” was met with some controversy. Some readers seemed to have missed a very basic point it raised. Others misunderstood the main issue and tried to put words into my mouth saying that the article condoned partition and argued that Syrian Kurds should not be given independence and a separate state, even though the article clearly indicated that

Saker rant about a stolen Europe

My latest column about Europe has elicited a lot of reactions, more than I expected, and I feel that I have to follow up by answering some of the comments made and by simply sharing with you not so much my thoughts as my feelings about Europe and her plight.  Careful here, this will be a angry rant, written with sadness and despair in my heart, and with no regard

The writing is on the wall for the European Union

This column was written for the Unz Review: The latest bomb attacks in Brussels are the clear proof that the attacks in Paris were not a fluke, but the first in what is likely to be a long string of similar terror attacks. Such attacks are really nothing new, this is exactly what Russia has to endure in the 1990s, from the same people and for the same reasons.

Ukraine SITREP March 26th, 2016 by Scott

In 2014 Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of Chechnya, drove across Grozny at the speed of 241kh. The local Police department suspended his driver’s license. He said that he needed his driver’s license because he worked and practically lived in cars, and because he was always traveling. When they didn’t budge, he mounted a horse and said that he would have difficulties to perform his duties as a head of Chechnya,

Charles Bausman’s courageous stance against a US propagandist

Foreword by The Saker: I wanted to share with you a remarkable moment on Russian TV.  During the talkshow Special Correspondent Charles Bausman, Editor and Publisher of Russia Insider, had the courage to contradict a fellow American journalist, Michael Bohm, and denounce the propaganda the latter was spewing. Bohm, who is fluent in Russian, is known all over Russia the THE mouthpiece of US propaganda.  Every time a Russian talkshow

Why we need to beat Russia

by Cathal Haughian 250,000 capitalists read the Financial Times, and it has been our undertaking to chronicle our understanding of capitalism via our book The Philosophy of Capitalism. A USA led team has answered the question ‘What is The Nature of the Monetary System?’ The Monetary system has three layers – the core is Religion and the unconscious mind – as they formed first. The outer layer is operational and

How the Fed Abdicated its Independence to White House Geopolitical Strategy on Russia For Nearly Two Years

[Note from the Saker: I take no position on the thesis presented in this article, but I do find it very interesting and I therefore decided to submit it to you all for discussion.] by Brandon J. Ferro for Only Price Matters In the chart below I plot crude, the Russian Ruble (RUB) and OPEC production. From 2012 through mid-2014 all three print sideways. However, to the day beginning on 7/29/14,

The Iranian political system, the 2016 elections & consequences

By Aram Mirzaei Three weeks ago, the first round of the Iranian parliamentary elections & Assembly of Experts elections took place. The elections for the clerical institutional body known as the “Assembly of Experts” is considered to be crucial, as they are believed to be faced with the choice of selecting a new Supreme Leader. Understanding the complexity of Iran’s political system requires a historical insight. The historical political landscape

Kurdish Autonomy – partition or master plan

by Ghassan Kadi No one can claim to understand what goes on within the Kurdish mind except the Kurds themselves, perhaps not all the Kurds do either. It is rather amazing that non-Kurds expect Kurds to have one voice, one aspiration, one political orientation, and as if all other nations are united in a manner that is manifested in a single voice. How interesting! Is there a single nation on

Important crowdfunding appeal: Newsbud – a new media type (UPDATED)

Dear friends, I consider Pepe Escobar not only as an absolutely fantastic journalist, but also as a friend.  I have the utmost admiration and respect for Sibel Edmonds. [UPDATE & Sidebar: I was not aware of Sibel Edmonds’ anti-Russian, anti-Putin and anti-RT nonsense – frankly I had not heard of her in a long time – and today I was made aware of this crap. Oh well, this is very

Week Twenty-two of the Russian Military Intervention in Syria: Putin announces new strategy

This article was written for the Unz Review: These are amazing times indeed. Only two weeks ago I outlined the likelyhood of a dramatic escalation of the war in Syria, and this week Vladimir Putin announced the withdrawal of what I would call the “tactical air strike” component of the Russian task force in Syria. How is that possible? How could the Russian warn about Turkish troops poised to

Germany SITREP March 19th, 2016 by C.

In the context of my previous SITREP, you can see that I am totally opposed to a lot of German policies in general and to the German policies regarding the refugees and the migration crisis in particular. When I say that the German people have an obligation to help, I mean that the German people as a community of individuals have an obligation to help those in need, because all
