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Breaking Articles

Déjà vu

by Kakaouskia Greetings to the Saker community and readers. Let us imagine that we are tasked with producing a sequel to the 1990s masterpiece “First Gulf war”, this time to be filmed in Syria. We will definitely need a villain; lucky for us we have two: Vladimir Putin and Bashar Al Assad. Throw in a criminal organisation – let’s call them ISIS – for good measure and the cast is

Russian Diplomat Drops a Bombshell: US Expected ISIS to Seize Damascus by October

In an article in a British newspaper Russia’s ambassador to the UK reveals the Russians were told by the Western powers that after the US proclaimed a no-fly zone ISIS would capture Damascus by Alexander Mercouris for Russia Insider: Alexander Yakovenko, Russia’s ambassador to Britain, dropped something of a bombshell on Monday, though one that has gone completely unnoticed. In a piece in the print edition of the London

Saker appeal to the community: I need your help!

Dear friends, I was putting off this post over and over again, but now I really have no other option than to finally post it.  Here is the deal: I need your help. First, it has been many, many months (over 6 for sure) since I have made a appeal for donations and while a few good hearts have continued to send in support (thanks guys!!), the donations have slowed

Sergei Glaziev: The full extend of economic manipulations in Russia.

Source: Translation: Eugenia ANCHOR: Good evening. Here in our studio this Friday we have the member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergey Glasyev. Sergey Yurievich, welcome. Thanks very much for finding time to come here. I have heard that you have to use metro to reach us. GLASYEV: It is a perfectly good means of transportation. The only reliable one. ANCHOR: Do you have to use it often?

Turkey and Saudi Arabia: to fight or to flight?

by Ghassan Kadi No one knows how the “War On Syria” is going to end, let alone what turns it will take in a year from now, a month, and even a week. There are many variables, new developments, twists and turns, and they happen quickly, and sometimes unexpectedly. And because we do not really what is going on behind the scenes in the corridors of Washington, Ankara and Riyadh,

Week Eighteen of the Russian Intervention in Syria: a dramatic escalation appears imminent

This column was written for the Unz Review: The situation in Syria has reached a watershed moment and a dramatic escalation of the war appears imminent. Let’s look again at how we reached this point. During the first phase of the operation, the Syrian armed forces were unable to achieve an immediate strategic success. This is rather unsurprising. It is important to remember here that during the first weeks

Ukraine SITREP February 11th, 2016 by Scott

Ukraine 1. Ukrainian oligarch Firtash: Ukraine is being ruled by foreigners. The US governance of Ukraine has been proven to be ineffective and turned the country into a political bankrupt. [source] 2. Washington via Kiev junta is blocking Transnistria [source] 3. Junta in Kiev forcefully mobilizes people from Donbass into its military. Now, even women are being mobilized [source] 4. Another documentary about the Kiev coup: Maidan Massacre [source] [source]

Immigrant Crisis: Facts, Myth or Plot?

by Brainstorm The designed, created and carefully articulated immigrant flow to Europe, generating one of the biggest crises in after the Cold War as the byproduct of US waged wars in the Middle East, is rolling out according to the already written screenplay. As the pretext for rising extreme right sectors within the EU boundaries, revival of nationalism, racism and fascism, dramatic changes to European societies bring to the reality

Tom Mysiewicz reviews “The Essential Saker” for the ShamirReaders mailing list

Book Review Book Title: The Essential Saker Copyright 2015 ISBN-13: 978-1-60888-058-4 Author: The Saker Publisher: Nimble Books LLC, Ann Arbor, MI, USA 48103 Web Page: E-mail: Reviewer: Tom Mysiewicz Yahoo groups link: Unlike a woman who will not let you see her “without her face on,” The Essential Saker lets you see the Saker’s successful and unsuccessful analysis over time. It freely admits he’s changed his views

Paul Craig Roberts and Michael Hudson: Privatization Is the Atlanticist Strategy to Attack Russia

NOTE: Readers are asking to know who, in addition to the Western-financed NGOs, are the Fifth Columnists inside Russia. Michael Hudson and I left the description general as Atlanticist Integrationists and neoliberal economists. The Saker provides some specific names. Among the Fifth Columnists are the Russian Prime Minister, head of the Central Bank, and the two top economics ministers. They are springing a privatization trap on Putin that could undo

The Latin America SITREP February 2016, by Jack

Contents: 1) Main events in Latin America in 2016: US elections, Pink Tide Fights Back? (Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil) Peace in Colombian? Cuba: in from the Cold and OAS v CELAC in Haiti. 2) Recommended Latin American Sources. 3) Conclusion about Latin American prospects in the coming period. 1. The coming year: Bernie Sanders v The Rest. Foreign policy is incredibly unimportant to US presidential elections but extremely important to the

Week Seventeen of the Russian Intervention in Syria: does Erdogan want war with Russia?

This article was written for the Unz Review: The situation with Turkey is rapidly getting out of control: not only have the Turks conducted artillery strikes across the Syrian border, Turkey has refused to comply with its obligations under the Open Skies Treaty and refused to let a Russian surveillance aircraft overfly Turkey.  The Russian military has now declared that it had detected signs of Turkish preparations for an

Coming to a head in Syria

by Ghassan Kadi What started as a “War On Syria”, allowed to grow and fester unabated, fueled and sponsored by eighty three nations spearheaded by Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Israel and NATO and all pro-NATO nations, is undoubtedly coming to a head. Geneva III seems dead in the water, just like Geneva I and II were. This time however, Syria and its allies are calling the shots, and they are

Turkey’s Gates To Europe

by Ghassan Kadi The story of refugees flocking into Europe, and the avalanche of repercussions that followed, remains to be a conundrum that many involved individuals, including some seasoned analysts, are at pains to unravel. Any denial that those refugees had brought with them very bad elements is a denial of a truth that is so loud and clear. And when some highly competent authors wrote about this and were

Technology SITREP: Russia deploys the most advanced air-defense systems on the planet in Syria

Check out this footage from Ruptly: What is interesting here is that besides the famous S-400 ‘Triumf’ system this video also shows footage of the point air defense system Pantsir and that the title identifies this as the Pantsir-S2 version.  This is important because the S2 variant is the most advanced version of this already formidable system. You can think of the Pantsir as an “engagement cupola” with a 40km

Nuland-Surkov Meeting: US Tries to Re-Write Minsk II: Russia Says No

Foreign Minister Lavrov’s press conference shows that Russian government at all levels rejects US attempts to re-write terms of Minsk II Agreement for Ukrainian conflict settlement by Alexander Mercouris for Russia Insider Dr. Gilbert Doctorow has recently provided a masterly discussion of Lavrov’s recent January press conference. Lavrov’s press conference touched on one of the strangest and most mysterious diplomatic meetings to have happened so far this year. This was

Ukraine SITREP February 4th 2016, by Scott

The war to topple Russia’s government enters its third year. In the 30 days of January 2016 the following events took place: • On January 15, Nuland met with Kremlin advisor Vyacheslav Surkov as speculated to deliver a nuclear strike threat. [source] • Prior to the Zurich meeting between Lavrov and Kerry, the Russian flag behind Kerry was hung upside-down by US staff sending a very clear signal. According to

Polarized Poland: The Identity Crisis Goes International

by Andrew Korybko for the Russian Institute of Strategic Studies The nationwide protests that have rocked Poland over the past couple of months have been completely misrepresented in the international media, even among outlets that are editorially sympathetic to one side or the other. The outside understanding is that this is a stereotypical struggle between the government and the opposition, represented in this case by the right and left wings,
