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Breaking Articles

Russia’s Syrian initiative: over but not out

by Ghassan Kadi The enemies of Syria have been gleefully watching Syria getting dismembered, its people killed and its infrastructure destroyed for five long years. Every time an icon was destroyed, they leaped with joy. Every time they conjured up a plot to widen the scope of the war and involve NATO, they impatiently sat in front of their televisions waiting and bracing to hear that the presidential palace has

Very important speech of Vladimir Putin

At a meeting in the Kremlin’s St George Hall, Vladimir Putin presented state decorations to service personnel and defence industry specialists who distinguished themselves in the performance of special missions in the Syrian Arab Republic. More than 700 officers and men of the Aerospace Forces, the Ground Forces and the Navy attended the ceremony, along with representatives of the military-industrial complex. [Note from the Saker: emphasis added by me, the Saker] President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Comrade officers, friends, I would like to welcome you – all the service personnel who took part in the operation in Syria.

Immigrant Crisis 2.0: What’s Next For The Balkans?

by Andrew Korybko The Balkan region bore the brunt of the immigrant wave that first crashed into Europe last year, becoming the geographic bottleneck through which over one million people had to pass in pursuit of their cherry-picked welfare resorts in Western, Central, and Northern Europe. Just as they’ve historically functioned for centuries, the Balkans reemerged as the critical link in connecting Europe with the Mideast, and in what has

The Clock is ticking: Russia’s partial military withdrawal from Syria

By Brainstorm On March 14, 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered Defence Minister Sergey Shoigu to start the withdrawal of Russian forces from Syria beginning the next day. Russia will, however, keep its military presence at the port of Tartus and at the Khmeimim airbase to supervise the observation of ceasefire agreements. “I consider the objectives that have been set for the Defense Ministry to be generally accomplished. That is

Saker Community seeks sponsor for our servers!

Dear friends, In the past we were lucky enough to a generous sponsor who paid for the costs of our servers in Iceland.  This person has now retired from his job and cannot continue to support us.  We are trying trying to find a new sponsor willing to donate the funds needed for our servers.  Our servers are hosted by the company Advania ( and the costs are as follows:

Europeans Staring at Total Failure in Ukraine

by Alexander Mercouris for Russia Insider Increasingly frantic diplomatic efforts by European leaders show growing desperation to settle Ukrainian crisis before failure of sanctions policy becomes obvious. As the political situation in Ukraine continues to deteriorate – with the government paralysed as a result of the power struggle between Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk – the Europeans are becoming increasingly desperate. They are also becoming increasingly frustrated with the Ukrainians whose intransigence

Analysis of the Russian military pullout from Syria

Vladimir Putin has just ordered the withdrawal of the Russian forces in Syria: “I consider the objectives that have been set for the Defense Ministry to be generally accomplished. That is why I order to start withdrawal of the main part of our military group from the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic starting from tomorrow,” Putin said on Monday during a meeting with Shoigu and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey

Fundamentalism on the rise: a Sunni-Jewish Convergence

by Ghassan Kadi In an article published in the Lebanese daily Assafir on 12th of March 2016 under the title of “Saudi Arabia paves the way for an Israelis war on Lebanon”, (1) the political editor sarcastically and mockingly made a comment to the effect that after the Arab League declared Hezbollah a terrorist organisation, it may formally ask Israel to engage in a war against it. As a matter

Could Russia still become an ally of the West?

This article was written for the Unz Review: Listening to Donald Trump speaking about his desire to turn Russia into an ally, I caught myself wondering if that was even still a possibility. After all, “the West” – and by that I mean every single western politician – has been lying to Russia ever since the fall of the Soviet Union. Not only has the West lied to Russia

The next Presidential election: a meaningful choice for the first time?

I don’t vote.  For one thing – I don’t want to acquire the US citizenship.  But even if I had a US passport I would not vote for the following reasons: First, the choice between the two parties is like Pepsi-Cola vs Coca-Cola: both are toxic and impossible to tell apart.  Second, every time the American people voted to support one policy, they got the exact opposite, from Bush’s “read

Is there any reason to hope for France?

by Cosimo A A few people asked me if there’s any reason to hope for France to get better.  This is my 2 cents worth. I might shock you by commenting that as things stand, France is in a much better situation that the US. Let’s start with a nice fun slice of reality, a pleasant truth. Here’s a 1 minute Youtube of Dieudonné, the humorist, at the Zenith hall in

A Who’s Who of the Syrian civil war and ceasefire

by Aram Mirzaei Since last week the Syrian ceasefire deal been in full effect. Despite repeated violations during this week, world leaders commit to putting their faith in this temporary truce. The Syrian ceasefire does however not cover the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and Jabhat Al-Nusra, the Syrian Al-Qaeda branch, and other designated terrorist groups. Despite the global powers making this statement, it remains unclear who

Arab days of shame (MUST READ!)

by Ghassan Kadi The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) has finally had it its way. A meeting held last month of GCC and other Arab Foreign Ministers has condemned Iran for the attack on the Saudi Embassy incident, and the Lebanese Foreign Minister Basil; from the 8th of March Coalition pro-Hezbollah camp, abstained from voting. As a result, Lebanon was punished by Saudi Arabia as the latter decided to renege on

Activist USA Ambassador pushes aggressive LGBT agenda in the caribbean.

by Martin Arauxo and Manuel Miranda Obama ambassadorial appointee and LGBT activist, James Wally Brewster has endeavored to promote alternative lifestyle values in the conservative Dominican Republic. Ever since Ambassador Brewster (who donated heavily to Barak Obama) arrived in the D.R. he has been pushing against the traditional values of the majority, by openly and steadily attempting to steer the nation into accepting ultra liberal North American culture. He took

Week twenty-one of the Russian military intervention in Syria: the calm before the storm?

This article was written for the Unz Review: The ceasefire in Syria (which is not really a ceasefire, but rather a “focusing of combat operations”) is holding surprisingly well. This is primarily due to the brilliant tactic of forcing each fighting group in Syria to define itself either as a “good moderate”, and be guaranteed safety, or as as en “evil terrorist” and become an indisputably legitimate target which

Catherine Austin Fitts interviews the Saker for the Solari Report: Russia and Global Geopolitics with the Saker

Dear friends, Last month I have had the real pleasure to have a one hour long conversation with Catherine Austin Fitts, the president of Solari, Inc., the publisher of The Solari Report and managing member of Solari Investment Advisory Services.  Normally, the Catherine’s interviews are for subscribers only, but she has kindly agreed to make it available for free to our community. This was the first time I had granted

Ukraine SITREP March 4th, 2016 by Scott

A great Russian doctor, a pure genius, Zurab Kekelidze, once said that we can’t begin every morning with the news about a war next door. If we do, we are at risk for developing posttraumatic stress disorder that may never go away. To add a little good news, humor and clean fun to our daily dose of war news, I started posting short entertaining videos of different places and corners

Peter Koenig interviewed by Russia-TV24

Russia – China Economic Front – Competition or Alternative to the Western Economic System? Peter Koenig 4 March 2016 “The Saker” The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), including new members India and Pakistan, the Eurasian Economic Union – EEU (an alliance of six Eurasian nations – Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Tajikistan) are about to sign a Trade and Cooperation Agreement. The SCO and the EEU Integration will become a

“Russia’s Foreign Policy: Historical Background”

by Sergei Lavrov International relations have entered a very difficult period, and Russia once again finds itself at the crossroads of key trends that determine the vector of future global development. Many different opinions have been expressed in this connection including the fear that we have a distorted view of the international situation and Russia’s international standing. I perceive this as an echo of the eternal dispute between pro-Western liberals
