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Breaking Articles

You guys are the best – thank you!!

Dear friends, I just wanted to drop you all a small note to thank you for your unwavering support and immense kindness, especially those of you who have written me extremely kind and supportive letters.  The last time I went to check my PO Box thinking that I would get the usual portion of commercial garbage (in the USA when you rent a PO Box you cannot, as in Europe,

Hillary’s Secret Letter and the Whole Matter of Endless War and the Almost Complete Corruption of America’s Government (UPDATED!)

Foreword by the Saker: to be honest, I have not been following the latest presidential race in the USA.  Simply put, I have long lost any hope to see any change come from any election in the USA.  Changing the puppet makes no difference as long as the puppeteer remains the same one.  Still, I think that there are at least two main puppeteers in the USA: what I call

Xi Putin honeymoon over-now it’s time to make the marriage last long term

Outside of Eurangloland, these two presidents are the hopes and dreams of a fairer, more just world. Now, they’ve got to make sure their excellent working relationship transcends their eventual retirement, so that the China-Russia marriage will last for the rest of the 21st century. (Image by The Xi-Putin honeymoon is over-now it’s time to make the China-Russia marriage succeed long term The Moscow-Beijing Express By: Jeff J. Brown

The Nuclear Hoax and the Saudi Nuclear Joke

by Ghassan Kadi The “War On Syria” has stirred up a lot of talk about nuclear threats being made, and further south in Yemen, there are even reports that nuclear weapons have in fact been used. There has also been considerable controversy about this subject, with the promoters being quite adamant of the authenticity of their reports. To qualify such reports however as hearsay, would be a gross understatement. The

Sputnik International interviews the Saker about the Syrian ceasefire

[Note from the Saker: as most of you know, I am not American,  I never was a “US analyst” and my career as a military analyst was in Europe.  I do, however, live in the USA] by Ekaterina Blinova for Sputnik International source: The war is far from over in Syria, however, Russia’s professional diplomatic moves have left Washington nearly no room to maneuver: the US cannot simply return

French Saker blog appeal for a French->English translator

The French Saker Blog is looking for a volunteer translator willing to translate a series of analytical economic research papers from French to English which will then be published on the English-speaking websites. Anyone interested can contact us at this email address: wayansukarno@yandex. Thank you for your cooperation Wayan Le Saker Francophone recherche un traducteur bénévole du francais vers l’anglais pour traduire une série de textes d’analyse économique qui seront ensuite publiés sur des sites anglophones. Toute personne intéressée peut nous

Capitalism Requires World War

by Cathal Haughian 250,000 capitalists read the Financial Times, and it has been our undertaking, since 2010, to chronicle our understanding of capitalism via our book The Philosophy of Capitalism. We were curious as to the underlying nature of the system which endows us, the owners of capital, with so many favours. The Saker has asked me to explain our somewhat crude statement ‘Capitalism Requires World War’. The present showdown

Russian victory at the UN: a two-part analysis by Alexander Mercouris

by Alexander Mercouris for Russia Insider sources: Russia obtain a further UN Security Council Resolution conforming with the “cessation of hostilities” agreement Russia negotiated with the US – this time with American support A week ago, amidst Turkish shelling of Kurdish positions in Syria and talk of a Turkish invasion, the Russians proposed a Resolution to the UN Security Council reaffirming Syria’s sovereignty. The Resolution was blocked by

Erdogan, Genocide, and ISIS – The Sultan is Doomed

By Michael Collins Turkish President Recep Teyyip Erdogan’s attempts to demonize the Syrian Kurd’s YPG army and threaten and bully the United States are having the net effect of creating a powerful movement for his removal based on a rationale that will encourage the public in the United States and Europe to forget the real culprits in the tragic attack on Syria and focus on charges of genocide leveled against

Is There A Crack in the Dam Holding Back the Truth on Syria?

by JiminNH One cannot help but noticing two rather interesting articles published in mainstream media that just may indicate that the dam holding back the truth about the western-backed invasion of Syria by head-chopping, organ eating, sex slave trading jihadi “rebels” has sprung a few major leaks. STEVEN KINZER in the BOSTON GLOBE First came the article by Steven Kinzer, a longtime journalist with the New York Times and now

Week twenty of the Russian military intervention in Syria: a ceasefire and yet another huge victory for Russia

This article was written for the Unz Review: The recent agreement between the USA and Russia really solves nothing, it does not even end the war, and both sides are expressing a great deal of caution about its future implementation.  And yet, this is a huge victory for Russia.  While it is too early to say that “the Russian won in Syria”, I think that it is now fair

Ukraine SITREP February 24th, 2016 by Scott [Updated]

Some people say that god created Ukrainians so we could make fun of them, but I don’t believe that ethnic Ukrainians themselves share this sentiment due to a complete absence of a sense of humor. I grew up someplace else, but graduated from high school in Kiev, where I studied with other hardworking, determined, intelligent, and success driven students. Now, most of them live in Moscow, Germany, Israel, and Canada.

Lebanon’s 14th of March marches into oblivion

by Ghassan Kadi On the 14 of February 2005, Lebanese ex-PM Rafiq Hariri was killed in a massive car bomb in downtown Beirut. His son Saad Hariri was quick to accuse Syria of the murder, rallied around him massive support, both political and demographic and successfully managed to get the Syrian troops out of Lebanon. And thus the 14th of March Coalition was created; an unlikely alliance that was based

Joint Statement of the United States and the Russian Federation, as Co-Chairs of the ISSG, on Cessation of Hostilities in Syria

The United States of America and the Russian Federation, as co-chairs of the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) and seeking to achieve a peaceful settlement of the Syrian crisis with full respect for the fundamental role of the United Nations, are fully determined to provide their strongest support to end the Syrian conflict and establish conditions for a successful Syrian-led political transition process, facilitated by the UN, in order to

Winter appeal ended: thanks so much!! (plus a few blog news)

Dear friends, Thank you so much for your response to my appeal!  You have responded in large numbers and many of you have send generous donations for which I am immensely grateful.  Also, I have been contacted by a lawyer who has agreed to help me.  So, yet again, the community has made a miracle happen.  I am both amazed and most grateful. One more thing: since this appeal was

Turkey is screwed. And it’s all US fault (corrected text)

by Arras Amid rising tensions between Turkey and Russia over the situation in Syria, one important fact got lost. It’s not Russia that caused the current Turkish problems. It was the USA. The most fundamental problem modern Turkey is facing is the Kurdish question. It’s a chronic problem, which threatens the integrity of Turkey and the Turkish elite perceives it as the largest security treat the country is facing. Turkish

Week Nineteen of the Russian Intervention in Syria: would Russia use nukes to defend Khmeimim?

This column was written for the Unz Review: The past week saw no decrease in the tense confrontation between Turkey and Russia over Syria. While Russia’s position is simple – ‘we are ready to fight’ – the Turkish position is much more ambiguous: Turkish politicians are saying one thing, then the opposite and then something else again. At times they make it sound like an invasion is imminent, and

Did Russia Just Threaten Turkey With Nuclear Weapons?

[Note by the Saker: I do not believe that Russia has made such a threat and I will post my reasons for this in the next 24 hours.  However, I might be wrong and Mercouris and Perry right, I therefore feel like I should post this analysis] Reports say a source close to Putin claims Russia warned Erdogan of readiness to use tactical nuclear weapons to defend Russian strike force
