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Breaking Articles

Orientalists, Gatekeepers, Evangelists and Subverters of the Syrian Defense Community

By Intibah Kadi A curious phenomenon has gradually crept upon the English language social media community that defends Syria; a small but effective group of “orientalists” with their varied agendas, gatekeepers amongst them of all shapes and sizes and evangelizers and assorted nefarious subverters. Syrians, having never experienced working together with people from across the world, had no experience of the pro and cons of such activism. In general, Syrians

In Syria, Russia Defends Civilization – the West Sides with Barbarism

This article was written for The Duran: The recent Russian concert in Palmyra was an event loaded with symbolism.  While it was the Syrians who liberated this ancient city and while the Russian only provided support, this support was crucial and, besides, it was not just Palmyra which Russia saved, but the Syrian nation.  I would even argue that the Russians in Palmyra saved not just Syria, but all of civilization. Imagine you are

Toronto Parks Officials try to thwart Victory Day Celebration

Foreword by Marina:  Several Russian Canadian organizations coordinated events celebrating the 71st anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 on May 8th in Toronto. However, we would like to bring to the attention of people around the world the fact of apparent sabotage by the local city officials of our peaceful and non-political event. What a shame! Despite their destructive efforts, the Immortal Regiment and following

IMPORTANT: SouthFront Faces a Stiff Pressure from Ill-Wishers

by SouthFront SouthFront has been under stiff pressure from different sides (corporations and, as we could consider, governments). Recently there was another blatant attempt to impede the project’ activities. PayPal restricted the project’s account again and requested additional data 24 days ago (on April, 15). We have been granted 28 days to provide the data or our account will be suspended (deleted). This is the exact same request that we

Mohamed Bin Salman: The accidental Saudi “King”

by Ghassan Kadi The thirty year old Saudi Prince, Mohamed, son of incumbent King Salman has risen to prominence by way of mere chance. When I worked and lived in Riyadh back in 1979-1980, nearly every Saudi government office I ever walked into had at least one wall that featured the then four-tiered royal lineage. Back then, Khaled was king, so his portrait was the main one, followed by the

China and Russia prepare for a hot war with Eurangloland

By: Jeff J. Brown Crosslinked with China Rising Radio Sinoland: SoundCloud podcast: Practice makes perfect. Pictured above, Chinese and Russian military command centers, which are going to join hands later this month of May. (Images by China Defense Observation) The Sino-Russian alliance continues to prosper and expand, even though the two countries’ governments don’t want to call it that. Since the last installment of the Moscow-Beijing Express, I

They will never be Russians

by Rostislav Ischenko Translated by Seva Source: There were two news items last week: an attack by Nazi goons on Vasily Volga, who is trying to promote in Ukraine a left-wing pseudo-opposition project integrated into the regime, and of similar attack on a group of former members of the Regions Party, who tried to organize in Kharkov a pseudo-opposition event as a part of the centrist pro-peace and pro-European

Kudrin Returns?

by Alexander Mercouris for The Duran The announcement that former Russian Finance Minister Alexey Kudrin has been appointed deputy head of Russian President Putin’s Council of Economic Advisers has provoked a stir. This is not surprising. Few individuals in Russian politics polarise opinion as strongly as Kudrin does. Kudrin’s admirers are to be found in the business community, amongst liberal economists and amongst people of generally elite backgrounds and liberal views. Amongst people of

Counter-propaganda, Russian style

This column was written for the Unz review: Listening to the western corporate media one would get the impression that the Kremlin controls all the Russian media with an iron grip and that not a word of criticism of Russia, nevermind Putin himself, is ever allowed. So bad is this situation that the AngloZionists are now funding new “information” efforts to counter-act the Russian propaganda machine and bring some

Catherine Austin Fitts interviews the Saker for the Solari Report: A Unipolar vs. Multipolar World

Dear friends, Last month I have had, once again, the real pleasure to have a one hour long conversation with Catherine Austin Fitts, the president of Solari, Inc., the publisher of The Solari Report and managing member of Solari Investment Advisory Services.  Normally, the Catherine’s interviews are for subscribers only, but she has kindly agreed to make it available for free to our community. Here is the main page of

