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Breaking Articles

Why I Use the Term ‘AngloZionist’, and Why It’s Important

Dear friends, I am reposting here an article I have written for Russia Insider which itself is based on something I wrote for this blog in the past.  So while hardly new, this is the most updated iteration of my thinking on this topic.  I think that this topic is important, crucial really, and this is why I think that revisiting it on a regular basis makes sense. The Saker

Roger Waters tells France: ‘Supporters of BDS, attacked by your judiciary, have my unequivocal respect and love’

by Roger Waters for Mondoweiss ——- Two days ago we posted about the brave pushback in France against legislation that makes it a crime to advocate for boycott of Israel. We were then informed that Roger Waters had sent a letter to the French people, via a French news agency, on this very subject some weeks ago that has never been published. We are publishing it here. – Mondoweiss Editors.

Germany SITREP February 2nd, 2016 by C.

It will not come as a surprise that the news in Germany have been dominated by the events of New Year’s Eve in particular and the migrant crisis in general. In Cologne but also in other German and European cities women reportedly have been the victims of coordinated attacks by mobs of foreigners. Reportedly the attacks were mainly sexual assaults or rape and/or robbery. The police was reportedly unable to

Week Sixteen of the Russian Intervention in Syria: a US invasion of Syria next?

This article was written for the Unz Review: This week was marked by major successes for the Syria military the Sheikh Miskeen region of the Daraa Province in the south of the country. In the meantime in the north, the Syrian Army continues its offensive north of the strategic Kuweires air base. But these military successes were eclipsed by rumors that the US was setting up and air base

Chaos and war on Russia’s border (MUST SEE!)

Dear friends, This is a conversation between one of the foremost Russian experts on the Ukraine, Rostislav Ishchenko, and one of the best know Russian military experts, Igor Korotchenko.   Both of them have Ukrainian last names and Ishchenko actually worked for several Ukrainian presidents.  These two guys really know what is going on and both of them enjoy a superb access to Russian decision-makers.  In this conversation they discuss the

After the Prophet

Foreword by the Saker: It is a real pleasure for me to submit to you a most interesting article about the history of Islam in general, and about a form of Sunni Islam in Saudi Arabia which is rarely discussed or even mentioned.  Being a Christian myself, a take no position on any of the view presented in this article other than welcoming an informed discussion.  What I am absolutely

Djukanovic to be Jailed after Montenegro Joins NATO

By Ion Todescu for the Dracula Blog Montenegro, the small Balkan state, is once again in the center of public attention now. In fact, the same man has been ruling that country since 1991 as the Prime Minister, the President and the Prime Minister again. He’s often called the last dictator in Europe; corruptionist and mafioso are his other names. Let me introduce to you Milo Djukanovic, the Prime Minister

Ukraine SITREP January 29th 2016 by Scott

Some time ago, I found myself lost in the middle of Appalachian Mountains. I’m considered to be a generally decent driver, especially when it comes to golf carts. Mountains and golf courses are not very dissimilar. In both locations occasionally, you might run over a seedy, balding, middle-aged hog. My GPS system was stuck on the “no signal” mode. The map showed only one road over the bridge and across

The Litvinenko Inquiry: London’s Absurd Show Trial

by Alexander Mercouris for Russia Insider: Despite twisting the evidence and throwing legal procedure out of the window it failed to show the Russian authorities killed Litvinenko.  It could only say “probably” – an absurd verdict the evidence contradicts. What follows is a long and very detailed 11,000 word expert legal analysis of the Litvinenko inquiry by Russia Insider‘s International Affairs Editor, who was a practicing lawyer for 12

RT’s Anissa Naouai interviews Iben Thranholm

I don’t know if Iben Thranholm gets as much hate mail as I do (though I suspect that she probably does), but I will say that I totally agree with her: the modern European culture has “de-masculinized” European men no less than it has de-feminized European women.  It is good to see somebody, especially two brilliant ladies like Naouai and Thranholm, having the courage to speak the truth and not

Putin’s biggest failure

This article was written for the Unz Review Whatever happens in the future, Putin has already secured his place in history as one of the greatest Russian leaders ever. Not only did he succeed in literally resurrecting Russia as a country, but in a little over a decade he brought her back as a world power capable of successfully challenging the AngloZionist Empire. The Russian people have clearly recognized

Ukraine and World SITREP January 23rd, 2016 by Baaz

Ukraine 1. [source] A Secret Deal for Ukraine? 1/19/16: Stephen F. Cohen, 2. [source] Poroshenko’s ’Bluff’ and Crimea Blockade by Halyna Mokrushyna 3. [Source] Poroshenko and Biden Coordinate Actions for Donbass Elections 4. [source] Ukraine: In Search of Brainstorm Solutions to Conflict by Arina Tsukanova On January 15, Russian President’s aide Vladislav Surkov and Victoria Nuland, the US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, held consultations on

Where to get the “Essential Saker”

Dear friends, Looks like Amazon is, yet again, playing the little “out of stock” game with my book.  This is the 3rd or 4th time already.  The recent review of the book by Paul Craig Roberts has triggered a run on the book which can still be ordered on Amazon, but you would have to wait until they re-stock (usually in 7-10 days in my experience).  So, if you do

Paul Craig Roberts reviews the “Essential Saker”

A Grand Book From The Saker by Paul Craig Roberts Several years ago a new commentator appeared on the scene. He writes under the pen name, The Saker, and describes himself as European born son of Russian refugees from the Bolshevik Revolution. He has two US college degrees and worked in Europe as a military analyst until his opposition to the US/NATO sponsored wars in Chechnia, Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo

Open Letter to Barack Obama in support of Ana Belen Montes

To the President of the United States, Mr. Barack Obama, From the International Movement of Solidarity with Mrs. Ana Belen Montes. Through this letter, hundreds of citizens of the world, not representing any Government, are asking you to first, assure more humane conditions to Mrs. Ana Belen Montes, inmate 25037-016 in the Federal Medical Center Prison in Carswell, since: 1) This woman, already close to 60 years of age, has

We are creating a “resistance network”

Dear friends, Good news!  In the same spirit which makes me write a weekly column for the Unz Review and which makes me post weekly contribution by Alexander Mercouris from Russia Insider, I have made an agreement with the folks at the Greanville Post: they will be regularly posting my articles on the GP and I will regularly post their articles on the blog.  This is a very informal arrangement

60 Minutes Defames Russian Effort in Syria

by Patrice Greanville for the Greanville Post Taking no chances, CBS also manages to denigrate the brave Syrian Arab Army, just about one of the most heroic forces fighting ISIL and other brutal terrorists in the Middle East. The Treachery of The Western Media Patrice Greanville There’s a mystery at the heart of American journalism. How can normally mediocre ignoramuses—I refer to the rank and file of US media, especially television

Israel vs Iran: Israel loses, *big* time

Today I have already posted two excellent analyses of the (possibly temporary) failure of the USA to submit Iran to its will: one by Alexander Mercouris, the other by Soraya Sepahpour Ulrich.  I shall not repeat their very arguments here, mainly because both see this as a conflict between the USA and Iran, whereas I see that as a conflict between Israel and Iran in which Israel attempted, but failed,

The Day After

by Soraya Sepahpour Ulrich Some final thoughts – the day after Not the movie about a fictional war between NATO forces and the Warsaw Pact and a nuclear exchange between the United States and the Soviet Union, but the Day After the Implementation Deal of the Iran Nuclear Deal. Although I said and wrote repeatedly in the past that the US stance toward Iran will not change, by now it
