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Breaking Articles

President Putin met with journalists following the Direct Line April14th 2016

President Putin answers to journalists’ questions following the Direct Line on April14th 2016 Vladimir Putin met with journalists and answered their questions following the Direct Line. April 14th, 2016   Question: Was it not daunting to face so many serious problems and pressing questions? President of Russia Vladimir Putin: No. Question: Why do you say that? Vladimir Putin: This is my work, what my colleagues and I are expected to do. You can’t hide from serious questions, because if you try to put

Direct Line with President Vladimir Putin April 14th 2016

Direct Line with President of Russia Vladimir Putin was broadcast live on Channel One, Rossiya-1 and Rossiya-24 TV channels, and Mayak, Vesti FM and Radio Rossii radio stations. Text only During the live broadcast that lasted 3 hours and 40 minutes, the President answered 80 questions out of the over 3 million that were received. * * * Valeriya Korableva, reporter at Channel One: Good afternoon. We are live with the Direct Line with Vladimir Putin and today’s programme hosts, Yevgeny Rozhkov

“What is Socialism – an opinion from Vermont”

by Gary Flomenhoft This whole Bernie thing has got people debating about what socialism is. Is it New Deal liberalism? Scandinavian welfare statism? State communism? Or what? Let me simplify it for you. Socialism is basically anything run by or paid for by government. Socialism is what free enterprise needs to operate. You might even call it the operating system for business. Business needs stable government, a strong judiciary to

The scandal at Russia Insider (Saker message)

Dear friends, It is with great sadness that I have to address the crisis at Russia Insider.  I am heartbroken at seeing people whom I consider as respected friends now in an open conflict.  I have waited as long as I could before addressing this issue because I wanted to speak to all the parties involved and ask for the opinion and assessment of a few trusted friends.  However, since

Ukraine slides into chaos as the prospect of all out war re-emerges

by Leon Tressell The recent bout of in-fighting within the Kiev junta has been accompanied by warning’s from the IMF that Ukraine must do more to deal with the massive problems of corruption before it receives any more loans. The in-fighting between the various oligarchs and their political puppets within the Rada reflects the failure of crony capitalism to deal with any of the pressing economic, social and political problems

RUSSIA SITREP April 12, 2016 by Scott

Hours after the Russia-bound Metrojet flight 9268 A321 with Russian vacationers exploded in the sky over Sinai on October 31st, 2015, President Putin had not come on TV to address the people of Russia. Many immediately questioned why. Many observers had also noticed that before this act of terror and hours after it there was a coordinated influx of messages on social media declaring that Russian planes would be dropping

The controversy about Stalin – a “basket” of preliminary considerations

When introducing Jimmie Moglia’s video series about Stalin I promised to share with you my own take on this most controversial personality.  Let me immediately say that what I will write below is most definitely not some seminal analysis of the life and personality of Stalin, but rather few more or less disjointed thoughts on a topic which I still feel that I do not understand. The figure of Stalin

ICTY Judgments: A New Storm in the Balkans?

by Stefan Karganovic Two recent judgments handed down at the end of March by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), in the Karadzic and Seselj cases, may turn out to have serious implications for peace and stability in the Balkans. To be sure, most of the Karadzic trial judgment was standard ICTY prose – “victors’ justice” unconvincingly disguised as legal, and even historical, analysis. The defendant Karadzic,

News in Brief April 11th, 2016 by Baaz

“CrossTalk” Bullhorns Incorruptible The Panama Papers – the huge story that isn’t – a truly pathetic day for Western corporate media. The Dutch voted against the EU’s association agreement with Ukraine. But no worries, Brussels is already looking to overturn this democratic outcome. Also, why is the Syrian ceasefire failing AND is Obama really a realist? CrossTalking with Mark Sleboda, Stephen Ebert, and Patrick Henningsen. ‘Let’s be honest, NASA isn’t

The Destiny of Russia or a Secret Thousand Year Plan

by Vladimir Markin Source: Translated by Alexander Maidan 01.04.2016 00:30 Dear colleagues! Dear fellow editors! Answers to asked and unasked questions have been piling up. But, please, let us keep this between ourselves. It is not meant for the press here, in the capital. You probably ask yourselves as you watch your screens: why and to what end are they showing all this? Why do self-confessed Russophobes march through

Ukraine SITREP April 8th, 2016 by Scott

A long time ago in a Galaxy far far away a stubborn lord Yanukovich refused to signed an Associated Agreement with the European Union. Turmoil has engulfed the Galactic Republic of Ukraine. The taxation of trade routes to outlying star systems from the EU going East was in dispute. Hoping to resolve the matter with a blockade of the Russian Fleet off Crimea by NATO deadly battleships, the greedy Trade

Has the Saker blog been hijacked by the CIA?

Has the Saker blog been hijacked by the CIA? You think that it is a crazy question? So do I. But not everybody agrees. Nevermind that I have created an entire community of blogs whose sole aim is to denounce, oppose and resist against Empire in all its forms, some apparently believe that the CIA has somehow hijacked my blog or maybe co-opted/brainwashed/broken/submitted/etc. me. Why? Because I post articles which

The EU’s “suicide by reality denial”

This article was written for the Unz Review: What had to happen did happen. The EU, being the chain of weak links it is, did eventually give in, and the Dutch people were the first one to vote against the association with the Ukraine. Of course, the Euroburocrats can now find some reason to declare the vote invalid, they can declare that some law was violated, they can even

Violent Political Organizations – an opinion

by Gavin Don An old Chinese curse runs “may you live in interesting times”. These are interesting times. Today’s geopolitical strategists learned their trade in a bi-polar world, in which two clear competing ideologies wrestled for global dominance within a fairly weak framework of international law. Occasionally the wrestling match became violent, but for the most part lethal violence was confined to wars between states – North Korea against South

Book Review: The Essential Saker: From the Trenches of the Emerging Multipolar World

“To love. To be loved. To never forget your own insignificance. To never get used to the unspeakable violence and the vulgar disparity of life around you. To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue beauty to its lair. To never simplify what is complicated or complicate what is simple. To respect strength, never power. Above all, to watch. To try and understand. To never look away. And never,

Uncle Shmuel points fingers (aka “Panama Papers”)

The so-called “Panama Papers” which are presented by the world’s corporate media as some kind of super-mega-uber-Wikileaks are simply the latest US strategic PSYOP.  Of course, no hard proof of that will ever materialize, but take a look at this pretty good summary of the leak so far: The source: an anonymous leaker who has made a “no meeting ever” a condition. The media support: 400 journalists at 107 media

The Daesh Chronicles: The “We-Told-You-So” Story

by Ghassan Kadi When the so-called “Arab Spring” took off, Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi, son of Muammar Gaddafi, made a televised speech to Libyans warning them, and the world, of what would happen should the central government in Tripoli fall apart. His predictions included that Al-Qaeda would come in and Libya would be partitioned into at least three states. Apart from being unable to predict that the resurrected Al-Qaeda was going

Armenia Azerbaijan war for Nagorno-Karabakh SITREP April 2nd, 2016 by Scott

On April 2nd, at the time of escalation of skirmishes in Donbas, with the Ukrainian military attacking and shelling Donetsk and nearby villages, Azerbaijan has attacked the Armenian-populated Karabakh. On March 30, 2016 Kerry met with the president of Azerbaijan Aliev and called for an ‘ultimate resolution‘ of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Per Reuters, “U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry called on Wednesday for “an ultimate resolution” of the two-decade-old Nagorno-Karabakh