World SITREP May 5th, 2016 by Baaz

Russia President Putin and Prime Minister Medvedev attend Orthodox Easter Liturgy Mass in Moscow Chechen special forces in Arctic military drills (GoPro & drone footage) Chechen special forces on an expedition in the Arctic for military drills. The troops parachuted from an Ilyushin IL-76 from a height of 2,000 meters (6,561 ft), and then ‘attacked’ an enemy camp. Russian new Anti-Aircrafts defense system S-500 SAM Moscow wants Turkey to return

Peter Lavelle and Alexander Mercouris create a new media resource

Dear friends, As some of you might have already heard from the social media, Peter Lavelle and Alexander Mercouris have decided to create a new media ressource: The Duran which can be found at Since I consider both Peter and Alexander as friends and crucial brothers in arms, I am delighted to see them team up and create a new member of our “network of resistance”.  As soon as

NATO on trade, in Europe and Asia, is doomed

by Pepe Escobar for RT The President of the United States (POTUS) is desperate. Exhibit A: His Op-Ed defending the Asian face – the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) – of a wide-ranging, twin-headed NATO-on-trade “pivoting”. The European face is of course the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). POTUS frames TPP – as well as TTIP – in terms of a benign expansion of US exports, and private (US) firms having “a

The unforgiving choice: enemies versus allies

by Ghassan Kadi On global account, and especially when it comes to Syria, thanks, a great deal of thanks must be given to Russia, her people and leadership for the wonderful support. Thank you President Putin. Thank you so much. President Putin however, would not have backed a nation which was not strong in her resolve, one that does not have a determined army, and one that does not have

Armed conflict on Nagorno-Karabakh border April 2nd-6th 2016 and its aftermath, by Scott

Back in the USSR, the Turkish government once protested against the Socialist republic of Armenia for having Mount Ararat on its flag.  The government of Turkey protested because they claimed Mount Ararat wasn’t a part of the Armenian SSR. The People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs, Georgy Vasilyevich Chicherin, responded: ” the Turkish flag depicts a moon, however the moon is not a part of the territory of Turkey.” Since my

A negative view of Christianity and religion in general

Dear friends, Christ is Risen! I have enjoyed a much needed break, but I could not fully forget about the blog and a few current events.  Many of you have asked me for my reaction to the meeting between Patriarch Kirill and Pope Francis but at the time I decided not to comment about it.  The time just did not feel right and I was not ready for it.  However,

Turkey is behind the (some of the) Crimean Tatars

by Franz Krummbein Turco-Ukrainian relations are based fundamentally on policy toward the Crimean Tatars. On that basis, Kiev and Ankara have cooperated on joint projects in the areas of defense and security. «The two sides have reached agreement on working together in order to liberate the Crimea from occupation,» according to Petro Poroshenko following his meeting with the Turkish President Recep Erdogan. The Crimean Tatars play the role of intermediaries

How Syrian Kurds dropped Marx and adopted communalism

by Claudio Gallo Debbie is not only the daughter of Murray Bookchin, the theorist of Communalism. She is a journalist and writer: in 2004, she wrote, together with Jim Schumacher, “The Virus and the Vaccine: Contaminated Vaccine, Deadly Cancers, and Government Neglect” about the polio vaccine scandal. She served as presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’ press secretary from 1991-1994. But, yes, she is also her father’s daughter, spreading the legacy of

The Calm Before the Coming Global Storm

by Pepe Escobar for Sputnik News Major turbulence seems to be the name of the game in 2016. Yet the current turbulence may be interpreted as the calm before the next, devastating geopolitical/financial storm. Let’s review the current state of play via the dilemmas afflicting the House of Saud, the EU and BRICS members Russia, Brazil and China. Oil and the House of Saud Not many people are familiar with

Germany SITREP May 2nd, 2016 by C.

Satire in Germany attacking Erdogan and Turkish politics Lately there has been a lot of controversy in Germany over the issue of political satire criticising Erdogan and his regime in Turkey. It all started with this video by Extra-3 on NDR Personally I think it is quite funny. But Erdogan, unsurprisingly, does not have a sense of humour, and made this a diplomatic issue. I think that was a pretty
